A multiversal degradation in anomalous phenomena ravages the world of magic, leaving its fantastical hidden lands and communities to gradually die out; the Foundation, its allies and foes, are made painfully aware that something must change. Explore the Impasse and the nuanced relationship between the Foundation, the anomalous, and the nature of change itself. Examine the world at stake and decide, ultimately, how to bring it hope.
No Return is the canon that follows on the heels of SCP-6500: Inevitable, but you already knew that right? This canon is concerned with consequences first and foremost; when we were writing SCP-6500 it became clear that whichever timeline the reader chose, the concept of the Foundation was going to be irrevocably changed. Which is fitting, as Inevitable is a pretty stark climate change allegory. We wanted to create a setting in which would foster further stories, leading off from either timeline.
SCP-6000 Contest Entry: Inevitable
- SCP-6500: Inevitable - In Collab with locke, HarryBlank, Aethris, Placeholder McD, Darkstuff, and ihp
It is conceivable that no amount of corrective action will permanently arrest the SCP-6500 effect, which was allowed to worsen despite many decades of persistent warning signs. The task we set ourselves may be impossible.
A brand new Nobody tale that follows on the heels of SCP-6500: Inevitable. Magic died, then came back again, but for this Nobody everything was inherently different and it was time to find out why.
Following off Nobody Like's a Sneak, this tale focuses on the efforts to rescue O5-Zero from the Foundation after finding out the O5s knew they caused the Impasse… but then, Nobody has to find where Zero is being held first.
The Impasse is not reversed. The dead will not come back. The relics taken by the Jailers are being used to blunt the damage. We will see some return to the old powers, yes. But how long before it happens again? The Jailers might have changed ever so slightly. They may have freed some of their prisoners that posed the least threat to their Veil. But containment – slavery – is still their status quo. If it caused the Impasse once before, then it will surely do so again.
Vanguard is ready to announce it's presence to the world and they send Dr. Dan to do it.
Black Queen dealing with an overzealous splinter cell of the Serpent's Hand during the transition between SH and Vanguard, just after Vanguard became public knowledge.
Karl Lange has always believed in the mission of the Serpent's Hand, he just doesn't believe in Alison Chao anymore, not since she became a traitor and joined the Foundation (or whatever they want to call themselves now)
Following the Vanguard ending of SCP-6500, Alto Clef and Karcist Varis star in this buddy cop tale about taking on the Russian Sarkic Mob.
Following Clef and Varis' wrapping up in Moscow, Varis thinks its high time someone addresses the various Neo-Sarkic groups and see if they can't be brought into the fold of Vanguard. Additionally, the conflict between the GOC and Vanguard forces begin to heat up.
Following off A Sarkic By Any Other Name, Varis is running around the world on a PR campaign to educate the public about the Nälkän faith and his people. Through some discussion with other leaders of the community, he and Clef decide to go to SCP-2191 in search of his second Klavigar, the ex-Daeva and lover of Grand Karcist Ion, Lovataar.
Directly after the events of An Assembly of Sarkics, Clef and Varis visit the site of SCP-3989 with Orok and Lucretia Popescu, so as to determine what if any connection it has with the Klavigar, and to find out even more about the wandering trail of an imposter Grand Karcist Ion through the centuries.
Directly after the events of An Assembly of Sarkics, Lovataar and Saarn decide to pay a visit to SCP-4036 on a diplomatic mission. They face distrust from the locals and from each other, but ultimately face a far graver threat: Colonialism.
As SCP-939 is normalized, Vanguard and the GOC battle in the court of public opinion. A story from the civilian perspective, focusing on media attention of the two organizations.
A series of vignettes showing the every day public's reactions to the reveal of Vanguard and the ever changing world, seen through the eyes of several different individuals. World building galore!
It's not up to God to decide what happens to His creation.
Styled after the wikipedia page with a similar title, this humorous article is written with the idea that after the fall of the Veil, some wikipedia editors got together to add a bunch of misconceptions in this new anomalous world. Try not to take it too seriously!
This series follows Dr. Iona Varga, MD/PhD, a geneticist and xenobiologist, and Agent Rebekah Douglas, a researcher and psychic with psychometry (being able to "read" an object or person for its history). Dr. Varga is foremost a cynic, you'll notice during these articles that she does not truly believe gods exist. Magic and gods are simply things we haven't understood yet. It starts with finding a unique body in Yorkshire:
Chapter I
"I grow concerned with the others of our Society. Our Brethren must understand the grand scale of our Endeavor. Any cost that comes forthwith will be well earned, whether in pecuniary losses or in our very Blood."
There’s no more space here, crowded, suffocating. Needs more. Needs it.
…there’s a hole in us
….it …it wants to fill t-the gap, and eat
"What could the Creator have been thinking when He shaped that strange flesh? Where must it have come from?"
"People with guns are so quick to threaten violence, as if you invented it."
“I’m not a researcher, Iona. I’m an Israeli girl who found out she was psychic. I’m glad I’ve found a career here, but it’s been a really shit year.”
"What we have is a hostile force from outside our solar system with a significantly protracted history of interfering with human development."
"If you insist, I will kill you all. Is that what you want?"
- End Chapter I -
Chapter II
Their Many Hands guide us in this life. We honor their creation with our blood and bodies. We are their many hands, shaping society in their image.
"There’s something over there, and it touched me. I need to talk to the one source of info available to me."
"You killed these children, as surely as if you pointed a gun at their heads. The youth is the lifeblood of the revolution, didn’t you know that?"
"I’ve executed men before, Egytian. You don’t have the look."
- Tale VI - Never Fight a Land War in the Peloponnese
"They have never fought such as me."
"What is any creature trying to obtain? Freedom. Freedom from powers that would oppress you or your people. I am no different."
The following file represents our understanding of a very unclear picture of events due to disparate sources and incomplete accounts making up the bulk of this administrative record. No matter how this conflict resolves, it will be on all of us to shield normalcy from the fallout.
Chapter III:
“Her body isn’t interred here, of course. Her family buried her remains in Tehran yesterday. But I thought it was appropriate to lay some reminder of her presence on the property. This was her home. We were her family, too, after all.”
- Tale IX - An SCP Masquerading as a Tale
- In which we take a look back at Director Varga's frustration in designating an anomaly -
Iona Varga stared at her monitor. What even was this anomaly? The next step in the research evaded her. Was this anomaly enough to separate out from those it was derived from? Should this not be an addendum to SCP-4612? The biological modification of a person into a walking universal remote for magic, it was important. She knew this. It was another piece in the puzzle she had been working on since finding the dead thing in the crypt, not fifty meters below her office.
- Tale X - The Ends Justify the Means of Production
“You never struck me as delusional, Rebekah. Just ridiculously intense.”
On 14 September, 1993, surveillance of one such property in an industrial district of Rome revealed the scene of a ritual murder – three men and one woman were eviscerated, and their organs laid out among symbols that matched records of Daevic thaumaturgy. The symbols and organs were centered around an empty space theorized to have held something of ritual importance, but the ritual had occurred several days before.
SCP-6520-A was an extradimensional space located outside baseline temporal reality which intersected with the northeastern portion of Târgoviște… The interior of SCP-6520-A contained more space than the dimensions of the anomaly would allow and housed numerous stone structures theorized to be a temple complex. These structures were built with stone block and simple mortar, the most recent of which were carbon dated to +/- 300 years prior to the present. The structures showed significant degradation inconsistently across the complex – some of the buildings appeared to be freshly constructed, while others were in ruins.
Given the nature of the message written above the door in SCP-6520-B and the architectural style of those structures, it is theorized that SCP-6520-A represented a timeline in which the fall of the Daevite Empire never occurred.
SCP-7812 is colossal extrocorporeal infestation in an adjacent reality forming a metaphysical abscess bleeding through a punctum into this reality’s noösphere. The breach point of SCP-7812 is centered around the area of the noösphere provisionally classified as the famis occulta.
Read the above Articles before checking this out!
From the Desk of Iona Varga, PhD/MD
- 2+ billion years ago — 5612-A arrives on Earth.
- circa 2000 B.C.E. — 4612-A interferes with the Sumer civilization in Ancient Mesopotamia.
- circa 1000 B.C.E. — SCP-4612-A takes unknown part in the conflict between Mekhanite and Sakic forces in the Bronze Age Mediterranean region.
- 425 B.C.E — A cult who's temple lies several kilometers north of Sparta in the Peloponnese is attacked by Spartan forces.
- circa 200 B.C.E. — SCP-4612-A has some unknown interaction with the Daevite civilization’s downfall.
- 412 C.E. — SCP-4612-A appears before a monk at Lindisfarne; the event is significant as the timing is suspiciously close to the initial beginnings of period colloquially called the Dark Ages.
- 1347-1352 C.E. — SCP-4612-A initiates outbreaks of black plague in Sicily, Italy.
- May 5, 1779 — William Henry Eckhart confirms to a fellow member of the Society of Yorkshire Thaumaturgy that he has found the Rite of Solomon (as seen in SCP-3457) and intends to use it to bind a god. Eckhart and the rest of the Society intend to destroy whatever force is interfering in humanity’s technological progress.
- September 16, 1779 — The Society of Yorkshire Thaumaturgy succeed in performing the Rite of Solomon, killing SCP-4612-A.
- September 17, 1779 — According to historical records, Eckhart House in Yorkshire, England, is struck by a meteor. In reality, 4612-B arrives and kills all but one member of the Society in revenge for the death of SCP-4612-A. Geoffrey Watts flees England the next day.
- circa 1791 — Watts settles in Clifton Bay, Nassau, Bahamas.
- September 26, 1815 — The community of Clifton is destroyed. Watts dies on his ship as it sinks in the bay.
- December 19, 1986 — The corpse of SCP-4612-A is discovered by Foundation personnel, specifically Dr. Varga and Agent Douglas. Site-91 is provisionally approved, taking over the manor grounds of Eckhart House.
- January 21, 1987 — SCP-5612-A is discovered, leading to the discovery of 5612-B.
- June 9, 1987 — Agent Douglas attempts to “read” the cadaver of 4612-A with psychometry and experiences the events of September 17, 1779.
- January 7, 1991 — SCP-4712 is discovered, along with the Karcist entity named Marius. During the investigations of SCP-4712's alternate reality, Agent Douglas underwent psychological and thaumaturgical assault of an unknown nature. The gate to SCP-4712 is sealed.
- February 2, 1992 — Agent Douglas awakens from a coma induced to deal with psychological and occult trauma as occurred in researching SCP-4712.
- April 3, 1992 — The UIU begins investigation in the Second Haptic Assembly, which leads to the discover of SCP-5512.
- April 17, 1992 — Dr. Varga re-requests the permission to test the genetic makeup of SCP-4612-A.
- May 3, 1992 — Members of the Second Haptic Assembly assault 5612-B containment staff in Iraq. Agent Douglas and Captain Zadeh's MTF-Beta-777 squad were able to fight off the cultists, but 3/4 of the containment staff on site were KIA. Marquez is confirmed to be 4612-B by Agent Douglas, after confronting him in the conflict.
- May 5, 1992 — Overwatch Council approve Director Varga's Project Hecatoncheires.
- August 15, 1992 — Custom made Ways are found within small distances from Site-91. Joint MTF exploration leads to a pocket dimension being used to house the remnants of Marquez' Second Haptic Assembly in ruins that date from 425 BCE.
- February 22, 1993 — Agent Rebekah Douglas travels back to the extradimensional space designated 4712-B to have a gather information from Marius Albescu (SCP-4712-A) and has a run in with those anomalous creatures that populate the space. She also learns something about the entity infesting the other world, leading to new questions.
- May 02, 1993 — A GRU-P file is discovered during a raid on a MC&D warehouse detailing an investigation and coverup of the events that led to 9 Russian hikers dying in 1959. Discoveries made include a tower from antiquity housing an automated organic surgical center and storage of hundreds of modified humans cadavers.
- June 11, 1993 — A three person team made up of two members of MTF-Omega-20 ("Thought Police") and a thaumaturge from MTF-Beta-777 ("Hecate's Spear") travel to Moscow, Russia to hunt down a POI responsible for an attack on the containment site of SCP-5957-A.
- June 15, 1993 — An abandoned Daevic ruin is discovered on the Steppes of Mongolia, containing artifacts and the body of an ancient Matriarch.
- July 3, 1993 — An attack on an art gallery in York containing a Way to the pocket dimension discovered in August of 1992, leads to a mobilization of MTF forces from Site-91 to try and contain the threat to normalcy.
- July 8, 1993 — The aftermath of the mobilization and the attack on the gallery is felt on Site-91, leading to Agent Douglas' suspension and the possible opening of diplomatic relations between the Foundation and the Second Haptic Assembly.
- July 11, 1993 — Director Varga struggles to designate the anomaly of modified humans discovered in connection with SCP-5512.
- July 12, 1993 — Director Varga orders a series of mental and physical assessments of Agent Rebekah Douglas, ultimately allowing her back on active duty but forbids her mobilization into combat situations, reserving her activity to investigations.
- September 14, 1993 — Chernoff is discovered trying to complete a ontokinetic ritual that has the power to affect baseline reality, a mobilization of MTF personnel interferes and discovers another pocket dimension. In the aftermath, Sergeant Gibbs of MTF-Beta-777 and Chernoff were both killed and three areas of Mainland Europe were irreversibly changed in ways unclear.
- September 19, 1993 — The Daevite Matriarch first discovered in SCP-5267 successfully transmuted a portion of Târgoviște, Romania, into an alternate timeline where the Daevite Empire never fell. The resulting anomaly only lasted a few hours until failing and allowing for the reintegration of the area into baseline reality. During the investigative operations MTF personnel were accosted by the constructs created by the Matriarch and in the aftermath, Agent Rebekah Douglas was labelled as MIA.
A brand new GoI responsible for mass producing communication focused anomalies, mostly in the form of cursed media.
Various images used in VKTM articles, a place to showcase the absolutely gorgeous imagery of Vikander-Kneed.
- SCP-5889 - AMnestic - In Collab with Dysadron
Announcer: This concludes our scheduled programming, and we’ll see you tomorrow for Kilimanjaro and the Duke, at six AM sharp!
[Thirty seconds of silence.]
Announcer: …Praise the dark lord.
Various items of information concerning the viewing subject will be incorporated into the content contained within an instance of SCP-5904. The host of the series (designated SCP-5904-1) is never completely shown on camera but appears to be male. At most the bottom fifty percent of SCP-5904-1’s face will be visible on camera at any given time, his eyes are never visible. SCP-5904-1 self-identifies as Charlie Fiero, senior Vice President of GoI-5889’s human resources division.
- SCP-5897 - History is Written by the VKTM
Tribulus Aurelius: My men were formed on the outskirts of the ruins. We had heard our fathers’ tales of burning the shining city fourteen years before, but none of us thought we would be there ourselves – or for that reason.
The film depicts events in the past week of the viewer’s life, as if a camera crew had followed the subject. The film is edited and directed to a level of quality usually reserved for professional documentary films. Additionally, SCP-5479 features narration from a male individual showing 95% match with the vocal patterns of actor Jeff Bridges.
- SCP-5681 - Gehenna Arcade - [In collaboration with Vivarium]
SCP-5681-1: Oh look, no one’s dead yet.
Individuals directly affected by SCP-5698, those folded into a local reality re-write and who perform as employees of the anomaly, have residual pervasive effects upon their personality. For example, individuals universally have more aggressive tones in their interactions with others and exhibit rough, even unprofessional language no matter what their background. Although they only retain partial, incomplete memories of their time as employees at SCP-5698, the experience often has a protracted effect on the subject’s priorities.
The presenter of this session is a quadrupedal entity resembling a moose with stark gray fur from the neck down. Instead of a typical head, the entity has three screens on articulated arms that continually flash through various images. The presenter’s voice is an 87.89% match to that of deceased TV host Regis Philbin. The entity does not provide a name
Furthermore, the secondary anomalous effects began impacting societal function throughout the United States and Canada. Subjects that had viewed the anomaly were incapable of accepting any premise or fact without tangible proof. This affected the very machinery of society in many ways, most notably the following:
* Employees stopped appearing for work without physical reassurance of payment by employers;
* Legislators affected refused to agree on any aspect of proposed legislation without tangible proof of the benefits, causing turmoil between affected and nonaffected individuals;
* Members of the police force affected refused to enforce laws without tangible proof that those laws protected the citizenry.
- SCP-6301 - Funky Finn's Children Happy Hour
The anomaly has hypnotic and compulsive qualities, but only for a targeted demographic - when the record is played, individuals who are under twelve years old will pay rapt attention and will not respond to other external stimuli, even including pain. Any children listening to the recording contained on SCP-63011 will enter a state of catatonia if play of SCP-6301 is interrupted. Unless the record is played to completion, a subject in such a state will not regain conscious awareness.
Boethius: For if vicious propensity is, as it were, a disease of the soul like bodily sickness, even as we account the sick in body by no means deserving of hate, but rather of pity, so, and much more, should they be pitied whose minds are assailed by wickedness, which is more frightful than any sickness.
Frank: Boethius, I gotta say, I have no [CENSORED] idea what you’re talking about my man. Which is par for the [CENSORED] course.
- SCP-6780 - 'helth by dado' Brought to You by Vikander-Kneed [in collab with ihp
We at Dado Industries care about the well being of you – our customers. It’s for that reason that we developed products like Coyerroodlquhhylx, which 100% could help in the treatment of some infections. We in no way have repurposed a malaria medication to try and swindle the public during this time of trouble. This is about trust, and we want you to trust us.
- SCP-6897 - You Won't Believe How the Sausage is Made!
MacPhaerson: First stop, creative! As you know, we at Vikander-Kneed Technical Media are trying to bring about the Better TomorrowTM through better media! And that all starts with creative.
[Hernandez begins to sway, but as MacPhaerson turns away, she holds one hand up to his shoulder to steady him.]
MacPhaerson: What you see before you is the heart and soul of VKTM creative: The T.H.I.N.K T.A.N.K.
[MacPhaerson turns back to Hernandez’ body camera, crouches slightly and holds a hand up to her mouth before whispering.]
MacPhaerson: I’d tell you what the acronym is for, but then I’d have to kill you.
[She levels her bleeding orbits at the camera for nearly a full minute. Grimes continues to retch. Finally, MacPhaerson sighs and stands straight, turning towards Grimes.]
MacPhaerson: Dear, are you planning on doing that for much longer? It’s just horribly disgusting and not in the way we usually like our media to involve.
- SCP-7007 - Misfortune Gorge - [In collaboration with Vivarium]
My entry to the SCP-7000 contest, along with Vivarium, following up on our last collaboration… with a return to the strange horrifying world of Game Shows… but this time, Kincade and VKTM are kidnapping Foundation personnel to run the gauntlet of his show.
- SCP-7796 - VKTM Presents: Evenings with Don Cavatelli
(Entry for Remix Con 2023) What if SCP-5697 hosted a late night TV show produced by VKTM?
Season 1 – Episode 63, 03-10-1955
[Cavatelli stands in front of velvet curtains with a freestanding microphone, performing his nightly monologue used to open the show. He is smoking a cigar.]
Cavatelli: Crowds have been streaming into cinemas to see the latest animated feature, Lady and the Tramp. But all I can say is there’s one scene I could have used some warning about. I don’t know about you folks, but I can’t say I’ve ever had a romantic fantasy about being chomped to death by two mutts in an alleyway.
Cavatelli: This is racist against Pastamericans everywhere!
[Audience laughter is heard off camera.]
Cavatelli: Heyo! I gotta million of em, folks. Now, stick around after this break for my interview with James Dean. He’s here to promote his new film, Rebel without a Cause, which critics are calling an accurate portrayal of teenage angst. Personally, I call that Friday night with the kids while the missus goes to book club, amirite?
[Applause followed by a fade to black and commercial break.]
[The commercial break consists of an ad for SCP-5897, but overlaid onto the audio Cavatelli’s voice can be heard.]
Cavatelli: [Coughing violently] Fuck you, Jerry, I can smoke if I want to.
Cavatelli: [Still coughing] Because it’s my show. You’re just the producer. I’m the talent, so go produce me up a guest.
- SCP-7830 - The Brand Formerly Known As VKTM
In which Mari MacPhaerson spearheads a VKTM Social Media App that goes swimmingly and has nothing whatsoever to comment on society, social media in general or those that run it.
- SCP-7756 - There's No Place Like Home…Land Security
SCP-7756 is an online digital security seminar produced and distributed by GOI-5889 (“Vikander-Kneed Technical Media”) entitled “There’s No Place Like Home… Land Security.” The anomaly has been found linked to a number of posts on Reddit and other social media sites in the context of digital security. An account with username of VKTMNarrator has responded to numerous comments and posts on social media with links to the anomaly. The storage of SCP-7756 has been difficult to locate, even with the use of AICs – the link appears as homelandsecurity.vktm.org, but no such website exists.
Trust us, we’d never do that to you.
These are articles that stand alone entirely and are meant to be one-shot ideas. Some of these are my favorites.:
Nearly a year in the making, this 001 starts with a small group of SCP field agents infiltrating a Neo-Sarkic event to summon a big bad, and ends up a psychosurreal odyssey of mangled bodies and weird mutations, eldritch consciousnesses and the slow realization that not everything is how it seemed. Genuinely one of the most ambitious things I have written
- SPC-7000 - Cowritten with Uncle Nicolini for Harry Blank's birthday
William Wettle has just survived the insane odyssey that is SCP-7000 when he is kidnapped using the entirely ethical claw machine to the SPC universe and there is instructed on how to punch sharks. Yes, this should read as ridiculous as that sounds.
Newly unearthed artifacts in Turkey, poisoned by the memories of their owners, reveal an heretofore unknown conflict between the proto-Daeva and the last remnants of SCP-1000. What follows is a haunting examination of loss and the futility of raging against trauma.
[My entry to the 8k Contest, bringing in 250 upvotes by the end of the contest and representing my most personal and viscerally vulnerable writing to date. I am incredibly proud of it.]
The information contained within this file cannot be authenticated with 100% certainty, due to the anomalous nature of content. As with all atemporal retrocausal anomalies, a healthy skepticism is recommended when discussing or researching the information on the Daevas.
My contribution to SCP Anthology for Halloween 2022, this is a cosmic horror story inspired by Pinocchio.
A Parawatch tale about a mountainous explorer finding her way into a hidden valley filled with things held over from the Daeva, kept secret by the Department of Abnormalities.
Another Sarkic related article, discussing the horrors of loneliness in a digital world. Body Horror included.
A stowaway! Are you enjoying yourself?
- SCP-3809 - Love in the Time of Algorithms
Okay, just one question before you go. How dedicated is Joel to the whole ‘sanctity of marriage’ thing?
(My entry to CupidCon2021 - a sentient satellite forming a romantic obsession about Megachurch Pastor Joel Osteen - Hijinks ensue)
- SCP-5486 - Conjunction Immemorial In collab with PlaguePJP
SCP-5486 is the designation for a non-corporeal, extra-dimensional entity that feeds off notoriety. The anomaly will “possess” one individual at a time – often subjects that are on the brink of, or already the focus of, public scrutiny and/or growing infamy within their given society.
Foundation records note that Müller had witnessed an anomalous event when she was nineteen years old and was administered amnestics, along with her whole family. Two years later there is another notation stating that she needed a second administration of amnestics due to reemergent memories. This happened again when she was twenty-four and twenty-eight years old.
As part of April Fools 2022, I helped contribute to this monstrosity:
DeptCon 2022 Entry: Department of Procurement and Liquidation
The Foundation finds itself in a position where buying anomalies is sometimes the most efficient form of containment, so the Department of Procurement and Liquidation is established in 1979. Our series focuses on the development of the department in the five decades since it was first begun, with articles set in 1979, 1989, 1999, 2009, and 2019. With a Site Dossier (hub) and a bonus article by Ihp.
The Department of Procurement and Liquidation is focused on containment through economic action, starting out as hunting down cursed objects for sale but then evolving along the way as the economy changes from decade to decade. Anything you can buy, could be contained. And anomalies are just as often focused on making money as they are being anomalous.
A hub for the Department, in collaboration with Ihp, and HarryBlank
From the Desk of Director DeWitt
Re: Proposal concerning SCP-6237
In respect to the cascading rising costs of containment and the failure of infiltrations of SCP-6237-B, the Department of Procurement and Liquidation proposes the following action. SCP-6237-B is a publicly traded company; despite its anomalous aspects, it is as susceptible to economic strategies as are otherwise similar companies. Therefore:
Details of the Proposal:
- The Department of Procurement and Liquidation will orchestrate a multi-tiered hostile takeover of ERS LLC shareholders, utilizing numerous shell companies, until controlling more than 51% of the shares;
- Such action will allow the Department to control the Board of Directors and thus, the activities of SCP-6237-B.
- Containment can shift from the disinformation campaign and its extensive costs – both in resources and personnel hours – to the modification of SCP-6237-B’s activities, to better serve the Veil;
- With control of SCP-6237-B’s Board of Directors, the Foundation will have access to extensive ritual information and research which would benefit the containment efforts of unrelated anomalies connected to thaumaturgy and the occult.
Anomalous effects of SCP-6530 infection show the following signs:
- Subjects immediately exhibit reliance on online shopping, eschewing visiting stores in person, even when more convenient for personal necessity or when online prices are higher
- Subjects exhibit conviction that fees connected with online shopping are more convenient than personal expenses attached to visiting stores in person, even when such costs are cumulatively less than delivery fees
- Subjects regularly purchase large quantities of items even when in excess of subject’s need for said item
- Subjects consistently try to convince others that online shopping is more efficient and cost-effective, even when the facts are in contradiction
- Subjects routinely spend leisure time scanning the reviews of items in online marketplaces and services
- Subjects exhibit reliance on ordering food through delivery services, even when subject has experience preparing their own food and have excessive supplies of foodstuffs from their online orders
In collaboration with nickthebrick1 I wrote this new entry to the Department of Procurement and Liquidation:
A purely economical conflict featuring MC&D, Nick's young GOI - the Miracle Liberation Front, and a return from the Department Analyst, Roxanne Dsouza
- SCP-6954 - THe Muppets Take the Matterhorn with Prismal as co-author
This was a present for Pedagon, who is a great lover of the Muppets (me too) and so we thought of a story about the Muppets deciding to militarily occupy Disneyland in response to Henson's death in 1990 and Disney's attempt to control the Muppets. Also, the Three Moons Initiative gets involved, because of course.
Massive collab with like 10 other authors, in which we explain that all anomalies are actually just the tricks of this washed up stage magician who decides to give up his secrets to the O5 Council.
Contributions to the In Memoria, Adytum canon:
Sanguine quintet in the night
Sunder the mantle
Flesh culled from bone, unwilling
Weaken the bonds
Exclaim unto the murder of god
“We. Have. No. God. We kill gods, you metal buffoon.”
“My name is Ion, and I come to you with an invitation to a new age of humanity. Your agents will lower their weapons and you will surrender to our embrace, or they will die.”
“What about me?”
“We have other plans for you,” Lovataar said.
My work for the CanRenCon2020 Contest:
Resurrection: His Will Be Done (a series about Alpha-09 and Dr. Dan ██████ trying to understand and contain the world beyond SCP-093)
- Part One: Old Faces, New Foes - Get it? It's a combo of Harry and my Resurrection work for CanRenCon2020
- Part Two: A Study in Cinnabar - Dr. Dan needs to understand his quarry, the ever elusive Him behind the Red Sea Object… so he turns to unlikely resources: an MTF made up of an animate shadow man, a vigilante turned SCP agent, a UIU agent turned SCP investigator, and a Sarkic pit fighter turned SCP MTF muscle… and one Dr. Irving Gat.
- Part Three: SCP-093 'Orange' Test - after nearly ten years, SCP-093-E is being explored again by Dr. Dan with support from MTF Alpha-09 ("Last Hope"), things have not improved since the last time the Foundation chose to venture here.
- Part Four: Guilt Trip - part two of our exploration tale, where things get heated and all the nightmares of the Holy Land of SCP-093-E come out to play with our intrepid heroes.
- Part Five: Quarantine Blues - The team made it through the excursion into the wild lands of SCP-093-E, but just barely. Here we see them try to analyze the information they found, plan for the future, and suffer through a day/night of quarantine all packed into a small room. Everything is fine!
- Part Six(a): A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Manor - Half the team heads to Northern England to retrieve a weapon that might work against the Unclean, but get more than they bargained for.
- Part Six(b): Old Friends, Old Sins - The other half of the team, along with Dan and Light, go hunt down the last surviving member of the 093-E exploration logs and have some serious heart-to-hearts, but with thinly veiled threats of violence.