Site News Hub

This is a summary for site articles and fandom creations for the month in whole, posted at the beginning of each month. If you wish to comment on this news series as a whole, or make suggestions, please comment on this hub instead of the individual pages. Please do not add rating modules to any of the individual pages.

rating: +369+x

DISCLAIMER: This is the Site News for the English Branch of the SCP Wiki. The opinions of the individual members of the Site News team that are presented in each edition of the Site News are their own thoughts and are not meant to be representative of the Site News team as a whole nor are they representative of the staff body as a whole. If you take issue with any of the contents, then feel free to reach out to the editor(s) and they will review the contents to see if there are any edits that need to be made. We intend to always deliver interesting content to you, and we understand that there may be times where controversial or unpopular opinions will be presented whether by our writers or our editor(s). Thank you for your understanding!

Stories and Editorials

Event Schedule

Hello readers, writers, artists, and creators of the SCP wiki! Have you ever wanted to know what SCP events were happening before they happened? Well, this year SCP staff is happy to announce the official event schedule! This schedule lists the planned events and contests for the upcoming year. Stay tuned to find info on participating!
January Team Contest
March International Team Contest and Spring Cleaning
July Art and Writing Contest
September Sciptember
October SCP-9000 Contest
November-December Art Exchange

- By ParallelPotatoes and Contest Team

Nico's Year In Review

Wouldn't you believe it, it's that time of the year again. The time for us to look back on the year and highlight some exceptional writing! Let's dive right in, shall we?

SCP-7804 is another short article, though this one really hammers in the creepy atmosphere. It's part of a loose series of related anomalies that all have a similar, offputting creepy vibe to them. I feel like this one would do well with an audio adaption, so if you're someone who can do that, consider this a challenge!

SCP-8799 is a longer article about cultural imperialism, ORIA, and two people from different backgrounds coming together and falling apart. It's truly beautiful, and if you're at all a fan of TuftoTufto's other work, this is an article I wouldn't dare miss out on.

SCP-1929 is a rewrite of an old article that had a few loosely connected themes and ideas, but ultimately didn't execute them too well. The rewrite takes the themes of the Dust Bowl, oppressive atmosphere, and destructive force to make a masterclass of horror. This is highly effective writing, and it comes courtesy of none other than the legendary PeppersGhostPeppersGhost! Give it a read!

SCP-8591 is one of those article that you either hate or love, and personally, I love it. It's barely a minute long read, if that, so I won't yep about it, but if you're reading this, you might as well give it a shot.

What If My Love Language Is Hurting People? is a long, slow burn of a tale about a young man learning how to live with himself and the hand he was dealt. Mind the content warnings.

VNP-111 is a cute little article about an old wiki favorite, Dragon Snails, in the post-veil world of From 120's Archives/No Return where the Foundation has taken up preserving the anomalous rather than containing it. The article has a lot of charm and the images add a lot to it, I recommend giving it a look!

The American Experiment is a heart wrenching tale about loss of home, motherland, and cultural identity. I would go on about it, but it would get lost in translation. This is just one of those pieces you have to read to truly get.

SCP-8916 is a glimpse into racism in the South, Sundown Towns, and lynchings. Titled after Billie Holiday's /song of the same name, this article, much like the song, provides strong commentary on just how institutional this all is. Harrowing.

Nothing Happens is the first tale in the third book of the legendary The Breach Goes On series by our talented friend HarryBlankHarryBlank. It features your favorite cast of characters from Site-43, and is a mind-melting timeywimey good time.

SCP-8980. Yeah, we all know it. But I would be remiss to not mention this one, ha.

SCP-8843 is an article about the systematic erasure of minorities, and how those who are not affected often turn a blind eye to it. It's also got lesbians, so I'm sure that ought to entice some of you.

Onko Sinulla Nälkä: Mourners' Repast is a lovely little recipe blog about Sarkic culture and what it's like to be away from your culture. It's got a lot of charm, the recipes look delicious, and there's even a section to add your own experiences at the bottom if you try them!

- By Uncle Nicolini

Want to get more critique? Try Discord!

With the year coming to a close, I'd like to commemorate the site's official Discord server and dedicated writing section, Deer College, an important resource for several of us here at site news.

The server, including the original writing channels were set up on 18th August 2021 but it would take almost exactly 3 years to become what it is today. In its infancy, the entire server was only available to staff or authors and the writing section being "mostly just chaos" and "nearly impossible to moderate"1. Whilst the original set of channels had some recognisable features, such as #writing-general and #meta-critique (a channel for getting crit on your crit), it also contained now abandoned ideas like the #author-critique channel (a channel for critiquing entire authors).

During this time, the critique moderation team was run by MeserachMeserach and transitioned form being a fluid team of anyone that volunteered into a solid team when the server opened to the public in early 2022. Much of the changes that make Deer College what it is today came about when user PedagonPedagon was promoted to crit captain in the absence of Meserach and, with assistance from user OriTieflingOriTiefling, overhauled the previous systems to be in line with what it is today.

Currently the main critique process is quite similar to the the onsite process, with the greenlight system being shared by both but using Discords forum system, #Idea-critique and #Draft-Critique opened around the start of December 2022. There is also #Specialized-Critique2 which allows topic-specific critique from experts on a subject.

There's even an equivalent to the Butterfly Squad in the Moth Roster, previously referred to as the Spider Squad by Pedagon3 until it was made official on 23rd February 2023. Several of us at site news are actually moths!

Deer also hosts more general channels including channels for brainstorming4, help with CSS, and current wiki events (including our monthly prompts).

Overall, Discord has allowed Deer College to form a much stronger sense of community compared to onsite crit forums, with staff and moths frequently giving out advice and making friends in the #writing-general channel. This of course isn't to discredit the resources on site; the butterflies and other active users do great work and its recommended that aspiring authors use both in tandem.

If you're interesting in using Deer College all you have to do is join the discord and sync your Discord and Wikidot accounts. To end this, I'd like to give a final thanks to Pedagon and everyone who has worked to make Deer the welcoming and accessible place it is. Hopefully we see many new faces there in the new year!

- By ProblemPal

Writing and Art Prompts

Site News is bringing you monthly writing and art prompts! Every month there will be user-submitted prompts to help inspire new pieces. Participation in these prompts is completely optional, and any pages based on the prompts will be featured in the next issue of Site News! If you're interested in submitting a prompt for next Site News, send a wikidot PM to ParallelPotatoesParallelPotatoes. One prompt submission per person, and up to five prompts will be shown in each edition of Site News.

This month's prompts are below!

Knights Of The Zodiac Submitted by ThePhantomMan
Write an SCP based off a zodiac.

Bonus Gift Submitted by ParallelPotatoes
Create a bonus gift for someone in the 2024 art exchange and send it to them!

The following articles were inspired by a prompt and written this month!

SCP-8530 Written by Ethagon
Inspired by "The Comeback Kid" from October 2024's prompts!

If you write an entry inspired by this or a previous month's prompts, feel free to send a wikidot PM to ParallelPotatoesParallelPotatoes to have it featured in the next Site News! There isn't a time limit on getting prompt submissions featured, so feel free to write for a previous month's prompts as well!5


No seminars have been scheduled for this month. Check back next month for more seminars!

Features Last Month

Top Articles of the Month

Ratings of course do not mean everything, but they are representative of what people happened to like seeing at the time. With this in mind, the following are the top-rated works last month, so if by some chance you haven't encountered them yet, be sure to check them out!

Top-Rated SCP

SCP-8630 by Yossipossi: Pin the Dart on the Donkey

When an individual attempts to throw a dart at a target using SCP-8630, the dart will always land directly on its target, regardless of the dart's initial momentum or the wielder's capabilities.

Top-Rated Non-SCP

Deny, Delay, Depose by TroutMaskReplica

Her Grandmother's hand, once warm and firm, is now gone.

Front Page Features

Every month, an article is selected from each of the three common article types: SCP, Tale, and Group of Interest Format. These three articles are displayed on the front page for the month to bring further recognition to them.

If you would like to view the previous front page features, you can view the archive for the SCPs here, the archive for the Tales here, and the archive for the GoI Formats here!

SCP Article

SCP-8212 by habaniah: Mornings at the Starlight

SCP-8212 is a virulent Usinsk-class “Pattern Screamer” ideoform that attained humanoid form in Pierre, South Dakota on May 4, 2015.


there are still humans in corning, right? by halcyon_days

The town isn't sitting right with me for a number of reasons. Everything was way too empty for two in the afternoon.


Critter Profile: Clara! by Sebarus

Any damage inflicted on her repairs almost immediately, and she doesn't seem to age. We're looking into ways of helping her, but we're a bit over our heads I'm afraid.

Reviewers' Spotlights

Works are featured on the site’s front page as part of the Reviewers’ Spotlight, which acknowledges the time and effort spent by forum reviewers helping other authors develop and edit and their works for the mainsite. Each month, community members are encouraged to nominate forum reviewers who have been both particularly helpful and active. Members of the Forum Criticism Team will then discuss the nominations, and select four prominent reviewers to choose the month’s Reviewers’ Spotlight front-page features.

If you would like to view previous spotlights, you can view the archive for them here!

1st of December

SCP-8802 by daveyoufool [Featured by Anonymodesu]

While indestructible and hostile, the subject is extremely weak and requires minimal containment effort.

9th of December

SCP-7928 by Everturning [Featured by Iszth]

SCP-7928 refers to a Tau-Rho (“eldritch”) entity referring to itself as “Tr’Kxladi, the outer god of interruption and mortal foil.”

17th of December

SCP-5394 by Sound Chaser [Featured by Zoobeeny]

Locating SCP-5394 victims is logistically difficult due to their isolated nature.

SCP Data & Trends

All the goings-on of the site condensed into bite-sized takeaways! Is there a statistic or figure you would be interested in knowing? Let us know and we can feature it next time!

Due to technical issues, this month's charts have been delayed. Last month's charts are below. Check back here in a few days for the updated charts!


Like before, we are still renovating this section. It will likely be a couple months, but we will soon have a nice little stats section here. In the meantime, please enjoy our monthly charts.

Also, what do YOU want to see in the monthly stats section? Any data you want to know about? Please leave a comment about it in the Discussion page or use this anonymous google form.

- By Data Analysis Team

New Content this Month

There is a multitude of wonderful works that are posted to the Wiki every month whether they be SCP articles, Tales, GoI Formats, Art pages, Author Pages, Essays, and more! Below, we have all of the creations for this month listed out by week and type (except for art pages, we did that earlier!) We have added little emojis next to articles that qualify to add some additional content. Below we have listed out the emojis we use and what they mean. Be sure to give them a look!

🤝 = Co-authored works - It is always interesting to see the dynamics of how people work together!
🌐 = International works - Articles translated from one of our international branches!
💯 = Articles rated at +100 and higher - These are articles that have seen success and should be celebrated for it!
📈 = SCP articles rated under +30 and Tales and GoI Formats rated under +20 - Let's show these a little love!

Week of December 1st

SCP Articles

  • 📈 SCP-7253- Written by Letova.
  • 💯 SCP-8630- Written by Yossipossi.
  • 📈🌐 SCP-518-JP- Written by Tenten_518. Translated by Salamander724.
  • SCP-7811- Written by PoufyPoufson.
  • 📈 SCP-8214- Written by M0N0G0N.
  • 📈 SCP-8977- Written by ASCII Tarot.
  • SCP-891- Written by habaniah.
  • 📈 SCP-6841- Written by DreadnoughtGalaxy.


GoI Formats


Miscellaneous and Untagged Pages

Week of December 7th

SCP Articles


GoI Formats


Miscellaneous and Untagged Pages

Week of December 14th

SCP Articles


GoI Formats

  • N/A


Miscellaneous and Untagged Pages

Week of December 21st

SCP Articles


GoI Formats

  • N/A


  • N/A

Miscellaneous and Untagged Pages

Week of December 28th

SCP Articles


GoI Formats


Miscellaneous and Untagged Pages

Thank you so much for reading the SCP Wiki's Site News!

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