Item #: SCP-1808
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1808-1 through SCP-1808-6 are to be kept within a shared containment locker in Safe Wing-C at Site-25. Any use of SCP-1808 outside of a strictly monitored testing environment is prohibited.
Description: SCP-1808 is the collective designation of six yellow plastic wristwatches decorated with green polka dots and images of SpongeBob SquarePants, a popular cartoon character from the children's television series of the same name. SCP-1808 operates and is powered via anomalous means, as all watches function normally despite the apparent removal of all interior mechanical components.
SCP-1808's main anomalous properties manifest when it is worn by a human being or any other creature possessing limbs and phalanx bones. Once affixed to a subject, SCP-1808 can only be removed by the individual who originally fastened it. Every quarter hour, SCP-1808 will play a sound bite of the Spongebob character's distinctive laugh, and the distal, intermediate, and proximal phalanges (bones of the fingers and toes) of the limb upon which SCP-1808 is worn will grow in length by approximately 6cm. The growth will continue every quarter hour until either SCP-1808 is removed from the subject or SCP-1808's adjustment knob is retracted, halting the watch's timekeeping functions. Subjects experience little to no blood loss when the phalanges penetrate the subject's flesh; however, afflicted individuals have reported the growth to be immensely painful.
When SCP-1808's adjustment knob is retracted and rotated clockwise, the hands on the watch rotate accordingly, resulting in accelerated phalangeal growth. Rotating the knob in the opposite direction reverses the growth process. If the process is completely reversed, the bones will cease shortening once returned to their original length and all areas of flesh damaged by the protruding phalanx bones will be instantly healed. Subjects who have the effects reversed in this way bear no evidence of the previous physical trauma, although any psychological trauma resulting from the experience will be retained. If two instances of SCP-1808 are fastened together and placed around a subject's neck, the subject's teeth lengthen in a similar manner.
Recovery Log: SCP-1808 was one of ██ SCP objects retrieved on 26/04/2004 from a Marshall, Carter & Dark, Ltd. auction house in Somerset, England, during a raid on the facility carried out by Mobile Task Force Eta-2 ("Buyer Beware"). The raid had been initiated after Agent Rosser, an undercover field agent working within the auction house, failed to check in with operatives at Sector-25 for over 24 hours. Rosser was found behind the curtain of the auction stage, bound to a chair with all six instances of SCP-1808 attached to his body: one on each wrist and ankle, and two fastened together around his neck. Once apprehended, the Marshall, Carter & Dark employee who placed the watches on Agent Rosser agreed to cooperate in the removal and containment of SCP-1808.
Addendum: The following is a product description of SCP-1808 found in copies of an auction catalogue that was to be distributed at the event:
Lot #14
Six adult-sized wristwatches decorated with illustrations of a popular cartoon character.
These timepieces may appear cheap and tasteless at first glance, but rest assured that their inconspicuous appearance conceals a deeply valuable and mysterious effect. Those who wear these watches are inflicted with substantial pain in fifteen minute intervals. The effect can be activated manually, if desired, and can also be completely undone to remove any evidence of mischief. These watches are the only products in existence with such uncanny abilities, and businesses or individuals wishing to carry out quick, efficient, and mess-free interrogations would be remiss in missing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to acquire them, as would our patrons with tastes for intimate sessions of impassioned discomfort.Starting bid: £14,800