Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer Hub

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Loading Site-88 Command Prompt.

Command Prompt Loaded.

C:\>cd SCP Containment

Access Denied.


Access Denied.

C:\>grant access

Enter Passcode: Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer

.........Access Granted.

C:\>cd SCP Containment

C:\SCP Containment>dir

Volume in drive C has no label
Volume Serial Number is 0088-0013

Directory of C:\SCP Containment

08/14/2014 1:00 PM <DIR> .
08/14/2014 1:00 PM <DIR> ..
10/01/2014 4:59 PM 354 SCP-2047.scp
10/14/2014 7:14 PM 256 SCP-2065.scp
11/09/2014 8:46 AM 450 SCP-2131.scp
10/08/2014 8:25 PM 205 SCP-2713.scp
09/23/2014 9:16 AM 987 SCP-2913.scp

4 File(s) 2,252 bytes

2 Dir(s) 1,337,274,049,931 bytes free

C:\SCP Containment>cd/

C:\>cd Reports


Volume in drive C has no label
Volume Serial Number is 0088-0013

Directory of C:\Reports

08/14/2014 1:00 PM <DIR> .
08/14/2014 1:00 PM <DIR> ..
10/01/2014 4:59 PM 456 Sex, Success, and Targeted Advertising.rpt
10/14/2014 7:14 PM 785 The Art of Coping with Anomalies in the Gulf Region.rpt
09/19/2014 1:52 PM 109 The One Thousand Deaths of Pastor Lewis Robinson: The Ethics of Repeatedly Drowning Baptists.rpt
12/24/2011 4:15 PM 110 The North Pole.rpt
10/27/2014 1:10 PM 913 That'll do pig. That'll do.rpt

4 File(s) 2,373 bytes

2 Dir(s) 1,337,274,049,931 bytes free


C:\>cd Staff


Volume in drive C has no label
Volume Serial Number is 0088-0013

Directory of C:\Staff

08/14/2014 1:00 PM <DIR> .
08/14/2014 1:00 PM <DIR> ..
08/14/2014 1:00 PM 4,076 Doctor Jeremiah Cimmerian.stf
08/14/2014 1:00 PM 9,756 Doctor Phillip Foster.stf

............Error displaying directory


C:\>run admin.bat

Access level insufficient. Your credentials have been logged.


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