Round three, baby. Let's go.



rating: +61+x

Presenting: SCiPTEMBER (2024 Edition)!

SCiPTEMBER is a month-long challenge for readers and artists alike, taking place during the month of September. To put it simply, you pick an article using the daily tag and you read through it. You can either stop there and leave a comment on the page sharing your thoughts or you can (optionally) make art on a part/scene/character that you particularly enjoyed. Have fun, and best of luck to everyone!


(Psst. Use Tag Search to find your articles.)

Alright, time for some eye candy.

DAYS 1 - 10:

Welcome to the vlog, y'all.

DAYS 11 - 20:

Electric Boogaloo.

DAYS 21 - 30:

The final lap.

This is not an official event. I repeat, this is NOT an official event. The above is merely the concoction of a fish named winkwonkboiwinkwonkboi and is not staff-affiliated. I just want to bring this back, and it's back, and we're so back.

Thank you for your time. Happy SCiPTEMBER!

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