Orteil's NotAuthor Page

Oh hey. Yup, I have 3 positive articles, Guess I'll make an author page. Might as well make the URL a pun.

Why are you still here? Oh, you want to see my articles. Welp, that's your loss. Here they are

SCP-6386: Olympian Heroic Item Distribution™ Over 30!

SCP-6403: An Undead Robot Underneath Crete In Site-237's Basement Over 30!

SCP-6193: Der Wolpertinger und Der Tierpräparator Over 30

SCP-6395-J: [untitled fish article] Over 30!

SCP-6153: Fortune (Co-Authored with NDHeckfireNDHeckfire, guiness11guiness11, Evolie Evolie , and Jhigard ForeignerJhigard Foreigner. Over 30

SCP-5526: This file is CLASSIFIED, by order of the Multiversal Foundation Alliance. Over 30!

Ok, so on a bit of a more seruious note… me and my friends have been planning on meeting up irl and its really the only thing keeping me going. Money is tight for us, being teenagers and what not, and some of us have to travel 'cross the pond. If you feel like giving, its only a one-time donation, and it would be greatly appricated


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Payment services may reveal information such as your real name, email address, and other personal information when you donate.

Fine. Updoot if you want.

rating: +40+x

Dr. Kitsuni was here!!!!

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