Guide Hub

Welcome to the Guide Hub!

The Guide Hub is the centralized location for all of the official guides an author might need to navigate and contribute to the site, as well as the rules that all members of the SCP-Wiki Community agree to follow.

If you have an idea for an informational page that you'd like to see added to this page, please contact a staff member. The “guide” navigational tag should only assigned by staff, or with staff permission.

However, there is also an Essay and Resource Hub. Community members are welcome to tag expressions of personal opinion or unofficial guides to different aspects of site contribution (writing, coding, artwork, etc.) with the “essay” navigational tag, and add them to that page. That page also contains interviews with community members, a history of the SCP Foundation community, and in-universe information about aspects of the SCP Foundation.

Required Reading

These pages have information on the foremost basics of the site and its community.

For all community members:

  • Site Rules: You will be expected to know and understand the rules of the wiki. Being ignorant of a rule does not excuse you if you break it.
  • Guide for Newcomers: An introduction to the world of the Foundation and the wiki as a whole, with optional sections on how to find reading material or create an account.
  • Chat Guide: The guide to the Foundation's IRC chatrooms. Covers registering, connecting, bannable offenses, chat operators, discussion suggestions, and secondary chatrooms.
  • Official Anti-Harassment Policy: Code of conduct applying to all SCP Foundation community spaces.
  • FAQ: Frequently asked questions and answers about the SCP universe premise, how the site/wiki works, and how to interact with the community.

For all site authors:

  • How to Write an SCP: Covers concept development, containment procedures, clinical tone, how to write humanoids, code formatting and more. Basic coding templates are here. Read this before writing your first article.
  • How to Post Your Art to the SCP Wiki: Covers image hosting, basic CSS formatting, customization, and posting of your very own artistic content to the site. Read this before creating artist or artwork pages.
  • The Greenlight Policy: An explanation of the Greenlight forum policy. Read this if you want to get idea or draft critique, don't know what the Greenlight policy is, or want to get Greenlights.

Staff Information

  • Contact Staff: A quick overview of the SCP wiki’s staff teams and whom to reach out to with questions, comments, concerns, etc.
  • Meet The Staff: The full list of SCP wiki staff members.

Site Policies

  • Criticism Policy: The SCP Wiki's policy on giving and receiving critique.
  • Deletions Policy: An explanation of how, when, and why pages are deleted from the site. Read this before putting an article on the mainlist.
  • CSS Policy: Regarding style component accessibility requirements, and what can and can’t be done with a CSS theme on the SCP wiki.
  • Donations Policy: Read here if you want to add donation options like Patreon links to your work.
  • Rewrite Policy: A guide detailing the standard procedure for rewriting articles due to age, low rating, author request, and so on.
  • Technical Content Policy: A set of policies concerning page elements over which the EN SCP Wiki Technical Team has jurisdiction.
  • Translations Policy: Policies for posting translations of works originally written in other languages and posted on other branches of the SCP Wiki.


Community and Navigation

  • Abuse and Harassment Resources: A resource for identifying abuse, how to report it, and how to get help.
  • Adult Content Warning Guide: What Adult Content Warnings are, and when and how to apply them.
  • Anonymous Articles: The process for posting articles anonymously.
  • How to create a branch of the SCP-Foundation: Instructions on how to create a translation branch of the SCP Foundation.
  • HTTPS Guide: How to properly create and edit links on the SCP Wiki.
  • Tag Guide: The layman's guide to the navigational tags used by the site. Please note that we have a dedicated tagging team who can tag your pages for you.
    • Genre Tagging Guide: A guide for applying tags to tales, SCPs and GoI Formats to indicate the work's Genre, Theme, Setting and Style.
    • Art Tagging Guide: A guide for applying tags to art to indicate the work's Style and Content.
  • Usertools: A list of tools for users to alter and hopefully improve your site experience. Downloadable tools include Night Mode, hiding the rating module, and more.

Writing Guides

  • SCP Style Resource: An ease-of-access, quick 'copy-paste' resource for alternative logs and formats for SCP files. Includes fancy test logs, warning notices, and more.
  • Wiki Syntax: This is a reference for simple Wikidot syntax used often (or not) in writing SCPs.

Getting Critique

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