Photoshopping Your SCP
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This is a fast and dirty tutorial for people completely unfamiliar with what goes in to Photoshopping an image, or someone who does not want to get invested in this area just to create an image for an SCP article. If you're skilled in graphic manipulation, feel free to move on.

The Image team gets numerous requests for image creation every day, and while most of the time they are happy to help, there are only so many of them, and they only have so much time. More people familiar with basic image editing means more contributors creating their own, original images for SCP articles.

This tutorial will consist of a short project to get you acclimated with a few basic photo manipulation tools I've used over the last decade to create found-footage, grainy, creepypasta style SCP images.

The Tutorial


  1. Any computer that was released in the last decade. You don't need anything fancy.
  2. Adobe Photoshop CS2
    1. We are using Adobe CS2 for this tutorial because it is absolutely free to use. If you don't feel comfortable with Adobe for any reason, there are other desktop programs like GIMP, and even web browser based programs you can use like PIXLR. A lot of the features in the programs are almost identical, and it may be possible to follow along anyway with a little savvy.

1, Clone Stamp, Healing Brush

2, Selections

3, Placement

4, Filters

Other Notes

Please refer to the Image Use Policy for general tips regarding finding image parts. Most of the time you can find parts of open-source images that are suitable for what you need on Wikimedia Commons, SCP Visual Records, or using Google's Open Source Images. It is generally not good practice to take parts from copyrighted images, even if you modified them to the point where someone couldn't recognize the original. If an image is marked as CCNAD, you cannot modify it at all.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License