DISCLAIMER: This is the Site News for the English Branch of the SCP Wiki. The opinions of the individual members of the Site News team that are presented in each edition of the Site News are their own thoughts and are not meant to be representative of the Site News team as a whole nor are they representative of the staff body as a whole. If you take issue with any of the contents, then feel free to reach out to the editor(s) and they will review the contents to see if there are any edits that need to be made. We intend to always deliver interesting content to you, and we understand that there may be times where controversial or unpopular opinions will be presented whether by our writers or our editor(s). Thank you for your understanding!
Table of Contents
Stories and Editorials
Some exciting news for wikijump! They recently announced that Release Stage 0 is complete and will be moving onto Release Stage 1 for the new project plan.
To those unaware, Wikijump will be the new home for SCP wiki users that is developed by the English SCP Wiki's Technical Team. Their mission is to create a platform that is up-to-date and maintainable so that we may all continue to engage with the community that we have built.
Release Stage 0 is a trial run to make sure the fundamentals can be built and improved upon in future stages. Here is what they have to say:
As you may remember, recently we announced the new project plan (more detailed reading) for Wikijump development, dividing the work into a series of stages. Each one would be governed by an overall state that the project should be at at each stage, which allows us to focus on producing an MVP (minimum viable product) more effectively.
This blog post is commemorating the fact that Release Stage 0 is complete! As you can see, all the items in the epic are finished, and I thought I’d take the time to reflect on what has been achieved so far.
As noted in the announcement post, Stage 0 was pretty small. The primary goal was to start off on an even foundation: we had some areas which were really well-developed and others which were pretty spare, and by implementing some of these basic missing components we can continue development in a more evenly-balanced way.
In the upcoming year we will be starting on Release Stage 1, which furthers this goal by getting all the basic platform operations, infrastructure, and UIs implemented. Some specific items planned include page locks, user creation and restrictions, and the wjfiles user data hosting site! After this stage, with all the fundamentals set up, it should be easier for various contributors to add new features and fixes.
Overall, I’ve been excited with the changes we’ve been able to make recently and hope for many more in 2025!
Be sure to check out the blog post for further information: https://www.wikijump.org/2024/12/31/release-stage-0/
- By Strange Matter

The Spanish-speaking SCP Wiki, or "ES" for short, has announced Project Torquemada! Project Torquemada is a community-driven rewrite effort designed to bring old Series I ES articles up to modern writing standards. It's not that the articles are bad, but a lot of them were deemed lacking by the community in recent years, so ES Staff decided to show them some love.
The old versions of the articles will not be deleted, but rather will be moved to the VO category, which stands for Versión Original, or in English, Original Version. The rewrite event will continue until the 12th anniversary of the ES Wiki, which is on May 5th. At that point, all the rewrites will be posted and a special achievement title will be granted to everyone who participated.
This of course, means that the INT versions of articles will be needing updating so it is going to be a busy time to be a translator in the near future! Stay tuned for more.
- By Uncle Nicolini
Public Domain contest has been announced! In this contest, teams of three authors will each choose a public domain character and write a selection of stories involving that character. Any character is allowed as long as it’s in public domain! Posting for this contest begins February 15, 05:01 AM UTC, and ends March 1, 05:01 AM UTC. Voting ends March 12, 2025 05:01 AM UTC. You can find a link to the contest page here!
- By ParallelPotatoes
Writing and Art Prompts
Site News is bringing you monthly writing and art prompts! Every month there will be user-submitted prompts to help inspire new pieces. Participation in these prompts is completely optional, and any pages based on the prompts will be featured in the next issue of Site News! If you're interested in submitting a prompt for next Site News, send a wikidot PM to ParallelPotatoes. One prompt submission per person, and up to five prompts will be shown in each edition of Site News.
This month's prompts are below!
Dangerous, but Harmless Submitted by Mister_Toasty
The wiki is full of anomalies that hurt and kill. I'd like to see a story about an anomaly that does no harm to any living organism, but is still considered very dangerous.
Dragon SCP Submitted by psychicprogrammer
The "dragon" SCP attribute tag was two articles short. Let's write them!
The following articles were inspired by a prompt and written this month!
SCP-8064 Written by Anonymodesu
Inspired by "Truth is, the game was rigged from the start" from November 2024's prompts!
If you write an entry inspired by this or a previous month's prompts, feel free to send a wikidot PM to ParallelPotatoes to have it featured in the next Site News! There isn't a time limit on getting prompt submissions featured, so feel free to write for a previous month's prompts as well!1
Writing Club: Adaptation! Sunday, February 2, 2025 2:00 PM EST
With PDCon coming up, adaptation of our beloved public domain characters and concepts for the SCP wiki is on all of our competitive minds. But how do you tackle adaptation? How do you keep a character recognisable but still a new approach? Fly is joined by Psi and Corax to talk adaptation technique, public domain darlings, and reinterpretation, with a set of examples found on our very own Wiki!
Art Club: Character Design! Sunday, February 23, 2025 2:00 PM EST
A recognisable character is easy to come to mind, but a lot harder to design. What makes a character stand out, how do you visualise that, and what art tips and tricks can you apply? Eventyr's sailorenoch kicks off this Art Club with their tips and tricks on character design!
Features Last Month
Top Articles of the Month
Ratings of course do not mean everything, but they are representative of what people happened to like seeing at the time. With this in mind, the following are the top-rated works last month, so if by some chance you haven't encountered them yet, be sure to check them out!
Top-Rated SCP
Rounderhouse’s Bone Proposal by Rounderhouse
The slave's soul cannot be free so long as his body is chained. True liberation is the liberation of the flesh, and the slave's flesh can only be liberated when the blood of the master is spilled.
Top-Rated Non-SCP
Bone Prelude: FISHSKIN by Rounderhouse and Fishish
I remember when the fish first started talking to me.
Front Page Features
Every month, an article is selected from each of the three common article types: SCP, Tale, and Group of Interest Format. These three articles are displayed on the front page for the month to bring further recognition to them.
If you would like to view the previous front page features, you can view the archive for the SCPs here, the archive for the Tales here, and the archive for the GoI Formats here!
SCP Article
SCP-8093 by ParallelPotatoes: Ship of Theseus (But It’s Bones!)
Standard skeletal misinformation practices are in place.
Akiva Counter Operating Instructions by Jerden
It is unclear whether this increase in Akiva radiation reflects the human belief in the entity that is manifesting, or whether it is due to the divine being's faith in its own abilities.
UIU File: 2021-354 (OPERATION: SUPERFUND) by Kothardarastrix
Following a Parawatch post reporting extreme, previously undocumented anomalous activity in Kidney, New York, the UIU conducted an investigation into the anomaly's properties and causes. The SCP Foundation became involved, to an unclear extent.
Reviewers' Spotlights
Works are featured on the site’s front page as part of the Reviewers’ Spotlight, which acknowledges the time and effort spent by forum reviewers helping other authors develop and edit and their works for the mainsite. Each month, community members are encouraged to nominate forum reviewers who have been both particularly helpful and active. Members of the Forum Criticism Team will then discuss the nominations, and select four prominent reviewers to choose the month’s Reviewers’ Spotlight front-page features.
If you would like to view previous spotlights, you can view the archive for them here!
1st of January
SCP-8151 by Gunpowdr [Featured by Mr Panik]
During Delphi events, SCP-8151 will materialize on a wall within the room, displaying vague, foggy patterns and shapes on the window for approximately five minutes.
9th of January
SCP-8049 by DoctorLilithSophia [Featured by Old One Goaelat]
SCP-8049 is a game played exclusively between alternate timeline or dimension versions of the SCP Foundation.
17th of January
The Bowe Transition by Queerious [Featured by Fish^12]
Parallel, nondescript furniture sat stagnant in an oppressive basement, each pillow perfectly aligned, everything in its place.
25th of January
SCP-8986 by PeppersGhost [Featured by Fireknight]
Experiments indicate that the likelihood of a given object being affected by SCP-8986 positively correlates to the object's resemblance to a living human person…
SCP Data & Trends
All the goings-on of the site condensed into bite-sized takeaways! Is there a statistic or figure you would be interested in knowing? Let us know and we can feature it next time!
Due to technical issues, this month's charts have been delayed. Last month's charts are below. Check back here later for the updated charts!

Like before, we are still renovating this section. It will likely be a couple months, but we will soon have a nice little stats section here. In the meantime, please enjoy our monthly charts.
Also, what do YOU want to see in the monthly stats section? Any data you want to know about? Please leave a comment about it in the Discussion page or use this anonymous google form.
- By Data Analysis Team
New Content this Month
There is a multitude of wonderful works that are posted to the Wiki every month whether they be SCP articles, Tales, GoI Formats, Art pages, Author Pages, Essays, and more! Below, we have all of the creations for this month listed out by week and type (except for art pages, we did that earlier!) We have added little emojis next to articles that qualify to add some additional content. Below we have listed out the emojis we use and what they mean. Be sure to give them a look!
🤝 = Co-authored works - It is always interesting to see the dynamics of how people work together!
🌐 = International works - Articles translated from one of our international branches!
💯 = Articles rated at +100 and higher - These are articles that have seen success and should be celebrated for it!
📈 = SCP articles rated under +30 and Tales and GoI Formats rated under +20 - Let's show these a little love!
Week of January 1st
SCP Articles
- 📈 SCP-8063- Written by galaxy1220.
- 📈 SCP-8254- Written by ThatGuyThatTime.
- SCP-8216- Written by Aftokrator.
- 🤝🌐 SCP-CN-3000- Written by DouglasLiu and DrStse. Translated by Sazanami and vxeov.
- SCP-8230- Written by Dino—Draws.
- 💯 SCP-8566- Written by Felixou.
- 📈 SCP-7822- Written by Pumgumgum.
- 📈 SCP-8284- Written by Delta_Nine.
- 📈🌐 SCP-366-DE- Written by Gramlin. Translated by Karpfisch.
- 📈 SCP-8892- Written by Harriet Farrar.
- 📈 SCP-8064- Written by Anonymodesu.
- 📈 SCP-8588- Written by Yeraven.
- Potato Leek Soup - Written by VapidPoem.
- 📈 Launched Into Parenthood - Written by Pedagon.
- 📈 Cold Turkey - A Prelude - Written by Uncle Nicolini.
- Of Starfish - Written by xexnoncores.
- 📈 Nobody's Greetings - Written by Esperanza_Cai.
- The Lake Oahe Monster - Written by ubergoober.
- 📈 I dream of an electric sheep. - Written by Veloch.
- 🤝 Divine Intervention - Written by Grigori Karpin and Uncle Nicolini.
- Pediatric Para-Psychology - Written by Uncle Nicolini.
- 📈🌐 Bonds - Written by XenOGax. Translated by Soroborou.
- Clean-Up for Customer 082 - Written by Mr Panik.
- GraveCall-MemoryExploit_20560413_v3.pdf - Written by Pedantique.
- Silver Hair & Silver Tongues - Written by Ralliston.
- 📈 The Pilot- The Original - Written by Alzin Cdag.
- FALLOUT - Written by Intercedent.
- GREENLIGHT - Written by Anorrack and Intercedent.
GoI Formats
- 📈 Ambrose: The Moderni Bacchae - Written by Fenmoth.
- 📈🌐 UIU File: 2001-745 - Written by O-92_Mallet. Translated by Uncle Nicolini.
- 📈 Art Exchange 2024 Gift for Strange Matter - Created by LittlePengwy.
- 📈🌐 Bits of artworks of my favorite SCPs - Created by acoriander. Translated by Dr Talcite.
- 📈 Fenmoth's Art Page - Created by Fenmoth.
Miscellaneous and Untagged Pages
- 📈 Reviewers' Spotlight Archive III - Written by Zyn.
- With the Old Gods Hub - Written by DrBleep.
- 📈 Secure Facility Dossier: Site-80 - Written by DolphinSlugchugger.
- 📈 Semiotics Hub - Written by PoufyPoufson.
Week of January 7th
SCP Articles
- 📈 SCP-8272- Written by Starofkrypton.
- 📈 PPC-8068- Written by newnykacolaquantum.
- 📈 SCP-8525- Written by xexnoncores.
- SCP-8882- Written by Billith.
- 📈 SCP-8807- Written by Doctor Scrappy .
- 📈 SCP-USA64-356- Written by SynthPanda_.
- SCP-255- Written by xexnoncores.
- 📈 We Are Enemies but Not Here- Written by SuMontienne.
- 📈 SCP-8878- Written by Billith.
- 📈 SCP-8723- Written by Diogene_s.
- 📈 SCP-NaN- Written by Billith.
- 💯 ROUNDERHOUSE's Bone Proposal - Written by Rounderhouse.
- 📈 SCP-8575- Written by TheChunk.
- 📈 D. Partment gets a job at "WAffle House" - Written by IronShears.
- the gray tide - Written by Intercedent.
- The Cold Cult of The Yukon - Written by Yossipossi.
- 📈 Obsolescence - Written by Voct.
- Nobody Came to the Funeral - Written by Grigori Karpin.
- VKTM is for the Children - Written by Grigori Karpin.
- You've Got Whatever's Left of Me to Get - Written by kingofmice.
- Dead Capitalism Theory - Written by xexnoncores.
- 📈 OPEN THE GATE - Written by Billith.
- 🤝 Bone Prelude: FISHSKIN - Written by Fishish and Rounderhouse.
- I Told You That I Was Afraid - Written by Uncle Nicolini.
GoI Formats
- UIU Memorandum — Paralaw Briefing - Written by GreenWolf.
- 📈 Screaming Into the Silence - Created by ShallweYesweshall.
- Infinitely Complicated - Created by MisterFrown.
- 🌐 melospiza66‘s Oceanography Center (Caution! Starfishs) - Created by melospiza66. Translated by Olicus.
- 📈 Illustrated SCP technical summary sheets - Created by Gaeldk.
Miscellaneous and Untagged Pages
- the intercedency (authorpage) It's Intercedent's Author Page!
Week of January 14th
SCP Articles
- 📈 VNP-8581- Written by newnykacolaquantum.
- 📈 SCP-7041- Written by hi im stel.
- SCP-7854- Written by Dr Leonerd.
- 📈 SCP-8902- Written by Dynexus.
- 📈 SCP-8127- Written by Crowbot.
- 📈🌐 SCP-ZH-730- Written by Fallen_Truth. Translated by Kikunai.
- 📈🌐 SCP-ZH-610- Written by SamScript. Translated by Kikunai.
- 📈 SCP-8924- Written by Fireknight.
- 📈 SCP-8968- Written by Anorrack.
- 📈 SCP-8117- Written by GravelEnthusiast.
- 📈 SCP-8939- Written by Doctor Scrappy .
- 📈 SCP-8194- Written by Baronjoe.
- 📈 SCP-7494- Written by Orbalorb.
- 📈 SCP-8414- Written by Pomaranczowa Czapka.
- 📈 SCP-8477- Written by Comrade Waldo.
- 📈 SCP-5930- Written by Nils Severin.
- 📈 SCP-8879- Written by TheChunk.
- 📈 SCP-8495- Written by DrYossarian.
- 📈 SCP-8402- Written by Segurrahs.
- 📈 SCP-8482- Written by DevWarehouse.
- 📈 SCP-8268- Written by Blindbeard.
- SCP-8675- Written by Harmacy.
- 📈 Black Freighter, Black Sea - Written by UncannyClown.
- The Ghost Of Molly Roger - Written by Clacky2000.
- 📈 Med-Bay Reflection - Written by Iszth.
- 📈 Silence Will Not Save You - Written by Rosyfox2002.
- The First Day of the Rest of Your Life - Written by AstersQuill.
- 📈 Shark Punching Poetry - Written by AgentCheese.
- 📈 A Good Light's Sleep - Written by DoctorLilithSophia.
- The American Emptiness - Written by Harmacy.
GoI Formats
- Critter Profile: Pothole! - Written by Queerious.
- 🌐 PROJECT GRANT: Martian Stormpiercer - Written by Ralliston. Translated by Ralliston.
- 📈🌐 SC-17/035-20/462 - Written by ClockedHead. Translated by fluxman.
- PROJECT GRANT: A Lunar City - Written by psychicprogrammer.
- 📈 Initium Novae Fabulae - Created by ShallweYesweshall.
- 📈 SCP-6629 Fanart - Created by cptsquid.
Miscellaneous and Untagged Pages
- The Jeanbauthor Page It's J_V_G's Author Page!
- 📈 Studies Policy - Written by Uncle Nicolini.
- GoIs and You: Government Alphabet Soup - Written by Uncle Nicolini.
Week of January 21st
SCP Articles
- 📈 SCP-8449- Written by Hearthkeeper.
- 📈 Scp 8510- Written by ProfessorSilver.
- 📈 SCP-6514- Written by Captain_Wavzies.
- 📈 SCP-2381- Written by DrBleep.
- SCP-8702- Written by daveyoufool.
- 📈 SCP-8846- Written by sprawlingstar.
- 📈 SCP-8985- Written by Jezixo.
- 📈 SCP-8170- Written by HominiLupus.
- 📈 SCP-8301- Written by DrBluejay.
- 📈 SCP-7284- Written by Sinking_Otter.
- 📈 SCP-8840- Written by Mister_Toasty.
- 📈 SCP-8172- Written by Tsercele.
- 🤝 Metaphysician/Karpin Proposal - Written by Grigori Karpin and Metaphysician.
- 📈 SCP-8960- Written by VapidPoem.
- 📈 SCP-8715- Written by EthereaLl1.
- 📈 "Safety" Clock- Written by Bloby1337.
- 📈 Killing Dracula - Written by AnActualCrow.
- 📈 First Shots - Written by Letova.
- 1. Voodoo Ranger - Written by Rounderhouse.
- Amnesia Was Fir Name - Written by Dino—Draws.
- 📈 Escapism V - Written by DarkStuff.
- 📈 bloodsandandguns - Written by RADIO00HEAD.
- 📈 Adrift in an Ocean of Memories - Written by Queerious.
- 📈 Extinction Event - Written by Dr DeSanta.
- Calling on the Blackbird - Written by GreenWolf.
- 📈 A Passing Rain - Written by Uncle Nicolini.
- 📈 Where It All Ended - Written by GreenWolf.
GoI Formats
- 📈 OPEN LETTER TO US GOVERNMENT - Written by TroutMaskReplica.
- 📈 Anomaly 123 - "The Ember Tea" - Written by generikname.
- 📈 Project Proposal 2004-481: "Over The Facts" - Written by clutterArranger.
- 📈 The Art of Project Cerberus - Created by Gelbsucht_IE.
Miscellaneous and Untagged Pages
- 🤝 A Semi-Comprehensive List Of Foundation Bots - Written by A Random Treestump, Gabriel Kero, and newnykacolaquantum.
- 📈 Moth Squad Guide - Written by Queerious.
- 📈 Escapism Hub - Written by DarkStuff.
- 📈 napalms hooch It's Napalmdoctor556's Author Page!
- PUBLIC DOMAIN CON - Written by syuzhet.
Week of January 28th
SCP Articles
- 📈 SCP-8264- Written by alexdiflip.
- SCP-864- Written by Miss Lapis.
- 📈 SCP-8572- Written by Ralliston.
- 📈 SCP-8237- Written by Crystallantern.
- 📈 SCP-8684- Written by Ecronak.
- 📈 SCP-705-FR- Written by MasterTman2.
- 📈 Scp 7828- Written by 3xtreme_Awesomeness.
- 📈 Scp-7322: "Glitchy" Reality- Written by Mahdidotlemcen.
- 📈 Scp 8116 / The Eye of Nightmares- Written by TheKaboy.
- 📈 SCP-7133- Written by J_V_G.
- 📈 DCD-0122 - Written by Mafiew. Translated by MasterTman2.
- 📈 Shitty Morning - Written by Zaszx.
- 📈 Escapism VI - Written by DarkStuff.
GoI Formats
- 📈 General Hatter - Written by Baronjoe.
- A Weapon of Mass Destruction (Holding a Bremmel Gun) - Created by biiin.
- 📈 05-1 The Vanity (FAN DESIGN) - Created by MasonFlores.
Miscellaneous and Untagged Pages
- N/A
Thank you so much for reading the SCP Wiki's Site News!