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This is a series showing off news from the site, articles from the past month1, and fan-content for you to check out and discover! Be sure to leave a comment with your thoughts!
- Editorial
- News from the Fandom
- Featured Content
- New Content Feed
- Staff Spotlight
- Word from Staff
- Fan Art
From the Editorial Desk -
Welcome to the new and improved Site News feed! We're excited to introduce a bunch of new features, as well as an entirely new look and feel. Over the last few months we've been trying to increase the visibility of the Site News in an effort to bring more attention to some of the incredible work coming out across the SCP Foundation Wiki community.
The Site News has always been a vehicle to not only showcase the month's work, but also to provide an informative look at the entirety of the SCP Wiki community as a whole. In an effort to do that, we've added a new section called "Staff Spotlight", where we'll be bringing you interviews from members of all the different SCP Wiki staff teams. Last month we highlit Forum Crit and interviewed cybersqyd. This month we're targeting Licensing with an interview with Naepic.
As we move forward, the Editorial section will include blog posts from the various members of the Site News team, discussing various aspects of the site and covering some of the goings on behind the scenes. While we've always had 05 Command as a way to maintain transparency about what Staff is up to, there has always been a disconnect between the Staff and the general wiki community. This is an effort to bridge that disconnect and to give our readers more information about who we are as staff and fellow members of the SCP Wiki community.
As we continue to get more feedback from the community on what does and does not work as a way of generating effective communication, you might begin to see more new things, so stay tuned.
With a huge thank you from the entire Site News team:
Editors: TSATPWTCOTTTADC & MalyceGraves
Reporters: Naepic, The Pighead, WhiteGuard, DrAkimoto, Edna_Granbo, Hexick, & Limeyy
March landed with a bang and never disappointed.
The Grand Crosslinking 4 got underway!
- The Wikiwalk team gathered steam and kicked off Wikiwalk 4, so keep an eye on the wiki for new crosslinks and a deeper connection to surrounding lore.
SCP-FR (the French language branch of the SCP Wiki) has a new official Twitter account.
SCP-FR also ran a contest in honor of its 9th anniversary as a branch of the SCP Wiki.
SCP-IT now has an official Reddit community.
JamCon 2021! - With some hefty new themes, JamCon was a resounding success.
Theme One: "Marine"
- Top SCP Article (And overall winner): SCP-5929 ("We Come In Piss") by Rounderhouse
- Top Tale: Whalefall by DodoDevil
- Top GoI-Format: Danger: Trunko! by Ihp
Theme Two: "Corruption"
- Top SCP Article (And overall winner): SCP-5383 ("The Konami Code But For Catholicism (Suffer Overflow)") By Rounderhouse
- Top Tale: Corruption Within The Clown Industry: A Controversial Opinion by Bambousio Starswinger by Tropinano
- Top GoI-Format: Project Proposal 2014-012: "Portraits of the Trees" by JakdragonX
Theme Three: "What could possibly go wrong?"
- Top SCP Article (And overall winner): SCP-5377 ("OPEN YOUR JUNK MAIL IDIOT, by Y.W.T.G.T.H.F.T.") by Rounderhouse
- Top Tale: (Two way tie) SATURNS CORNER by Lt Flops | Siren Song by Oboebandgeek99
- Top GoI-Format: SC-02/000-22/000: Insurance by Ethagon
Rounderhouse won the contest's grand prize for participating in all three themes and amassing the highest overall vote count.
Featured Articles:
SCP-5881 ("Nothing Like Me") by R4_EX [Cupid Contest prize feature, requested by R4_EX]
- SCP-5881: Oh God, please not you again. Can't you just come back later?
SCP-5185 ("fine spiders by dado") by CelesteKara [Cupid Contest prize feature, requested by CelesteKara]
- SCP-5185 are an unclassified subspecies of giant house spider (Eratigena atrica).
SCP-5464 ("The Responsibility We Bear") by Ralliston [Cupid Contest prize feature, requested by Ralliston]
- Any attempts to interfere with such on account of any party are to be prevented by MTF Omega-6 ("Bearly Enough").
SCP-5096 ("Butterflies work in mysterious ways Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒha") by DianaBerry and GreyPercival [Featured by Dr Sage Evergreen and REDESERT]
- You don't have to freak out, I'm a butterfly, not a ghost! See? I'm right here! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Featured GoI-Format:
WANs_Image.png [Church of the Broken God] by Marcelles_Raynes [Featured by Pedagon, Dr Hajovsky, and Impperatrix]
- If you look directly into the face of God, you will see nothing but his wrath.
Featured Tales:
So leave yourself alone. by Corvidless [Featured by CelesteKara and Comrade Waldo]
- “Have you seen Iris?”
Reviewer's Spotlight Articles:
1 March 2021 - selected by Zoobeeny
SCP-5696 ("One Last Ace.") by cwazzycwafter
- When viewed upon immediate entry, the area surrounding "The Dying Roses" consists of empty space.
9 March 2021 - selected by Truc Linh
SCP-5029 ("hello person! Can i help yoo?.png") by DianaBerry
- SCP-5029 is a computer virus that presents itself as a computer application under the name 'Art.png'.
17 March 2021 - selected by Comrade Waldo
SCP-4051 ("Your Friendly Neighborhood Keter") by Nagiros
- SCP-4051 requires extensive psychological screening.
25 March 2021 - selected by Spoonr
SCP-5056 ("The Constant Companions") by HarryBlank
- SCP-5056-A and B are not to be separated.
You will notice little '📈' emojis beside some articles. That denotes SCP articles which were under 30 and tales which were under 20 when this edition of site news was posted. Give them a little love! Speaking from personal experience, the most frustrating thing that can happen to an article is not deletion, but stagnating below 20 without any comments. So try to read, vote, and comment on these articles! They're often hidden gems :)
Week of March 1st:
- SCP-5311 ("Who Goes There?") - "Due to the current state of world affairs, the core directives of the SCP Foundation are to be abandoned." Written by S D Locke.
- 📈SCP-2744 ("Happy Browsing On The World Wide Weed") - "SCP-2744 is to remain deactivated until further analysis of the anomaly's behavior can be identified and approved by Lead Researcher Jerry Sims" Written by JakdragonX.
- 📈SCP-5294 ("Granny Rat Tail") - "Efforts to locate the severed head of SCP-5294 are ongoing." Written by Dr Leonard.
- SCP-4487 ("The Sermon Will Continue") - "Taste it now! It tastes like starlight!" Written by Lamentte.
- SCP-5781 ("Florida Investigators") - "Good evening, Mr. Ghayter." Written by Naveil.
- SCP-5415 ("The 120 Days of Gomorrah") - "Further investigation found medical staff and coroners had similar difficulty recalling 01-A's expiration - the cadaver has yet to be located." Written by Dysadron.
- 📈SCP-5244 ("The Demon God") - "Then I get some weird fruit or dead animal. It's getting annoying, especially when it happens at three in the morning." Written by Mooagain .
- SCP-5798 ("An Interview with the Drain Snake") - "I'm over here, bud. Down the drain." Written by J Dune.
- SCP-5958 ("The Lamb") - "The first known appearance of SCP-5958 occurred in the year 1212, and led to the event referred to in history as the Children's Crusade." Written by Tanhony.
- SCP-5168 ("Go to Sleep") - "To stop the uncontrolled manifestation of SCP-5168-A instances, various measures have been constructed to slowly vacate all families bearing children from Kitchover, Iowa." Written by Lamentte.
- SCP-5653 ("Thirty Pieces of Silver") - "I regret to be the one to inform you that it is a monument to a grave that no longer exists." Written by Rounderhouse.
- 📈SCP-5287 ("Little nightmare") - "SCP-5287 is an entity resembling a black female horse" Written by Alb123.
- SCP-5904 ("Inhuman Resources") - "Subjects who watch the entire series of tapes report insomnia, apathy, lack of appetite, and an increase in anxiety." Written by Grigori Karpin.
- SCP-5868 ("Meat") - "Employees of SCP-5868 will be directed to continue processing all instances of SCP-5868-2 regardless of appearance, hazards inherent, or any other status." Written by kinchtheknifeblade.
- 📈SCP-5313 ("town of alma") - "Map to Almas gone. Jailers took it in the middle of the night" Written by www-yahoo.
- SCP-5334 ("…And Let Me Play Among The Stars") - "SCP-5334's ring system is composed of ~2.7 billion glass bottles each containing various alcoholic beverages." Written by Yossipossi.
- SCP-5967 ("What's your favorite idea?") - "Today we're going to be screwing with the men in shadows." Written by Marcelles_Raynes.
- 📈SCP-5949 ("SEVENSEAS") - "At present, the worldwide population of SCP-5949 is estimated to be between four and seven thousand." Written by ThisMightBeAuto.
- 📈SCP-5284 ("The Sharpener") - "Due to incident on 02/24&25/2018, it has been deemed necessary to decommission SCP-5284." Written by JayKillbam.
- SCP-5668 ("There is an Angel on the Screen") - "The Angels Look at Us is believed to have screened only once to an audience of 42 people in Blue Springs, Michigan." Written by Lamentte.
- SCP-5322 ("And The Road Stretches On…") - "In order to better understand the nature of SCP-5322, three tests were performed by Foundation personnel over the course of three weeks." Written by Tanhony.
- SCP-5134 ("Itchy") - "Tactile pressure on infected areas causes fungal stalks to collapse, forming brittle flakes which have the appearance of dead skin." Written by aismallard.
- 📈SCP-5767 ("A Wise Old Snail") - "Are you able to give a brief list of your anomalous qualities, please?" Written by OzzyLizard.
- 📈SCP-5820 ("exterminate") - "SCP-5820 refers to Sneaky Buggers Humane Extermination." Written by ThisMightBeAuto.
- SCP-5813 ("Mr. President II") - "A-5813 is the 13th President of the United States, Millard Fillmore." Written by J Dune.
- Mercy is Forbidden - "It all shifts and I watch as Mia destroys herself all over again. I scream and run to her, only to be pulled back again." Written by Quadraginta.
- Spread the Word - "Do you actually have more than two copies of the password? And are you actually going to do more than one sting per day?" Written by HarryBlank.
- Fishbowl - "I threw the bowl to the ground, watching as the poor goldfish splashed around on the floor, cutting itself on shards of broken glass before finally laying still." Written by Ellie3.
- EE-8832 - "The three cultists who did not leave with 4612-B surrendered to Foundation custody." Written by Grigori Karpin.
- Blackened - "Allison Chao was twelve years old when she realized she wasn't human." Written by Tanhony.
- An Opportunity, Gained - "So good luck, Dr. Dromeus. Make us proud" Written by DrDromeus.
- Neon City Raindrops - "It took some convincing, but I managed to get it." Written by MalyceGraves.
- Silence. - "He types out a one sentence message, hits send, and feels more hollow than ever." Written by CanOfSoup.
- BLANK - "In the adjacent hallway, Drs. Saxon and Stern discuss their eating habits with regards to the Site cafeteria. Their simultaneous walk had gradually slowed into a long, stationary conversation" Written by Placeholder McD.
- Goodbye Nightflower: Beginnings - "So you know about the calamity, at least, right?" Written by Oboebandgeek99.
- Cinéma Chaotique - "Okay, Gabriella, this was fun in theory, but I think we should turn around and go home now." Written by Oboebandgeek99.
- Walking through a Masterpiece - "How do you deal with that stupid thing?!" Written by KrySalems.
GoI Formats
- ERICS MEGA ZINE VOL 50: THE CUTOUT ROOM - [Eric] "Inside da world of the SCPs." Written by pastarasta1.
- Project Proposal 2024-124: Death of the Cool - [AWCY?] "May the death be revoked, but not the crimes. May the obsessions and demons this corpse begrime. An omen of your kingdom come. Carnation master, your enemies succumb." Written by Impperatrix.
- Critter Profile: Nuala! - [WWS] "When 'fairies' cross your mind, you usually don't think of armadillos, do you? Unless you're a fan of the Pink Fairy Armadillo, of course not!" Written by Tropinano.
- Welcome to Wonderful Site-65! - "The location was officially chosen due to its isolation and vast flat area, but don't be afraid to stop and admire the real reason Site-65 was built where it stands… the amazing sights! When not being blinded by dust storms, the worn and treaded prairies present ample opportunity to observe any local wildlife not yet decimated by industrial activity." Written by deathbygin.
- Interviewing Icons - Decibelles - "The user Decibelle became a member of this site on the 30th of October, 2014, and her top 3 most popular pages on the site by rating are SCP-2091: A Bear and His Granddaughter at +258, SCP-3090: This girl's gone bad on a game attack! at +248, and SCP-150: Ship of Theseus at +229. As an author, Decibelle has written a total of 15 SCP articles, 32 Tales, 3 GoI Formats, and 19 other pages for a grand total of 69 pages contributed." Written by WhiteGuard.
- Interviewing Icons - The Great Hippo - "The user The Great Hippo became a member of this site on the 10th of April, 2018, and his top 3 most popular pages on the site by rating are The Great Hippo's Proposal (feat. PeppersGhost): A Good Boy at +638, SCP-3034: The Counting Station at +636, and SCP-2639: Video Game Violence at +571." Written by WhiteGuard.
- Drdobermann's Artworks - "I'm Drdobermann, a newbie from Korean SCP wiki. I have often drawn some SCP artworks so far, and I decided to post my works here, too." Written by Drdobermann.
- Underread and Underrated March 2021 - "Many consider various SCPs underrated. Others consider tales and GoI-formats underrated. But perhaps the most unrecognized facet of the wiki despite its high status is the Log of Anomalous Items." Written by Elenee FishTruck.
- Instagram Fan Art Contest Spring 2021 - "The SCP Foundation Wiki is known for the awesome stories, characters, and SCPs created by our wonderful authors. A more overlooked aspect of this community is the tons of fantastic artists that bring these creations to life." Written by DrAkimoto.
Week of March 8th:
- 📈SCP-5962 ("RONALD") - "SCP-5962 was discovered in Beijing, China on 03/23/2005. It was kept within a packaging facility owned by the McDonald's Corporation." Written by AsukaOnna.
- 📈SCP-5603 ("A Game Amongst Friends") - "Attempting to physically halt or impede the equipment during an Activation Phase has been met with failure, as the objects have exhibited a much greater density and force than its material should allow. Tilting SCP-5603 sideways or upside down will cause the equipment to become reoriented during play." Written by Nickthebrick1.
- 📈SCP-5645 ("The End of Nothing Special") - "SCP-5645 is stored in a standard cryogenic storage unit in Site-345. No tests are currently scheduled for it. Nils Wendler is to stay under surveillance and any possible anomalous events surrounding him are to be documented in this article." Written by Crashington.
- 📈SCP-5402 ("The Cosmic Courant") - "Once SCP-5402 is encountered, Foundation personnel's first priority is to inquire about the nature of its employment and anomalous properties, as attempts at orchestrating formal interviews have proven impossible." Written by Ferox Numine.
- SCP-5138 ("Bog Bodies") - "All three iterations of SCP-5138 were recovered from a region in the south eastern portion of the Biloxi State Wildlife Management Area in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana. Beta-2 assets within the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries responded to an inquiry by the SWMA rangers relating to possible criminal activity in the Lake Borgne area and were able to recover iterations -1 and -2 with minimal intervention." Written by MalyceGraves.
- 📈SCP-5833 ("With Their Legs Tied Up in Knots") - "A pair of appendages are visible at the base of the structure, emerging from beneath the hayloft itself; these appendages resemble a pair of entwined legs." Written by Cyvstvi13.
- 📈SCP-5687 ("The Interdimensional Bodega! ✨ 📖✨") - "Directly in the center of SCP-5687-2 is a magazine titled, ‘The Wandsmen’s Gazette’, which is held in a locked glass box reinforced with a wire frame and protected with currently unidentified runes." Written by Quadraginta.
- 📈SCP-5441 ("<span style="font-family: Courier;">S03 E02 - "The Intern"</span>") - "Let's just cut this off here, unless you want me to hook you up with some Class-Something amnestics too." Written by ThisMightBeAuto.
- SCP-3482 ("fine mayor posters campaign by dado") - "yes! dado is of finest quality champaign manager always ready 2 get u elected" Written by Calibold.
- 📈SCP-5163 ("The Cutest Teddy Bear of All Times") - "The object was above a small piece of paper which caught his attention. After grabbing the object to get the paper, Agent Nicholas immediately began to act unusually due to the effects of SCP-5163." Written by Lucas667.
- SCP-5371 ("This Sculpture — The Originator") - "A metal placard on the floor's main entrance was melted beyond recognition in the fire. A circle split into three sections is inscribed in the center of the room, each section is labeled with an inscription: "SCIENTIFIC", "RITUALISTIC”, and "ARTISTIC", with the latter section being dyed red." Written by Lamentte.
- 📈SCP-5806 ("A Spreading Rot") - "Underneath the bed is a hardcover journal. Most of the writing inside is illegible. There is a large number of pages removed from the end of the book, and the frayed remains suggest that they decomposed rather than being forcefully torn out." Written by Quicksilvers.
- SCP-5879 ("Take Me to the Moor") - "On the 24th June, 2018, Saddleworth Moor spontaneously set fire. Fifty homes and one-hundred residents from the neighbouring regions were evacuated by local authorities. The majority of the wildfire was subterranean as it had set the peat beneath the moor alight." Written by Cyvstvi13.
- SCP-3835 ("Better inWeedients, Better Pizza, Papa John's") - "What, never seen a goblin whittle on his break before?" Written by Marcelles_Raynes.
- 📈SCP-5312 ("The Curious Case of Virginia Croft") - "As this incident occurred over two centuries prior to the development of amnestics, His Majesty's Foundation instead focused on the suppression of public knowledge of SCP-5312. Mrs. Croft was offered a cash settlement in exchange for her making a public statement that the events of SCP-5312 had been an orchestrated hoax." Written by Dr Leonard.
- 📈SCP-5315 ("Mayan Blue") - "Instances of SCP-5315 and SCP-5315-1 were utilized by the Foundation for research into SCP-5315-A up until 1977 at which point testing was suspended on account of nearly all viable test instances of SCP-5315-1 having become neutralized from either passage of time or overuse." Written by VoxStulti.
- SCP-5760 ("Mr. Atonement") - "Following the discovery of SCP-5760's working nervous system, Foundation researchers performed a DNA Analysis. Once the results had been found and put within the Foundation network, it was immediately flagged as a Level 5, high threat document and an automatic protocol deployed MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") to the site." Written by Varaxous.
- 📈Defence - "He thought about futility, and he thought about hubris." Written by HarryBlank.
- Once And Future Alchemist - "What do you think you're doing, you just exposed us to every human in Camelot?!" Written by DrMagnus & MalyceGraves.
- Demoted to D-Class - "Chen punched the mirror. SCP-XXXX-1 begged him to stop." Written by Quadraginta.
- How To Remove Glitter From A Polyester Dress - "You don't have to pretend for me, Feather. I'm here for you, no matter what." Written by UraniumEmpire.
- Breaching Boredom - "Awake. Alert. Alive. Active." Written by Doctor Fullham.
- 📈build a problem - "Four words. Four. That's all I really needed anyways." Written by YellowISlol.
- 📈THE BAD COMPANY - "Well, where did they bury him?" Written by Agt_LEAZOV.
- Dissertation - "They've been watching us. They're going to escort us in, and make sure we don't tell anyone what we know." Written by HarryBlank.
- Attempts To Salvage Thought - "Don't lie to me. I know she's in there." Written by Captain Kirby.
- Mr. Prologue - "I think it would actually be a bad idea, to break the Old Man's rules now. How about some orange juice instead." Written by Varaxous.
- 📈Iris Dark Girls Night: The Beginning of a Wonderful Friendship - "Ah, how embarrassing … I hope this at least improves my public image …" Written by Einer von Rabe.
GoI Formats
- 📈SPC-2806 - [SPC] "Eyes have been calibrated to compensate for visual distortions due to light refraction differential in water." Written by DeltaThree.
- Guide to Posting Adult Pages - "Any pages which contain adult material need to be posted in accordance with the Adult Content Warnings Policy." Written by aismallard.
- Fyahgfox Artworks Page - "I'm here to show every SCP related art i ever made so far from late 2020 until now ( actually i knew and become a fan of SCP Foundation on June 2019 from some creepypasta stories on novel platform. )" Written by Machiavellian.
- On Guard 43 Hub - "Looking for scary monsters in solid boxes? This place isn't for you." Written by HarryBlank.
- 📈Document 1092-RU-1 - "A cardboard cover on the damp concrete floor. A grey, dingy cell with a hard metal door. My fingers are black with the mold from the walls." Written by jekyllgrim.
- The Art of Miss Miaou - "Person of Interest is the creator of numerous artworks depicting various SCPs, indicating that through either anomalous or other means, they currently have access to information that is highly classified." Written by Miaou.
Week of March 15th:
- SCP-5761 (When The Impostor Is Sus II: Nightmare Hour) - "I do have — I do have some concerns about the documentation I've been given." Written by Tanhony.
- 📈SCP-5418 ("Sinners Corpse") - "A voice controlled, roof mounted television with access to local televised broadcasts." Written by Paradise Found.
- 📈SCP-5838 ("Over the Falls in a Bear-el") - "Additional memetic agents are embedded on signage throughout the Canadian city of Niagara Falls and viewing platforms to induce similar effects. Members of Mobile Task Force Theta-4 ("The Smaller Boat") have been placed on standby under the guise of Canadian Search and Rescue personnel." Written by DodoDevil.
- SCP-5843 ("Eyewitness") - "SCP-5843 is capable of verbal communication using words that echo throughout its system." Written by Sirslash47.
- SCP-5956 ("THEREISNOCANNON") - "SCP-5956 is not known to generate new timelines." Written by HarryBlank and Placeholder McD.
- 📈SCP-5254 ("Gotta Catch 'Em All") - "Further efforts will be made to disrupt The Pokémon Company's global marketing and promotional infrastructure" Written by caspian2.
- SCP-5162 ("The Weight") - "blurb" Written by HarryBlank.
- 📈SCP-5745 ("Prehistoric Rift") - "Heard it again but louder. Getting close." Written by OzzyLizard.
- SCP-5624 ("What Brings Us Together") - "I call this sculpture: 'Disappointment in Repose.'" Written by daveyoufool.
- SCP-5398-D ("Regrowing Pains") - "Object Class: Decommissioned (previously Euclid)" Written by Angryman22.
- SCP-1534 ("One Best Way") - "Charles Provides" Written by Marcelles_Raynes & MalyceGraves.
- 📈SCP-5589 ("Battle Toads") - "SCP-5589's primary anomalous property can be observed in the unnaturally high level of coordination among its members" Written by stoner99.
- SCP-5374 ("Allen Grey") - "SCP-5374 is a 1.14 meter tall, grey skinned, hairless humanoid with large black eyes and no visible nose or ears." Written by CrystalMonarch.
- SCP-5054-EX ("Mr. P") - "The existence of Joe Clark is a self-sustaining societal delusion which must not be corrected." Written by HarryBlank.
- SCP-5218 ("Preconceptions II") - "Output: A plastic trophy covered in dried blood." Written by Rounderhouse.
- 📈SCP-5467 ("The Fury of the Phoenix") - "The earliest reliable account of SCP-5467 is attributed to the Daevite naturalist Farntuk the Younger." Written by Dr Leonard.
- SCP-5897 ("History is Written by the VKTM") - "No digital manipulation is present in any of the footage, which has been verified to be authentic despite the content." Written by Grigori Karpin.
- 📈Pity Party - "Hey, tell Icky I’ll need the day off!" Written by Hellylessa.
- 📈Spyhopping - "Letting a slow breath out, his gaze slid across the night-sea. They were heading home." Written by DodoDevil.
- 📈Eyesore - "I was sick. But truth be told, I never wanted to get better because playing with danger was comfortable." Written by CelesteKara.
- 📈How To Remove Kerosene From A Polyester Dress - "Make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop" Written by UraniumEmpire.
- 📈The Mulhausen Incident - "He may have had six guns aimed at him, but for the first time since he had gotten on the boat, he felt safe." Written by DrDromeus.
- 📈Conflict Resolution, Hold the Conflict - "bzzt" Written by Ihp.
- 📈The Traitor's Libel - "Drip. Drip. Drip." Written by Cyvstvi13.
- 📈Homecoming - "Am I trying to plan this out like some sort of mission?" Written by MarcusLCrassus.
- BreakerBreaker's Art Hub - "My work is a mixture of traditional and digital art, decently recognizably for its distinct, cartoony style." Written by BreakerBreaker.
- Vikander-Kneed Technical Media Hub - "Here at Vikander-Kneed we like to pride ourselves on being at the bleeding edge of media and communications technology." Written by Grigori Karpin.
- Unusual Cargo Hub - "The Foundation is not an ancient institution." Written by CityToast.
Week of March 22nd:
- SCP-5476 ("SCP Explained") - "Numerous new staff members struggle to understand the complex scientific language used by the SCP Foundation." Written by Mooagain.
- SCP-5604 ("The Future Will Be Better Tomorrow") - "Which parts of me are me?"; Written by Dysadron.
- SCP-5649 ("What We Missed?") - " Radiation death-burst detected from object's last location. Stand by for further instructions." Written by DrWoomywood.
- SCP-5887 ("Evacuation") - "O5-13, you have one (1) Overseer vote that requires your attention." Written by Rose the Changeling .
- SCP-5814 ("Substitution Reaction") - "In the year 1972, Foundation researcher Dr. Arnold Freking discovered a change in the measured speed of light." Written by Re_spectators.
- SCP-5627 ("The Hungry Caterpillar") - "All efforts must be made to sustain these colonies as viable hosts for Phengaris arion larvae." Written by dunc7five.
- SCP-5283 ("Reject Modernity, Return To Whale") - "SCP-5283 is a collection of ancient objects, relics, and miscellaneous effects recovered from a cave near Sargodha, Pakistan." Written by Azamo.
- SCP-5479 ("A Movie of You") - "The film depicts events in the past week of the viewer’s life, as if a camera crew had followed the subject." Written by Grigori Karpin.
- SCP-5572 ("I Ain't No Skeleton's Son") - "FINALLY, WE GET SOME GODDAMNED REINFORCEMENTS." Written by Ralliston.
- SCP-5329 ("The Truth Hurts") - "This mission is incredibly boring and I don’t even like you guys that much. I feel like this is a complete waste of time." Written by Lucas667.
- SCP-5379 ("The Taped Confession") - "Anything recorded on film purchased from SCP-5379 is dramatically altered, frequently in ways which should not be possible." Written by HarryBlank.
- SCP-5187 ("Standard Procedure") - "The fact that it only works outside suggests a poorer quality of production." Written by Ethagon.
- SCP-5626 ("To Save Billions") - "Deal! No take backs! Good luck and see you at the end of the world in 24 hours, suckers!" Written by AsukaOnna.
- SCP-5336 ("Custom Print Settings") - "for everyone that said fungi aren't intelligent" Written by AnActualCrow.
- SCP-5715 ("Ghosts of Time's Past") - "To prevent retrocausal tampering this file is to be solely stored within Temporal Site-02's private database, and may only be accessed through select terminals." Written by Nitro147.
- SCP-5586 ("Somnambular Shenanigans") - "The subject responded by unsuccessfully placing an order for a Big Mac, portion of French fries, and a large strawberry milkshake." Written by Dr Leonard.
- scp-3-j ("Bring Your Kid to Work Day!") - "scp-3-j is grounded in its room until dad says it can come out. " Written by deathbygin.
- SCP-5636 ("الموت للعدو ("Death to the Enemy")") - "SCP-5636 is an anomalous viral psychological condition that manifests a fundamental (and seemingly permanent) altering of the mind in susceptible individuals. " Written by SamBKing.
- SCP-5229 ("Dem Wet Bones") - "SCP-5229 is to be completely submerged within its containment zone at all times." Written by Kensing.
- Dr. Eates's Proposal - "A CHURCH IS A HOSPITAL FOR SINNERS" Written by ManyMeats.
- A Barrel Load Of Work, A Barrel Load Of Fun (And That's No Bull!) - "Rodeo Clowns ARE a lot of work to raise. There are challenging demands, and it takes commitment. The first one, as most are already aware of, is space. Rodeo Clowns need plenty of wide open space to frolic in!" Written by Boogey_Man23.
- The Wasteland - "Those half-human half-meat creatures posed as if they wanted to order, but as soon as other fresh meat approached them, they intertwined into a puddle of flesh. Ambrose welcomes any beings to come here and enjoy their meal, but the half-human stuff genuinely makes me want to throw up." Written by TimeElapsed.
- Daisy the Clown - "I remember vaguely the sea of wheat I laid in the day I died." Written by fairydoctor.
- Coleoptera - "When I was in middle school, there was this kid I knew named Sam." Written by CanOfSoup.
- A Spin Around The Library - "But, could you use more than 10% of your brain and not step on people?" Written by Dr Whitney.
- Day Trip - "Some idiot almost got hit by a car… but there's something else I need to talk to you about." Written by Dr Whitney.
- A Calm Evening at the Clown Park, Where We Make Friends. - "Durian scowled. Out of all the things he could’ve been called on to do, he was told to investigate clowns. Out of all the literal millions of things on this wonderful and blessed earth, it had to be clowns." Written by Tropinano.
- Something Beautiful - "He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was redeemed." Written by TopDownUnder.
- False Confidence - "It's not that I'm not prepared. I am, and I know I am! It's the fact that no matter what, the fear of failure lingers in my mind. The fear that it’s not good enough." Written by CelesteKara.
- How To Remove Human Blood From A Polyester Dress - "What do you care? That's how I dress. My closet is my business, not KeeLee's, not yours, not anyone but me. That's not going to change." Written by UraniumEmpire.
- The Unethical Practices of Clown Farming (OR: How I Learned That Clowning About Ranches Puts Naughty Clowns Into The Shredder) - "Here at Clowning About Ranches, we believe in only the most ethical production of clowns and clown-related goods. Our clowns are hand-reared from the crib to the cradle to the grave, using only the finest clown eggs." Written by Cyvstvi13.
GoI Format
- Herman Fuller Presents: Meeting the Maker - [Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disqueting] "Midway through the second act I found myself at her side. She was an acrobat, I learned, with the name of Hills." Written by Rex Atlas.
- Herman Fuller Presents: The Beastly Quasimodo - [Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disqueting] "Billy was different from his typical brethren. He was born with a hunched back, walked on his toes, and had crooked facial features. His brain was damaged, presumably from complications during birth." Written by AsukaOnna.
- D-Island: Updating Weekly - This time, it's not for a reality show. It's just slightly different. Written by DecoyMesa.
- Interviewing Icons - The Exploring Series - Everything about The Exploring Series, no more no less. Written by WhiteGuard.
- Lucas667's Author Page - It's Lucas667's Author Page!
- On the Mountain of Madness - It's A Mountain's Author Page!
- Dodo's Den of Declassified Delights - It's DodoDevil's Author Page!
- Mooagain's House - It's Mooagain's Author Page!
- Limey's Citrus Corner - It's Limeyy's Author Page!
- Fluffy's Corner of Stuff - It's FluffyDog00's Author Page!
- Sonderance - It's Sonderance's Author Page!
Jamcon 2021!
SATURN'S CORNER — Written by Lt Flops.
SCP-WCPGW-J ("You're Thinking Too Much") — Written by Joreth.
SCP-5617 ("I am a cool person 😎") — Written by winkwonkboi.
SCP-5679 ("UNDECIDED") — Written by wagyusteak.
SCP-5742 ("Moloch") — Written by CrystalMonarch.
SCP-5487 ("I Want A New Drug (And So Does Miami)") — Written by JackalRelated.
SCP-5281-D ("The Man of the Hour") — Written by HarryBlank.
SCP-5884 ("lived") — Written by EstrellaYoshte.
SCP-2011-EX ("Temporary Secretary") — Written by Placeholder McD.
SCP-5941 ("Look! A Navel!") — Written by Tufto.
SCP-5854 ("safety park where things do not go wrong") — Written by Mooagain .
The Physicist's Blues — Written by fairydoctor.
SC-02/000-22/000: Insurance — Written by Ethagon.
SCP-5849 ("Dead Letter Arrival") — Written by Sirslash47.
SCP-5804 ("Regrettable Decisions") — Written by Reyas.
SCP-5196 ("Fluorescent Adolescent") — Written by A Mountain.
SCP-5349 ("The Gutenbug Bible") — Written by Elunerazim.
A Bed That Grows Arms and Deals Drugs — Written by Quadraginta.
SCP-5276 ("Let's Vibe") — Written by GerrymanderBassist.
A Disgruntled Fan Letter on The Subject of Clownery — Written by Kensing.
SCP-5297 ("JamBomb") — Written by DodoDevil.
Exanimis — Written by Cerastes.
SCP-5548 ("A Hair Brained Scheme") — Written by DrAkimoto.
Clowncon, Time Clowns and preparations for general temporal tomfoolery: A Guide by Bambousio Starswinger — Written by Tropinano.
SCP-5815 ("To Build Heroes as Walls of the Foundation") — Written by Veralta.
SCP-5871 ("Retroactive Knife") — Written by aismallard.
What Have You Got to Lose — Written by Hellylessa.
SCP-5377 ("OPEN YOUR JUNK MAIL IDIOT, by Y.W.T.G.T.H.F.T.") — Written by Rounderhouse.
SCP-5277 ("What Can Go Wrong") — Written by Calibold.
I just need to write something — Written by Impperatrix.
Herman Fuller Presents: Peter Cottontail's Cotton Candy — Written by AsukaOnna.
Siren Song — Written by Oboebandgeek99.
SCP-5802 ("Pollution and Industry") — Written by TheAlienBaby.
SCP-5748 ("Meaningless Shapes and Noises") — Written by CrystalMonarch.
SCP-5763 ("To Sever a Hand") — Written by winkwonkboi.
Fond Memories — Written by Elunerazim.
SCP-5363-D ("Controlled Containment") — Written by Calibold.
SCP-5942 ("The Ethics of Greed") — Written by Cassiterite.
Project Proposal 2014-012: "Portraits of the Trees" — Written by JakdragonX.
SCP-5184 ("SCOTLAND FOREVER") — Written by DrDromeus.
Kmean Phnek — Written by wagyusteak.
SCP-5263 ("The Nail That Sticks Out") — Written by caspian2.
SCP-5756 ("The Constant Reminder") — Written by Placeholder McD.
Prose Bot and Perseverance — Written by fairydoctor.
SCP-5532 ("The Town That Once Was") — Written by Dr Moned.
In A Quiet Night — Written by EthanHanson.
SCP-5642 ("The Godfryer") — Written by Trotskyeet.
SCP-5676 ("Jesus Loves You More Than You Can Know") — Written by SanguineScimitar.
SCP-5693 ("If you want to know what God thinks about money, just look at the people he gives it to") — Written by Deadly Bread.
SCP-5219 ("A Completely Random Corpse") — Written by A Mountain.
SCP-5968 ("Mr. Toxic") — Written by rattles.
SCP-5386 ("[PENDING APPROVAL BY ETHICS COMMITTEE]") — Written by margssentif.
Sudoku Puzzles and a Lit Cigarette — Written by Sonderance.
Danger: Trilobits! — Written by Agente Shuffle.
Of Memes and Counterconcepts — Written by Ethagon.
SCP-5176 ("[Little] Caesars' Palace") — Written by Hexick.
SCP-5844 ("Abscess Abyss") — Written by Dysadron.
SCP-5837 ("The Most Fitting Form") — Written by DodoDevil.
SCP-5664 ("An Addiction to Blood") — Written by Lamentte.
SCP-5734 ("The Unverb") — Written by Ihp.
The Black Vaults of Alagadda — Written by Cerastes.
Disturbia — Written by CelesteKara.
The Pumpkin Mystery — Written by aismallard.
Herman Fuller Presents: The One Sent by God — Written by Doc slash.
SCP-5704 ("Digital Corruption") — Written by PeppersGhost.
Corruption Within The Clown Industry: A Controversial Opinion by Bambousio Starswinger — Written by Tropinano.
Ship to Wreck — Written by Oboebandgeek99.
Project Proposal 2024-125: "Mirror to America: A Reflection of You" — Written by Joreth.
SCP-5735 ("To Make the Americas Great Again With Turtles") — Written by Veralta.
SCP-5546 ("Send a Letter to Your Representative") — Written by DrAkimoto.
SCP-5383 ("The Konami Code But For Catholicism (Suffer Overflow)") — Written by Rounderhouse.
Away From This Place — Written by GerrymanderBassist.
SCP-5295 ("The Person-to-Personal Computer") — Written by HarryBlank.
SCP-5337 ("Barcode Redemption") — Written by Zyn.
SCP-5961 ("Tears/Sea/Tears") — Written by Amelia Wright.
SCP-5485 ("[citation needed]") — Written by Placeholder McD.
Galabor.exe — Written by Marcelles_Raynes.
SCP-5446 ("Shock Troops") — Written by aismallard.
Critter Profile: Chel! — Written by EthanHanson.
SCP-5332 ("Remnants of the Elder") — Written by Dr Moned.
SCP-5632 ("Bomberfish™ By Radiosol And Ambrose Restaurants") — Written by Agente Shuffle.
SCP-5272 (">swim") — Written by Rex Atlas.
SCP-5347 ("You Are Going To Hy-Brasil") — Written by Elunerazim.
SCP-5809 ("GG EZ GET CARRIED") — Written by FluffyDog00.
SCP-5182 ("But it is us you have forgotten") — Written by redredred.
SCP-5964 ("We will not be forgotten") — Written by Rose the Changeling .
SCP-5743 ("Carcinisation") — Written by CrystalMonarch.
SCP-5261 ("Nobody Suspects a Thing") — Written by Deadly Bread.
SCP-5181 ("Teufelshunde") — Written by MalyceGraves.
SCP-5582 ("Hard-to-Contain Octopus") — Written by Ethagon.
SCP-5631 ("To Make the Black Moon Howl for the Motherland") — Written by Veralta.
SCP-5453 ("A Nice Warm Bowl of //Sinigang") — Written by basirskipreader.
SCP-5640 ("DUKE ETHEL, WIELDER OF THE UPWATER CIRCLET") — Written by Sonderance.
SCP-5547 ("Sunken Hope") — Written by DrAkimoto.
SPC-5306 — Written by Mooagain .
SCP-5718 ("Treasure Island") — Written by Draven Addams.
SCP-5831 ("The Smeerenburg Daemon") — Written by Cyvstvi13.
SCP-5245 ("Iceberg Impersonation") — Written by winkwonkboi.
My Life, Aquatic — Written by GerrymanderBassist.
SCP-5744 ("Mealworms") — Written by red-rogue.
SCP-5825 ("Molly on the Shore") — Written by Oboebandgeek99.
SCP-5193 ("A Lost Marine") — Written by A Mountain.
SCP-5262 ("It's Brittany Beach!") — Written by Reyas.
SCP-5238 ("The Ship of Dreams") — Written by HarryBlank.
SCP-5609 ("glow-worm") — Written by Tyumen.
SCP-5259 ("Lance Corporal Flipperstorm of the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit") — Written by Cerastes.
SCP-5587 ("Time is but the Stream") — Written by Lamentte.
SCP-5571 ("Mariner's Launch") — Written by rattles.
Whalefall — Written by DodoDevil.
SCP-5537 ("For the Seafood Lover in You") — Written by Hexick.
SCP-5192 ("It's a Trap!") — Written by Dysadron.
SCP-5189 ("Siren Kelp") — Written by DrDromeus.
SCP-5531 ("Fish! Fish! Fish! Fish! Fish!") — Written by Joreth.
SCP-5393 ("To whom it may concern, whales are now considered cavalry.") — Written by Tropinano.
SCP-5929 ("We Come In Piss") — Written by Rounderhouse.
SCP-5234 ("Yes, I am looking at you") — Written by wagyusteak.
Charybdis — Written by CanOfSoup.
SCP-5593 ("Unclogged") — Written by PlaguePJP.
SCP-4536 ("The Great American Pyramid") — Written by Limeyy.
SCP-5527 ("At The Bottom//") — Written by J Dune.
Danger: Trunko! — Written by Ihp.
Manifest 476: Vanishing Galleon — Written by Calibold.
March spotlight: Licensing Staff Team
Featuring: Naepic
Interviewer: WhiteGuard
Howdy, Naepic! Let's start with one of our mutual teams. Why does the wiki have a Licensing team? What are some of its functions and some of the things you do personally?
Well, it's mostly just "if we don't do this, who will?"
A lot of the visible work on the wiki is managed by the Images team, which is effectively a subteam of Licensing, and we essentially work alongside Tag Team to ensure new articles have CC compliant images. Aside from that, Licensing serves as the closest thing the wiki has to a legal team, and does consultation on what is and isn't okay to put on a writing site - and for good measure: we don't want to be sued. As for me, I mostly just quietly man down the fort involving the new articles tagged _image, lurk in #site34, and skim over the work that was done on the EN wiki in purging images so we can (eventually) provide a list to the INT branches on what to axe.
How did you end up on Licensing? As you have risen in the ranks as staff, has your role within the team changed at all?
To this day, I still don't know why or how Procy decided to pick me up. Maybe he was inebriated, maybe he was too sober. But effectively, Crashington and I were shitting doing who knows what and we stumbled upon some SCP products that weren't attributed properly. When we went to report it, we started noticing more stuff and kept reporting it. Either Procy got impressed or wanted us to shut up because he made us Licensing JS on the spot.
As I've risen up, I've mostly taken a more quiet role, mostly because my claim to fame - mass culling images - is a thing of the past now. The EN wiki is almost clean, those days of image hunting are fondly remembered, but no longer here. For now, I just stick to hawking over the _image tag for any new articles and mentor the new generation of Licensing staff.
Alrighty, so we have talked extensively about images on site, but not as much about the license. We are licensed under a Creative Commons license, but not all CC licenses are compatible. What is our license, and why is it that I can not sell SCP merch under say a CC BY-NC 4.0?
Right, here we go.
So the wiki's license is Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0, or CC BY-SA 3.0. What this means is that all content on the wiki falls under that license, and all content made from SCP stuff needs to be compliant with that license.
CC BY-SA 3.0 lets you do whatever the heck you want provided you follow two, simple rules. One: attribute anything you use. This includes assets, drawings, stories, whatever. Don't skimp out with just a link, either. Make sure to make it clear who it is your content is being derived from. Two: whatever you make with those CC stuff also needs to be released under a license that is compatible.
What does compatibility mean? Well, effectively, it means you can't add restrictions to how your content is used. If you were to, say, sell a plushie of SCP-682, as long as you make it clear that SCP-682 is by whoever wrote the article, and includes the Creative Commons release license, neither I nor the author of 682 can stop you from selling it.
This goes both ways, however. If you make artwork of SCP-096 and someone likes it and reposts it or even sells it as a T-shirt, as long as they follow proper CC protocols, you can't restrict them from doing so.
That's why Creative Commons licenses that include -NC or -ND can't be used. Non-commercial, or NC, licenses place the restriction that you can't make money off of that content. Non-derivative, or ND, licenses prohibit you from altering that content in any way. Both of these qualify as additional restrictions and aren't compatible with CC BY-SA 3.0.
Sweet. So, breaking away from staff work for a moment. You were part of the recent batch who were promoted to Moderator. Congrats on that of course. How does it feel to be a Mod? Has anything really changed for you?
It feels… quiet. I never expected to be here, much less so put up for promotions. It's given me the confidence to be more vocal during staff discussions sure, and I get asked to do some stuff that only moderators and above can do occasionally, like unlocking metadata and whatnot. But aside from that, life's more or less the same.
Alright, so to round things out, we don't really get a lot of time to read and enjoy things on the site as much whenever we are swamped with staff work. With that being said, when you have had the time, have you gotten the chance to read anything recently that you really happened to enjoy?
I tend to avoid reading new articles because I don't want to become attached to them should I ever have to speak to the author about images.
That said, I did enjoy the sequel to Tanhony's Among Us SCP. I know it caused quite a lot of commotion when the original came out, so when people went ballistic over the sequel, I figured I should check it out myself.
Pretty cool. Alright, that should do it. Thanks for doing this with me!
No problem, thanks for having me!
Staff News:
This month, we introduced 4 new Junior Staff members to the fold: Vivarium, Sirslash47, Zoobeeny, and Cyvstvi13.
Moderator aismallard has taken up the mantle and started back up our monthly "Good Noodles" which is where Junior Staff are recognized for performing their duties in a manner that the captain wishes to acknowledge in a space where all other staff can see. This month's set of "Good Noodles" includes:
From MAST:
- Penguin6
- Limeyy
- Vivarium
- Sirslash47
- pr0m37h3um
From Tech Team:
- Kufat
From Forum Crit:
- Zoobeeny
Long-time moderator A Random Day officially retired ending his 5-year long stint as part of staff.
Administrator Modern_Erasmus opened up the new Rewrite Request Thread to be the new place to request rewrites for low rated pages under staff purview, as well as for all rewrites of works that a prolific SCP author and former community member recently bequeathed to the SCP Wiki community to remix and revitalize.
Moderator aismallard initiated the vote on the Adult Page Guide discussion. This vote was to create this page as an official site guide and memorialize this as the procedure for creating adult pages on the SCP-EN. It was passed unanimously and implemented.
Moderator aismallard initiated the vote on the First-Class Themes Proposal. This vote was for theme pages to be created as standalone creative works similar to tales, SCP articles, and other pages on the wiki since they are created by users and already both require Tech Team approval as part of the CSS Policy, and are subject to deletion like any other page. It was passed with a vote of 19 in favor and 6 against and implemented.
Moderator UraniumEmpire initiated the discussion on the Overhauling Introductions proposal. The discussion brought up the issue that the introductions subteam for Community Outreach faces in it's current form and sought to create a better way for them to function. The discussion will continue, but has been put on hold at the moment.
Moderator Croquembouche initiated the discussion on the New category for pages listing works by an author proposal which would create a category for pages that provide links to more works by a given author. It was passed unanimously and implemented.
Operational Staff WhiteGuard carried out the Inactive Staff Retirement which oversaw the automatic retirement of 35 long inactive members from staff.
Here you will find a selection of artists whose art output is worth following. Click on the cropped thumbnails to go to pages with full artworks.
BreakerBreaker's Art Hub by BreakerBreaker
SCP-529"Josie the Half-Cat"

"The Princess and Her Bodyguards Walk Alone"

"The Immortality"

daphne04's Amino Page by daphne04
SCP-100"Jamaican Joe's Junkyard Jubilee"

"With Many Voices"

"Afterschool Retention"

The Art of Miss Miaou by Miaou
SCP-3167"Character Assassin (Or: The Serial Killer)"

"Just a Teenage Gaea"

"The Archetype"

Q: Can I replace a blurb that you wrote for one of my articles with my own? I'm not satisfied with it.
A: Absolutely. You will always have that option at any point.
Q: I noticed an error/typo/incorrect information and wish to correct it. May I?
A: Sure! If the changes are not limited to your own article(s) and/or are substantial changes across multiple entries, you should post in that month's discussion page and then make the changes.
Q: I wrote an article and it seems to have stuck. Can I send a blurb of mine to one of the frequent collaborators?
A: Yup! It's much easier if you come to us about it, and it gives you the control over what you want shown on the news page.
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