- SignaledGospel.Com/Orichalcum
- Logs from #augmentedandproud chat, 2/5/2011
- Prometheus Labs Grant Request
- File #2814-58 Telekill Project Test 58
- Conversation Overheard Immediately Prior To An Explosion.
GlobalizedMan(niaP.dn|msimisseP#niaP.dn|msimisseP) has joined #augmentedandproud
<GlobalizedMan> GUYS.
<SoThenMyDad> Dude, tag that as NSFW.
<Malachite> Seriously. I did not need that in my memory banks.
<SolitarySpider> .g C++ Sacrifice
<RouterBot> SolitarySpider: No results found
<SolitarySpider> fuck. tell OpenWindow her bot's broken /again/.
<GlobalizedMan> GUYS!
<SolitarySpider> Hey globe. wassup?
<GlobalizedMan> Horrors 17. Look it up.
<InaneJane> what, Orichalcum? waht about it?
<SolitarySpider> DUDE. Do not invoke Horrors in here. RouterBot crashed the whole fucking chat last time with people searching for Horrors 25.
<GlobalizedMan> They found some.
GlobalizedMan was booted from #augmentedandproud by InaneJane (don't joke about taht shit. Next time it's a 24.)
GlobalizedMan(niaP.dn|msimisseP#niaP.dn|msimisseP) has joined #augmentedandproud
<GlobalizedMan> I'm not kidding! It's all over Frag News!
<SolitarySpider> He's right, Jane.
<InaneJane> .Frag Orichalcum Discovery
<RouterBot> InaneJane: fragmentedgodnews.max/orichafolly Large Amount of Orichalcum Found near former location of Heroplex
<InaneJane> Holy /shit!/
<Malachite> Oh god.
<Malachite> I have a brother working at the archeology site in Heroplex.
<Paradoxicallie> Sorry about that, dog wanted out. What did I miss?
<InaneJane> Paradoxicallie: huge amount of Orichalcum found near H-plex.
<GlobalizedMan> What the /hell/ do we do?
<InaneJane> We do nothing. We let the Admins and Saints take care of this.
<InaneJane> For now, we just stop panicking about this.
<GlobalizedMan> Hang out
<GlobalizedMan> On*
<GlobalizedMan> They just updated the news story.
<InaneJane> What does it say? Site isn't loading for me.
<Paradoxicallie> There's a lot of traffic on that page right now.
<GlobalizedMan> It says that the Orichalcum was discovered with a stamp on it.
<GlobalizedMan> And that stamp belongs to Prometheus Labs.
<Malachite> WAIT WHAT?!
<SoThenMyDad> You're shitting me. I was goign to get a new augment from them!
<InaneJane> What the hell are they doing with Orichalcum?
<SolitarySpider> Wait. Who here has the wi-fi gland?
<Malachite> I do.
<SoThenMyDad> I just got it in.
<InaneJane> I have it.
<GlobalizedMan> We all do. What are you getting at, Spider?
<SolitarySpider> Prometheus might be monitoring this.
<Paradoxicallie> I have it.
<Paradoxicalie> Wait, you're not serious, are you?
<SoThenMyDad> If that's the case… Hey, Prometheus, go fuck yourselves, you fucking traitors!
SoThenMyDad has left irc.maxwelltruth.net (Unexpected termination of life signs)
<Malachite> O_O
<Paradoxicallie> Holy shit.
<InaneJane> Everyone off chat, now.
Paradoxicallie has left irc.maxwelltruth.net
Malachite has left irc.maxwelltruth.net
InaneJane has left irc.maxwelltruth.net
SolitarySpider has left irc.maxwelltruth.net
GlobalizedMan has left irc.maxwelltruth.net
SoThenMyDad(eromyna.em.ekil.tnod.yeht.dna.daed.er|sdneirf.ym.lla#eromyna.em.ekil.tnod.yeht.dna.daed.er|sdneirf.ym.lla) has joined #augmentedandproud
<SoThenMyDad> PSYCH!
<SoThenMyDad> Hey, where did everyone go?
According to the Lee-Singer study,1,up to 10% of the human population possesses some form of psionic capability. These include telekinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, pyro- and cryokinesis, and extrasensory perception (ESP). Once believed to be a field of pure pseudoscience, psionic (psi) phenomena was empirically confirmed to exist by scientists at the Mockingbird Institute in 1972.2 Since this time, research into psionics has lead to the development of new medications used to combat neurological and mental disorders such as autism3 and schizophrenia.
However, the number of individuals with psionic potential, for unknown reasons, is growing each year. As per the Lee-Singer study, between 1990 and 2000, The amount of individuals with psi potential (colloquially referred to as "the gift") doubled in the United States alone. While most of these individuals have not actively manifested psi abilities, at least 5% of these individuals have the potential to manifest Class-6 psionic abilities, up to and including reality distortion.
Recently, a new alloy was discovered among the wreck of a ship off the coast of the island of Santorini, Greece. Reports from the Church of Maxwellism (whom Prometheus Labs has a partnership with through the Prometheus Augmentations program), particularly religious scripture, report that this alloy is sacred somehow, and possesses multiple unusual properties.
The alloy is primarily composed of platinum and iridium (62% and 20% of its mass respectively) with additional metals composing 16.7% of its mass. However, the remaining 1.3% of its mass is currently unidentified, but primary spectrograph shows that it appears to be at least partially made up of beryllium and tin.
The metal acts as an effective signal dampener and blocker. A cell phone placed near a small ingot will not receive data from an outside source, effectively making the metal a faraday cage without bars. Despite this, the alloy has physical properties similar to platinum, as is suggested by the majority of its content.
Furthermore, and perhaps most surprisingly, a single 2kg block of the alloy (which some of the staff have been calling telekill) is capable of completely cancelling all encountered psionic abilities. As of writing, telekinesis, telepathy and clairaudience have all failed to function within a 1.5 meter radius. The current range of the effect appears to be amplified depending on the amount of alloy present; 20 kg of the alloy is enough to eliminate all psionic effects in a 15.7 m radius.
The Carlson and Peters4 study theorized that the incredibly low occurrence of psi in Greece was attributed to impurities found in drachma with a similar composition to the "telekill" material; to date, Greece is still the country with the lowest amount of psi-capable individuals5.
We see great potential for this in the government sector, particularly in light of the widely-reported discovery that the government of Podlogistan has been attempting to use psionic agents to spy on the governments of the USA and Britain6. Furthermore, the government of China may see benefit in this when attempting to combat certain groups accused of domestic terrorism in their country.
On the domestic market, while initially expensive, "telekill" has great potential as being used to shut off internet or cell phone signals as a form of punishment for children who are acting out. Within five years of deployment, the cost of signal-dampening devices should be low enough that an average middle-class American family will be able to afford at least two items used for this purpose.
The final potential market for "telekill" is a relatively unexplored one: conservative conspiracy theorists. Cheap jewelry with small pieces of the alloy inlaid into them will provide sufficient protection against weak psionic assault, potentially marketed as a gag item such as a "tinfoil hat ring". Defective instances of the alloy (i.e. alloys made with the wrong mass ratio) will be sold in this manner.
As of the time being, the majority of the funding will be used for the construction or purchase of a smelting furnace and caster for ingots of the metal, as well as workshops to further process and test it. We estimate that this will cost approximately $200,000, with an additional $300,000 for acquisition of ores or scrap metal to be used in smelting.
Until a time that this can be completed, an additional $300,000 will also be needed to attempt to locate more ingots of this metal at archeological sites in Greece, as well as museums with ancient Greek art. Currently, the production of "telekill" ingots is believed to have stopped around the late Hellenistic period, and excavation will focus on and before that time period.
Production of twenty "telekill" ingots will take approximately five days, and will require the use of skilled blacksmiths, which will be acquired from poorer countries and rural areas in Eastern Europe. As such, a minimum of $100,000 will be required to pay these individuals.
A major obstacle in this project comes from a side effect of exposure to the alloy. Individuals who undergo prolonged exposure to the alloy develop symptoms similar to those on the autistic spectrum: inability to read body language, lack of empathy, inability to tell tone of voice, etc. We believe that slightly altering the alloy's composition will negate this effect.
Secondly, the ingots appear to become denser with time, making them harder to lift and experiment with. While we do not have a solution for this problem at this current time, we believe that this could be used as a source for more instances of the alloy, should production through conventional means fail.
Thirdly, any wi-fi capable technology or cellular phone left in the vicinity of the alloy for more than 37 hours will become incapable of receiving or sending a signal, requiring the replacement of the proper chip to restore wireless functionality. Testing is undergoing to see if this effect can be prevented by use of a Faraday cage.
Test Subject: Female, 46, Caucasian, Volunteer. Tests positive for Class-3 Psionic capabilities on the West Scale.
Hypothesis: The Telekill metal, when introduced to the presence of a Class-3 psion, will cause an immediate cease in all psionic activity. In this case, subject is a Nocicopath; colloquially, this means that all pain caused to the subject is transferred among all individuals within a 7.3 meter radius.
Procedure: Five kg of the Telekill metal will be placed into a room with the test subject. Subject will then eat a red savina pepper (Capsicum chinense), which has a rating of 350,000 to 580,000 Scoville units. In a series of ten chambers adjacent to the testing area, fifty lab mice (five per room) will be monitored for reactions to the subject consuming the pepper, as mice have been shown to be receptive to the subject's ability. This has been deemed the most humane way to test if the subject's nociopathy works in the presence of Telekill.
Result: Subject was introduced into testing chamber at 15:15 EST. At 15:22 EST, the pepper was introduced, and the subject was asked to eat it. Subject asked for glass of milk. Request granted, with the caveat that it be given to the subject following the partial consumption of the pepper.
The pepper was consumed by the subject at 15:23. No reaction from the lab mice in the next three minutes. However, a reaction occurred in the Telekill metal that had been placed in the room with the subject. The metal spontaneously increased in mass to over three times its normal size, eventually crushing the test subject's legs against the walls of the chamber. This further tiggered the subject's ability, causing the metal to grow until the subject was entirely crushed.
Conclusion: Telekill alloy is unsafe for exposure to Class-3 and higher psions. Testing is to be suspended immediately.
"It's such a pity we had to meet like this, Eustace."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Orichalcum. You've been using it in experiments. I can even feel that blasted metal from here. It's blocking my signal."
"Look, we've suspended testing with the Telekill metal. We haven't touched it in years."
"Eustace, you're such a poor liar. Then again, everyone's a poor liar when I can see their heartbeat. Oh, look. Yours just spiked."
"…what do you want?"
"I want you to properly dispose of the Telekill metal. And I don't mean dumping a few slabs of it by Heroplex."
"The capital of the Church, Eustace. It goes by many names. Kythera's Memorial, the Island, Zeus's Bosom, the Anvil…"
"What, that island? You're kidding, that's sacred to you? Is there anywhere in Greece you haven't been?"
"The Churches extend across the world. Greece is where we started, however. And somehow, Oricha's blasted metal expanded to the entire country. It's only now that we are able to go back there, after several centuries."
"…how much of the metal is in that country?"
"It grows, Eustace. It grows like a cancer, infecting the earth it touches. We had it… to borrow a term from some disassemblers, we had it secured and contained, and you went and found the city, and took the biggest tumor."
"…Jesus Christ."
"Not even close to my name."
"We'll destroy it. All of it."
"No, I'm afraid it'll take a fair bit more than that for penitence."
"What do you want?"
"Firstly, all of the files on your augmentations program. Simply allow me to access your computer, and I'll distribute it through the network."
"There. Have it. Have it all."
"Very good. secondly, I have a number I want you to call."
"…this is for them! I recognize the acronym!"
"Call it. And tell them you have something that they want. And tell them where they can find it."
"All right…. Hello? Yes, you, Foundation. Don't ask who I am, I just… I have something that you want. The Brexler Building just outside of DC. Prometheus Labs is located there. Come here now."
"Very good."
"What else do you want?"
"Nothing more. Only to inform you that there's an entire squadron of Angels outside waiting with sonic cannons, laser rifles and smart missiles ready to blow up this entire compound."
"Are you mad?!"
"Oh, yes. I'm quite angry. The Church is furious, Eustace. And we are determined to wipe this entire heretical company off of the Earth, no matter what it takes."
"You can't!"
"I will. Thus spake Saint Hedwig of the Church of Maxwellism. Fire when ready."
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Filename: SPMax.png
Author: SunnyClockwork
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki