About Time Maxyfran73 Made an Author Page
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The name’s Maxyfran73! Well, not like, really my name. Well, kinda my name but-

Whatever, point is, hey. Hello. How you doing? I, uh… I forgot what the point of writing this was.

Author page? Yeah, author page. This is my author page. Maxyfran73’s author page. Er. Maxyfran73Maxyfran73’s author page.

So uh, yeah, that’s- That’s pretty much all I wanted to say here. I am not that good at that whole talking about myself thing.

So instead, let’s get onto the fun part.

Latest Work

Eikyū Monogatari, First Chapter - The Two Primordial Beings

A story about the Father and the Mother of the Aeternal Empire.

[Art Exchange 2023 - A Gift to TyumenTyumen]

And now, because this author page is rather empty in my opinion, I’ll take a page out of JP author pages, and just dump worldbuilding in here because I need a place to leave shit in that I can reference and I’m not making canons n’ dossiers, and all that shit for something only I’ll write for so… Yeah, it’s all gonna go here. It makes it easier to edit if I feel like adding stuff, you know? Sides, who checks Author Pages ‘sides the author, yeah?

Anyway, let me present to you…



Site-50, also known as Site-8150 due to its Area Designation, is a Foundation Site in Japan, located right below the National Diet building complex in Chiyoda City, Tokyo.


The Site was officially built in 1946, but has been in service of documenting the anomalous since 1906, when the first version of the building was built as the Headquarters to the Imperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination Agency, better known as the IJAMEA. The building was surrendered and repurposed following the re-entry of the Foundation after Japan’s surrender in 1945.

Site-50’s first Site Director was Kanamori Tokujiro, Minister of State under Shigeru Yoshida. Under him, Site-50 was shaped into a place where all information collected by the IJAMEA and other anomalous agencies from Japan and the territories occupied by them was reviewed and entered into the Global Foundation Database. The Site became another example for the Americanization of Post-War Japan, adopting many of the now-outdated processes of Securing, Containment and Protection that the Foundation is well-known for.

While Tokujiro’s life as a Director was comparatively short-lived, resigning in 1953, he was vital in allowing the Foundation to take control of Japan’s anomalous scene, making several anomalous organizations, such as the Shūshū-In, Tōno Yōkai Sanctuary’s administration, Japan’s Special Affairs Division and Kisaragi Construction choose the Foundation to support over the Global Occult Coalition during the Post-War Expansion of the two organizations. He was also pivotal in the establishment of the Japanese Anomalous Groups Peace and Amity Treaty Organization (JAGPATO), which sought to solve issues between the Foundation and the GOC during this period.

The second Site Director of Site-50 became Mamiya Fukurō, the Site’s RAISA Administrator, and previous assistant librarian for IJAMEA’s main library, selected for his opposition to the biblioclasm of ‘Heretical Texts’ proposed by the Agency. His work was well liked for his expansion into the ideals of Tokujiro by bettering relationships with the branches of former territories of Japan, such as China, Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines, Hong Kong, and others. He pushed for the recognition of crimes committed by the Empire of Japan and repayment of debts regarding them, a controversial movement for the time. The Foundation under him also saw major conflicts following the Girard Incident and the Anpo struggle, which momentarily debilitated American involvement inside of Site-50, allowing for domestic forces to have bigger control over the operations of the Foundation within Japan. Following the protests, plans to move Site-50 to another location were discussed, but were ultimately put to rest with the Director’s death in 1964. Mamiya was killed in his house, victim of the wave of attacks of politicians by right-wing activists following the televised assassination of Inejirō Asanuma in 1960.

The third and current Site Director of Site-50 is Fukurō’s son, Mamiya Sesshou. The assassination of the previous director, followed by the appointment of his son, a known ultranationalist, were seen as suspicious by many members of the Foundation and other Groups of Interest, especially after he began proposing changes to his father’s work. Sesshou’s tenure saw the revival of old Foundation procedures, especially dealing with the hiring and general treatment of anomalies, seen by many as ‘devolving into the barbaric methods of Imperial Japan’, and opposed several key points of the 1965 Peace treaty between Japan and the Republic of Korea, movement seen just as, if not more controversial. Following general unrest in the region, the East Asian Regional Council lobbied for the expulsion of Sesshou from his position, and settled with the establishment of a tripartite system that would divide the Director’s power into three positions, adding the Head of Research and Head of Security positions as Directors for Site-50. This primitive, experimental system would be seen reflected and refined in other Foundation Sites the following decades.

1972 saw the Asama-Sansō hostage incident, in which radical activism began fading from the country, and both Japan and Site-50 focused strongly on its own internal economy. As Japan’s culture and technology quickly saw a shift, the Foundation adapted accordingly: Site-50 was rebuilt, with paratech utilized to create a much better Headquarters for the Japanese Branch of the Foundation. Japan went from four Sites and Areas to several dozens, and while events like the Nixon Shock and the Endaka Recession affected the economy, it eventually led to the Japanese Asset Bubble of 1986, which created a climate of rapid economic progress that allowed Site-50 to continue expanding, becoming one of the 10 most influential Foundation Sites during the era. The bubble burst put and following the Lost Decades period injured the country and the Site heavily, causing many of its paratechs and anomalies to be taken by other Sites, needing to resize, and allowing for entrance of foreign Foundation entities to take hold of the internal administration of Site-50. Currently, thirty to forty percent of all functions of the site are performed by either foreign Foundation departments or organizations directly unaffiliated with the Foundation.

While Director Mamiya originally opposed the denationalization of “his own Site”, age has made him less opposed to the notion. Nearing his nineties, many believe he’s become a puppet for the Regional Council, and is expected to leave his position within the next five years, either settling in the Foundation’s Nursing Home in Kitakyushu, or inside the Mamiya Family mausoleum in the Aoyama Cemetery.


Site-50 used to be one of the most technologically advanced facilities during the 60s and 70s, even becoming the most expensive Site maintained in the year 1988. While it has since fallen off, it stands as a massive, self-sustainable complex that has survived through many disasters, both natural and man-made.

Administrative Level

Encompassing the space right underneath the National Diet building and the Diet Library, this section is used as the main entrance to the Site, either by foot through the many Diet entrances, as well as by car through an extension to the Diet building’s parking lot. While simple in scope, it’s well guarded by Foundation agents who protect both Foundation staff as well as the members of the National Diet.

The administrative section is where all the paperwork is done, having the offices of the Site Director and most members of the Archival Division, RAISA liaisons, Internal and External Relations, Security, and so forth. Two cafeterias, an indoor park, several meeting rooms, a ballroom, and many other amenities litter this section of the Site. While big sections of this level are brand-new, you can still find bits and pieces of the old IJAMEA Headquarters these sections were built on top of.

This section is also were most of the guarding personnel is located, being the center of the Security Department. It is also the only section of Site-50 that would remain if Protocol Sakoku is enacted.

Research Level

The biggest section of the Site, it’s where all research and documenting occurs. Most offices to all departments and divisions are located here: Mythology And Folkloristics, History, Historiography, three Tactical Theology divisions, Spectral Affairs, Practical Research, the rest of Archival, Anomalous Weapons Development, Procurement and Liquidation, Parazoology, etc. Well over 50 different departments work in this place, most of its members working for several departments as the need arises.

Furthermore, a massive space of empty rooms known as the “Imperial Reception Hall” is available to any personnel from any Foundation or Foundation-allied group to relocate their research groups within the area. In exchange for prioritized use of all findings, they are given a location and appropriate funds to work with.

Finally, most habitation for employees is located at the end of the research level. Several other amenities are located here as well.

Containment Level

The containment section of the Site is rather small, as the Site mainly works with Safe and/or immobile anomalies, as well as data on anomalous phenomena. Still, this section is built according to standard containment measures, and contains 120 standard containment cells, of which a fifth of them are in use.

This section also contains the training grounds for the two MTF squadrons that are on stand-by at the site, as well as their housing chambers, and the housing chambers of several anomalous entities that work for the Site.


The bowels is where three massive constructs are located: One is the Yatagarasu-powered nuclear fusion reactor powering the entire Site and a sizable portion of the Tokyo Metropolis, another being the Piping System connecting to one of Japan’s biggest Ley Lines, which cleans all water and air used in the Site. These two machines are constantly cleaned up and maintained; failing to do so would be disastrous.

The third is a Mark VII Thresher Device that is connected to the Bowels, as well as the Containment and Research level. The Thresher device is a relic that was used to replace nuclear detonators for Sites located in densely populated areas, which, under emergency situations, are used to perform Protocol Sakoku, which would remove most of the Site from reality. As with the two before, it is regularly maintained and has so far not been used.

Modular Design

One of the most unique and advanced (At the time, rather common now) technologies applied to Site-50 when it was rebuilt was a modular system in which every room within Site-50 is designed to be separated from the rest of the Site. All rooms and corridors have standardized sizes that allow for them to be sealed to stop matter from entering them or escaping them. Several systems such as tranquilizing gas, nerve gas, air purifiers and fire suppressants are installed on most of these modules. Weapons, medical equipment, emergency kits, and override systems have been installed as well.

Technicians from the Security Department are able to activate security measures that seal up entire sections of the facility, and can freely move each module through special rails that compose the layout of the facility. This way, if an emergency occurs in the deeper levels that requires medical care given on the upper levels, the injured party can be moved into a room that can be sealed, then moved into a section adjacent to the medical department, and be immediately treated there. This also allows for threats to be isolated and terminated remotely.

While the use of this modular design is immense, it requires constant maintenance that has bled through the Site’s resources on several occasions. Due to this, it’s rarely used, and only a handful of personnel have full access to it.

Dimensional Railways

In 2009, Foundation personnel was able to strike up a deal with a pluripotent entity capable of traversing and altering reality through railways. With their cooperation, a system of dimensional railways were built that utilize the alteration of physical laws while crossing universes to speed up bullet trains such that they can reach any other Site in record time.

Currently, the railways are able to connect 14 Sites and Areas together. Plans for expanding the system are underway.

Literary Nonsense

“Literary Nonsense” is a Food Court section located in the lodging section of the Containment Level that is partially inserted into the Wanderers’ Library. Conversations between the Head of the History Department and the current Chief Archivist of the Library bloomed during an unsupervised travel into the Location in 2012, and the area was inserted as an experimental attempt to bring peace to both parties. While controversy has arisen from both sides, the area has remained, and is well known in both the Planasthai and the Foundation’s internal press as a “step in the right direction” to fix the scars brought in by previous members of the Foundation.

A cooking competition organized by Allison Ambrose, from Ambrose Restaurants (Not that one) (Not that one either) takes place at the location, as well as a Sushiblade competition. Both have become integral festivities for Site-50.

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