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News Time Capsule
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Welcome to this installment of site news, where new articles are dropping faster than leaves!
This is a series showing off news from the site, articles from the past month1, and fan-content for you to check out and discover! Be sure to leave a comment with your thoughts!
Featured Articles
- The featured articles for October were SCP-3513 ("The brain that ate itself") by psul, Hypervelocity by A Random Day, and SPC-140 by sirpudding. The first is about a particularly aggressive mental malady, the second is about a junkie who snorts demons like coke and robs a cursed bank, and the third is about the SPC's fight against the Sharkic Cults! Check them out!
Editor's Choice Articles
- No Matter What Mask You Wear - I will always love you, regardless of your artificial face. Written by Jacob Conwell. As always, Conwell continues to impress with his character-driven stories. This article in particular tugs hard at the heartstrings while also presenting a socially conscious exploration of gender and sexuality, making it a fantastic read for fans of science fiction, LGBTQ+ representation, and romance alike.
- Black Autumn - Sloth's Pit, Wisconsin, is a quirky but usually quiet town. But something is coming, crawling along the leaves, corrupting the pumpkins, eating away at the spirit of Halloween that surrounds the quaint Wisconsin burg. Monsters run amok, researchers vanish, and the fate of S & C Plastics hangs in the balance. By Ihp. Black Autumn impresses in multiple ways - it's wonderfully atmospheric, it has fantastic imagery, tension, and character development, and it's a complete, finished miniseries - the last one in particular being a rare privilege on this site. Halloween may have come and gone, but Black Autumn provides enough thrills and chills to keep your spooky spirits high.
- Portraits Of Your Father - Everyone knew him as Kondraki, King of the Butterflies and the man who rode 682. But only his son knew him as Kondraki, the father and the man who had to drink himself to sleep. Written by thefriendlyvandal. An absolutely gorgeous piece in every way - with fluid, evocative prose and memorable, haunting characters, it's a gripping reimagining of the famed Doctor Kondraki and the best tale I've read in a long time.
Event Featured Articles
The theme for the month of October was ritual!
- In SCP-2417 ("Gods, the Universe, and Origami"), by 9Volt, the savior of man depended on our blood…
- In SCP-2105 ("Programmable Occult"), by Woedenaz, the machines took our priests' jobs…
- And in SCP-1746 ("Anomalous Weather Pattern"), by spikebrennan, a squirrel doomed us all…
Rest of the News
Missing out on articles? Enjoy a recap on the articles from the past month.
Week of October 1st:
Time's up…
- SCP-3995 ("A Pair of Lungs that May or May Not Exist") - SCP-3995 has displayed an ability to breathe oxygen, despite the lack of assisting organs and skeletal structures to do so. Written by OthellotheCat.
- SCP-3440 ("The Marvellously Macabre Mechanical Marionette Matinee") - At the time of recovery, ███ embalmed corpses had been placed in the front rows of SCP-3440. Performed by DrChandra.
- SCP-3703 ("From Death, We Contain") - Corpse balls and magic. Spacewhale fishwoman giant dude magic, oh my! Summoned by DrBleep.
- SCP-3155 ("We Never Sleep") - SCP-3155 is the collective designation for 200~ anomalous individuals that originally worked with GoI-021 ("Pinkerton National Detective Agency") from 1883 to 1905 as a part of the organization's anti-anomalous division. Written by BananaRepublic.
- SCP-3091 ("Temporal Funnel Trap") - SCP-3091 is considered temporally unstable. Localized time dilation or contraction events and minor retrocausality are not unusual. Written by Sophia Light.
- SCP-3192 ("When the Bell Tolls") - Attempts to terminate subjects prior to the date indicated by SCP-3192 will fail for what appear to be accidental reasons each time. Written by ZoltanBerrigomo.
- SCP-3094 ("Fall into the Gaap") - People and objects lowered into SCP-3094 are estimated to disappear completely at a depth of approximately 30 m below the ground floor entrance to the shaft. Written by trennerdios.
- SCP-3606 ("Praise You") - One live cow at least 500kg in mass is to be delivered to SCP-3606 at eight-hour intervals and sealed in its garage. If possible, the remains of the previous cow should be removed first. Written by Communism will win and lilDecemberist.
- SCP-3667 ("All's Well that Ends Hell") - WELCOME TO HELL… and please enjoy your stay. Written by Quantum Physician.
- SCP-3613 ("Things You People Wouldn't Believe") - Your agent, Mr. Hr'asm'Kal, delivered the Jefferson family's spirits this afternoon. We'll be loading them into the generation 3 models tonight. Written by Doctor Cimmerian.
- There Are No Strings On Me - I usually buy Bloom from the Babylon Whore's Corner Store, but I’m boycotting them because they changed their name to Supernatural Corner-store Plus. Part of Dread & Circuses, by DrChandra.
- The Physical World - Deep in the favelas, surrounded by the urban jungle and the scrum of people, three friends rock out and build a jungle of their own. Written by Decibelles.
- Kit's Brotherhood - By the time Blake came up in his car, tires squealing, most of the zombies had gone, and Kit could breathe again. Continued in The Duvet Queen, by Zachary Maxwell.
- Time After Time - The world is full of fire, and dust, and smoke, and the tortured screams of brittle metal bent beyond breaking point. Written by MaliceAforethought.
GOI Formats
- The Amazing Zoltan - Ed and Al forbid me to get involved because they (rightfully) wanted nothing to do with this lunacy, so I quit and go to work for Fuller directly. Ruined my life. Written by DrChandra.
- The Foundation Podcast - An in depth look at the complexities of the SCPverse. In podcast form. Hosted by Doctor Cimmerian.
Author's Pages
- fieldstone AO file - fieldstone's author page!
Week of October 8th:
- SCP-2571 ("Cragglewood Park") - SCP-2571 is a recurring childhood memory of a non-existent theme-park ('Cragglewood Park'). Written by The Great Hippo.
- SCP-3999-J ("Talloran's Sacrifice") - Containing this thing is hell. Hey, waiter, top up my drink? Written by Abettik.
- SCP-3068 ("Halcyon Light Beta") - SCP-3068 is run by a military administration composed of humans who state that they are representatives of the "Union of Earth", which they claim is a governing body comprising one third of the Milky Way. Written by Tufto.
- SCP-2729 ("What is it Good For?") - The theater of war extends as far east as the Californian coasts, and as far west as China. Written by DarkStuff.
- SCP-3903 ("Fata Morgana") - By bringing a sufficiently large quantity of skipping stones with them, instances of SCP-3903-A may create a path of SCP-3903-B long enough to reach SCP-3903 on the horizon… Written by DrChandra.
- SCP-3994 ("Normal Human Beings") - SCP-3994 develops and inhabits outer skins (henceforth referred to as 'shells') that resemble human beings. Written by Dog Teeth.
- SCP-2419 ("The Laughing Men") - "These things are not people. They are people-shaped monsters." Written by The Great Hippo.
- SCP-3159 ("The Trashiest World in the Multiverse") - Manifestations of SCP-3159 have included references to "Oprah," "Kim Kardashian," and "Brangelina," indicating that the universe of SCP-3159 shares a number of features with our own. Written by ZoltanBerrigomo.
- SCP-3707 ("Fly By Night Only") - You aren't special. Written by Communism will win.
- Getting Into Treble - The Foundation deploys a unique digital asset. Part of the Resurrection canon, by Doctor Cimmerian.
- (The Engine of A Film)/(The Fine Game of Nil) - Chad and Kyle decide to help 096 fix its issues with its self-image. Part of the lolFoundation canon, by LordStonefish and djkaktus.
- One Breath at a Time - "An over-indulgence of anything, even something as pure as water, can intoxicate." Written by fieldstone.
- Sometimes, you make mistakes… - Assholes, both of them, but likeable assholes. Written by EdeFabry.
Week of October 15th:
When the news came through the door, I knew it was trouble.
- SCP-2684 ("Where's the Beach?") - D-8872: There's no fucking beach. Where'd the beach go? Where'd the beach go? Where'd the beach go? Written by stormbreath.
- SCP-3112 ("InDi Mail") - SCP-3112 has been observed to allow inter-dimensional translocation of letters and postcards. Written by SrGunk.
- SCP-2350 ("From the Mind of Malinalxochitl") - What's scarier than weaponized mosquitoes? The idea of weaponized mosquitoes. Written by A Random Day.
- SCP-3143 ("Murphy Law in… The Foundation Always Rings Twice!") - They thought they could control him. They thought they could contain him. They thought they could deconstruct him… but in the end — They Made Him a Thaumiel! Deconstructed by Murphy Law The Great Hippo.
- SCP-3992 ("Wondertainment Whacky Halloween Fun Masks!") - Celebrate this Halloween with a costume so amazingly convincing you won’t even be able to recognise yourself! Written by Penton.
- SCP-3169 ("finna nut") - It's a prank, bro! Written by bittermixin.
- SCP-2759 ("As Above, So Below") - SCP-2759 appears to be an exact replica of the Ziggurat of Ur, found to have materialized near White Sands, New Mexico. Written by Billith.
- SCP-2873 ("Another Human Weapon") - Is there more to life than being born and performing kamikaze missile runs? Written by Lazar Lyusternik.
- SCP-3430 ("Baby Don't Hurt Me…") - It doesn't always pay to be nice to people. Written by OthellotheCat.
- So They Called Him Darke - There's the 1%, and the 0.01%, and the 0.0000001%. All of them pale to the one they call Darke, and the unholy riches at his disposal. Part of Dread and Circuses by DrChandra.
- Regarding Broken Levees - Hang in there, kid. And Site Director. And Junior Researcher. And Mobile Task Force operative. And everyone else in the Foundation. Written by thefriendlyvandal.
Week of October 22nd:
when were you when John F Kennedy dies
- SCP-3808 ("Bacon Cheeseburger that Demands Justification") - SCP-3808 is a bacon cheeseburger located at 44°85'██"N, -98°22'██"W, 1.33 meters above the ground. Written by Communism will win.
- SCP-2856 ("Machines, machinations, and a warehouse in Leipzig") - While non-anomalous in composition, the walls of the building contain a semi-random network of cables composed of copper wire, woven hair, solder alloy and congealed blood. Written by MaliceAforethought.
- SCP-3401 ("Anyone Fancy A Cup Of Jade? Or maybe some Earl, or Jasmine?") - SCP-3401's anomalous effects manifest when a small portion of human ash, approximately equivalent to a single teaspoon, is placed into SCP-3401 and then filled with boiled water. Written by Penton.
- SCP-3304 ("That Time the Foundation Froze Hell") - Connected to SCP-3304 is SCP-3304-1, an advanced geothermal energy generator that utilizes anomalous properties to increase the speed and efficiency of its output. Written by Modern_Erasmus.
- SCP-3552 ("Never Swallow a Melon Seed") - SCP-3552's primary anomalous nature becomes apparent when ingested by human individuals. Written by SrGunk.
- SCP-029-J ("Jesus Take the Wheel!") - SCP-029-J is an adult male of apparent Middle Eastern descent, who claims to be Jesus Christ. Written by DrMagnus.
- SCP-3132 ("Crackin' the Back Knack") - SCP-3132 is a plaster replica of a human vertebra. Written by Weryllium.
- SCP-3909 ("Wu Tang Clan ain't Nuthin ta Fuck To") - SCP-3909 is a phenomenon that affects individuals who were conceived while their parents were listening to "Bring da Ruckus" by The Wu-Tang Clan. Written by Communism will Win.
- SCP-3780 ("Who Shot J.F.K.?") - The Foundation must contend with mysterious benefactors, Groups of Interest, and its future self as it fights to ensure the death of JFK. Written by A Random Day.
- SCP-3323 ("R35urr3c710n") - Over the course of the next decade, the Foundation is to introduce thousands of unique cryptocurrencies into the market, creating an economic bubble. Written by OthellotheCat.
- SCP-2956 ("We All Live in a Nuclear Submarine") - SCP-2956 spends most of its time circumnavigating the world at an average depth of 1200 - 1500m below the surface, in a number of different routes which normally take it once through the Bering Strait. Written by Octagonic.
- SCP-3460 ("I'm Going to Change Your Life") - In these events, SCP-3460 will alter causality to ensure that individuals under its effects interact with one another. Written by Jacob Conwell.
- SCP-3122 ("You Have Reached Your Destination") - Now where the hell am I? Some kind of desert, I know there's nothing like this in Derbyshire. Written by Mortos.
- SCP-3733 ("Everybody Else") - Don't you remember the whole 100th anniversary party? We snuck those ghost peppers into the chili? Written by not_a_seagull.
- Sometimes I Wish This Moment Could Last Forever - No. There is no way to test it. If it works, we all die. Which means it's a one shot. Written by DarkStuff.
- She Waits - The woman is alone. She sits on the floor, covered in charcoal. The smell of burnt wood and decay behind her. Written by taylor_itkin.
- URA 1902 - No, ☺☺☺☻○☺○☺☻☺○☻☺○☻☻☻○☻☺. You mustn't touch the c▒ o▒▒m p▒u t▒e r▒. Written by DarkStuff.
- A Farewell to Kings - In the sequel to Permanent Waves, the UIU tracks down an anartist whose canvas is society… and whose paint is terrorism. Continued in Moving Pictures, all written by GreenWolf.
- Slow Animals - In the second part of Comedown Machine, Casey's day, which started with him being brainwashed into shooting his boss, goes from bad to worse. Written by TyGently.
- Kit's Horror Hospital of Horror - He could feel the spirit of the man who had lived in these clothes; died in these clothes. He was a gardener – nettles prickled at each elbow and it chaffed in his armpits. Written by Zachary Maxwell.
- The World Within - The world was swimming. Colors- vibrant, piercing colors were everywhere. Written by taylor_itkin.
- Let the Right One Innily - "Silly moldy oldy! We are not twigs and beans! We are lady-types!" said the one on the left. Written by trennerdios.
GoI Formats
- 'Unicorn Horn' (HYTCH/8FNE6/B77KT) - Marshall, Carter, and Dark have found numerous uses for the horn of the magical beastie, from birth control to pesticide. Written by GreenWolf.
Fandom Stuff
None this month.
None this month.
Thanks for tuning in again, folks! If you're unsatisfied with the blurb(s) provided for the article(s) you wrote, feel free to change it. Of course, you could just avoid that problem entirely by sending A Random Day a blurb for your article. We may or may not use it (if we can think of something more attention-getting, though we can try to stick with one you give us) but we'd really would just like them in order to make the process easier for making these. This is a community thing, and we want authors to give their blurbs to sell these articles much easier. It reduces the workload we have to do, and helps the news come out that much earlier!
« September 2017 | October 2017 | November 2017 »