The Following Containment Procedure Was Unanimously Approved by the Site Directors' Executive Committee of the Whole and the O5 Council
Item #: SCP-001
Object Class: Thaumiel (Subjective assessment)
Special Containment Procedures: It was the unanimous subjective opinion of the Site Directors' Executive Committee of the Whole1 on May 3, 20██ that the SCP-001 database entry slot should be locked to edits and only made available for modification with seven (7) private keys belonging to members of the O5 Council. It was the majority subjective opinion of SDECotW that the object believed to have been most recently designated SCP-001 should no longer be given an SCP designation, and should be stored in a standard high-value containment locker in Site-19.
It was the unanimous opinion of SDECotW that no objective claims or statements should be made in the main SCP-001 page of the Foundation Database under any circumstances, only verifiably true records of the opinions of Foundation governing bodies in the past.
It was the majority opinion of the O5 Council on May 3, 20██ that in the event that Entity Thaumiel, Dr. Mary Nakayama, or any entity claiming to be either makes contact with the SCP Foundation, they will be referred to the O5 Council for negotiation and cooperation. It was the majority opinion of the O5 Council that no efforts will be made at this time to neutralize Entity Thaumiel or the vulnerabilities of the SCP-001 database position.
Description: It was the unanimous opinion of SDECotW and the O5 Council on May 3, 20██ that any statement of fact made on this specific SCP Foundation Database page ⦿/Procedures/001/SCP-001.ftml becomes objectively true. The prior unanimous opinion of SDECotW and the O5 Council holds that modifications to this page have vast, and potentially infinite, Category–Aleph Room ("Greatest Concern") reality modification consequences; the prior unanimous opinion of SDECotW and the O5 Council held that no further testing on these effects is to occur due to the potential XK/CK/LK/VK/ZK/תK-Class Scenarios believed to be highly probable with said testing.
It was the unanimous opinion of SDECotW that other pages within the ⦿/Procedures/001/ portion of the Foundation Database have no anomalous effects, and that prior versions of the SCP-001 database leading to the believed discovery of SCP-001's effects and the possible creation of Entity Thaumiel are to be stored as subpages in this directory for reference.
It was the unanimous opinion of SDECotW that all blank spots on the Foundation database shall be checked for further Category–Aleph Room reality modification anomalies, and that only a series of 1,000 thoroughly checked database spots shall be available to Foundation personnel for the designation of new Special Containment Procedures at any given time.