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[DATA CORRUPT]e not clear on the chain of events. We don't know what the hell happened. The only logical course of action, if the phrase logical course of action can still be applied to this situation, [DATA CORRUPT]till in progress and we can do little about it. We don't have the tools for this anymore, and we're not sure if we ever really did. We can't assume that we really knew anything we thought we knew. That isn't a metaphor. We have to question whether that knowledge ever really existed, or if th[DATA CORRUPT] "restructured" too. Think about it, really think about all the things we take for granted as part of "reality". The food we eat, the air we breathe, the things we think. We could wake up in twelve hours in a world where religion as we know it doesn't even[DATA CORRUPT] God help us all. If God still exists anymore.
[DATA CORRUPT]ed no less than three discrete verified CK-class events, with upwards of forty thousand potential sub-events. Yes, forty thousand. That is, assuming we can trust the record. That's the problem with trying to isolate something from reality shifts. How do you know the next reality shift isn't going to undo your protection from reality shifts? Previous no[DATA CORRUPT]
Isolation Routine 17-JC finally having an effect. So, cautiously, we can declare success. We'r[DATA CORRUPT]t may not be possible to reconstruct everything. It's becoming clear that we will need to deliberately initiate further CK sub-events. [DATA CORRUPT]t "meddling with the time stream" or more pointedly "blasphemy". I call it doing what has to be done. When you were called into the service of the Foundation, did you really think that your faith would be sacrosanct? [DATA CORRUPT]
In the beginning was [DATA CORRUPT]at we're referring to now as "the Word". Calling our records "contradictory" at this stage is flattery. There are no guidelines for repor[DATA CORRUPT] new incarnation.
[DATA CORRUPT]r worries about this being seen as an illegitimate birth, something that is to say the least extremely frowned upon in this time period and location. I am confident that w[DATA CORRUPT] born in a stable, in a feeding trough. Yes, how low we've sunk. But the activity amongst the locals has been extremely strange. A group of shepherds found us, a[DATA CORRUPT] cannot verify the appearance of "angels" at this time, and the presence of a "star" (almost certainly a meteor) is likely pure coinc[DATA CORRUPT]
[DATA CORRUPT]aying all of this has been "foretold"? We didn't initiate that eve[DATA CORRUPT]s there some kind of outside agent[DATA CORRUPT] disagree. These occurrences are almost enough to make you believe that this is really[DATA CORRUPT]
[DATA CORRUPT]d killed all of the children, via executive order. There was nothing we could do to stop it. Yes, we got her out beforehand, but does that rea[DATA CORRUPT]question what we're doing here? Hundreds of infants have been killed and whether we swung the swords or not, it's our fault. One conclusion is certain: He knew. One of the three "w[DATA CORRUPT]
[DATA CORRUPT] creating a stir amongst local religious groups. Is this John the Baptist character a real "prophet" - an independently occurring anomaly? Is he what he says he is? Is he a side effect of a previous CK-class event? At this stage we have no way of knowing the difference. The more important questions are: Should we take him seriously, and is he working with us or against us?
[DATA CORRUPT]ells us she literally met the devil and that he offered her [DATA CORRUPT]derstand that she had just spent forty days going without food in the desert. Even considering her nature, we have no way of being certain that this was not a starvation-induced hallucination rather than a potentia[DATA CORRUPT]aps we should just be grateful that she did not accept the bargain offered by this 'devil'. Can you imagine the[DATA CORRUPT]
[DATA CORRUPT]mother told them she had been a virgin, with her pregnancy sent from God, and astonishingly most of them seem to believe he[DATA CORRUPT] but we have to ensure that public opinion stays on our side while simultaneously avoiding government attention. Remember the[DATA CORRUPT] baptism and the anomalous occurrence of a dove [DATA CORRUPT]
Certain local groups have turned actively hostile, in particula[DATA CORRUPT]twelve disciples, - and all of her "inner circle" disciples must be male in gender. These Pharisees alone are a serious thorn in our side and we cannot afford to give them any more ammunit[DATA CORRUPT]
[DATA CORRUPT]uncertain. She seems to enjoy what (F.) is calling "her little social revolution" a little too much. She attracts larger crowds every d[DATA CORRUPT]at speech on the mountain top yesterday? [DATA CORRUPT]that her embracing her status as a religious/populist hero can only be a good thing. He says that if the Foundation is not opposed to accidental negative events like the slaughter of hundreds of infants (a permanent alteration of the time stream at the very minimum), we shouldn't be opposed to positive events on a similar sca[DATA CORRUPT]
Can we keep this going for the rest of the critical 3-year time period and make it to the final CK-class event? I'm not sure anymore. It's not as if she's invincible, whatever she seems to think, and these "miracles", while an excellent tool for attracting attention, are a tool that cuts both ways. They get us all the results we need in the short term, but in the long te[DATA CORRUPT]cannot stress enough that we need to remember the Herod incident. What happens if these people turn on us? What happens if they try to kill her? What happens if they succeed?
The worst has happened, and I do not say that lightly. Last night, after the celebrati[DATA CORRUPT]
[DATA CORRUPT]here is nothing we can do but watch this play out to the end. And try not to succumb to full-blown panic. Yes, this is an unmitigated disaster, and heartbreaking as well, but we are the Foundation. We have to rise above our emotions. We're going to need all our faculties to make this wo[DATA CORRUPT]wanted us to keep going. That's why she stopped us from stepping in in the Garden. [DATA CORRUPT]hould not have listened to her! You should have stopped the guards by any means necessary! She's bought into the party line about herself, don't you understand? She believes it now! And she's going to let herself die.
[DATA CORRUPT]agony to watch. These basta[DATA CORRUPT] fiendish, barbaric even as a method of execution. I take back everything I said. If I had a way to kill them all, I would. And I swear I will kill that traitorou[DATA CORRUPT] I'm sorry, I'm so sor[DATA CORRUPT]
[DATA CORRUPT]e thirty-first iteration. Ho[DATA CORRUPT]oincide. That fucking rooster - you know what I'm referring to he[DATA CORRUPT] the right approach? Even if we succeed, how are we going to explai[DATA CORRUPT]sake the things that happened when she died… We all saw them. The eclipse for three hours. The earthquake, the … ghosts? And that's only the start… There's no point in denying it. Perhaps he's right, perhaps we sho[DATA CORRUPT]
[DATA CORRUPT]r awake again after multiple attempts. Didn't think it relevant to record at the time but you heard me right. She's alive. She bled out for hours nailed to that tree and they stabbed her in the side and buried her - and she was dead, mark my words, for three whole days - and she's alive. I can't believe any of this is really happening. Actually, that's a lie. I think I'm beyond disbelief at this point. Three days dead a[DATA CORRUPT]an't be a random side effect of the CK-class events. It has to be intervention from an outside force. A dei[DATA CORRUPT]ot sure I'm ready to believe that. But as I said earlier, I'm beyond disbelief.
[DATA CORRUPT] Sophia Light is not here. She has risen. [DATA CORRUPT]