The Night Cafe (Author Page)

Well met. I am Nightcoffee; an on-and-off creator in both chronology and site. I creep for years then show up unbidden, but have since broken into the offsite community. I had a POI self-insert once, but that POI was a POS so away it goes! I've been several other more interesting people since (but we'll get to that soon enough).

I’ve written 4 SCPs, three of which involve Biological Research Area-25. I like keeping my pieces alive with updates and in-universe research as it happens.

*chemical structure of 1099; easier to describe now that we can achieve it irl with friggin uv lasers or something
*1289 reacts: Covid
*The mind of 3042
*1199: sarkic?

My pieces each embrace a theme that fascinates me.
SCP-1099: Hidden dangers of the natural world
SCP-1199: chemistry as biology as chemistry
SCP-1289: Fate, do we choose or are we chosen
SCP-3042: The cute becomes terrible; too much of a good thing
Hopefully, you’ll find something you get a kick laugh or shudder out of, and I believe there's more to come

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