Item #: SCP-1522
Object Class: Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were tracked and monitored by MTF Pi-2 (aka "Baldr's Pyre"). MTF Pi-2 vehicles consisted of 2 Hamilton-class cutters and 1 National Security Cutter (SCPS-Minos), with associated aircraft.
Civilian maritime traffic was directed away from the expected course of SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2. When this was not possible, MTF Pi-2 ships were to fire flares in order to attract and lead SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 into isolated ocean areas.
Description: SCP-1522 refers to two fishing trawlers (SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2), each 39 m in length. SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were capable of speeds surpassing that of their specifications. Prior to Incident-1522-Rho, their highest observed speed was 120 knots. Controls on SCP-1522-1's and SCP-1522-2's bridges were capable of autonomous movement, but were immovable by Foundation personnel. SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were assumed to be sapient, and usually responded to SCPS vessel signals to change course.
Records indicate SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were manufactured simultaneously in 1991 at the Parkol Marine shipyard in Whitby, United Kingdom. After construction, SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were kept in Whitby harbour for several months due to financial complications, before being sold to separate buyers. They served with their respective companies for 3 years, before being decommissioned as a result of recurrent mechanical issues. No anomalous effects were present during this time. It is unclear whether SCP-1522-1 or SCP-1522-2 actually underwent a decommissioning process.
In May 1997, SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were detected, in a re-furbished and re-painted condition, off the southern coast of Alaska. Foundation VBSS operations found no crew aboard either ship. SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were tracking a Gray whale mother and calf. Using modified active sonar pings to mimic cetacean calls, SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 spent the majority of their time finding and engaging in play-like activity with various whale species. The hulls of SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 regularly came into contact for prolonged periods while observing the animals.
During a 7-month period spent in the Arctic, presumably searching for the Bowhead whale, SCP-1522-2 collided with an iceberg. Part of the iceberg penetrated SCP-1522-2's outer hull and it was unable to free itself. SCP-1522-1 spent several weeks towing SCP-1522-2 and the iceberg into warmer waters until the iceberg had melted. SCP-1522-2 remained afloat, but was not subsequently observed moving faster than 10 knots.
Addendum-1522-1: Event log of Incident-1522-Rho, taking place 60 km north-west of Ullapool, Scotland in mid 2011.
Foreword: The following log is a composite account of eyewitness reports and video feeds taken from members of MTF Pi-2. SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were following a pod of Minke whales.
<Begin Log>11.51 - SCP-1522-1 curves around the bow of SCP-1522-2, before briefly accelerating to 80 knots, creating a large wave which splashes several Minke whales and causes SCP-1522-2 to rock slightly.
11.54 - SCP-1522-2 comes up to the port side of SCP-1522-1 and sounds its foghorn. They turn together in a south-westerly direction.
12.18 - Both SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 come to a complete stop. No activity is registered from either ship for a period of 17 seconds. SCP-1522-1 then focuses its weather surveillance radar on SCP-1522-2 and sounds its foghorn three times in slow succession.
12.19 - SCPS Minos detects a RGM-84 Harpoon, inbound on a bearing of three-four-zero. Vector indicates SCP-1522-2 as target.
12.20 - SCP-1522-2 sounds its foghorn four times and begins moving at 8 knots to touch its hull with that of SCP-1522-1. SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 collide gently. SCPS Minos detects a second RGM-84 Harpoon on a bearing of three-four-zero.
12.22 - SCP-1522-1 moves and turns to a bearing of three-four-zero. SCP-1522-1 then accelerates to Mach 4, resulting in large plumes of steam and the creation of a bow wave of approximately 60 m in height. SCP-1522-1 vanishes over the horizon in 23 seconds.12.23 - Harpoon missiles hit SCP-1522-2's starboard side. SCP-1522-2's hull is ruptured and it begins to sink. All lights on SCP-1522-2 go out.
12.26 - SCP-1522-1 is seen returning from the direction it previously left. SCP-1522-1's foghorn is continually blaring. SCP-1522-1 tries to prevent SCP-1522-2 from taking on water by moving to SCP-1522-2's starboard side.
12.28 - As SCP-1522-2 becomes completely submerged, numerous active sonar pings are detected, originating from SCP-1522-1. SCP-1522-1 begins a series of complex high-speed movements. Resultant subsurface wavepatterns create multiple zones of high pressure below SCP-1522-2 in an apparent effort by SCP-1522-1 to cause SCP-1522-2 to resurface.
12.30 - SCP-1522-2 is no longer visible from the surface. SCP-1522-1 ceases all activity.
16.00 - An MH-65C Dolphin helicopter is launched from SCPS Minos, and approaches SCP-1522-1 for monitoring. No change in activity is reported.
19.36 - SCP-1522-1 lets out a sustained call from its foghorn. SCPS Minos's sonar detects large rectangular masses detaching from SCP-1522-1, later found to be parts of SCP-1522-1's hull. SCP-1522-1 is fully submerged within 10 minutes.
Closing Statement: SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were to be raised and beached, in preparation to be taken for salvage at Site-6, Svalbard. Weather conditions caused salvage operations to be delayed for several months, resulting in the decayed condition seen above. The remains of a GOC ship of indeterminate class were discovered at 59°30'N, 6°09'W. No lifeboats were found.
Addendum-1522-2: During the recovery and investigation of the vessels, two small partially-formed apparently non-anomalous rowing boats were recovered from within the hull of SCP-1522-2. These vessels were extracted from SCP-1522-2 and are currently stored in situ at Site-6, Svalbard.
Addendum-1522-3: Following the beaching of SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2, an unclear humanoid figure was spotted near the wrecks; however, no such figure was detained. The note below was found on the bridges of SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2.
They were happy, before the end. Not all ships have to pass in the night.