Ihp's Author Page


If you're wondering why I'm shouting, it's because I'm going to do something very stupid.

As of writing, I am the second-most prolific author on the Wiki. And below (character limit permitting) I am going to attempt to write at least one paragraph about each of my works.

All of them.

I have over 200 pages on this site.

(some of those are hubs and shit)

God help me.

Expect self-deprecation

Like, a lot.

This is sorted by year

Important works will be BIGGER

Before all that: some fanart!

2012- Hello World!

2013: Getting Bigger…

2014 & 2015- Brain Fog and Horrible Writing

2016- Guess Who's Back?

2017: Renaissance

2018- Rancid Time

2019— The Trainwreck, Part I

I got employed in 2019 at a soul-sucking retail job, and it caused by ability to be creative to go down the shitter, as well as any time I had to write. My output slowed to a trickle starting in June, and hasn't gone back to normal levels since.

2020— The Trainwreck II: Breakdown Boogaloo

2021 - I've run out of clever titles.

2022 - Goodbye for now

Unused Ideas

I have a lot of unused ideas I'm leaving here for people to claim. Tell me when you do, most of these are canon-neutral.

  • "Eat with your eyes"— an SCP featuring a guy who digests things by looking at them.
  • "More like WHY School Musical"— Tale where a task force gets sucked into a high school musical, and they have to sing their debriefing until the antimemes arrive. I envisioned Gilbert and Sullivan for this, for some reason.


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