News for March, 2021

This is a series showing off news from the site, articles from the past month1, and fan-content for you to check out and discover! Be sure to leave a comment with your thoughts!

From the Editorial Desk -

Welcome to the new and improved Site News feed! We're excited to introduce a bunch of new features, as well as an entirely new look and feel. Over the last few months we've been trying to increase the visibility of the Site News in an effort to bring more attention to some of the incredible work coming out across the SCP Foundation Wiki community.

The Site News has always been a vehicle to not only showcase the month's work, but also to provide an informative look at the entirety of the SCP Wiki community as a whole. In an effort to do that, we've added a new section called "Staff Spotlight", where we'll be bringing you interviews from members of all the different SCP Wiki staff teams. Last month we highlit Forum Crit and interviewed cybersqyd. This month we're targeting Licensing with an interview with Naepic.

As we move forward, the Editorial section will include blog posts from the various members of the Site News team, discussing various aspects of the site and covering some of the goings on behind the scenes. While we've always had 05 Command as a way to maintain transparency about what Staff is up to, there has always been a disconnect between the Staff and the general wiki community. This is an effort to bridge that disconnect and to give our readers more information about who we are as staff and fellow members of the SCP Wiki community.

As we continue to get more feedback from the community on what does and does not work as a way of generating effective communication, you might begin to see more new things, so stay tuned.

With a huge thank you from the entire Site News team:
Editors: TSATPWTCOTTTADC & MalyceGraves
Reporters: Naepic, The Pighead, WhiteGuard, DrAkimoto, Edna_Granbo, Hexick, & Limeyy


Q: Can I replace a blurb that you wrote for one of my articles with my own? I'm not satisfied with it.

A: Absolutely. You will always have that option at any point.

Q: I noticed an error/typo/incorrect information and wish to correct it. May I?

A: Sure! If the changes are not limited to your own article(s) and/or are substantial changes across multiple entries, you should post in that month's discussion page and then make the changes.

Q: I wrote an article and it seems to have stuck. Can I send a blurb of mine to one of the frequent collaborators?

A: Yup! It's much easier if you come to us about it, and it gives you the control over what you want shown on the news page.

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