Nexus #: Nx-33
Civilian Designation: Drake, Inverness-shire, Scotland
Population: 759
Area Class: Camelot
Nexus Interaction Protocol: Nx-33 is to be removed from physical and digital civilian maps. Travel into and out of Nx-33 by non-personnel is to be monitored, and restricted as needed.
In addition to standard staffing requirements, Site-127 is required to have a minimum of three on-site representatives from the Anomalous Relations and Negotiations Division for the purpose of maintaining positive Nx-33/Foundation relations.
Civilians within Nx-33 are fully aware of the anomalous nature of the area they populate, and have been encouraged to cooperate with Foundation personnel on matters pertaining to anomalies within the town. The population of Nx-33 is mostly amicable, and inhabitants have E-Personnel-Class Level knowledge of Foundation operations.
Any personnel wishing to take part in a SOLEMNITAS Event must submit form T615J a minimum of three weeks in advance to the event, and receive approval in response to said form. Participation in a SOLEMNITAS Event will count toward personnel's paid-vacation limit. Participating individuals will be required to record full accounts of their experiences upon return.
Containment Facility: Site-127
Description: Nx-33 is characterized mainly by a large number of human-guided/operated anomalies, compared to other anomalies present in the Nexus. Specifically, the majority of these human-guided anomalies are dedicated to short-term alteration of reality, the surrounding environment, and human anatomy. Both these and other anomalies are integrated into the daily life of residents, aiding in agriculture, construction, and recreational activities.
Also of note is the fact that most of the anomalies present in Nx-33 display signs of extra-universal origin, despite only slightly higher-than-average levels of inter-universal breaches for a Nexus. Despite having identified anomalies from upwards of ██ separate realities, the majority of extra-universal anomalies present are believed to originate from Timeline-12-7-████.
While most large scale anomalies remain inconstant and are only active sporadically, there are several which either remain constantly and predictably active, or remained so in the past before being naturally neutralized in 1939 during event 33-Beta (see Addendum 33-1 for more information):
- The occurrence of SOLEMNITAS Events.
- The town and the areas surrounding it are inhabited by unusually large populations of SCP-936.
- An uninhabited cavern system located beneath the town. The cavern system possesses a low frame-of-reality, increasing the likelihood of trans-universal breaches and overlap.
- When viewed indirectly (e.g. through a mirror, photograph, or film) native residents of Nx-33 will appear to be composed of various forms of plant matter. Photographic evidence shows that this phenomenon affected increasingly greater portions of the population until 1939, at which point the whole population was affected.
- Nx-33 recorded unusually high numbers of childbirths and crop yields from 1798 to 1939. During the winter cycles between SOLEMNITAS Events within this timeframe, there were also unusually high numbers of unsolved missing persons cases and unexplained deaths.
- Approximately █.██% of the remains located in Nx-33's cemetery possess divergent physiology or genetics consistent with SCP-2615-A, indicating possible past existence in the area. This theory is currently under consideration, though further research has been deterred by the natural advanced decay affecting the samples.
SOLEMNITAS Events (referred to as "The Festival of Homes" by residents of Nx-33) take place on each Spring and Autumn equinox. Over the course of the day, residents will usually consume large amounts of alcohol and dairy products. During a SOLEMNITAS Event, each house in Nx-33 will serve as a source for a single anomaly. Houses are usually manned by two to four residents which reside in the house. At the end of each SOLEMNITAS Event, most anomalous modifications are removed from Nx-33, residents, affected personnel, and the surrounding environment. A list of some, but by no means all, of the anomalies includes:
Description |
While remaining in the structure, subjects will either lose or gain a piece of clothing, jewelry, or other personal item via materialization or dematerialization every one to five minutes. Criteria for whether an item is added or taken away, and which item, is currently unknown. Efforts to trace the location of and recover the objects yielded no results. |
House is filled with a translucent, hallucinogenic gas, and has several mirrors displayed in each room of the house. Subjects will hallucinate changes in their physical features, including changes in height, build, hair and eye color, ethnicity, and biological sex, as well as animistic phenotypes, such as tails, antlers, eyes, and ears. Upon exiting the structure, changes that subjects have perceived to have occurred to themselves will physically manifest. |
Subject's hair will grow at a rapid pace, averaging 0.3 cm/s. Hair will begin to style itself, often arranging itself in patterns which require non-euclidean space. |
House is filled with catatonic residents. Upon entering the house through the front door, subjects will be presented with a slip of paper containing a riddle. The answer to the riddle will be one of the catatonic residents. If direct physical contact is made with the correct resident, a non-catatonic copy of the instance will manifest nearby, and will accompany the subject for the rest of the day. If direct physical contact is made with any of the other catatonic instances, subject will be rendered catatonic for approximately three hours. |
Addendum 33-1: Please enter security credentials to proceed.
Username: jfujimoto
Password: ●●●●●●●●●●
Red sky at night
Sailor's delight.
Red sky at morning
Sailors take warning.
The sun dances
Along the sea
And all their love
Bleeds red.
Clearance confirmed. Welcome, Researcher Fujimoto.
In addition to SCP-2615's existence within Nx-33 in the past, evidence points to a likelihood that they were either the first or one of the first anomalies present in the Nexus. Evidence supporting this can be found in the large numbers of human-operated anomalies, which are utilized in a similar manner to those in SCP-2615's home timestream (Timeline-12-7-Zeta); the fact that SOLEMNITAS Events appear to be adaptations of SCP-2615 festivals from the same relative geographical and chronographical areas; and the present state of Nx-33 residents.
Covert testing, observation, and analysis have confirmed that the native inhabitants of Nx-33 are either Humanoid Artificial Constructs (HACs) or Humans of Artificial Origin (HAOs), with HACs being the more likely scenario. Similar HACs and HAOs have been identified in Timeline-12-7-Zeta, albeit less advanced, often ceasing biological functions after several days.
SCP-2615-A likely made use of the HACs for one or both of two reasons. The first possibility is for reconnaissance or use as sleeper agents. The second possibility is that HAC copies enabled SCP-2615-A to abduct original inhabitants for labor or merely to increase the population strength of their society without notice. The first possibility is more likely if the HACs were intentionally engineered with average human longevity, while the second is more likely if they were initially designed to be disposable. It is believed that the HACs were both continually introduced to Nx-33 and grew in numbers through reproduction until 1939, at which point the HACs composed the total population of Nx-33. There is little to no evidence of SCP-2615 in Nx-33 after this point, most likely due to having integrated or terminated all natural humans in the area, and the inability to meaningfully interact with our universe outside of Nx-33, due to the limits of anomalies existing outside of Nx-33 due to its nature as a Nexus.