Object Class: [DATA EXPUNGED]
Special Containment Procedures: [DATA EXPUNGED]
Description: [DATA EXPUNGED]
Discovery Log: 10/13/2014
In the early morning of October 13th, 2014, an anomalous broadcast was detected originating somewhere in southern Indiana. Further investigation led Mobile Task Force Kappa-8 "Weed Whackers" to an apartment building in [DATA EXPUNGED], where it was discovered that the source of the broadcast was an animate, talking cactus. Foundation personnel have allowed for the flowering desert plant, which refers to itself as D.J. Kaktus, to continue to live at its original point of discovery1.
To escape the tedium of this confinement, the cactus has begun to transmit a series of weekly2 podcasts. The identities of the show's guests are unknown.
Addendum Kakti-3: Collected Recordings
The following recordings have been collected and cataloged in an ongoing effort to further understand the mystery and beauty of can't even leave my computer open around the goddamn cactus the nature of SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED SEXY] FUCKING CHR-
Researcher's Note: I guess most people would be thrilled to get paid like I do to sit and watch a cactus make podcasts all day, but… yeesh. This guy is a clown. - Researcher Fourier
O5 Note: Fine. You can get back to teaching remedial math to the Class-D's like you were before.
Researcher's Note: No O5-senpai pls, I will watch the cactus. - Researcher Fourier McMathNerdington
Newest Episode!
KaktusKast Episode 27: WrongJohnSilver
WrongJohnSilver waits patiently for his chance to share his perspective with the SCP community, and then djkaktus does fuck all with the audio file for several months. Laughs ensue.
Kaktus Picks of the Last Several Months: SCP-3393 - "For Your Eyes Only" - Captain Kirby / SCP-001 - "Dead Men" - Tanhony
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:07:51):
SCP-001 - "Normalcy" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-3393 - "For Your Eyes Only" - Captain Kirby
SCP-001 - "Dead Men" - Tanhony
72 Hour Jam Contest
SCP Foundation March Madness Hub - djkaktus
Dramatic Reading Corner: (0:07:51 - 0:13:27)
SCP-001 (Unlocked) - WrongJohnSilver
Interview: WrongJohnSilver (0:13:27 - 1:08:08):
SCP-087 - "The Stairwell" - Zaeyde
SCP-173 - "The Sculpture - The Original" - Moto42
SCP-093 - "Red Sea Object" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-128 - "Kinetic Energy Entity" - HK-016 (Rewritten by WrongJohnSilver)
It's Just A Dream - WrongJohnSilver
Reimagining Contest
SCP-209 - "The Sadist's Tumbler" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by Mulciber)
black white black white black white black white black white gray - tunedtoadeadchannel
Mobile Task Force Contest!
SCP-3000 Contest
Short Works Contest
Groups of Interest Contest!
Great Hippo's Great Skippos - The Great Hippo
CapnThatguy's Personnel File - CapnThatguy
SCP-2315 - "Mother Always Knows" - WrongJohnSilver
Funerals Are Fun - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-2289 - "The Devils' Eyes" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-2460 - "Dark Satellite" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-3966 - "Falling Out" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-001 - "When Day Breaks" - Shaggydredlocks
SCP-1875 - "Antique Chess Computer" - TheMadStork
SCP-3101 - "Contain Me Harder" - Cyantreuse
SCP-8900-EX - "Sky Blue Sky" - tunedtoadeadchannel
SCP-847 - "The Mannequin" - Xian (Rewritten by WrongJohnSilver)
SCP-3008 - "A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA" - Mortos
SCP-2521 - "●●|●●●●●|●●|●" - LurkD
On Mount Golgotha - Hub
SCP-2203 - "Find the One for You!" - WrongJohnSilver
Outro (1:08:08 - 1:12:55)
KaktusKast Archive
KaktusKast Episode 1: Djoric
djkaktus sits down with famed SCP tale author Djoric and discusses his upcoming projects, views about rewrites, and their shared love of CryogenChaos.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: SCP-032 - "Brother's Bride" - Dmatix
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:00:50)
Interview: Djoric (0:00:50 - 0:49:14):
SCP-1867 - "A Gentleman" - Djoric
Adventures in Capitalism Hub - Djoric
Dr. Wondertainment Hub
The Cool War - Randomini
Acquisitions - a Marshall, Carter & Dark Tale - SRegan
Anart Antics - TwistedGears
Learning The Alphabet Hub - TwistedGears
SCP-2782 - "The Flock" - Faminepulse
SCP-2598 - "Traveling Moth Salesman" - djkaktus
SCP-1782 - "Tabula Rasa" - Faminepulse
Groups of Interest Contest!
SCP-2845 - "THE DEER" - Djoric
Lord Blackwood and the Land of the Unclean - Smapti
Lord Blackwood and the Great Tarasque Hunt of '83
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
Talks With the Family - Djoric
SCP-087 - "The Stairwell" - Zaeyde
A Sad Day
SCP-096 - "The "Shy Guy"" - Dr Dan
SCP-073 - ""Cain"" - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-076 - ""Able"" - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-1981 - "Ronald Reagan Cut Up While Talking" - Digiwizzard
SCP-2166 - "The Reformation" - Djoric [article since deleted]
SCP-166 - "Teenage Succubus" - DrClef
SCP-455 - "Cargo Ship" - Dr Gears
SCP-445 - "Dr. Wondertainment's Super Paper" - CryogenChaos
SCP-256 - "Trapped in the Typewriter" - DrakeRunner
SCP-947 - "Their Own Fault" - djkaktus [article since deleted]
Marshall, Carter and Dark Hub
SCP-1483 - "The Third Antarctic Empire" - Djoric
Outro (0:49:14 - 0:50:39)
KaktusKast Episode 2: KateMcTiriss
djkaktus hangs out with co-writer and life partner Kate McTiriss. Topics range from Dixieland Nightmare Magic to 001 proposals to banging.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: SCP-001 - "A Record" - Kate McTiriss
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:00:23)
Interview: Kate McTirris (0:00:23 - 0:55:45):
SCP-2830 - ""the Knowledge"" - Kate McTiriss
SCP-2445 - "Wondertainment Logistics" - djkaktus
Dr. Wondertainment Hub
Marshall, Carter and Dark Hub
SCP-072 - "The Foot Of The Bed" - Kate McTiriss
SCP-1558 - "Snuff Tower" - Kate McTiriss
Dixieland Nightmare Magic Hub - Kate McTiriss
SCP-2072 - "Prime Ministerial Pet Cemetery" - Kate McTiriss
Kate McTiriss's Personnel File - Kate McTirris
SCP-2558 - "Horseshoe Beach First Baptist Church (Relocated)" - Kate McTiriss
The One Thousand Deaths of Pastor Lewis Robinson: The Ethics of Repeatedly Drowning Baptists - Doctor Cimmerian
Essays On Style
SCP-682 - "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile" - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
SCP-2172 - "This Light Never Turns Green" - Kate McTirris
Fault Lines - Kate McTirris
SCCP-2930 - "Cross City City City City Hall" - Kate McTiriss
SCP-2272 - "Ellis Canastota, P, Pensacola Blue Wahoos" - Kate McTirris
Oneiroi Group of Interest Hub
SCP-1057 - "Absence of Shark" - Voct
SCP-1291 - "Football Gods" - Anaxagoras
Gloriana Alexylva Hub - djkaktus
SCP-001 - "A Record" - Kate McTiriss
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
SCP-001 - "Thirty-Six" - Djoric/Dmatix
SCP-001 - "Sheaf of Papers" - Jonathan Ball
SCP-001 - "The Prototype" - Dr Gears
SCP-001 - "The Gate Guardian" - DrClef
qntm's author page - qntm
SCP-001:O5 - DrBright (Now AdminBright)
SCP-001 - "The Spiral Path" - DrEverettMann
SCP-001 - "The Legacy" - Aelanna
SCP-001 - "The Foundation" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
Outro (0:55:45 - 0:57:23)
KaktusKast Episode 3: Eskobar
djkaktus sits down with SCP Wiki Staff Moderator Eskobar, and many pertinent adult discussions take place about the site, chat, and Alexylva bullshit.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: How To Debate An Armchair - InsipidParoxysm
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:01:37)
Interview: Eskobar (0:01:37 - 1:08:38):
SCP-2812 - "Echoes of Yesterday" - djkaktus
SCP-1893 - "Minotaur's Tale" - Eskobar
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
SCP-2998 - "Anomalous Transmission" - Eskobar
SCP-2000 - "Deus Ex Machina" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-2600 - "The Empty Box" - Roget
SCP-2682 - "The Blind Idiot" - Faminepulse
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
Alexylva University Hub
SCP-1173 - "Islamic Republic of Eastern Samothrace" - Eskobar
SCP-002-J - "Amnesiac Treatment" - AndarielHalo
SCP-055 - [unknown] - qntm
SCP-093 - "Red Sea Object" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-1546 - "University Ballcap" - Eskobar
SCP-2845 - "THE DEER" - Djoric
The Cool War - Randomini
Are We Cool Yet? Hub
Outro (1:08:38 - 1:11:53)
KaktusKast Episode 4: Zyn
THE ZYNTERVIEW, where djkaktus tunes in with SCP Foundation Wiki staff moderator Zyn! Forum stuff and writing is discussed, and also butterflies, happiness and singing take place. djkaktus' cold heart grew three sizes this day.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: Facetious Fanatics - TwistedGears
Also go here! Look at art! Support people! Be awesome!
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:02:37):
SCP-087 - "The Stairwell" - Zaeyde
Interview: Zyn (0:02:37 - 0:51:14):
Dixieland Nightmare Magic Hub - Kate McTiriss
SCP-1045 - "Candle of Life" - Drewbear
SCP-1000 - "Bigfoot" - thedeadlymoose
SCP-2000 - "Deus Ex Machina" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-1981 - "Ronald Reagan Cut Up While Talking" - Digiwizzard
SCP-348 - "A Gift From Dad" - Zyn
SCP-2332 - "Thought Messenger" - Zyn
Kiryu Labs Hub - Zyn
Waking - Zyn
SCP-1355 - "House of Harmonious Boxes" - Zyn
SCP-1457 - "Mourning Cloak" - Zyn
Researcher Zyn's Personnel File - Zyn
Site News Hub
Guide for Newbies
Outro (0:51:14 - 0:53:50)
KaktusKast Episode 5: Faminepulse
Episode 5, where djkaktus hangs out with the enigma himself, Faminepulse! Some shit is talked about, but it's mostly heavy breathing by both parties, so take that as you will.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: Israfil - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:00:59)
Interview: Faminepulse (0:00:59 - 1:00:31):
SCP-082 - ""Fernand" the Cannibal" - FritzWillie
SCP-2682 - "The Blind Idiot" - Faminepulse
SCP-2782 - "The Flock" - Faminepulse
SCP-1782 - "Tabula Rasa" - Faminepulse
SCP-893 - "Asexual" - Faminepulse
SCP-2845 - "THE DEER" - Djoric
SCP-1124 - "Xenoplague" - Faminepulse
SCP-1200 - "The Means to Delay" - Faminepulse [article since deleted]
SCP-2558 - "Horseshoe Beach First Baptist Church (Relocated)" - Kate McTirris
SCP-682-J - "SUPER BESTEST LIZERD EVER" - Faminepulse/Salman Corbette
SCP-682 - "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile" - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
SCP-2782 - "The Flock" - Faminepulse
13. Mr. Purple - Faminepulse
SCP-1782 - "Tabula Rasa" - Faminepulse
SCP-1562 - "Tunnel Slide" - trennerdios
SCP-726 - "Reconstructive Maggots" - bogleech
SCP-239 - "The Witch Child" - Danteson
SCP-2890 - "World Group Auction House" - djkaktus [article since deleted]
Alexylva University Hub
SCP-1173 - "Islamic Republic of Eastern Samothrace" - Eskobar
Rat's Nest Canon
Dixieland Nightmare Magic Hub - Kate McTiriss
SCP-093 - "Red Sea Object" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-610 - "The Flesh that Hates" - NekoChris
SCP-455 - "Cargo Ship" - Dr Gears
Groups of Interest Contest!
Fifthist Hub
Dr. Wondertainment Hub
SCP-543 - "Noise" - Clipperton
Outro (1:00:31 - 1:02:34)
KaktusKast Episode 6: TwistedGears
djkaktus chills for a while with friend and fellow nerd TwistedGears! Important things are discussed, but none more important than how adorable SCP-2300 is.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: SCP-649-2568-J - "Technicolor Geography" - Doctor Cimmerian
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:03:43)
Interview: TwistedGears (0:03:43 - 1:05:12):
A Fancy Dinosaur - TwistedGears
Learning The Alphabet Hub - TwistedGears
[[Boron Blisters]]] - TwistedGears
Anart Antics - TwistedGears
The Under-Appreciated SCPs Contest
Exploded Diagram of a Young Woman - Chubert
Exit History - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Are We Cool Yet? Hub
The Cool War - Randomini
Mr. Redd Audio Adaption - Randomini
Hugo Hijinks - djkaktus
Nazi Nonsense - Kalinin
Nondescript Nose - Kalinin
Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer Hub - Doctor Cimmerian
Acidverse - Randomini
Broken Light Hub - trennerdios
SCP-093 - "Red Sea Object" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
wowwee go kill ursefl - Randomini
Chaos Insurgency Hub
Groups of Interest Contest!
Cactus Insurgent - TwistedGears
Miss Heir - TwistedGears
Sisters - thedeadlymoose
Fifthist Hub
Track 3: Uh... - Faminepulse
Serpent's Hand Hub
Church of the Broken God Hub
SCP-2217 - "Hammer and Anvil" - Ihp
SCP-2598 - "Traveling Moth Salesman" - djkaktus
SCP-1160 - "Effective Containment" - djkaktus
SCP-2980 - "Devil's Nightlight" - djkaktus
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
SCP-1782 - "Tabula Rasa" - Faminepulse
SCP-2782 - "The Flock" - Faminepulse
SCP-2300 - "Periodic Golems" - TwistedGears
SCP-____-J - "Procrastinati" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-1672 - "Thinking Inside the Box" - TwistedGears
TV Tropes' SCP Foundation Page
Game Day
Game Day Part 3: Synchronous - Roget
New Years Contest!
Competitive Eschatology Hub
SCP-696 - "Abyssal Typewriter" - TwistedGears
Outro (1:05:12 - 1:08:50)
KaktusKast Episode 7: Roget
The great and terrible Roget shows up to slum around with djkaktus! Topic of conversation include the ridiculous number of SCPs Roget has written, the ridiculous number of SCPs Roget has written, and the ridiculous number of SCPs Roget has written. Also dogs.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: Sic Transit Gloria Mundi - spikebrennan
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:02:13):
Learning The Alphabet Hub - TwistedGears
Gray God - TwistedGears
Dystopia Contest
Interview: Roget (0:02:13 - 1:11:29):
SCP-1507 - "Pink Flamingos" - Roget
SCP-744 - "Assembly Required" - Roget
SCP-1725 - "Servant Enhancements" - Roget
Activity Documentation File 11-A - Roget
SCP-2969 - "In Your Own Words" - Roget
SCP-1178 - "Floating ICBM" - Roget
SCP-1984 - "Dead Hand" - Kalinin
SCP-001 - "Keter Duty" - Roget
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
SCP-2600 - "The Empty Box" - Roget
SCP-2600-EX - "Furred Trout" - Roget
SCP-2600-J - "Bicycle Mafia" - Roget
SCP-2600-CU - "The Cutest Little Thing" - Roget
Dixieland Nightmare Magic Hub - Kate McTiriss
SCP-2845 - "THE DEER" - Djoric
SCP-1833 - "Class of '76" - Roget
Remembrance - Roget
Prelude: First Bell - Roget
SCP-332 - "The 1976 Kirk Lonwood High School Marching Band" - Roget
SCP-814 - "Pure Tones" - kabu (Rewritten by Roget/Mr Carbon)
SCP-1423 - "Summer of '76" - Roget
Alexylva University Hub
Are We Cool Yet? Hub
End Of Olympians Hub - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
Acidverse - Randomini
Secure Facility Dossier: Site-77 - Roget
SCP-2682 - **"The Blind Idiot" - Faminepulse
SCP-2000 - "Deus Ex Machina" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
New Years Contest!
Old Man In The Sea Canon
lolFoundation Canon
Long Live The King - Roget
My Brother The Ape - Roget
No One Else Will Protect Us - Roget
Overview of MTF Psi-7 "Home Improvement" - Roget
History of the Universe Essays - Roget
Eberstrom's Proposal-ARC - Eberstrom
Scantron's Art Blog!
Outro (1:11:29 - 1:16:38)
KaktusKast Episode 8: FortuneFavorsBold
djkaktus hangs out with the ever so cool FortuneFavorsBold, and talks sci-fi, time travel, SCP-2000 and Dr. Thaddeus Xyank. Cool people talking about cool things. How cool?
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: SCP-2731 - "When Hell Freezes Over" - Silberescher
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:06:36):
Dystopia Contest
Starch and Cream - djkaktus
Interview: FortuneFavorsBold (0:06:36 - 0:58:09):
SCP-400 - "Beautiful Babies" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SoullessSingularity's Challenges Thread
SCP-1297 - "A Jar of Toenails" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-001 - "The Spiral Path" - DrEverettMann
Five Questions
SCP-947 - "Their Own Fault" djkaktus [article since deleted]
SCP-1780 - "The Temporal Anomalies Department" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Iteration 0 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
The Deep End - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Erstwhile and Again - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Exit History - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Document 1780-WL - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
20 GOTO 10 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-176 - "Observable Time Loop" - Aelanna
SCP-084 - "Static Tower" - Dr Gears
SCP-281 - "The Snooze Alarm" - Crayne
SCP-2400 - "Temporal Dilation Facility" - Anborough
Church of the Broken God Hub
SCP-2000 - "Deus Ex Machina" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
SCP-2998 - "Anomalous Transmission, 2485 MHz" - Eskobar
Document Recovered From The Marianas Trench - Dr Gears
SCP-173 - "The Sculpture - The Original" - Moto42
Outro (0:58:09 - 1:00:56)
KaktusKast Episode 9: SunnyClockwork
djkaktus gets to know the mysterious and talented SunnyClockwork! The two talk about the Chinese wiki, what it's like to be involved with the Foundation on an international level, and Sunny's stunning black and white art. One of the most fun interviews djkaktus has done so far!
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: SCP-2062 - "Kronecker" by InsipidParoxysm
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:03:47):
Dystopia Contest
Interview: SunnyClockwork (0:03:47 - 0:52:30):
SCP-666-J - "Dr. Gerald's Driving Skills" - FPST
SCP-4357-J - "Cooperative Demon" - Drewbear
I Wrote a Tale - SunnyClockwork
SCP-603 - "Self-Replicating Computer Program" - psh
SCP-882 - "A Machine" - Dr Gears
Church of the Broken God Hub
SunnyClockwork's Artwork Hub
SCP-231 - "Special Personnel Requirements" - DrClef
SCP-2598 - "Traveling Moth Salesman" - djkaktus
"Nobody" HUB
ㄗitch 卄aven
SCP-2999 - "The Black Cat and the White Rabbit" - Fantem
SunnyClockwork's Tumblr
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
SCP-001 - "Keter Duty" - Roget
SCP-1295 - "Meg's Diner" - Dmatix
SCP-871 - "Self-Replicating Cakes" - Seibai
SCP-001 - "Thirty-Six" - Djoric/Dmatix
SCP-003 - "Biological Motherboard" - thedeadlymoose
SCP-073 - ""Cain"" - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-085 - "Hand-drawn ''Cassy''" - FritzWillie
SCP-093 - "Red Sea Object" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-217 - "The Clockwork Virus" - Dr Gears
Visual Records Wiki
SCP-1915 - "Status Quo" - Dmatix
Outro (0:52:30 - 0:55:16)
KaktusKast Episode 9.5: djkaktus
The KaktusKaktusKast! Dr. Cimmerian sits down with djkaktus to talk about podcasts, tales, and other silly nonsense.
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:01:42)
Interview: djkaktus (0:01:42 - 0:57:38):
Dystopia Contest
SunnyClockwork's Artwork Hub
SCP-2000 - "Deus Ex Machina" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Document Recovered From The Marianas Trench - Dr Gears
Mission Statement - Dr Reach
I, Autarch - Kalinin
Starch and Cream - djkaktus
SCP-455 - "Cargo Ship" - Dr Gears
SCP-093 - "Red Sea Object" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-184 - "The Architect" - Dr Gears
Experiment Log 455 - NekoChris
Exploration Log Record 455 3 - Dr Gears
SCP-076 - ""Able"" - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-173 - "The Sculpture - The Original" - Moto42
SCP-073 - ""Cain"" - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-096 - "The "Shy Guy"" - Dr Dan
The Stars Do Not Wait For You - Dmatix
SCP-1915 - "Status Quo" - Dmatix
SCP-1440 - "The Old Man From Nowhere" - Dmatix
The Flytrap - Sophia Light
Document 001:O5 - DrEverettMann
SCP-001 - "The Spiral Path" - DrEverettMann
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
Unfinished Business - TroyL
Unfinished Business: Part II - TroyL
Outro (0:57:38 - 0:58:25)
KaktusKast Episode 10: Pixeltasim
djkaktus hangs with fellow nerdbro Pixeltasim, SCP author and creator of Alexandra, the #site19 killer chatbot! Much is discussed about the complicated nature of technical things, so if you're easily distracted by other, less interesting things, you might have a hard time with this one.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: SCP-2722 - "SCPS Solidarity" - Von Pincier [article since deleted]
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:01:45):
Dystopia Contest
Interview: Pixeltasim (0:01:45 - 0:56:55):
The Wanderer's Library Wiki
SCP-173 - "The Sculpture - The Original" - Moto42
SCP-2601 - "The Death of Insaera" - Von Pincier [article since deleted]
SCP-2900 - "Nobody gets left behind" - Pixeltasim
SCP-348 - "A Gift From Dad" - Zyn
A Child to Teach - Pixeltasim
New Years Contest!
Only Game In Town Hub
Interlude - The Faraday Girls - Rumetzen
Acquisitions - a Marshall, Carter & Dark Tale - SRegan
New Age - a Tale - SRegan
Unfinished Business - TroyL
Canon Hub
SCP-765 - "Duck Pond" - TroyL
SCP-1802 - "Skip" - Silberescher
Outro (0:56:55 - 1:00:04)
KaktusKast Episode 11: Reject
djkaktus hangs out with longtime SCP author and Dystopia Contest host Reject! Discussions include Reject's body of work, the future of the SCP Wiki, and the #struggle of running a contest.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Contest: Mission Statement - Dr Reach
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:02:31):
Dystopia Contest
Interview: Reject (0:02:31 - 1:02:33):
Contest for 1000!
SCP-1000 - ”Bigfoot” - thedeadlymoose
SCP-504 - "Critical Tomatoes" - BlastYoBoots
SCP-999 - "The Tickle Monster" - ProfSnider
SCP-586 - "Inscribable Object" - Rolaran
SCP-017 - "Shadow Person" - Unknown Author
SCP-072 - "The Foot of the Bed" - Kate McTirris
SCP-184 - "The Architect" - Dr Gears
SCP-093 - "Red Sea Object" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-616 - "The Vessel and the Gate" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by tunedtoadeadchannel/Radioactive Zombie/Pair Of Ducks
SCP-001 - "The Gate Guardian" - DrClef
SCP-1451 - "Sunken Children's Perimeter" - Reject (Now Rejekyll)
SCP-2000 - "Deus Ex Machina" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-148 - "The "Telekill" Alloy" - Lt Masipag (Rewritten by Scantron (Now Communism will win))
Incident 239-B - Clef-Kondraki - DrClef/Dr Kondraki
Reach's Blueprint Folder - Dr Reach
SCP-2722 - "SCPS Solidarity" - Von Pincier [article since deleted]
Transcript of Dr. Clef's seminar, "Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't." - DrClef
SCP-10101 - "Not A Self-Insert At All" - judgedeadd
SCP-076 - "Able" - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-1231 - "The Theoretical Family" - Reject (Now Rejekyll)
SCP-231 - "Special Personnel Requirements" - DrClef
SCP-1733 - "Season Opener" - bbaztek
SCP-087 - "The Stairwell" - Zaeyde
SCP-455 - "Cargo Ship" - Dr Gears
Exploration Log Record 455 3 - Dr Gears
Essays On Style
The Under-Appreciated SCPs Contest
The Great Short Story Contest Archives
Document Recovered From The Marianas Trench - Dr Gears
And it Starts with a Song - Nioki
Dandelions - DrClef
Revenants - Photosynthetic
New Years Contest!
Groups of Interest Contest!
Herman Fuller Hub
Mission Statement - Dr Reach
I, Autarch - Kalinin
Let Me Guess, Applesauce? - Waterfire
Episiotometrics - Eskobar
Time Contest!
Serpent's Hand Hub
Global Occult Coalition Casefiles
Global Occult Coalition Wiki
The Wanderer's Library Wiki
Canon Hub
Dixieland Nightmare Magic Hub - Kate McTiriss
SCP-529 - "Josie the Half-Cat" - Unknown Author
SCP-2170 - "The Clown Vaccine" - Sorts
Starch and Cream - djkaktus
I, Autarch - djkaktus/Faminepulse
Outro (1:02:33 - 1:06:02)
KaktusKast Episode 12: Salman Corbette/Roget/Roth
The KristmasKast! djkaktus welcomes famed funnyman Salman Corbette, friend of the show Roget, and loyal subject to Queen Elizabeth, the majestic Blaroth, to the KaktusKast! In this mega-episode, -J articles are discussed, dialogues are acted out, and Salman plays a butt ghost song. Merry Christmas, SCP folks!
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: I Can't - Nacht Ruine
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:01:35)
Interview: Canadian Christmas Extravaganza (0:01:35 - 1:40:22):
Members Being Interviewed:
Salman Corbette - Research Assistant Corbette's Personnel File - (Full List of Articles)
Roget - Dr. Roget's Personnel File - (Full List of Articles)
Blaroth - Dr. Roth's Personnel File - (Full List of Articles)
SCP-1545 - "Larry the Loving Llama" - Salman Corbette
SCP-682-J - "SUPER BESTEST LIZERD EVER" - Faminepulse/Salman Corbette
SCP-789-J - "the butt ghost!!" - Faminepulse/Salman Corbette
Too Many Cooks - Adult Swim - [NSFW]
SCP-649 - "Matchbox Full of Winter" - AsmodeusDark (Rewritten by Roget)
SCP-784 - "Christmas Cheer" - Snowshoe
SCP-2412-J - "The Laplander" - judgedeadd
SCP-031-J - "Evening of Terrors" - Salman Corbette
SCP-329-J - "The Ghoooost Siiiign" - Salman Corbette
SCP-2600-J - "Bicycle Mafia" - Roget
SCP-173-J - "The Original "The Sculpture"" - Silberescher
SCP-715 - "My Face That I May Be" - agatharights (Rewritten by djkaktus)
SCP-1160 - "Effective Containment" - djkaktus
SCP-2598 - "Traveling Moth Salesman" - djkaktus
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
Tales of Mr. Collector (Hub by Dexanote/Salman Corbette/thedeadlymoose/TroyL)
Learning the Alphabet Hub - TwistedGears
Miss Heir - TwistedGears
SCP-1799 - "Mr. Laugh" - Roget
SCP-917 - "Mr. Moon" - Dexanote
SCP-905 - "Mr. Chameleon" - Dexanote/Salman Corbette
SCP-909 - "Mr. Forgetful" - Dexanote/Salman Corbette
SCP-913 - "Mr. Hungry" - Dexanote/Salman Corbette
Outro (1:40:22 - 1:44:16)
KaktusKast Episode 13: Light
The KaktusKast returns in 2015 with none other than the grand and glorious Light! djkaktus sits down with the journeyman writer to talk about the olden days of staff, author avatars, Competitive Eschatology, and The Flytrap!
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: SCP-2501 - "The Claw" - LurkD
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:04:57)
Interview: Sophia Light (0:04:57 - 0:56:32):
SCP-173 - "The Sculpture - The Original" - Moto42
SCP-087 - "The Stairwell" - Zaeyde
The Flytrap - Sophia Light
Dr. Sophia Light's Personnel File - Sophia Light
Competitive Eschatology Canon
New Years Contest!
Unfounded - Hub
Contest Archive
Unfinished Business - TroyL
SCP-1102 - "The Blue Ridge Phenomenon" - Sophia Light
Contest for 1000!
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
SCP-2000 - "Deus Ex Machina" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-2998 - ”Anomalous Transmission, 2485 MHz” - Eskobar
SCP-2682 - ”The Blind Idiot” - Faminepulse
SCP-1000 - ”Bigfoot” - thedeadlymoose
SCP-1337 - "The Hitchhiker" - DrBright (Now AdminBright)
Log Of Anomalous Items - Sophia Light
SCP-426 - ”I am a Toaster” - Flag
Experiment Log 914 - Dr Gears
Experiment Log 261 Ad De - Dr Gears
Log of Extranormal Events
The Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation - DrBright (Now AdminBright)
SCP-093 - "Red Sea Object" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
Outro (0:56:32 - 0:59:41)
KaktusKast Episode 14: DrEverettMann
Hold on to your kidneys, because Dr. Mann has appeared on the KaktusKast! The mad doctor and victim djkaktus discuss the SCP administration, the man's ravings and writings, and djkaktus gets dissected thoroughly enjoys himself.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: We Need to Talk About Fifty-Five - qntm
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:02:54)
Interview: DrEverettMann (0:02:54 - 1:00:53):
TV Tropes' SCP Foundation Page
SCP-423 - "Self-Inserting Character" - DrEverettMann
Experiment Log 423 A - DrEverettMann
SCP-914 - "The Clockworks" - Dr Gears
Experiment Log 914 - Dr Gears
The Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation - DrBright (Now AdminBright)
SCP Object Classes-ARC
SCP-1983 - "Doorway to Nowhere" - DrEverettMann
SCP-610 - "The Flesh that Hates" - NekoChris
SCP-184 - "The Architect" - Dr Gears
SCP-835 - "Expunged Data Released" - DrClef/Dr Gears
SCP-455 - "Cargo Ship" - Dr Gears
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
SCP-2099 - "Brain in a Jar" - DrEverettMann
SCP-1171 - "Humans Go Home" - DrEverettMann
SCP-682 - "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile" - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
SCP-173 - "The Sculpture - The Original" - Moto42
SCP-679 - "Eyerot" - DrEverettMann
SCP-001 - "The Spiral Path" - DrEverettMann
The Flytrap - Sophia Light
The Stars Do Not Wait For You - Dmatix
Document 001-O5 - DrEverettMann
SCP-001 - "The Prototype" - Dr Gears
SCP-001 - "The Lock" - qntm
SCP-001:O5 - DrBright (Now AdminBright)
SCP-001 - "The Foundation" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-001 - "Keter Duty" - Roget
Outro (1:00:53 - 1:03:42)
KaktusKast Episode 15: DrClef
The dark artist of the SCP wiki himself arrives on the KaktusKast! djkaktus and Clef discuss his history on the wiki, the controversies centered around him, his inspirations and motivations, and other exciting new revelations!
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: Stealing Solidarity - Djoric
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:02:16)
Interview: DrClef (0:02:16 - 1:12:23):
Dr Clef's Personnel File - DrClef
SCP-173 - "The Sculpture - The Original" - Moto42
SCP-682 - "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile" - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
SCP-953 - "Polymorphic Humanoid" - DrClef
SCP-233 - "23-Sided Polyhedron" - DrClef
SCP-668 - "13" Chef's Knife" - DrClef
SCP-447 - "Ball of Green Slime" - DrClef
The Cool War - Randomini
Insufficient Clearance - Randomini
SCP-231 - "Special Personnel Requirements" - DrClef
Incident 239-B - Clef-Kondraki - DrClef/Dr Kondraki
Clef And Dimitri Hit The Road - DrClef/Waxx
The Lombardi Tales - DrEverettMann (Hub by TroyL)
Mann with the Plann, or the Dog Gone Days of Summer - TroyL
Game Day
Unfounded - Hub
New Years Contest!
Groups of Interest Contest!
Da Capo Al Fine - DrClef
Rascal One Actual - DrClef
Special Assets - DrClef
SCP-087 - "The Stairwell" - Zaeyde
Six Little Mice - Pig_catapult
SCP-914 - "The Clockworks" - Dr Gears
Finding The Machine - Fantem
SCP-1322 - "Glory Hole" - spikebrennan
All Things Considered - Photosynthetic
Competitive Eschatology Hub
Global Occult Coalition Casefiles
SCP-2317 - "A Door to Another World" - DrClef
SCP-2845 - "THE DEER" - Djoric
SCP-001 - "The Gate Guardian" - DrClef
SCP-098 - "Surgeon Crabs" - DrEverettMann
SCP-995 - "Under The Couch" - Tadeusz
The Gate Opens - thedeadlymoose
The White Horse (The Conqueror With The Golden Crown) - thedeadlymoose
Welcome to Night Vale - Commonplace Books
Outro (1:12:23 - 1:16:12)
KaktusKast Episode 17: TroyL
The KaktusKast returns from a brief hiatus with the non-sequential addition to the series, the TroyLKast! The host is djkaktus, the guest is longtime SCP Foundation Wiki administrator TroyL, and the topic is three hours of bullshit. Buckle up, buttercup.
Also, before you inevitably ask, yes, I lied at the beginning of this episode about interviewing Dmatix. I am a fraud, a broken man. I thought I was doing what was best for all of us, but in the end I only ruined us. I will not ask for your forgiveness, and I do not expect it.
Carry on.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: Nothing. You get nothing. Good day sir.
Intro (0:00 - 1:53)
Part 1 (1:54 - 83:01):
SCP-005 - "Skeleton Key" - Unknown Author
SCP-784-ARC - "Posthuman Brain" - DrClef
SCP-884 - "A Shaving Mirror" - TroyL
Saving Sigurrós Potter - TroyL
The Great Short Story Contest Archives
SCP-1337 - "The Hitchhiker" - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-902 - "The Final Countdown" - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
Dr. Burns Personnel File
SCP-1055 - "Bugsy" - Sorts
SCP-1370 - "Pesterbot" - Sorts
SCP-804 - "World Without Man" - Sorts
Part 2 (83:29 - 156:48):
SCP-426 - "I am a Toaster" - Flah
That Goddamn Thing - Sorts
SCP-579 - "[DATA EXPUNGED]" - scroton (Rewritten by Sophia Light)
In His Own Image - TroyL
The Man From Maple Street - TroyL
SCP-423 - "Self-Inserting Character" - DrEverettMann
SCP-611 - "Parasitic Toothpick" - TroyL
Part 3 (157:14 - 208:53):
Et Tam Deum Petivi Hub Page
Anart Antics - TwistedGears
The Flytrap - Sophia Light
Unfounded - Hub
All Things Considered - Photosynthetic
Competitive Eschatology Hub
Tenebrae - TroyL
Contain Yourself - TroyL
Unfinished Business - TroyL
Unfinished Business: Part II - TroyL
. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known. - DrClef
SCP-978 - "Desire Camera" - yellowdrakex
Unfinished Business III - TroyL
Halloween Contest!
New Years Contest!
Groups of Interest Contest!
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
Fifthist Hub
Reimagining Contest
SCP-884: Original Collection - TroyL
SCP-642 - "Hot Springs" - Camwyn
SCP-765 - "Duck Pond" - TroyL
Bright's 2011 Challenge Thread
QuacktusKast Episode 18: Quack
quack quack
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: quack
quack quack
KaktusKast Episode 19: AnniversaryKast!
THE ANNIVERSARYKAST ASCENDETH. djkaktus joins many friends and fellows for the anniversary of his joining the wiki, and many topics are discussed and conversations had.
WARNING: SUPER LONG. Don't forget to take a break to use the bathroom or something.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: Chasing Interest - Dmatix
Part 1 (0:00 - 51:22):
Waffling About - Blaroth
Wocky's Art Blog! (NSFW Warning)
SCP-2190 - "Phone calls from Mom" - PeppersGhost
Containment Breach The Musical - PeppersGhost
SCP-2030 - "LA U GH IS F UN" - PeppersGhost
Part 2 (51:29 - 88:50):
SCP-239 - "The Witch Child" - Danteson
Incident 239-B - Clef-Kondraki - DrClef
SCP-105 - "'Iris'" - Danteson
SCP-076 - "'Able'" - Kain Pathos Crow
Duke 'till Dawn - Dr Kondraki
Every Damn Time - ProcyonLotor
SCP-1234-J - "An SCP" - Salman Corbette
SCP-1994-J - "THE BAAAAAAAAAAALLLLL" - ObserverSeptember
SCP-1730 - "What Happened to Site-13?" - djkaktus
SCP-455 - "Cargo Ship" - Dr Gears
SCP-184 - "The Architect" - Dr Gears
SCP-2875 - "The Town That Got Fucked by Bears" - djkaktus
SCPPD Episode 1 - djkaktus [article since deleted]
SCP-2686 - "Moon Wizard" - Wogglebug
Part 3: Random Shit (89:00 - 157:40):
SCP-1848 - "[ACCESS DENIED]" - TroyL
In His Own Image - TroyL
SCP-1059 - "Infectious Censorship" - DrEverettMann
SCP-953 - "Polymorphic Humanoid" - DrClef
Clean Sweep - DrClef
sex at frigid temperature - SoullessSingularity
Routine Psychological Evaluations By Dr Glass - Pair Of Ducks
Resurrection - thedeadlymoose
Part 3: Stuff Similar to the SCP Foundation (157:41 - 169:44):
SCP-087 - "The Stairwell" - Zaeyde
Bees - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
Metafiction - Voct
Acidverse - Randomini
Part 3: Sorts (169:45 - 187:40):
Dr. Sorts Personnel File
That Goddamn Thing - Sorts
SCP-426 - "I am a Toaster" - Flah
SCP-1470 - "Telepathic Spider" - Sorts
SCP-804 - "World Without Man" - Sorts
SCP-745 - "The Headlights" - Sorts
SCP-1370 - "Pesterbot" - Sorts
SCP-1670 - "Interdimensional House of Pancakes" - Sorts
SCP-2170 - "The Clown Vaccine" - Sorts
In Which Dr. Clef Does Not Die, Nor Participate in the Furtherance of any Memes, Nor Even Appear In the Story At All - Sorts
All They Want is the Blood - Sorts
SCP-450 - "Abandoned Federal Penitentiary" - DrClef
SCP-205 - "Shadow Lamps" - Sorts
Collected Data - Sorts
Reimagining Contest
Part 3: Bright (187:41 - 215:59):
Personnel Director Bright's Personnel File
Ecce Perago - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
Annon - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-693 - "Knotty Stalker" - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
The Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-963 - "Immortality" - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-721 - "Factory Toys" - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-590 - "He Feels Your Pain" - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
The Self Insert - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
The Flytrap - Sophia Light
SCP-321 - "Child of Man" - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
Mary Sue Who - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-1777 - "Kings Cave" - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
Unfinished Business - TroyL
Unfinished Business: Part II - TroyL
"I Quit." - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-978 - "Desire Camera" - yellowdrakex
SCP-978 Extended Test Logs - yellowdrakex
An Evening With Bright - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
Part 3: Underrated Authors and Closing (216:00 - 281:47):
SCP-431 - "Dr. Gideon" - DStecks
SCP-659 - "Communal Avian Intelligence" - DStecks
SCP-503 - "The Luckiest Man in the World" - DStecks
SCP-785 - "A Chain Restaurant" - Chubert
SCP-2777 - "He Who Would Be King" - Chubert
SCP-2078 - "Third Party" - Chubert
SCP-891 - "California Field" - Chubert
A Man At The Top of his Profession - name
The Bacterium (Part One) - name
SCP-342 - "Ticket to Ride" - name
SCP-144 - "Tibetan Rope to Heaven" - Fritzwillie
SCP-165 - "The Creeping, Hungry Sands of Tule" - Fritzwillie
SCP-529 - "Josie the Half-Cat" - Ported over by Lt Masipag
SCP-2460 - "Dark Satellite" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-106 - "The Old Man" - Dr Gears
SCP-093 - "Red Sea Object" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-610 - "The Flesh that Hates" - NekoChris
CryogenChaos' Comment Tales - CryogenChaos
SCP-1538 - "Instructions to a Twin-Screw Extruder" - Kalinin
SCP-1659 - "Directorate K" - Kalinin
SCP-701 - "The Hanged King's Tragedy" - tinwatchman
SCP-993 - "Bobble the Clown" - Tanhony
Incident 0401-42-III - 'Chornobylska Katastrofa' - ComradeChernov
SCP-1467 - "The Man that Wasn't" - fooloftime
I Forget Myself in This Wondrous Night - Decibelles
SCP-2310 - "The House That Makes You Sarah Palmer" - lukebn
Acquisition Log SCP-███-█ - Adam Smascher
SCP-939 - "With Many Voices" - Adam Smascher/EchoFourDelta
SCP-1707 - "New Skin" - Mr Carbon
SCP-1496 - "The Most Profound Statement in History A Place Setting" - Mr Carbon
SCP-1261 - "Memetic Emu" - Lumancer
SCP-022 - "The Morgue" - DrSevere
SCP-567 - "The Dungeon" - DrSevere
SCP-433 - "A Ritual" - DrSevere
SCP-354 - "The Red Pool" - Dave Rapp
SCP-990 - "Dream Man" - Dave Rapp
SCP-335 - "One Hundred and Fifty 3.5" Floppy Disks" - Dave Rapp
SCP-1949 - "Jonathan Harris" - DrClef
SPC-1764 - "DARD Information Restrictions Apply" - DrClef
SCP-579 - "[DATA EXPUNGED]" - scroton
SCP-1398 - "Hateful Dead" - scroton
SCP-____-J - "Procrastinati" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-1422 - "The Yellowstone Anomaly" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-1448 - "Legend Tripping" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-1111 - "The White Dog" - DrSevere
SCP-001 - "The Prototype" - Dr Gears
SCP-001 - "Sheaf of Papers" - Lt Masipag
Project Thaumiel - TroyL
Pila - TroyL
SCP-1846 - "Maize Angel" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-1306 - "Potion of Summon Bird" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
AIAD Homescreen - LurkD
SCP-1471 - "MalO ver1.0.0" - LurkD
SCP-447 - "Ball of Green Slime" - DrClef
KaktusKast Episode 20: ChopKast!
The fun keeps rolling when djkaktus, ProcyonLotor, Decibelle and EldritchCyanide sit down and talk (vaguely) about chat opping and pretty much whatever else came up. This is a weird episode.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: This Is Not Me Talking - Dmatix
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:02:53)
Interview: ChopKast (0:02:53 - 1:35:08)
Members Being Interviewed:
ProcyonLotor (Full List of Articles)
Decibelles - Decibelle, the Terrifying Cat Pattern Screamer - (Full List of Articles)
EldritchCadence (Previously EldritchCyanide) - Ell Crailey's Personnel File (Full List of Articles)
SCP-2602, which used to be a library - "Exbibliothetic" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
Markiplier's Youtube Channel
SCP-2875 - "The Town That Got Fucked by Bears" - djkaktus
Outro (1:35:08 - 1:37:53)
KaktusKast Episode 16: Dmatix
It's about goddamn time. After months of waiting and many failed attempts, the DmatixKast is now live! djkaktus joins famed SCP Foundation author Dmatix to talk about his writing, the development of the wiki over time, and his thoughts on genre, historical subtext, and article interconnectivity. This is a really good interview, you should listen to it.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: SCP-2602, which used to be a library - "Exbibliothetic" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:01:48)
Interview: Dmatix (0:01:48 - 1:11:59):
SCP-1655 - "Sorrow Tick" - Dmatix
SCP-1295 - "Meg's Diner" - Dmatix
SCP-682 - "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile" - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
SCP-1348 - "Inner Sanctum" - ophite
Ophite's Personnel File - ophite
SCP-1321 - "Cathar Journal" - Dmatix
Fire on the Horizon - Dmatix
SCP-001 - "Thirty-Six" - Djoric/Dmatix
Shepherds - Djoric
SCP-2845 - "THE DEER" - Djoric
Quiet Days - Dmatix
Document Recovered From The Marianas Trench - Dr Gears
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
The Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-1440 - "The Old Man from Nowhere" - Dmatix
SCP-032 - "Brothers' Bride" - Dmatix
SCP-2500 - "A Higher Purpose" - Dmatix
SCP-2000 - "Deus Ex Machina" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Thrice - Dmatix
Empty Nights - Dmatix
Five Questions
A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal - Dmatix
SCP-447 - "Ball of Green Slime" - DrClef
SCP-2718 - "What Happens After" - Michael Atreus
Fields Of Green - Drewbear
Bugs - giant enemy spycrab
Children Of Doubt - Roget
Playing God - Rikks
Iteration 0 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Attack of the Keter Skeeters! - Ihp
SCP-1732 - "Septimius Leo" - Smapti
The Stars Do Not Wait For You - Dmatix
SCP-1915 - "Status Quo" - Dmatix
SCP-231 - "Special Personnel Requirements" - DrClef
SCP-1935 - "An Empty Chamber" - Dmatix
SCP-2710 - "A Certain Breach" - Dmatix
SCP-361 - "Bronze Liver" - Dmatix
SCP-1510 - "The Tarnished Legionnaire" - Dmatix
This Is Not Me Talking - Dmatix
Resurrection - thedeadlymoose
Nothing and Five and Five - Dmatix
Walk the Floor - Djoric
Et Tam Deum Petivi Hub Page
Outro (1:11:59 - 1:13:46)
KaktusKast Episode 21: qntm
Ever thought about antimemes? No? Me neither, and for good reason. To enlighten us as to why that is, the KaktusKast is proud to welcome qntm to this week's show! Author of the acclaimed SCP-055 and tales like "We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five", qntm has been breaking new ground in the Foundationverse for years. Sit down, have yourself a listen, and break the hiatus with host djkaktus as he and qntm talk about memes, antimemes, and every meme in between!
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: Death and the Doctors Hub - Dmatix
Go visit qntm's site at! Lots of original writing, some of which you may recognize.
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:02:23):
Short Works Contest
SCP-2521 - "●●|●●●●●|●●|●" - LurkD
SCP-2915 - "Frostee-Flesh" - Djoric
SCP-2771 - "Border Duty" - Petrograd
Interview: qntm (0:02:23 - 1:13:57):
SCP-055 - "[unknown]" - qntm
SCP-579 - "[DATA EXPUNGED]" - scroton
AIAD Homescreen - LurkD
SCP-001 - "The Lock" - qntm
We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five - qntm
Introductory Antimemetics - qntm
SCP-2256 - "Very Tall Things" - qntm
Unforgettable, That's What You Are - qntm
Resurrection - thedeadlymoose
SCP-1730 - "What Happened to Site-13?" - djkaktus
SCP-093 - "Red Sea Object" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-173 - "The Sculpture - The Original" - Moto42
SCP-____-J - "Procrastinati" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-087 - "The Stairwell" - Zaeyde
qntm's author page - qntm
SCP-001 - "Thirty-Six" - Djoric/Dmatix
SCP-001 - "Keter Duty" - Roget
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
SCP-001 - "A Record" - Kate McTiriss
SCP-001 - "The Foundation" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-455 - "Cargo Ship" - Dr Gears
Adventures in Capitalism Hub - Djoric
Outro (1:13:57 - 1:16:02)
KaktusKast Episode 22: Dr Gears
The long wait is over. After several months of radio silence and the KaktusKast languishing, djkaktus once again returns, only this time with the Father of the Foundation himself, Dr Gears! In his first ever interview, Gears and djkaktus discuss Gears' impressive resume, the origins of the Foundation, the true meaning of horror, and that one time in #site19.
Kaktus Picks-of-the-Last-Couple-of-Months: Nazi Nonsense - Kalinin / "Baby's First Guide to Keter-Class Anomalies" and Other Questionable Documents Recovered from the Hard Drive of Dr. ████ ███████ - Cyantreuse / Basic Observations - SunnyClockwork
The KaktusKast Theme is "Happy Up Here" by Royksopp, ©2009
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:02:42):
Mobile Task Force Contest!
Interview: [Dr Gears] (0:02:42 - 1:54:00):
SCP-173 - "The Sculpture - The Original" - Moto42
SCP-529 - "Josie the Half-Cat" - Unknown Author
The Holders Series
Kain Pathos Crow's Author Page - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-106 - "The Old Man" - Dr Gears
SCP-882 - "A Machine" - Dr Gears
SCP-682 - "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile" - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
SCP-087 - "The Stairwell" - Zaeyde
SCP-914 - "The Clockworks" - Dr Gears
Experiment Log 914 - Dr Gears
SCP-261 - "Pan-Dimensional Vending" - Dr Gears
SCP-294 - "The Coffee Machine" - far2
Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682 - Dr Gears
SCP-458 - "The Never-Ending Pizza Box" Palhinuk
Church of the Broken God Hub
Dr. Wondertainment Hub
SCP-445 - "Dr. Wondertainment's Super Paper" - CryogenChaos
Chaos Insurgency Hub
Global Occult Coalition Casefiles
Marshall, Carter and Dark Hub
SCP-001 - "The Broken God" - TwistedGears/djkaktus
SCP-455 - "Cargo Ship" - Dr Gears
SCP-1730 - "What Happened to Site-13?" - djkaktus
SCP-184 - "The Architect" - Dr Gears
Experiment Log 455 - NekoChris
Exploration Log Record 455 3 - Dr Gears
SCP-2933 - "Mr. Scary" - djkaktus
Cold - Dr Gears
How To Be Scary Without Saying Anything - DrClef
SCP-231 - "Special Personnel Requirements" - DrClef
SCP-835 - "Expunged Data Released" - DrClef/Dr Gears
black white black white black white black white black white gray - tunedtoadeadchannel
Ethics Committee Orientation - Voct
Document Recovered From The Marianas Trench - Dr Gears
The Great Short Story Contest Archives
SCP-2000 - "Deus Ex Machina" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-447 - "Ball of Green Slime" - DrClef
SCP-053 - "Young Girl" - Dr Gears
SCP-734 - "The Baby" - Dr Gears
Gears Day Collection
SCP-001 - "The Prototype" - Dr Gears
SCP-682-J - "SUPER BESTEST LIZERD EVER" - Faminepulse/Salman Corbette
Outro (1:54:00 - 1:57:51)
KaktusKast Episode 23: ReintroductionKast
We're back! With the launch of the network, the KaktusKast is back in full swing. Joining the show this week to talk about audio, music, and TroyL's blood is friend of the show Decibelle!
Kaktus Top Five of the Year:
- SCP-3999 - "I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me" - LordStonefish (Honorable Mention)
- Antimemetics Division Hub - qntm
- SCP-3125 - "The Escapee" - qntm
- SCP-3005 - "A Light That Died" - Silberescher
- SCP-001 - "When Day Breaks" - shaggydredlocks
- SCP-3001 - "Red Reality" - OZ Ouroboros
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:13:26):
The Kaktuskast
Dr. Cimmerian's Personnel File - Doctor Cimmerian
SCP-001-J - """The Broke God"" - djkaktus/Doctor Cimmerian
The Foundation
Critical Procedures
Critical Role
The Adventure Zone
Interview: Decibelles (0:13:26 - 0:49:00):
SCP-096 - "The "Shy Guy"" - Dr Dan
SCP-682 - "Hard-To-Destroy Reptile" - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
Rat's Nest Hub
S & C Plastics Hub
UIU Location Dossier — "Three Portlands" - GreenWolf
SCP-106 - "The Old Man" - Dr Gears
Track 4: You and Me - djkaktus
Anderson Robotics Hub
MTF Tau-5 ("Samsara")
SCP-1730 - "What Happened to Site-13?" - djkaktus
Gamers Against Weed Hub
Learning The Alphabet Hub - TwistedGears
Kain Pathos Crow's Author Page - Kain Pathos Crow
Acquisitions - a Marshall, Carter & Dark Tale - SRegan
The Flytrap - Sophia Light
Outro (0:49:00 - 1:11:30)
KaktusKast Episode 24: ArtKast2017
Great writing communities are defined by the fanartists who depict their work. Or, at least this one is. On this episode of The KaktusKast, djkaktus is joined by Perelka_L, Zhange, and SunnyClockwork to talk about art, inspiration, and the sex appeal of the highest levels of senior staff.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: SCP-3513 - "The brain that ate itself" - psul
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:07:24):
No Safe Haven - Fantem
Hartliss Detective Agency - The Great Hippo
So Your SCP Sucks: Images (0:07:24 - 0:32:54):
SCP-173 - "The Sculpture - The Original" - Moto42
SCP-106 - "The Old Man" - Dr Gears
SCP-2006 - "Too Spooky" - weizhong
SCP-2521 - "●●|●●●●●|●●|●" - LurkD
SCP-1471 - "MalO ver1.0.0" - LurkD
SCP-2030 - "LA U GH IS F UN" - PeppersGhost
SCP-001 - Kalinin
SCP-1440 - "The Old Man from Nowhere" - Dmatix
SCP-2576 - "Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Goat" - djkaktus
Interview: ArtKast2017 (0:32:54 - 1:22:41):
Members Being Interviewed:
Perelka_L - Art Page (Full List of Articles)
SunnyClockwork - Author Page (Full List of Articles)
Zhange - Art Page (Full List of Articles)
SCP-999-J - "Creepy Speedo Man" - NamedAfterColor, Salman Corbette, Wilt
The Cool War - Randomini
SCP-2521 - "●●|●●●●●|●●|●" - LurkD
SCP-106 - "The Old Man" - Dr Gears
SCP-860 - "Blue Key" - Enma Ai
SCP Foundation Logo - SunnyClockwork
Secure. Contain. Protect. - Zhange
Outro (1:22:41 - 1:25:54)
KaktusKast Episode 25: 3000Kast
The boys are back in town. djkaktus meets up with Joreth and A Random Day to talk about the SCP-3000 contest, Anantashesha, and the structural integrity of djkaktus' butthole. Laughs abound.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: SCP-3049 - "To Make an Apple Pie from Scratch" - rioludoodle
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:06:35):
Social Media Art Contest
The Long Goodbye - The Great Hippo
Glittering Horizon Hub (The Undoing) - LordStonefish
He Shall Indeed - Gaffney [article since deleted]
Interview: 3000Kast (0:06:35 - 1:29:52):
Members Being Interviewed:
A Random Day - Dr. Desai's Personnel File (Full List of Articles)
Joreth - (Full List of Articles)
Site News Hub
SCP-3000 Contest
SCP-1051 - "Nevadan Extraterrestrial" - Salman Corbette
SCP-163 - "An Old Castaway" - Flah
SCP-3000 - "Anantashesha" - A Random Day, djkaktus, Joreth
The Adventure Zone
Document Recovered From The Marianas Trench - Dr Gears
SCP-3001 - "Red Reality" - OZ Ouroboros
SCP-3519 - "These Quiet Days" - sirpudding
SCP-3060 - "Sleep Paralysis" - Jacob Conwell
SCP-3000 Entry - "Chessland" - themadstork
SCP-307 - "Carnivorous Ivy" - apocalemur
SCP-884 - "A Shaving Mirror" - TroyL
SCP-804 - "World Without Man" - Sorts
SCP-2170 - "The Clown Vaccine" - Sorts
Dr. Roth's Personnel File - Blaroth
SCP-343 - ""God"" - Unknown Author
It Might Have Been - Djoric
Game Day - DrClef
RUN AWAY FOREVURRR - agatharights
SCP-3960 - "Best Friends Forever" - Jacob Conwell
SCP-3020 - "Depression" - Ihp
SCP-3966 - "Falling Out" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-3512 - "The More You Know" - psul
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
Outro (1:29:52 - 1:34:39)
KaktusKast Episode 26: Chubert
[PLAYER] Chubert has entered the game. Poopstick McGee gets read. djkaktus obsesses over an Obsolete Laptop. Chubert talks about analysis.
Kaktus Pick-of-the-Week: Where Have You Been All My Life - qntm
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:06:23):
Social Media Art Contest
Crossing the Frame - Aiden Eldritch (Now Taffeta)
Critical Procedures
Restoring Harmony - DrMagnus
Where Have You Been All My Life - qntm
Roc Series Deicide Drone, Prototype Model - Dr0Shadow
Intro - Note: Charles Ogden Gears - Decibelles
Dramatic Reading Corner: (0:06:23 - 0:10:30)
Poopstick McGee and the Flying Walruses - TroyL
Interview: Chubert (0:10:30 - 1:22:47):
SCP-914 - Dr Gears
Duke 'till Dawn - Dr Kondraki
SCP-3000 Contest
SCP-891 - "California Field" - Chubert
SCP-173 - "The Sculpture - The Original" - Moto42
SCP-2521 - "●●|●●●●●|●●|●" - LurkD
SCP-2317 - "A Door to Another World" - DrClef
SCP-1739 - "Obsolete Laptop" - Chubert
SCP-455 - "Cargo Ship" - Dr Gears
black white black white black white black white black white gray - tunedtoadeadchannel
Ethics Committee Orientation - Voct
SCP-1782 - "Tabula Rasa" - Faminepulse
SCP-2078 - "Third Party" - Chubert
Dr. Sorts Personnel File - Sorts
Outro (1:22:47 - 1:26:32)
KaktusKast Episode 27: WrongJohnSilver
WrongJohnSilver waits patiently for his chance to share his perspective with the SCP community, and then djkaktus does fuck all with the audio file for several months. Laughs ensue.
Kaktus Picks of the Last Several Months: SCP-3393 - "For Your Eyes Only" - Captain Kirby / SCP-001 - "Dead Men" - Tanhony
Intro & News (0:00:00 - 0:07:51):
SCP-001 - "Normalcy" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-3393 - "For Your Eyes Only" - Captain Kirby
SCP-001 - "Dead Men" - Tanhony
72 Hour Jam Contest
SCP Foundation March Madness Hub - djkaktus
Dramatic Reading Corner: (0:07:51 - 0:13:27)
SCP-001 (Unlocked) - WrongJohnSilver
Interview: WrongJohnSilver (0:13:27 - 1:08:08):
SCP-087 - "The Stairwell" - Zaeyde
SCP-173 - "The Sculpture - The Original" - Moto42
SCP-093 - "Red Sea Object" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-128 - "Kinetic Energy Entity" - HK-016 (Rewritten by WrongJohnSilver)
It's Just A Dream - WrongJohnSilver
Reimagining Contest
SCP-209 - "The Sadist's Tumbler" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by Mulciber)
black white black white black white black white black white gray - tunedtoadeadchannel
Mobile Task Force Contest!
SCP-3000 Contest
Short Works Contest
Groups of Interest Contest!
Great Hippo's Great Skippos - The Great Hippo
CapnThatguy's Personnel File - CapnThatguy
SCP-2315 - "Mother Always Knows" - WrongJohnSilver
Funerals Are Fun - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-2289 - "The Devils' Eyes" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-2460 - "Dark Satellite" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-3966 - "Falling Out" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-001 - "When Day Breaks" - Shaggydredlocks
SCP-1875 - "Antique Chess Computer" - TheMadStork
SCP-3101 - "Contain Me Harder" - Cyantreuse
SCP-8900-EX - "Sky Blue Sky" - tunedtoadeadchannel
SCP-847 - "The Mannequin" - Xian (Rewritten by WrongJohnSilver)
SCP-3008 - "A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA" - Mortos
SCP-2521 - "●●|●●●●●|●●|●" - LurkD
On Mount Golgotha - Hub
SCP-2203 - "Find the One for You!" - WrongJohnSilver
Outro (1:08:08 - 1:12:55)
Overseer's Note: We're going to go ahead and expunge just about everything in this file, because 1.) it's ridiculous, and 2.) we have no idea how to contain this thing, and also it might be an infohazard or something.
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"KaktusKast Hub" by djkaktus, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
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Filename: KaktusKastLogo.png
Name: KaktusKastLogo.png
Author: djkaktus
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
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