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- Deployed Location: "Happy Acres Youth Camp," ████████ ████, WY.
- Deployed CCOs: Task Force Commander Ronald Spaulding (Beta-Five Actual), SCP-105 (Iris Thompson), Senior Special Agent Andrea S. Adams.
- Duration of Deployment: 0600 hours 4-5-2███ through 1800 hours (12 Hours).
- Mission Directives: To evaluate an outbreak of SCP-008 in the wild.
- Scope of Operations: Deploy forward operations base at incident location, investigate area for evidence of SCP-008 outbreak, sterilize area of SCP-008 outbreak if possible.
"Happy Acres Youth Camp" is a "Boutique Summer Camp" operated by "Marshall and Carter Holiday Endeavours," located in ████████ ████, WY. Abutting the nearby "Diamond Mountain Resort,"1 the facility offers a "Discreet Summer Getaway For The Children of Our Distinguished Clientele."
In addition to luxury housing for up to two hundred children, counselors, and staff, the resort includes back-country hiking trails, a mountain bike park, horseback riding ranch, rifle range, paragliding facilities, and helicopter pad. The resort also operates several ski lifts during the winter months, and is well known for the quality of their trails, as well as their luxurious accommodations.2
On ██-██-████, two persons entered the Emergency Room at ██████ █████ Hospital in ████████ ████, WY, carrying an injured child. Persons reported that they were camp counselors at "Happy Acres Youth Camp," and that the child had been attacked during the night by "some kind of animal." Medical personnel discovered that the child had an unusually elevated fever and signs of cellular necrosis around the injury, symptoms consistent with SCP-008.
Marshall, Carter, and Dark representatives reported the incident to a Foundation representative3, prompting an immediate alert to Mobile Task Force Beta-7 ("Maz Hatters"). Agents from MTF-B7 arrived under the guise of agents from the Centers for Disease Control, quarantined all persons who had come in contact with the victim, placed Patient Zero into ad-hoc containment, and interrogated witnesses regarding the details of the attack.
Meanwhile, other agents from MTF-B7 proceeded to "Happy Acres Youth Camp" (again under the guise of Centers for Disease Control personnel) and carried out initial containment there. However, a number of children and adult counselors had embarked on an overnight hiking trip the previous afternoon, and had missed their expected return time by over six hours.
As MTF-B7 operatives were not sufficiently armed for pacification of an active outbreak of SCP-008, backup was requested under PALISADE BROKEN MENAGERIE.
Mobile Task Force Beta-5 ("Babysitters") is a platoon-level Task Force consisting of forty-two (42) operators, including the Task Force commander and executive officer. The force consists of five (5) squads, numbered One through Five.
During this deployment, two additional personnel (SCP-105 and Agent Adams) were present as observers, bringing the number of personnel participating in this operation to forty-four (44).
MTF Beta-5 was transported to the operations area in ten vans marked with the livery of the Foundation cover organization "Species Conservation Project" (a conservation and ecological survey group). MTF Beta-5 was handed over command of the operation at 0600 hours.
Camp grounds of "Happy Acres Youth Camp" was designated "Forward Operating Base Granada" for the purposes of this operation. MTF-Beta-5 began preparing the facility for immediate and extended operations:
- Squads 1 and 2 were given the responsibility of setting up perimeter security, blocking off all entrances to the camp and deploying remote sensors at key approaches.
- Squad 3 unloaded equipment from vehicles and deployed them at the camp's recreation area (location A). This location was chosen due to its large floor space and secure location.
- Squads 4 and 5 were given the responsibility of sweeping the rest of the camp for any remaining civilians, including all cabins and staff quarters. No outside personnel were found during this sweep.
- Command element established command and control center at the camp lodge. This location was chosen for its proximity to the equipment staging area and its secure location. Adjunct personnel were also stationed at the command and control center as outside observers.
At approximately 0800 hours, command element carried out a visual inspection and determined that all preparations were proceeding satisfactorily.
Commencement of Operations
At approximately 0830 hours, command element conferred with each of the unit commanders regarding the planned course of action. Preferred tactics and strategies for dealing with mass SCP-008 infections were discussed, and all squad leaders were reminded to re-familiarize their squads with these procedures.
Squads 1 through 4 were assigned to perimeter security duty, switching off every four hours as per standard procedure. Squad 5 was given the special duty of retracing the planned route taken by the missing hikers.
Watch schedules and sanitary/housekeeping/safety procedures were reviewed at this time, as were communications protocols and contingency plans in case of emergency.
At 1152 hours, Squad 5 reported contact with two SCP-008 infectees, later identified as two of the four adult counselors in the hiking trip. Infectees were terminated, and marked for later retrieval.
Shortly afterwards, Squad 5 reported discovery of a camp site at the planned destination of the missing hikers. The camp site included three (3) three-season tents, twenty sleeping bags, a fire pit, and several walking sticks, knives, skewers, and other camping paraphernelia.
Of particular concern were indications that the missing campers had been dragged out of their tents by force, rather than devoured in-situ. Based on the evidence of an alteration in infectee behavior, the responsible organism was redesignated SCP-008-E, pending further review and analysis.
Initial Contact
At 1208 hours, Designated Marksman Logue reported a number of unknowns walking slowly towards FOB Granada along a dirt road in grid reference D-9, several kilometers from the operating base. Further observations indicated fifteen unknowns: seven boys, eight girls, possible injured, with no sign of the missing adult counselors.
Immediately afterwards, multiple contacts were detected by perimeter security elements, totaling over fifty (50) unknowns. The discrepancy in numbers alerted the Task Force commander of possible complications, including the possibility that bystanders in the area had become infected.
Following additional sightings, the estimated number of hostiles in the vicinity was increased to over two hundred (200). Due to the large number of hostiles in the area, it was decided that Squad 5 would not attempt to return to FOB Granada. Squad 5 was ordered to find a secure position and await evacuation at a later time.
Task Force commander consulted with attached observers to determine what aid they could provide. Weapons were provided to the two observers, who set up positions on the rooftop of the camp's ranger station, abutting camper housing.
At 1329 hours, MTF-Beta-7 reported that Patient Zero had reproduced by budding. Based on the data at hand, the estimated number of hostiles in the area was upgraded to somewhere in the range of one thousand (1000), dependent on the average elapsed time between replications.
It was at this point that the Task Force commander declared a PALISADE RAMPANT BEAST scenario and requested immediate heavy backup. Shortly thereafter, perimeter security reported that a number of hostiles were proceeding towards the FOB at a high rate of speed.
Engagement proceeded using standard "Knights and Archers" tactics, with Squads 1 and 2 providing the bulk of fire from rooftop firing positions, while Squads 3 and 4 provided security, reinforced by SCP-105.
Two engagements took place at 1356 and 1519 hours, resulting in numerous enemy casualties, no friendly losses.
The largest engagement took place at 1606 hours, requiring commitment of reserves and a retreat to secondary line of engagement. It was at this point that MTF Beta-5 suffered its only casualty (Agent Logue, broken ankle due to overly hasty retreat.)
At 1703 hours, Mobile Task Force Beta-5 were reinforced by elements of Mobile Task Force Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") who proceeded to carry out an in-depth sterilization of the surrounding area. Squad 5 was also retrieved at this time and returned to FOB Granada.
At approximately 1800 hours, Beta-5 officially handed over control of the operating area to MTF Nu-7 and exfiltrated by helicopter.
Post-Mission Analysis
Aside from the unexpected alterations to SCP-008's capabilities, the operation was a perfect example of superior tactics and flexibility winning out over an opposing force with superior numbers. All members of Mobile Task Force Beta-5 performed admirably, with individual commendations listed in the detailed appendix to this report.
The Task Force commander would like to make particular note of the contribution of the two adjunct observers to the success of this operation, particularly SCP-105, whose immediate response upon the hasty retreat from the first line of engagement at 1606 allowed Task Force personnel to retreat safely without suffering fatal casualties.
However, it is my personal opinion that current operating parameters regarding SCP-008 are inadequate, considering the alterations to the organism. Of particular concern [DATA EXPUNGED]
From: R. Spaulding, Commanding Officer, MTF Beta-5 ("Babysitters")
To: Dr. Sophia Light, MTF Alpha-9 ("Last Hope")
CC: Dr. A. Clef, MTF Lambda-2 ("Still Unnamed")
Re: Operation "Camp Granada"
Sophia, Alto,
Let's get one thing out of the way: if this is the kind of backup that Alpha-9 and Lambda-2 can provide with only a couple of operators and no official Overseer support, I'm itching to deploy with them when they're up and running. So good to have actual firepower on our side for once.
I admit I wasn't sure what to think when Iris and Adams joined us at the staging area. On the one hand: a nervous-looking blonde with a Polaroid over her tactical vest. On the other… look. I get that the suit's effective. I get that it's even useful. I saw first-hand that it's badass. But you have to do something about the design. She looks like she stepped out of a comic book.
Anyway, I briefed Iris and Adams on the situation, and we headed up to the "summer camp," if you can call it that. Stevenson found their "horseback riding ranch," and there were goddamn unicorns in the stables. They had Wi-Fi in their "cabins". Egyptian cotton sheets on their "bunks". I've seen resort hotels that were less luxurious.
So we get situated, set up our kill box, get the men settled in and the perimeter secured, send Kim and Squad Five out looking for the hikers. Things start to get real about when Kim calls back and says they found the campground.
Now, right away, I'm getting a bad feeling. 8-Zombies don't drag people out of tents: tear tents down, yeah. Eat them on-site, sure. But drag them out of their tents and carry them off? They don't have enough brain cells for that.
There's another thing that didn't get past the censors on the official AAR, too. Kim found a shell casing: 9mm Para. Neither of the adults were carrying handguns. Can't get a good read on how old it was, but couldn't have been more than a few days. Could have just been hikers or poachers moving through the area, but no one reported any gunshots.
Aside from that, things were a bit quiet. Iris spent some time taking snapshots. Adams mostly seemed to nap. Every once in a while they'd come over and I'd tell them what I was doing. Give them some advice on my leadership philosophy and tactics. That sort of thing.
Then Logue tells me that he's spotting fifteen unknowns. Some of them injured. Kid-sized. That started to raise the hairs on the back of my neck. Next thing I know, everyone's calling in contact reports. All told, we're looking at something in the one to two-hundred range, all wandering around the woods, and I realized we're in deep shit. When Freddie called in shouting that the kid they had in custody had just budded like a flatworm or something, that confirmed it.
Zombies are bad enough, but zombie clones? Fuck me.
This was about when I went to Adams and Iris asking for help. Squad 5 was completely cut off: no way they could get to us through two hundred fucking zombies, and I had a hole in my line with only the two ladies to plug it. Adams offered to take a shield and stand on the line, Iris moves to a rooftop and takes over as a DM. I managed to scrounge up a rifle for her (had to shut down Stevenson's bullshit: guy's got a big mouth), and she's just gotten up to the roof when one of the packs of Zees sees us and runs.
I don't know who the hell taught that girl to shoot, but she started off headshotting a runner at full sprint. The jokes and dumb comments stopped tout-suite, you can be sure of that. Girl was like a metronome: one shot a second. The ones she didn't kill, she dropped. I don't think she missed more than a couple of shots before the peloton reached the shield wall.
But if I thought Iris was impressive, Adams was a goddamn superhero. Look, I know that suit is technically an SCP object, but damn do I want one: hell, I want fifty, so I can give one to every man in my unit. Adams started by shield-smashing a Zee so hard it tumbled ass-over-teakettle and tripped up a couple of zombies behind it. She followed it up with her pistol. I thought she was mag-dumping at first, but every round she fired was a fucking headshot. She only slowed down when she ran out of ammo and had to switch to baton, and that was only until Harding got the bright idea to collect everyone's pistol mags and run them to her.
Look, I don't know if you've ever been in a Zee attack, but this was… something else. Unlike what the movies say, Zees don't usually hit in swarms: it's usually groups of two or three, spurts and packs, ambushes. This was more of a solid wave. And they were all the size of fifth-graders. We got hit twice: the second time, we were down to hammers and batons.
If the first two waves were bad, the third was a goddamn nightmare. Running retreat all the way back to the kill box. Then Logue breaks his ankle jumping out of his damn tree and ends up alone in front of a pack of Zees, and everyone knows he's gonna die… next thing we know, Adams is running out there alone smashing in zombie heads with her bare goddamn hands, grabs Logue and slings him over her shoulder, starts carrying him back to the line just as Kieran is hitting the clickers for the claymores.
Nothing happens. Something must have cut the wires or something. And I'm figuring we're completely screwed now. Then everything explodes.
Turns out Iris had the foresight to take snapshots of all the claymore emplacements during setup. She was able to blow the mines… by hand, I guess… and saved all our fucking lives. So yeah: 5 Stars, would operate with again.
Now, there's one thing that's not on the official After Action Report that I want to make sure that you guys know about. I've attached the pertinent excerpt from the communications log:
J. Kim (Squad 5 Leader) "Echo": Uh, Beta-5-Echo to Actual.
R. Spaulding (Task Force Commander) "B5-Actual": I'm a little busy here, Jonny. Is this important?
Echo: Uh, I think so, sir. Can we get a secure line?
B5-Actual: Switch to Command Circuit 3.
Echo: Confirmed, switching. Uh, Echo to Actual, come in, over.
B5-Actual: Actual. Go, Echo.
Echo: Uhhh, all right, sir. Here goes. We think we've found something you should see. We retreated into a cave to get out of the rain, and uhh… I'm sending the image to you now, over.
B5-Actual: Confirm receipt of image. What am I looking at, Jonny?
Echo: All right, real quick: there was a… I'm gonna call it a box… in the back of the cave. Steel cube, about one and a half meters on a side. Door had a timed lock on it, and there are remnants of food, looks like raw meat, inside. Claw marks on the inside walls. Did a quick swab check, and confirmed positive for SCP-008. Over.
B5-Actual: Assessment?
Echo: Uh… I'm going to say this was a deliberate release, actual. Someone deliberately infected someone with this mutated strain of SCP-008 and unleashed it on these campers. No idea why anyone would do that, though, over.
B5-Actual: I can think of a couple of reasons. All right, document as much as you can, then spend the night somewhere else. I don't think this strain is any more transmissible than the ones we know, but I don't want to risk it. Will let you know evac details once I get them.
Echo: Roger, Actual. How's your situation?
B5-Actual: A bit touchy, but we're holding out fine. The ladies are lending a hand. Iris is a crack shot, but Adams is… something else.
Echo: Roger, sir. Good hunting. Echo out.
I did a bit of snooping around in the archive stacks after we got back. Officially, there are only three organizations who both have access to SCP-008 and the facilities to alter it.
First of all, the Chaos Insurgency. I'm going to put the likelihood of this one at "Low," though, because if it were them, we'd be getting some grandiose statement about the reasons and motivations behind it. Despite their reputation, CI usually doesn't do this sort of thing just to cause mayhem. Usually a reason behind it.
Second, the Global Occult Coalition. I'm going to rate them even lower than the Chaos Insurgency. This isn't their style. Maybe a rogue element? Even then, though, what's the motivation?
Third up is where we start to get a bit worried. The number one organization with the access, assets, and motivation to do something like this… is us. It all seems a bit too convenient, doesn't it? SCP-008 outbreak just as the vote on Alpha-9 was taking place? While Iris and Adams just happened to be in the area? And they just happened to save the lives of a bunch of MTF personnel, too. Major brownie points with the guys on the ground.
If I wanted to push a pet project through like Alpha-9, this would be a picture-perfect way to get guys on board.
The only reason why I'm telling you two this, of course, is that I'm pretty sure that you guys wouldn't be behind this: if you are, then don't let me know, otherwise I think that every single member of Beta-5 is going to have a long talk with you, possibly involving batons and hammers. What I'm thinking, though, is one of the O5s: whoever it is who was pushing Alpha-9, maybe decides to engineer an event to push it through over the objections of the rest of the council…
I'm keeping quiet on this mostly because damn it, I agree. We need Alpha-9, and Camp Granada, even if it was engineered, proved its point. But probably a good idea if we all start checking dark corners for men with sharp knives ready to stab us in the back. I'll watch yours if you check mine.
P.S. Clef: Seriously, do something about Lambda-2's name. I'm sick of doing the whole Abbot and Costello routine every time someone asks me for the shorthand.
P.P.S. Sophia: Heard the council vote went through while we were in the field. Congratulations on that. Buy you a beer next time you're in town.
From: Factotum "Cringe."
To: Overseer Council
Re: SCP-008-E
Patient Zero
Patient Zero was returned to Site-19. All three instances (Original and two (2) clones) were terminated by gunfire. Corpses were disposed of first by immersion in acid, secondly through incineration, and thirdly through irradiation. Remains have been transferred to Intake pending possible classification as Special Containment Procedures anomalies.
Strain E ("Exocet") of SCP-008
The strain of SCP-008 encountered during the "Camp Granada" incident has undergone several alterations. First, the average elapsed time between infection and onset of symptoms has been drastically shortened. Coma onset now occurs approximately six hours after initial exposure, as opposed to the original strain's onset period of approximately twenty hours.
Secondly, while normal SCP-008 infectees are rendered incapable of any action more complex than walking, standing, grabbing, and biting, Exocet-strain infectees are now capable of running, jumping, and navigating complex physical obstacles. This is possible due to an alteration, not in the SCP-008 prion itself, but in the addition of a nano-machine designated SCP-008-Finback.
The Finback nanite appears to have been purpose-designed to manage and direct the SCP-008 prion, setting up barriers preventing entry into the cerebral cortex. It also appears to be responsible for the Exocet strain's most alarming mutation. SCP-008 infectees have long been reported attacking and ingesting living humans, but as the organism results in the destruction of the infectee's digestive systems, no sustenance could be drawn from said consumption. Finback not only prevents the digestive system from decaying, but utilizes the material consumed to construct a rough duplicate of its host body from DNA harvested from the infectee's body cells. Once enough raw material has been received, the host body's belly will burst open, releasing between one to four duplicates. These will then proceed to seek out and consume any vegetable or animal matter present, growing rapidly to full size in as little as twenty-four hours.
Analysis of both the Exocet prion and the Finback nanite indicates that the two were deliberately engineered to operate in symbiosis. Even more concerning are indications that the Finback nanite shares several traits in common with a now-neutralized SCP anomaly responsible for the death and transformation of one Agent Adrian Andrews (formerly archived under SCP-784, iteration 6).
Speculations and Security Concerns Raised by the "Camp Granada" Incident.
The existence of the Finback nanite alters the list of possible origin points to one: the Foundation itself. Only we have access to the SCP-784-ARC anomaly. Further, analysis of laboratory and containment access logs indicate discrepancies in the amount of SCP-784-ARC material constructed, reported destroyed, and returned to containment over the past ten years.
Approximately ten grams of nanomaterial are now missing, more than enough to create a self-replicated seed for the creation of more SCP-784-ARC material. For this reason, I am recommending a complete audit of all Overseer-Level projects beginning immediately. Whichever party was responsible for secretly developing SCP-008-E must be discovered, and their reasons for doing so brought to light.
(Presented to the Overseer Council for Review by Factotum "Cringe.")
From: Overseer Council
To: Factotum "Cringe"
Re: SCP-008-EYour suggestions have been received and are under review.
All information pertaining to SCP-008-E is now classified Level 5 under Code Word PALISADE TEMBLOR WHITTIER. Administer amnestics as needed to all personnel aware of the existence of SCP-008-F (Finback), and sterilize/secure all samples of Exocet/Finback under Procedure 397-Sub Rosa.
Upon completion of these orders, you will resume monitoring Assets Resh, Samekh, and Gimel until further notice.
FROM: Senior Special Agent Andrea S. Adams, Mobile Task Force Lambda-2 ( )
TO: Dr. Alto Clef, Mobile Task Force Lambda-2 ( )
RE: Operation "Camp Granada."
- The suit's performance was satisfactory. However, I would like to consult with R&D regarding some alterations.
- SCP-105 performed well.
Aside from that, nothing of interest to report.
- Adams
Dear Sir or Madam, Marshall, Carter, and Dark sincerely regrets the unfortunate death of your child during the recent events at our Happy Acres Youth Camp. The loss of a loved one is never easy, even when anticipated, but it is harder still when they are taken from us far too soon. We offer our sincere condolences and deepest sympathy on your loss. May the outpouring of sympathy, the kind acts of friends and strangers, and the comfort in knowing that your loss is felt by many help you through this difficult time. As a gesture of support, we are refunding all fees charged to you for your recent stay at our Diamond Mountain Resort in the form of a certificate of store credit. Be assured that Marshall, Carter, and Dark will make every effort to find the persons responsible. Once they have been found and retrieved, the proceeds from their subsequent auction (less processing fees and expenses incurred during retrieval) will be passed on to you as compensation for your loss. You will, of course, be invited to watch the auction and the subsequent events where the auction winners make use of their purchases. Sincerely Yours, S. Marshall, Marshall, Carter, and Dark, Ltd. |
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