Holy moly

Jr resea- what the. How'd you get in here? Get out of frame you filthy flyign raoudhsfisuhd
Item #: Kionda 𓀟|𓀟𓀕
Object Class: 𓁆𓁌|𓀠𓁀
Special Containment Procedures: Jorge is strictly prohibited from [DATA LOST] Peptobismol incident. I REPEAT, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES [DATA CORRUPTED] K-Class end of the world scenario.
Description Personnel File : SCP-███ is Junior Researcher Jorge, employed in Site-19, is a recent addition to the Foundation staff. The Foundation looks forward to Jorge's continued growth as a researcher. Jr. Researcher Jorge has been trained in giving constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement on SCP proposals. If you are a Foundation employee in need of assistance with your assignments, consider reaching out to Jorge for guidance and support.
Jr. Researcher Jorge has the anomalous property of being able to manifest tacos out of thin air. These tacos have been determined to be non-anomalous and can be consumed without any harm to the subject. When questioned about the origin of these tacos Junior Researcher Jorge has continuously and adamantly refused any and all comment in the matter.
JorgeMtzb (ten.yalpetulosba.ucdbf43-PCS|egnuolehT#ten.yalpetulosba.ucdbf43-PCS|egnuolehT) has quit (The Lounge - hosted by hexick.com)