Today I discovered a new anomaly.
The Jealousy of man.
Hear me out, it's not ordinary.
People get jealous, and it ruins them. It causes them to spend every waking second they have attempting to ruin another person's life and take what they have. Jealousy is a memetic phenomenon, and it's destroying all of us.
I've discovered another anomaly.
Nighttime isn't normal. Nighttime strips us of our energy. Nighttime causes us to go to sleep
No this isn't normal everyone thinks it is.
But they don't see it.
We're meant to be meant to be awake, spending 24 hours showing the world what we can do.
But then
This motherfucking sleep comes along and strips it away
It's not normal
Why do some people not understand that I am very smart
SCP-001 is the nighttime
because it shouldn't exist
but it does
I've discovered another anomaly
A memetic phenomenon that makes people run out of ideas
It sucks away their creativity
you know, I should start writing these on the database
Item #: SCP-0000
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0000 cannot be contained.
Description: SCP-0000 is the jealousy of man. SCP-0000 has affected an estimate of 78% of the population. The origin of SCP-0000 is unknown, but it has been discovered that SCP-0000 can be provoked by intense emotion.
SCP-0000 was initially believed to be an ordinary human emotion. On 09/09/████, while investigating an unrelated call, Agent Scarlett witnessed a child kick the ground and explode. It is assumed that she was jealous of another child's toy.
I think that sounds good
I've discovered another anomaly
fucking elizabeth wilbert
she's anomalously a bitch
I posted another anomaly to the database today
take that one down too
that was not a challenge
took a break from writing
I have another anomaly
okay posted new anomaly
elizabeth said she banned me from accessing the database
but I can still access it
fuuuuuuuuuuk you
A single shining star
Crashing to the ground
It’s all because of you
Bottom text
The moon is in the sky
The moon is shining bright
Everyone likes the moon
I’ve never liked the moon
Object Class: Blank
SCP-0000 is human jealousy
It plagues everyone on this earth
The moon is full
The moon is shining in my face
The moon blinds my eyes
I want to blow up the moon
You can’t shine sun
I’m the fucking moon
And I ultimately steal your spotlight
Fuck you
Fuck the stars
Fuck the moon
Fuck the night
Bottom text
SCP-0000 is why people don’t like me
SCP-0000 is why the moon blinds me
The moon is jealous of me
The moon silences me
I will not be silenced
I will shine in the day
I will show the world my discoveries
Fuck off moon
My name is Epon Scarlett
Agent Epon Scarlett
Ignore otherwise
Bottom text
Item #: SCP-0000
Object Class: Tragic
Special Containment Procedures: N/A
Description: SCP-0000 is the fact that many people don’t understand Agent Scarlett. He discovers amazing new anomalies only to be shot down. The only explanation is an anomaly. SCP-0000 is a memetic phenomenon convincing people that all of Agent Scarlett’s discoveries are fake when they are, in fact, real.
today I show them scp-0000
0000 is like 001
but better
because I made it and it's real
Item #: SCP-FUCK
Object Class: Sike
Special Containment Procedures: It is sadly not possible.
Description: SCP-FUCK is the fact that everyone is fucking stupid
Agent Scarlett’s discoveries are very real
Addendum: haaaaahaa
Fuck the night
that ones going on the database tonight boys
lol they think im anomalous
im just better than them
I hate all of you
im gonna give them something to be jealous of if they love being jealous of me
fuuuuuuuuk u elizabeth my stuffs real