A single choice begets two worlds,
A mirrored tapestry unfurls;
Vanguard's aegis shines
As Threshold draws the line
Of …
A multiversal degradation in anomalous phenomena ravages the world of magic, leaving its fantastical hidden lands and communities to gradually die out; the Foundation, its allies and foes, are made painfully aware that something must change. Explore the Impasse and the nuanced relationship between the Foundation, the anomalous, and the nature of change itself. Examine the world at stake and decide, ultimately, how to bring it hope.
by Aethris, Darkstuff, Grigori Karpin, HarryBlank, Ihp, Placeholder McD, S D Locke
Follow the Foundation's path to combat the Impasse by following several individuals on their own Paths through dying magic realms to retrieve artefacts of elemental power. Choose how they are wielded, for better or worse.
by Placeholder McD
Nobody Likes a Sneak
by Grigori Karpin
A streetwise Nobody searching for an explanation for the Impasse, starts up an investigation that runs her afoul of cognitohazards, T-rex skeletons, the Wanderer’s Library, and a Paris café.
And that’s just the beginning.
Nobody's Looking For Trouble
by Grigori Karpin
Nobody isn’t alone, she’s working with the Serpent’s Hand, and she isn’t even the only nobody around, but none of that is gonna matter if they can’t find out where the Foundation is holding O5-Zero after their trial.
Nobody Came to the Funeral
by Grigori Karpin
Nobody, along with Zero and the Black queen, meets with a wanderer from a different Foundational mindset (oh shit, is that Ilse from OG43 and Path of the Voyager?), attends a funeral for those lost, and makes plans to see where she can sink a knife to best disrupt the Foundation in the months following SCP-6500.
SCP-8787: The Roast Not Taken
by Ihp
In the aftermath of the Impasse, some anomalies haven't made a full recovery. An anomalous coffee shop, desperate to recover its strength, kidnaps a family in the Foundation. Can Dr. Sinclair break free of her new life?
SCP-8650: Mystery Science Theater 6500
by Ihp and LizardWizard
The latest and greatest release from Vikander-Kneed Technical Media: Mystery Science Theater 6500! Watch as your favorite researchers from the SCP Foundation get kidnapped to watch a movie based on the events of SCP-6500.
You will be amazed.
You will be awed.
You will leave a good review.
A Trip Down Memory Lane
by HarryBlank, LizardWizard
You want to repurpose a formerly-hostile, presumably living anomaly, to save twelve dollars?
by Ethagon
Some always profit from the status quo. Among those is an ancient dragon that would have rather slept through the Impasse and its consequences. This is how it came to be.
by Guezma
After the Impasse is over, Judith Low updates SCP-140 to Neutralised. If only it were that easy with the Daevites.
SCP-8297: Snuffed Out
by UNCGriffin
With the Impasse resolved, the status quo of the Veil is preserved. Unfortunately, some scars never heal.
The Purple Witch Is Dead
by Einer von Rabe
The Black Queen Alison, following the advice of one of her Sisters, is trying to recruit an associate — Ms Mirabilis, The Purple Witch.
However, it seems that she has been hit hard by the Impasse.
Character Interactions Disguised As An Epilogue
by Ihp
Technically the end of Black Autumn IV: Nothing to Fear this tale begins prior to the end of SCP-6500 but then finishes after, representing a montage of 2021’s events from the perspective of Site-87’s cast of characters.
SCP-5056 (II): The Mirror Image
by HarryBlank
Philip Deering, the former SCP-5056-B, looks back with mixed feelings on one very strange year.
SCP-5974: The Interactive Fiction
by HarryBlank
A Foundation traitor is forced to relive her activities in the time before the Impasse by a video game with very low user friendliness.
SCP-6056: The Crumpening
by HarryBlank
In the wake of the Warlock path, some heartfelt conversations are happening — and being rudely interrupted.
SCP-7000: The Loser
by HarryBlank
William Wettle is one seriously unlucky individual, but when a LK-Class "Twist of Fate" Probability Failure Scenario begins cascading across the globe, the Foundation needs to utilize the good doctor’s unluckiness in a way that will put him directly in the line of fire.
SCP-7007: Misfortune Gorge
by Grigori Karpin and Vivarium
Almost a year after the events of SCP-6500, Vikander-Kneed Technical Media have some thoughts about the Foundation's recent behavior and invite them onto a gameshow.
SCP-8889: Wondrous Wedding of William Wallace Wettle
by LizardWizard
VKTM is up to their old tricks, and kidnap Dr. Wettle to… marry him? Prepare for 8 episodes of Joy, Fear, and Media.
by Uncle Nicolini and Grigori Karpin
In the aftermath of the SCP-7000, William Wallace Wettle is kidnapped across universes by a alternative Foundation organization called SPC. He is the secret weapon to combat the Selachian Menace. Only Wettle can save the SPC.
Dr. Dan Goes to Washington
by Grigori Karpin
Vanguard is making its debut, revealing itself to the world and slashing the Veil in a global announcement. And they're sending Dr. Dan.
War in the Library
by Grigori Karpin & LizardWizard
The Black Queen needs to deal with an overzealous splinter cell of the Serpent's Hand during the transition between SH and Vanguard, just after Vanguard became public knowledge. The only problem is, this conflict is happening in the middle of the Wanderers' Library.
Hour Zero
by Jasiu06 and Ralliston
You do not seem to understand. The decision will be made, regardless of your approval.
Sarkic Heat
by Grigori Karpin
Shortly after Vanguard is established, Tilda Moose asks Dr. Alto Clef and Karcist Varis to lead a raid on the Hunter’s Black Lodge in Moscow. Think of this as a buddy cop comedy, with body horror.
A Sarkic By Any Other Name
by Grigori Karpin
Following up on Sarkic Heat, Varis and Clef continue their addressing of Sarkic Anomalies for the Vanguard as the heat starts to rise around SCP-2480 and a brewing conflict with the GOC.
An Assembly of Sarkics
by Grigori Karpin
Varis calls together a meeting of Nälkän leaders, to start the process of bringing together the various tribes of Ion. But something is bothering him, where are the other Klavigars? Where is Lovataar?
Varis and Clef take an MTF squad into the depths of SCP-2191 in search of the legendary Klavigar, and things go predictably awry.
Orok and the Orchard
by Grigori Karpin
Directly after the events of An Assembly of Sarkics, Clef and Varis visit the site of SCP-3989 with Orok and Lucretia Popescu, so as to determine what if any connection it has with the Klavigar, and to find out even more about the wandering trail of an imposter Grand Karcist Ion through the centuries.
Two Sarkics Take a Vacation in Polynesia, Stop Me If You've Heard This One
by Grigori Karpin
Directly after the events of An Assembly of Sarkics, Lovataar and Saarn decide to pay a visit to SCP-4036 on a diplomatic mission. They face distrust from the locals and from each other, but ultimately face a far graver threat: Colonialism.
With Many Choices
by LizardWizard and Grigori Karpin
As SCP-939 is normalized, Vanguard and the GOC battle in the court of public opinion.
What Came After
by Uncle Nicolini and Grigori Karpin
A series of vignettes cataloguing the reactions of every day people to Vanguard's reveal, and the first description of Vanguard's public announcement! Tune in for worldbuilding, but stick around for the grounded character perspective.
List of Common Anomalous Misconceptions
by Guezma, Grigori Karpin, Zygard, and Blazingpie
In light of Vanguard's appearance and the fall of the Veil, a few Wikipedia users got together to craft a list of all those misconceptions connected to the anomalous.
God meat's back on the menu
by Guezma
An ancient evil in unsealed and let loose in a city. Vanguard calls in an ally whose skills are perfect to deal with the situation.
VNP-6521: Lord Mansfield outlaws Vanguard
by Guezma
A stolen painting, vile schemes, and all of Vanguard and their allies are suddenly unable to act throughout the UK. All of Vanguard? No, a certain vigilante and the patron saint of betrayal can still kick ass!
SCP-6483: The Polar Express
by LORDXVNV and Ralliston
Site-120 has a new resident humanoid anomaly, and he's really getting into the Christmas Spirit. Watch as this anomalous individual goes from containment to employment as the switch to Vanguard occurs in this holiday appropriate article.
VNP-8050: One to Rule Them All
by WarriorofChaos, UNCGriffin, Diogene_s, and Damian Thorne
Following the Impasse, a dead artifact resurfaces. As it jumps from hand to hand, Vanguard – and Dr. Sinclair from Path of the Mage – must face the ghosts of its past to protect the future.
SCP-7629: Sanctuary of The Sky Keepers
by WarriorofChaos
Site-120 discovers the hidden underground remnants of an ancient and powerful race, one who roots to the origin of magic. With new ancient history being revealed and sharing a common enemy, The SCP Foundation decides to help these people become as great as they once were long ago.
Plus I think it’s time we get a dragon article with a happy ending!
Voice of Vanguard
by Guezma
Humanity must learn it's not alone in this world, and Vanguard's podcast helps spread the message. This week's guest is from Parawatch and he needs to learn a bit more than that.
Facing Forward
by Guezma
After the events of Voice of Vanguard, Ron Gambi's life has changed, but where is it all headed? A new opportunity and an old friend will help him find his way.
The Trainee Gets Trolled
by Guezma
As part of his training in Vanguard's PR department, Ron Gambi installs Void and gets the full social media experience.
Gambi's Gambit
by Guezma
After having been contained for two decades, Marcel Gambi is in hiding. Vanguard wants to find him to ask him a few questions. Ron Gambi wants to reunite with his long-lost brother. Unfortunately, they're not the only ones looking for him.
Ron Gambi's New Year Special
by Guezma
The Gambi family's New Year party is interrupted by a call from Ron's workplace. Later, Marcel spots a familiar face on TV.
A Parapolitical Compass for These Difficult Times
by Jasiu06 and Ralliston
It's not a far stretch to say we live in hard times.
What's Up With All the Reality Benders? — A Demographic Overview of Global Ontokinetic Prevalence
by Ralliston
Why has the reality-bending population so suddenly increased following the collapse of the Veil?
Esterberg (City) — Wikipedia
by Jasiu06, Jerden, MontagueETC, Ralliston, and Zygard
More than a decade after the Veil has fallen, the world truly has changed. Let's see its true colors, this time described by a much less biased party, shall we?
Manna Charitable Foundation — Wikipedia
by EstrellaYoshte
Who needs the SCP Foundation when you have Wikipedia? Click the link to learn everything there is to know about the MCF in its relationship to a world without the Veil!
Miau Miau, Asheworth-kun
Daniel Asheworth acclimates a colleague to the new status quo of Vanguard. Things go awry. (Also, he's a catboy, but just temporarily)
Vikander-Kneed Worldwide News
by Cole 13
VKTM is finally free of 50 plus years of containment by the Foundation, and in this Vanguard future, they're reaching out to the public in a big way.
The First Occult Flame War
by Guezma, Ralliston and Zygard
Imagine two faiths whose messy history goes back tens of thousands of years. Imagine them going at war and suffering unbelievable losses. Imagine them reduced to shadows of their former selves. Imagine the grudges they bear in the modern world.
Can you picture that?
Okay now put them on Twitter.
Public Release of OPERATION: WITNESS Materials
by Jasiu06 and Ralliston
The times might have changed, but the GOC — not so much. Come in and explore the Coalition's view on the un-Veiled world through their propaganda material.
Thump Thump Tick Tock
by UNCGriffin
For most people, the fall of the Veil meant waking up to a new world. But what about those invested in the old anomalous world, and its hidden conflicts?
by Jack Ike
The fall of the Veil has refreshed and changed the world; but not necessarily everything within it.
The Edge of All Light
by Ralliston
Ancient ur-gods do not really like change. But what if they were forced to adapt to our rapidly changing times? What shapes and form would they take?
Casefile #03/12/2021-A (“The Liberal Vampire”)
by Ralliston
The four Klavigars are once again on the move. What the hell are they up to?
'Nexus HyperLine' (N7S2M/ER9C3/X56ID)
by Ralliston
Normalcy might've fallen, but capitalism still sadly reigns supreme — and Robert Carter and Skitter Marshall are going to use that fact to make some bucks.
unVeiled: David Hunt on Galileo, the First Civilian Off-World Settlement
by Jasiu06 and Ralliston
Shoot for the stars, kids. Don't give up if you miss, though — the Moon might be just as good.
Excerpts of Particular Interest From the Galileo Deep-Space Observatory Archives
by Aftokrator, BlazingPie, Cyvstvi, Dino—Draws, Diogene_s, DodoDevil, Ethagon, LORDXVNV, MisterFrown, Ralliston, and SynthPanda_
If our planet is full of magic and wonder, who's to say the rest of the universe isn't as well?
unVeiled: A Friendly Guide To The Katharsys Music Festival
by Uncle Nicolini and Diogene_s
unVeiled presents a friendly guide to the first post-veilfall music festival, happening in Esterberg in 2028!
Tanksy reviews: Parabox Interactive DLC
by psychicprogrammer, ThisisNalkan and Insanitz
No matter the timeline one thing stays constant, werdios staring at maps.
Onko Sinulla Nälkä: The Food of Orok’s Hunt
by IronShears
A recipe for Nälkäns away from home highlighting Vaśńa dishes eaten during the winter holiday of Orok's Hunt: A stew and some cookies.
Blue Blooded Blues
by WarriorofChaos
SCP-6118 is submitted to a brand new rehabilitation program, where they might hopefully receive the help needed to escape the traumas of their past.
8,000 Dead Rats Hub
by Ralliston and Jasiu06, et all
A new series set in the Vanguard timeline by over 24 different authors!
America is a nation at war; at war with itself. This isn't a fault in the system — it is an inherent feature of its design.
I Did Not Fade
by Ralliston
It’s 2057, Vanguard has been operating for more than thirty years, and Daniel Asheworth is tired. He’s lived a long life. And when he wakes up on October 10th, he knows it's his last day.
Order MEF-7629
by Zygard
Do you want to kill someone without leaving any traces, but are also a professional with certain standards? This is the perfect product for you! Hunter Industries presents the "Rokita" pistol!
by NotOrteil
A trans-dimensional Foundation attempts to contain a set of seemingly related phenomena, and ironically, seeks help from Vanguard.
Fall Witness, part 1
by Ethagon
Note from Canon Custodians: Although this story and the following lead up to the pivot, the story is set within the Vanguard timeline.
Site-118 has been slowly losing ground to the Autumn Court for years. In order to stop the Impasse, they risk losing a bit more.
Fall Witness, part 2
by Ethagon
The Autumn Court's influence spreads. Intransigent as it is, the Foundation will fall to it. After all, it's not like the Foundation could ever change, could it?
Brings the Hunt
by Ethagon
A season after the pivot the Impasse claims its last victims. Only the Wild Hunt and its leader provide sanctuary. But who is she really saving?
Spring Again
by Ethagon
With the hunt coming to a rest and the nameless forest destroyed, what will sprout in its place? The Sidhe Lounge documents this latest rendition of the Spring Court and its place in Fae communities.
VNP-8471: Return of the Summer Court
by Ethagon
On March 20th 2022, the Summer Court once again starts operating on earth. Vanguard and the GOC have reached their verdict. The Community of States on the other hand is not so easily convinced.
VNP-8471: Double Exposure
by Newnykacolaquantum
Mx. Wren Masterson is finally free to express themselves without having to hide. However, the consequences of their past quickly catch up to them, and they have to make a monumental decision…
A Magic Show
by Some Reference
As the Impasse begins to take its toll, Site Director Jack Shlain decides that the staff could use a bit of casual fun. Things do not go as planned.
Jäger, Part 2
by Trotskyeet & Ralliston
One man, one dying world, and one mission — to kill the gods.
The Standstill
by MasterTman2
A view on the Impasse from another angle, presented in the Kong, Shing, Gong canon's Right Phase - where until the advent of the Impasse, a new normalcy organization in a sideways dimension has been trying to live up to the shadow of the Foundation. Now, the Impasse is coming to a head, the long term effects on the anomalous world are devastating, and only one thing could possibly shield the Right Phase from the fallout.
Endless stories can be told in in the SCP universe. But what about the SPC universe?
Divine Intervention
by Uncle Nicolini and Grigori Karpin
It's not up to God to decide what happens to His creation.
End of the Lonely Wanderer
by Karpfisch
Some are tired. Others are happy. But many are freed from a burden they carried for years. The sad beginnings of an important event.
No Return is the canon that follows on the heels of SCP-6500: Inevitable, but you already knew that right? This canon is concerned with consequences first and foremost; when we were writing SCP-6500 it became clear that whichever timeline the reader chose, the concept of the Foundation was going to be irrevocably changed. Which is fitting, as Inevitable is a pretty stark climate change allegory. We wanted to create a setting which would foster further stories, leading off from either timeline.
So, what is No Return? It’s life after the tipping point, along two very different causal paths. One where the Foundation maintains its iron grip on the anomalous world, but those in the know are aware SCP-6500 was the SCPF’s fault and another in which the Foundation dissolves, forming a new organization with various groups of interest (read Emissary!) to try to educate the public about the anomalous world.
Concerning Vanguard:
Any substantive change to the Foundation appears like an attempt to make it all more progressive but in reality, Vanguard is only interested in preserving the anomalous in light of the Impasse. Which means doing what they can to normalize the anomalous and reverse direction on a lot of Foundation policies.
Vanguard is not trying to save the world. Much of the attitude towards it being a Utopia or "liberal wet dream" are knee jerk responses to changes in the setting like "Vanguard can't have D-class" and "Vanguard needs to make people appreciate and like them, so they trust Vanguard enough to allow for normalization." These are less progressive ideals and more practical solutions to try and rehabilitate the image of the Foundation now that Vanguard is in the public eye and because they want to work with GOIs where possible. GOIs who have been openly hostile to the Foundation, like the Serpent's Hand and the Nälkän peoples.