Omnigenesis and the Law of Blades

I am not that I am.


Omnigenesis and the Law of Blades

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Omnigenesis and the Law of Blades

Many kalpa ago, long before the creation of this universe or any other, there was a great and vast abyss. If any man or beast had come before the fathomless void, it is not known. What is known is that there was only one being present to witness this impossible expanse: Khahrahk, who is Bearer of the Sevenfold Truth, Defiler of Stars, and All-Conqueror. In this un-domain where nothing could ever be or not be, Khahrahk, who is paradox made flesh and enshrined in ipseity, spoke himself into being:

"I am not that I am."

For a time (for what little meaning the word held, then), Khahrahk slept in this non-place, content in his own nihility.

Then came Omnigenesis.

If all things must have a beginning and end, then this was the beginning of the very concept of beginnings. This was not simply the genesis of a world, but the genesis of all worlds at once. Every universe was being born simultaneously, pressing and jostling one another like starving men in the crowded marketplace.

Chaos was giving birth to Erebus and Nyx. Atum was rising from the primordial sea. MEKHANE was drawing up the blueprints for causality. Yaldabaoth was spawning its first young. The Tree of Knowledge was being planted by a hideous serpent and Mother Death was teaching the syllables of creation to her thirteen children. On and on it went, an unending chain of ex nihilo.

Time was not yet a river— it was an ocean, an unceasing torrent that surged into the future into the past into the present. Space was likewise difficult to define; there was no boundary separating any one thing from any other, no distinction between a place and a person. That-which-would-become-the-multiverse was a whorl of matter and thought.

Khahrahk, whose breath is the sundering of worlds, saw this and felt extinction-fire flare in his chest— but there was nothing to be done. In this place where everything flowed freely into everything else, where all things existed beyond understanding or limit, conquest was made meaningless— and Khahrahk knew this.

For seven days and seven nights, Khahrahk worked in the great brass forge that is GLORY. It was then when he preformed his first— and last —act of creation: the Ur-Blade. It was a thing of beauty, made not of metal, but raw conceptual matter. Khahrahk had created the very idea of a blade. So sharp was it, that it could cut a shadow from the wall, slice a single breath from the air. So thin was its edge, that it could slip between atoms without disturbing a single quark.

On the eighth day, Khahrahk took the Ur-Blade, still hot as a white star, and carved into being the Law of Blades. And into the Law he etched seven tenets. And from the Law division was born; boundaries emerged between people, places, and moments. Difference bloomed like wildflowers and dissent began spreading across the land. The multiverse as we know it had begun.

Khahrahk saw this and thought it good.


  1. Existence is violence. If one is to gain, another must lose.
  2. A blade is naught but crude metal. To master the Law of Blades, one must first hone one's very being to a razor's edge.
  3. A thing that can change itself at will is a thing that is beyond injury. To change oneself is to destroy oneself. Therefore, the greatest defense is self-annihilation.
  4. Truth is a falsehood born from the weakness of fools. Enlightenment can only be achieved through self-deception.
  5. Do not seek victory, for even the most overwhelming triumph may be overturned. Seek inevitability. Become as ceaseless as the tide, as enduring as the stars, and all will be yours, given time.
  6. The teachings of gods are worth less than dung on the side of the road and are to be disregarded.
  7. The greatest act of violence is "I am."

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