News for May, 2023

DISCLAIMER: This is the Site News for the English Branch of the SCP Wiki. The opinions of the individual members of the Site News team that are presented in each edition of the Site News are their own thoughts and are not meant to be representative of the Site News team as a whole nor are they representative of the staff body as a whole. If you take issue with any of the contents, then feel free to reach out to the editor(s) and they will review the contents to see if there are any edits that need to be made. We intend to always deliver interesting content to you, and we understand that there may be times where controversial or unpopular opinions will be presented whether by our writers or our editor(s). Thank you for your understanding!


As of April 11th, Sigma-10 officially went live. Sigma-10 is the new visual theme for the SCP Wiki which brings to the forefront new body and header fonts as well as an improved SVG logo!

The body font and SVG logo were looked upon as general accessibility and quality-of-life adjustments and were met with little disagreement. The header font was another matter.

Initially, there was a concern that the old Bauhaus font for the header may not have been compatible with the site licensing. Due to this, some of the initial framings of the proposed changes were based on this matter. Further discussion cast doubt on that original concern and the Tech team decided to propose the change from Bauhaus to the Sans Normalcy font on an aesthetic basis as opposed to licensing one. The staff team voted and accepted the new change.

We also have a survey we'd like you to take regarding the new theme! You can find it here!

- By Uncle Nicolini

Features Last Month

Top Articles of the Month

Ratings of course do not mean everything, but they are representative of what people happened to like seeing at the time. With this in mind, the following are the top-rated works last month, so if by some chance you haven't encountered them yet, be sure to check them out!

Top-Rated SCP

SCP-122 by Ecronak, Luxaiko, AnAnomalousWriter, Anonymous, and Dr Kondraki.: no more monstɘrs.

I saw the angel again today! He was at the edge of my bed, and he was looking at me with the widest smile on his face. His wings were… (stretches arms out) this big!

Top-Rated Non-SCP

Rate My Director by Aftokrator, AnActualCrow, bigslothonmyface, Cyvstvi, DodoDevil, Trintavon, Dysadron, EmotionalEntropy, Fishish, GremlinGroup, Grigori Karpin, HarryBlank, Its a Bad Idea, J Dune, JakdragonX, LightlessLantern, Limeyy, LORDXVNV, MrBadFellow, OriTiefling, Pedagon, PlaguePJP, pr0m37h3um, R4_EX, Ralliston, Rounderhouse, Snapdragon133, stephlynch, stormbreath, and Trotskyeet.

Insists all physical reports are folded “hot-dog style.”

Front Page Features

Every month, an article is selected from each of the three common article types: SCP, Tale, and Group of Interest Format. These three articles are displayed on the front page for the month to bring further recognition to them.

If you would like to view the previous front page features, you can view the archive for the SCPs here, the archive for the Tales here, and the archive for the GoI Formats here!

SCP Article

Plague's Proposal by PlaguePJP: The Ones That Got Away

[3:10]: The door's buzzer is heard. Lague may enter.


Yellow by fairydoctor

Taking a deep breath in, he visualized breathing in gold threads.


Ambrose: Earthen Foods for the Keplerian Palate by Alzin Cdag

Now I was curious. Twos do not eat. What could possibly be on their menu?

Reviewers' Spotlights

Works are featured on the site’s front page as part of the Reviewers’ Spotlight, which acknowledges the time and effort spent by forum reviewers helping other authors develop and edit and their works for the mainsite. Each month, community members are encouraged to nominate forum reviewers who have been both particularly helpful and active. Members of the Forum Criticism Team will then discuss the nominations, and select four prominent reviewers to choose the month’s Reviewers’ Spotlight front-page features.

If you would like to view previous spotlights, you can view the archive for them here!

1st of April

I Didn't Forget Pt 1: The Galaxy Plaza Disaster by XHAWK77X [Featured by XHAWK77X]

A second later, he flipped to the inside back cover. For some reason, what he saw there made him gasp.

8th of April

SCP-7162 by Agente Shuffle and Doc slash [Featured by Kilerpoyo]

SCP-7162 was discovered during the investigations of an individual's death following an unusual chain of events related to a robbery he carried out two days ago.

15th of April

SPC-2316 by Alzin Cdag [Featured by Palias]

Should you pass an SRS while viewing this file, take a nice long swim until your brain is too tired to resist any longer.

22nd of April

SCP-4238 by Zoobeeny [Featured by Zoobeeny]

Discrepancies are highlighted in red in the following transcript.

SCP Data & Trends

All the goings-on of the site condensed into bite-sized takeaways! Is there a statistic or figure you would be interested in knowing? Let us know and we can feature it next time!


Like before, we are still renovating this section. It will likely be a couple months, but we will soon have a nice little stats section here. In the meantime, please enjoy our monthly chart.

Also, what do YOU want to see in the monthly stats section? Any data you want to know about? Please leave a comment about it in the Discussion page or use this anonymous google form.

- By Data Analysis Team

New Content this Month

There is a multitude of wonderful works that are posted to the Wiki every month whether they be SCP articles, Tales, GoI Formats, Art pages, Author Pages, Essays, and more! Below, we have all of the creations for this month listed out by week and type (except for art pages, we did that earlier!) We have added little emojis next to articles that qualify to add some additional content. Below we have listed out the emojis we use and what they mean. Be sure to give them a look!

🤝 = Co-authored works - It is always interesting to see the dynamics of how people work together!
💯 = Articles rated at +100 and higher - These are articles that have seen success and should be celebrated for it!
📈 = SCP articles rated under +30 and Tales and GoI Formats rated under +20 - Let's show these a little love!

Week of April 1st

SCP Articles


GoI Formats


Miscellaneous Pages

Week of April 2nd

SCP Articles

  • 📈 SCP-6955- Written by NDHeckfire.
  • 📈 SCP-7064- Written by DrDromeus.
  • 💯🤝 SCP-122- Written by Ecronak, Luxaiko, AnAnomalousWriter, Anonymous, and Dr Kondraki.
  • SCP-7530- Written by cubeflix.
  • 💯 SCP-7288- Written by Rounderhouse.
  • SCP-7865- Written by antiempress.
  • 💯 SCP-3105- Written by Iszth.


GoI Formats

Miscellaneous Pages

Week of April 9th

SCP Articles


GoI Formats


Miscellaneous Pages

Week of April 16th

SCP Articles


GoI Formats

Miscellaneous Pages

Week of April 23rd

SCP Articles


GoI Formats

Miscellaneous Pages

Thank you so much for reading the SCP Wiki's Site News!

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