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South Coast Paper. If you're from the American southeast, chances are you've printed on their stock, and if you're Wilmingtonian, chances are you've smelled their production plant on Hwy 74/76. This industry giant boasted over 10 million in revenue this year alone; you may have asked yourself what a paper company is doing with those profits, especially with no publicly known CEO reaping the benefits. South Coast Paper had a clean record as a company, and had seemingly been treating the east coast well; however, the truth of a corporation's motives rarely comes to light, and when it does, it tends to get a little ugly.

That's certainly what happened to our friends over at SCP; clever acronyms not considered, it came as a shock to everyone when a certain reporter (whose identity will not be disclosed in this segment for the purposes of security) employed by a certain publisher exposed South Coast Paper as a front company directing profits toward everyone's favorite anomalous regulatory agency, the SCP Foundation.

These findings were and are a significant problem; following the infamous events of Korea that fully exposed the Foundation and their operations, world governments quickly signed into existence new legislation that requires the Foundation to disclose — even if only in fine print — which organizations and businesses existing in the public eye are Foundation-affiliated. Evidence now shows that the Foundation operated upwards of 200 front companies in various industries — from paper manufacturing to aerospace engineering — and generated an estimated 23 billion dollars during their time in the shadows, and that's just since 1990. 23 billion dollars of consumer trust were funneled directly through the companies' individual facades and toward the funding of more containment sites, more international presence, more space exploration, and more of everything else the Foundation sees as integral to furthering its reach.

To the public, and to readers of that reporter's pieces, it was a preposterous discovery. A gross series of actions worth quite a bit more trouble than just bad publicity.

South Coast Paper was slammed with a lawsuit — albeit a reasonably sized one against a corporate entity their size — from a pro se plaintiff claiming that the company's true operator, the SCP Foundation, had launched a slanderous campaign against them after they publicized the fact that South Coast Paper is a front company raking in profits solely to benefit the Foundation.


With the Foundation's publicity more shameless and prevalent than ever before, some personnel are defending their employer on social media.


A social media user expresses their opinions about the Foundation's potential response to the lawsuit.

As we know, the Foundation using fronts to fund their research and operations is not unheard of. The only difference is that nowadays, they're no longer immune to the repercussions of illegitimate business conduct. With the unlawful operation and ownership of South Coast Paper being brought to light, we are left to wait and wonder as to what the results will be. Will New Hanover County decide to take the side of the Plaintiff — and of the law — and recognize not only the Foundation's fraudulent corporate activity, but also the harassment of the Plaintiff that took place? With nowhere left to turn and no way to quell the resulting public outcry, the only option remaining is to face the music; a lifetime of secrecy and lying to the populace can only get an organization so far, and this may indeed be the end of the road for the southeastern branches.

Firstly, we saw with the Jacobson case that Site-42 — not just the Foundation as a whole, as that's old news, but the Wilmington branch specifically — is not immune to internal corruption taking place locally. That opened the door for a world of new opportunities for malpractice on the Foundation's part, be they social, legal, or (heaven forbid) ethical; when a group has, across the span of history, never been held directly accountable for its actions, that group ends up seeing itself as exempt from society's rules and exempt from any accountability that may apply. They end up thinking that they've always known best and they always will know best, because they've never given humanity a chance to tell them otherwise.


One of the Foundation's anomalies is deleting memories of various concepts from human memory, and most people are aware at this point that the manifestations are worsening and becoming more frequent.

This poses a challenge to anyone looking to expound or capitalize upon the parts of the Foundation that are beneficial to humanity — the STEM advancements they and their partners have achieved, namely — because involvement with the Foundation is by nature getting the full package, even in marketing. You cannot invest time, money, or resources in just one branch of the Foundation, because the core of the Foundation itself is an oligarchy of supervisors with a limitless reach and no behavioral restrictions which operates through each and every channel of the organization's activities, right down to the actions of their individual employees.

The issue has never been that the Foundation's employees are emotionless embodiments of robots. On the contrary: Most of them that I've met are exceptionally normal (I suppose they're making an effort to be as opposite to 'anomalous' as they can be?) and have a decent personality on top of it. Very few of them exude the Men in Black aura that one would expect from their job description, and are quite open to conversation and communication.


Agent C. Trauss (whose username has been censored) is well-known in the Wilmington area due to his position as an Offsite Response Driver and Public Protection Officer.


Many civilians are vocal and adamant about their takes on the Foundation's operations and how personnel represent the organization.

What I've found from cross-referencing my experiences with the Foundation as a whole versus my experiences with individual personnel leads me to one conclusion: The Foundation does not punish its operatives for existing as unique individuals with personal ethics and convictions, but rather renders those personal beliefs and behaviors obsolete. Personnel are trained to prioritize the goals of the Foundation first, safety second, and themselves — under the specific parameters of the fact that they are a valued asset to their organization, and nothing more — last.

The most frightening aspect that's been made clear to me is that they're all aware of it. Not even just aware of it, but okay with it; they think it's a logical way of living, at least within the confines of what they call life, and they don't have any personal issues with presenting themselves as nothing more than representatives of the Foundation. All of that can only mean one thing: Individual Foundation personnel are, by allowing themselves to be used as tools by their higher-ups, knowingly accountable for the Foundation's actions. And that's a lot of accountability. It's the weight of the world, really. I'm not unsympathetic to a human being who genuinely believes that containing the anomalous is a necessary evil, or even an honorable career choice akin to government or law enforcement service, but I am unsympathetic toward an organization that consistently walks all over humanity and gets away with it scot-free.

Personally, I think it can. As my readers know, I have been reporting on the Foundation's activities for over ten years at this point, and I've seen a wide range of behaviors from them. They seem to become the most honest and direct version of themselves when humanity's overall safety is being actively threatened — a type of situation that appears to be ongoing, as we've learned from the many developing stories on these collective memory loss events — and resume their shadowy bureaucracy in full once things are safe again. Without knowing their plan for addressing current issues, I can only hope that it's an intelligent one, because whether we like it or not, they are oftentimes the only group of people equipped to protect us.

Until further developments on the South Coast Paper suit surface, I encourage our readers to do their own research on the matter and not hesitate to question Foundation employees when desired. With publicity comes responsibility — be it in the realm of business and law or otherwise — and as we move into the next decade of a post-breach world, new threats appearing every day, responsibility is more vital than ever before.

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