The following material is largely adapted from Goldbaker-Reinz's marketing material. Our experts have done their best to annotate it. Most of the annotations are mine, but in some cases I've passed it to a subject matter specialist.
Happy investigating.
Welcome to the SCP-6987 Containment Team!
SCP-6987 is our internal designation for the entirety of the Foundation's contractual ties to Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd., the largest and most prominent provider of insurance services to major players in the anomalous world.
Our relationship is complicated. We pay them, and they give us services. We could in-house at least a third of the benefits they give us, and quite possibly more, but if we did that:
- We'd add a good bit of RAISA overhead.
- We'd redirect valuable resources that could be better used elsewhere.
- We'd lose our biggest source of information on what makes Goldbaker-Reinz tick.
The following material is largely adapted from Goldbaker-Reinz's marketing material. Our experts have done their best to annotate it. Most of the annotations are mine, but in some cases I've passed it to a subject matter specialist.
Happy investigating.
Dr. Ezekiel Yang
Department of Financial Esoterica
Our Business
Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd. has been proud to offer insurance coverage and risk management consulting services to the peoples of earth since the dawn of human civilization.
A condensed summary of the major benefits covered by a typical policy is provided to purchasers of our services. We offer individual and corporate coverage for life, health, and accident insurance, as well as recovery services from high-impact incidents.
And this is what we're dealing with. 99% of what everyone needs to know about Goldbaker-Reinz is covered in SCP-6987. Everything else on this page is the other 1%.
— E. Yang
Your Legally Entitled Coverage Provided by Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd.
Goldbaker-Reinz is uniquely equipped to help with the sorts of challenges the Foundation faces every day. As a full voting member of the GOC's Council of 108, they're very familiar with the anomalous, but they're contractually bound to remain nonpartisan in intergroup contracts. Goldbaker-Reinz is proud to service the SCP Foundation, nearly all GOC affiliates, the Horizon Initiative, and many more.
Related Files
All SCPs
All Other Works
Writing Goldbaker-Reinz
So you want to write Goldbaker-Reinz
First off, awesome! The first thing you should do if you haven't already is read SCP-6987. The remainder of this hub exists to fill in other details.
For emphasis:
Read SCP-6987 as a crash course on Goldbaker-Reinz.
If that doesn't answer a question, this hub tries to cover everything else.
Contrary to the appearance of this hub, Goldbaker-Reinz isn't that bogged down in the weeds of how the actual insurance business works. It is firmly set in the fantastical, mainly because it could not reasonably exist in the real world any more than the veil or benevolent billionaires and stakeholder-driven corporations could.
The vibe of Goldbaker-Reinz is a smug, intricate, balanced, ultimately positive for humanity Rube Goldberg machine. The models and inputs are unknowable and impossible to process. From a certain point of view, this is even scarier than the Factory or Marshall, Carter, & Dark. Goldbaker-Reinz appears to be on the side of good for now, and it certainly benefits its partners — but for how long, and why? Outsiders simply cannot tell.
Dos and Don'ts
- Goldbaker-Reinz is "fair". It largely does not take glee in being the bad guys. The wording of their policies should be exacting but generous, but the enforcement of the policies should be exacting. Their policies, as written, should have almost no wiggle room in favor of elaborate explanations of what is and what isn't covered, erring on the side of more coverage for greater cost. But when the time comes to enforce that, they will enforce to the letter of the contracts.
- Goldbaker-Reinz should seem very smug about how fair it is. Its coverage is valuable, comprehensive, and generous; its risk models and data are in-depth, far-ranging, and often extremely accurate; it will never miss a chance to emphasize these facts. Goldbaker-Reinz would put its name next to the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition as a force for good in maintaining consensus normalcy despite its actions being much lesser (see "Services and Capabilities" or below)
- Don't make them the protagonists. Goldbaker-Reinz will almost never proactively fight for a better world but will provide support for those who do. Direct intervention is the place of the Manna Charitable Foundation or the Global Occult Coalition or the Foundation.
- The one exception is discreet assassinations of insurance fraudsters.
- Goldbaker-Reinz's goals do not include continued growth or high quarterly profits. Their goals also do not include a better world for the sake of a better world. They only want to survive and to continue providing risk services.
- Goldbaker wants this. Reinz might complain about it, but won't do anything to fight it.
- Goldbaker-Reinz will rarely interfere in a major active breach of normalcy. They will provide advisory opinions, and after the fact will honor any policies in place and provide logistical support to restore normalcy, but ultimately they are reactive, not proactive.
- Get basic finance and statistics jargon and concepts right. Consult Wikipedia, Investopedia or ask
LORDXVNV if necessary.
- Goldbaker-Reinz does not issue stock, any more than Marshall, Carter, & Dark does. All decisions ultimately answer to Goldbaker. There's a board of directors, but they are not chosen based on ownership of public equity. Therefore, Goldbaker-Reinz does not have "shareholders."
- Goldbaker will never make deals with Dark of Marshall, Carter, & Dark. By extension, Goldbaker-Reinz will not make deals with Marshall, Carter, & Dark. Goldbaker is more than happy to poach people from Marshall, Carter, & Dark, but on a corporate level Goldbaker has a deep animus towards Dark and any companies associated with it.
If any of this is unclear, please feel free to message
LORDXVNV with questions or for crit.
Placing your work on this hub
So you've written a work featuring Goldbaker-Reinz and want to see it added to this hub outside of the listpages modules directly above this section. Maybe you have some flavor text you want to highlight or you want to drive traffic to it (no judgement here lol).
Your first action should be to contact
LORDXVNV, curator of this hub, who will place your piece in an appropriate location and reserves the right to rearrange the placement of works on this hub. However, you may not be able to contact LORDXVNV for a number of reasons. In such a situation, each section's purpose should be mostly self-evident but is elaborated on here.
Client Success Stories
All SCPs, regardless of "client" "success", can go in this section. Additionally, if your tale is explicitly about the Foundation interacting with Goldbaker-Reinz in the context of an insurance policy or its other offerings, it can go here.
Careers With Goldbaker-Reinz
This section should be for any stories from the perspective of a lower-level Goldbaker-Reinz employee, basically anyone not named Goldbaker or Reinz.
Trusted Partnerships and Philanthropy
Any GoI formats should go in this section, regardless of the level of trust, partnership, and philanthropy. However, if it is a story where Goldbaker-Reinz gladly works with Marshall, Carter, and Dark, I will remove it for violating a fairly solid rule unless it is explicitly in an alternate universe where Dark is nowhere near it. It can go in the listpages.
Distant Horizons
Any stories set in an alternate universe can go here. Please create a new section for every different alternate universe.
How We Work
This section can be the grab-bag for any one-line mentions of Goldbaker-Reinz where they exist mainly for worldbuilding purposes and not as actual characters.

Goldbaker-Reinz is operated, unsurprisingly, by Goldbaker and Reinz. I've met Goldbaker once, and Reinz at least three.
Goldbaker is an enigma, and our best information is the results of espionage.
Reinz is a narcissist who loves talking about himself. His bio is from the GR website, and I think he wrote it himself.
— E. Yang
Our Leadership
Goldbaker (they/them)
Goldbaker (they/them), the founder of Goldbaker Ltd., continues to exercise a firm hand on the strategic outlook of Goldbaker-Reinz. Goldbaker endeavors to lead the firm ethically and responsibly to benefit all of its customers and stakeholders.
The end of the Seventh Occult War marked a new era for the firm. Goldbaker was instrumental in providing reconstructive aid to parties adversely impacted by the horrors of the Seventh Occult War, promising fair and equitable restoration to those covered by its policies. Through a good-faith effort to restore what the world had lost, Goldbaker positioned the firm as a trustworthy partner capable of making good on its promises.
Goldbaker continues to lead the firm to weather crisis after crisis. From Black Monday to the Financial Crisis of 2008 to the COVID-19 pandemic, Goldbaker's resolute leadership has kept the firm at the forefront of risk and insurance in the anomalous world.
I am no god. I can die. I have died, though I can recover, so it is not true death.
A god has a domain. Jupiter was thunder, fatherhood, patriarchy, law, Rome — connected concepts, to be sure, but distinct nonetheless. If I have a concept, I have only one — risk management. Our forbears would have called it other things, to be sure, but the actions and philosophies are eternal.
I have little power to turn the winds and tides, or to twist the hearts and minds of men. My power is knowledge — not truth, knowledge. I see futures that might be, and who might act wisely if pushed.
I was born when the first forager chose to dry berries instead of eating them all; I entered adulthood when the first shipowner concerned about losing his cargo entered a deal to limit the financial liability of his loss. I do not remember where or when. Mesopotamia, Egypt, China. Rome, Londinium, Marrakesh, Delhi, Tenochtitlan. They all blur together.
I have only ever plied one craft. Promised help in dark futures for small payments on a regular basis. Enough to fund my travels and fulfill the promises I made.
I made so many promises. Though not just me, those who joined my cause. From 1200 to 1700 I worked with every secret society in Europe, Asia, Africa. Small promises for some, but I knew them, and they knew me.
I tried a stint in the light. 1690. You'll see a blank line in the records of the Society of Lloyd's. I was a respected fellow at Lloyd's of London until 1871. Then they incorporated under the Lloyd's Act, and I chose to keep my freedom in the world of true power. As a favor Her Majesty's Foundation struck my name from the records, but my footsteps are there.
The Seventh Occult War? Terrible, terrible time. I helped what I could, in the aftermath — Esterberg, Backdoor Soho, wherever took the worst brunt of the war. When the dust settled, they offered me on a seat on the Council of 108. I thought I could do good in the Global Occult Coalition. A counterbalance in a multipolar world.
Werner is not my first business partner. He will not be my last. The men who sat on the Committee of Lloyd's, of countless European merchants in the middle ages, of Roman jurists and Egyptian scribes — I cherished them all.
But once they are gone, the work remains.
I am learned in all manners of divination known by gods and man. Astrology, I Ching, Tarot, Dowsing, Technical Analysis.
In this, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
I have dreams of other worlds. Perhaps they are premonitions. Perhaps they are echoes of lives that once-were, or lives that could-be.
Even for mortals, a hunch is intuition that has yet to be explained.
I've met myself. Gods can't, meaningfully, because they're aspects of a whole. Imaginary conversation between figments. A god sees through many eyes, and I see only through mine. But I can tell stories, and listen to them.
Humans fear losing what they already have. I am there to offer them reassurances, for a price. Those who fear hardest and have the most to lose are those who flock to me most eagerly. I would not survive without them.
I am as much of a predator as the bogeyman.
I was a mother when humanity was led by wise-women, and a man when the high priests and kings of Ur seized power. They called me "them" when it was in fashion, and I let them use "him" when it was not. And now it is in fashion again.
I suppose you could call me a coward, yes.
The firm declared me the first nonbinary leader on the Council of 108. It isn't wrong.
I would like nothing more than for nobody to ever lose a life to a fire or a tragedy again — and yet when I see the flames, something stays my hand. I can pick through the ashes, bandage wounds, tend to the wounded, offer water, command builders to recreate what was lost — yet I cannot act to stop the tragedy. I've wondered of it. But my attempts to circumvent it have only ever been half-hearted.
A man like Werner Reinz can act. The firm would not be what it is without him. A quarter as large, half as well connected, ten years behind.
I keep him honest.
Werner Reinz (he/him)
Featured: Taking the Reinz: A Retrospective, by Werner Reinz
Werner Reinz (he/him), a former founding partner of the now-defunct Reinz Group, accepted a merger offer from Goldbaker in 1981. By accepting this offer, Reinz escaped all of the consequences of his shady past and has engaged in no further such activity since this merger, a victory for rehabilitative justice.
As part of the newly-formed Goldbaker-Reinz, Werner focused on operations and sales. While the goodwill from reconstruction efforts in the wake of the Seventh Occult War had sustained Goldbaker's business for the better part of 40 years, Reinz worked on restoring those connections and building new ones while implementing practices to make the firm more competitive. Although nearing his retirement in the 2020s, Reinz continues to conduct avid research into the frontiers of technology and finance, both anomalous and not, and discusses his findings with Goldbaker often. Reinz's latest obsession is trying to goad large language models into writing minor cognitohazards; before that, it was a burning disdain for NFTs.
Reinz has endeavored to shield his children and grandchildren from the family business. To an extent, he has been successful. His sons, George, John, Thomas, and Alexander largely avoided both the insurance business and the anomalous world. His grandchildren Roy, Eric, Stephen, Regina, Alaric, Basil, Titania, Rhianna, and Evangeline-Amaryllis have all similarly avoided careers in the financial industry, largely instead pursuing the arts and philanthropy.
When Werner Reinz passes, should none of his heirs choose to follow in his footsteps, Goldbaker will keep his name upon the firm as a mark of honor to his partner for about a century or so. Then, when the winds of risk change — when the market regime shifts — they will take on another client financier and the firm will adapt.
Everything in the following section is from an incident where we called in our contracts with Goldbaker-Reinz, and they provided. That could've taken the form of services, recompense, or clarification on information we observed from our subscriptions to their data feeds.
I've got a few contacts in other GOC groups, a few friends in the esoteric practices of the big insurers. They all get a similar profile from GR showing exactly what they've helped on in recent memory.
They like to remind us all how useful they are.
— E. Yang
Client Success Stories
The Foundation
- While the independent supranational normalcy agency known as the Foundation has a variable relationship with the Global Occult Coalition as a whole, Goldbaker-Reinz has a long-standing positive working relationship with the Foundation.
- In part, this is due to an ancient history of honoring contracts, going back to the Foundation's precursor organizations. Although Goldbaker had the opportunity to be one of the founding members of the Foundation, they ultimately preserved their independence and ability to provide risk services and insurance coverage to the anomalous world writ large, which would have been lost if joining the Foundation's O5 Council. Membership of the GOC provided a much greater degree of autonomy.
Successes at the Foundation
Uncorrelated yield curve shifts of multiple low-yield investments by anomalous insurer Goldbaker-Reinz Insurance Group Ltd., adjusted book value now in the hundreds of millions of dollars USD.
Due to anomalous influences associated with Nexus-36: Atlantic City, the temporal revision initiated by the Insured resulted in several temporal errors, which have been rectified by the Provided.
- A non-comprehensive list of such adjustments include:
- Correcting the branding and interior design of the Vaporwave Hotel & Casino to the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino;
- Removal of Roman Legionaries from the Caesars Atlantic City Hotel & Casino;
- Revocation of advertising material denoting Atlantic City as the 'Home of the Atlanty Cheesestake;'
- Reorientation of the Steel Pier amusement park to face towards the water;
- Rescinding the 10,000 free tickets distributed to see the Beetles playing live.
H777: High Roller
Should an employee of Foundation Site-666 — acting under the influence of anomalous phenomena (examples include, but are not limited to: possession, sudden or unpredictable changes in baseline probability, and/or misrepresentation of reality) — acquire debt(s) while gambling, Goldbaker-Reinz will cover up to 50% of the relevant amount, to a total of $500,000 USD.
This coverage does not apply to debts acquired while under the influence of phenomena such as:
- Mundane alcohol and/or narcotics;
- Bets placed informed by omens or prognostic readings;
- Being on a "hot streak;"
- Using a "lucky number/dice;"
- Loudly proclaiming "The House Always Wins," prior to betting.
The Department of Financial Esoterica, in conjunction with insurers Goldbaker-Reinz, informed Foundation administration that any further disappearances of this type could have a detrimental effect on the global economy. O5 Command escalated containment priority of SCP-7273 and assigned four more task forces to assist MTF Gamma-6.
Disputes arising between the Foundation and the Walt Disney Company regarding the SCP-6458 Rental Agreement are to be adjudicated by Goldbaker-Reinz, though either party may decline to renew the yearly agreement, should they so choose.
"Under Section 5, Article 1, Line 70 of your HMCL-selected auto coverage policy, you cannot file a claim for replacement of aftermarket parts that were not installed by a licensed Automotive Repair Dealer," the adjuster stated with just an ever-so slight twinge of mockery. "This occurrence is therefore excluded from coverage under your policy."
"Are you trying to tell me that the Foundation doesn't have a license to repair cars?"
Additionally, due to recent budget reallocations, Site-333 personnel will no longer be receiving coverage for workplace-related injuries, illnesses, disabilities, or fatalities as part of their Goldbaker-Reinz insurance package.
There's a GoReChaoS — Goldbaker-Reinz Chaotic Systems Intelligence or something equally schlocky, which streams some of the most interesting yet most utterly unverifiable and therefore untrustworthy data possible from the Foundation's beloved and oddly prescient insurer, perpetual thorn in Zeke's side.
People who work for Goldbaker-Reinz are in a weird place.
Less lucrative than Marshall, Carter, & Dark or the hundred other prop shops and subveil hedge funds or even banks like Fauste. Utterly milquetoast compared to running with the Serpent's Hand or dedicating yourself to AWCY. A hell of a lot more bureaucratic bullshit — veil breach and import regulations, extremely specific free port bylaws, extremely unpredictable markets — compared to working in a nice, normal finance firm in the regular world.
There's a very specific kind of person who subjects themselves to that kind of job, and it's the type of person we can recruit.
We don't even fall under non-compete clauses!
— E. Yang
Careers With Goldbaker-Reinz
A career at Goldbaker-Reinz is competitive with careers at top of the market financial services firms. While Goldbaker-Reinz's primary business is insurance, it also has operations in other financial services like risk consulting, investment services, arbitration, and divine intercession.
Goldbaker-Reinz employs professionals in many aspects of finance such as Insurance, Customer Relations, Data & Analytics, and Claims, occult practice like Divination, Ritual Safety, Daemonics, and Pacts, and operational segments such as Compliance, Legal, Internal Audit, or Being Resources.
Goldbaker-Reinz has operations in most major urban Nexuses internationally; global mobility is possible and encouraged. Furthermore, as the first member of the Council of 108 to be headed by a nonbinary entity, it is dedicated to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives. It is committed to aligning its workforce to the communities it serves on every level of operations.
Employee Experiences
For as long as he remembered, Khalil wanted power. And for Khalil , power meant money. His mother had been an anartist, a deadbeat. What a waste of a way to use the arcane. For as long as he remembered, Khalil had a different dream. A dream… of anomalous financial services. A dream of climbing to the top of the cryptic corporate ladder.
If you remember nothing about Goldbaker-Reinz's geopolitics and relationships, remember this:
- They are part of the Global Occult Coalition
Yes, there's nuance to that. Not all the GOC are trigger-happy murder maniacs. But the parts that aren't are protected by the parts that are. And the trained killers really, really like their Goldbaker-Reinz health insurance options.
So diplomatically? Treat them like the GOC.
For some other reason that we're still digging into, they view their relationship with the Manna Charitable Foundation as one of their most important ones. It makes sense when you hear about it, but it's very unclear just what they get from each other. My hunch is that it's a whim of Mx. Goldbaker themselves.
Dr. Jay Everwood
GoI Specialist
Trusted Partnerships and Philantrophy
Goldbaker-Reinz exerts political and philantrophic might through two avenues: its membership of the Global Occult Coalition and its donations to humanitarian groups, chief among them the Manna Charitable Foundation.
The Global Occult Coalition and its members
Goldbaker-Reinz holds a seat on the Council of 108 as a Founding Member.
The Seventh Occult War scarred the anomalous world and left extensive damages. Goldbaker-Reinz was faced with a mass obligation event, as it had in prior anomalous conflicts. Due to robust risk management and powerful predictive models, it survived and delivered, which deepened its relationships with major players behind the Veil. When the militaristic Allied Occult Initiative was reformed into the diplomatic Global Occult Coalition, Goldbaker-Reinz was a natural choice for a leadership role as part of the Council of 108.
Goldbaker-Reinz's contributions to the Global Occult Coalition are twofold:
- The major contribution is generous and total insurance coverage for core Coalition bureaucratic and military staff. Goldbaker-Reinz offers to cover the insurance needs of Coalition staff in High Command, and the PHYSICS, PSYCHE, and PTOLEMY divisions, ranging from health and life to automobile and umbrella insurance. United Nations affiliates are offered coverage on a case-by-case basis if they have sufficient Veiled operations.
- Goldbaker-Reinz also provides secondary risk analysis in service to the PTOLEMY division to assure anti-AI advocates among the Council of 108 who do not fully trust the analyses provided by the Silicon Nornir
Many other member organizations of the GOC not granted this blanket coverage elect to purchase coverage from Goldbaker-Reinz at market rates.
Manna Charitable Foundation
As a group that ostensibly operates under the auspices of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the Manna Charitable Foundation builds infrastructure and tries to improve the world in a way that Goldbaker-Reinz does not. Goldbaker-Reinz has been providing coverage to the Manna Charitable Foundation since its inception; these contributions consist of a significant proportion of Goldbaker-Reinz's philanthropic contributions.
These contributions take four primary forms:
- Goldbaker-Reinz offers ultra-low-cost health, life, and accident insurance to members of the MCF's Mission Work Groups, their field crew. However, very few take elect to take this coverage. It is unclear whether they have no dependents that would benefit from life insurance, whether they have faith in their Abnormal assets for the purpose of healthcare, or whether they simply don't know.
- In cases of incurable paranatural conditions incurred during work with the MCF, Goldbaker-Reinz will provide healthcare regardless of prior coverage in exchange for the afflicted consenting to scientific observation.
- Should the MCF receive a donation that they deem unsuitable for humanitarian deployment, they can notify Goldbaker-Reinz; if possible, Goldbaker-Reinz will deliver a "hedge donation" that partially mitigates the unsuitable aspects. This, however, is exceedingly rare.
- Should the MCF's operations have unforeseen adverse impacts beyond normal expected tolerances, AND it would be politically inconvenient for clean-up to fall to external parties like the Foundation, Goldbaker-Reinz will intervene and assist with recovery if requested. These requests are even rarer, as the MCF highly values its ability to work with minimal external interference.
Portfolio of Charitable Work
Aided by the Foundation's support alongside insurance coverage received from Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd. and humanitarian aid offered by the Manna Charitable Foundation, over the next couple of years, Esterberg would lift itself back from its knees. With more and more new faces visiting the city due to the fall of the Soviet Union and the approaching end of the Cold War, the city was capable of changing its landscape almost entirely from the previously outdated architecture left over from the city's funding to a new, more modern look.
Economic Impact
The $10 trillion global healthcare industry would collapse nearly entirely. Sufferers of KTE-6990-Mendel-Nimuebusterchild undergo significant biological shifts both physically and chemically. Nearly all existing pharmaceutical drugs would cease expected function and require replacement, leaving all sufferers from preexisting conditions without access to care. Almost all medical and research professionals would require retraining to adjust for changes in biology. Existing medical research on the Allgermanic werewolf and similar subspecies would be largely inapplicable due to the extreme variation of suffers of KTE-6990-Mendel-Nimuebusterchild.
Sorry for the phrasing, but, uh, the public is literally exploding. I can pay off Void, the news, and most governments well enough, but I have several issues I was not cleared about beforehand sitting on my desk, among which the most noteworthy are:
- a very angry letter sent from a "Shark Punching Centre" (?) regarding our expansion into the oceans;
- an equally strongly worded email from citizens of La Rue basically telling us to fuck off with our connection;
- some bureaucratic asshole from the GOC threatening us with military intervention because of our actions;
What am I supposed to do???
The World Parahealth Organization (WPO) is calling for a diplomatic resolution with the People's Council of Other London, arguing that isolating any population without ready access to the essentials for life is tantamount to genocide.
Executives with Goldbaker Ltd. seconded that motion, observing that without proper controls, the vast mineral resources of 8837 London could destabilize terrestrial economies.
Both scenarios represent a violation of the GOC's Third Mission (Protection).
An unrecorded, but globally disruptive event supposedly occurred in Delhi on February 20th, upon contact with a Red Rebels cell by local MCF volunteers.13 The Manna Charitable Foundation discussed and finalized insurance proceedings with Goldbaker-Reinz Insurance Group Ltd. on February 21st, alongside Vanguard and the Serpent's Hand.
America is a nation at war; at war with itself.
This isn't a recent development. Not really. This particular pot has been stirring ever since America's birth, but right now, it's boiling. With the nation neatly torn in half between those willing to destroy all that is foreign to their idea of order and those willing to perpetuate a hurtful status quo for as long as it remains under their control, things are not going well. This isn't a fault in the system, however, not some flaw in an otherwise functioning structure — it is an inherent feature of its design.
And now we're digging into the nitty-gritty of Goldbaker-Reinz's business, taken straight from the 600-page marketing brochure they send to sophisticated clients.
Let me be abundantly clear about the following bit — most of you will never have to know this. There's no test on this. Nobody is keeping track if you know the difference between insurance and reinsurance and how Goldbaker-Reinz gets involved with both. Nobody is keeping track of if you know exactly where Goldbaker-Reinz gets its ridiculous amount of money and raw material. Things like the GoReChaos Data Feed only come up if you work in Financial Esoterica, and things like Goldbaker-Reinz's rumored covert assassination squad come up even more rarely.
Seriously. Save yourself the headache and skip or skim this bit. It'll be here when you need it.'
But if you're part of Financial Esoterica I expect you to read this in full.
— E. Yang
How We Work
What do we do?
The core businesses of Goldbaker-Reinz are:
- Insurance Underwriting
- Reinsurance
- Goldbaker-Reinz Chaotic Systems Intelligence Data Feed
- Risk Monitoring and Advisory
- Forensic/Enforcement
Insurance Underwriting
The bulk of Goldbaker-Reinz's business comes from underwriting a wide range of insurance policies for Veiled customers. Goldbaker-Reinz offers comprehensive life, health, and afterlife insurance as well as voluntary policies like veterinary, vehicular, identity theft, and personal liability insurance for individuals; it offers fire, marine, flood, and other forms of property insurance to institutions. It also offers increasingly specific policies for increasingly specific risks, which are too numerous to describe here, but are tailored to the risk profile of individual clients.
Goldbaker-Reinz is also capable of offering insurance coverage that others are not, such as earthquake, wind, flood , and ontology insurance. The coverage offered by these policies is often not provided in monetary terms, but recovery services brokering and administrative support. This coverage is often a layer of redundancy for large supranational entities like the Foundation and the core divisions of the GOC, but are often subscribed to by mid-sized entities with high concentration of geographical risk.
Traditional insurers exclude nuclear and radiation accidents, as well as damages incurred from acts of war or terrorism, from coverage by their policies. Goldbaker-Reinz does not, instead charging an additional premium for the protection. The policy default is opt-out as opposed to opt-in.
Reinsurance is the business of insurance for insurance companies, and it defines Goldbaker-Reinz's relationship to insurers primarily active in the mundane world.
Insurance as a business assumes that losses are ideally independent. This is not true for mass casualty events. While the canonical example of such is Large-Scale Aggressor Action and its resulting life and property damage, even smaller paranatural events could produce correlated life & property insurance claims not captured in the risk models of mundane insurance companies.
Public insurance companies purchase these policies from Goldbaker-Reinz, which is able to offer them because of its advanced risk modeling and deep pockets.
Goldbaker-Reinz Chaotic Systems Intelligence Data Feed
The Goldbaker-Reinz Chaotic Systems Intelligence Data Feed (GoReCHAOS IDF) is a state-of-the-art data solution for normalcy risk monitoring. As part of the risk assessment process, Goldbaker-Reinz collects massive amounts of information about the risk profiles of its clients both through boots-on-the-ground research, meetings, and divination, a large part of which is not client confidential information and therefore can be disclosed. With the dawn of the computer age, providing this information to customers became both viable and profitable.
The GoReCHAOS is a means of recouping some of that value for paying customers in need of high-quality up-to-date normalcy risk information. Subscribers gain access to monitoring and real-time reports on the current normalcy threat environment. While many power players have their own in-house solutions for data analysis, the GoReCHAOS feed is often still consulted for corroboration and, in the case of certain customers, confirmation that Goldbaker-Reinz is unaware of top-secret projects.
Risk Monitoring and Advisory
A tertiary service provided by Goldbaker-Reinz is risk monitoring of normalcy risks and advisory services. Goldbaker-Reinz publishes several quarterly report on trends in the normalcy maintenance and enforcement sectors. Within the Global Occult Coalition's core divisions, crucial assessments have been largely performed by the Silicon Nornir ever since they came online, leading to a slight diminishment of Goldbaker-Reinz's prominence in the GOC proper. However, GOC members and affiliates continue to rely on Goldbaker-Reinz Data and Analysis provided through the GoReCHAOS IDF system, as well as occasionally hiring Goldbaker-Reinz to provide implementation and technical services for financial purposes.
Goldbaker-Reinz is strongly opposed to dishonesty in the insurance business. Goldbaker-Reinz has accepted the unfortunate reality that the enforcement actions undertaken by the GOC will largely be focused on the Fivefold Mission in order of priority (Survival, Concealment, Protection, Destruction, Education), and that national financial law enforcement agencies often have questionable reach and jurisdiction for enforcing laws and regulations in anomalous spaces. Goldbaker-Reinz understands, to some extent, the weakness of the rule of law in the anomalous world and its own position upon the Council of 108 as an executive body.
Goldbaker-Reinz is committed to ensuring a safe and equitable anomalous insurance market through any legal means.
How do we do it?
Goldbaker-Reinz applies the following methods to ensure its ongoing solvency:
- Advanced Risk Modeling & Integrated Divination
- Active Trading in Anomalous Markets
- Treasury & Reserves
Advanced Risk Modeling & Integrated Divination
Goldbaker-Reinz uses state-of-the-art risk models commonly used by market participants as the first line of defense. The firm also has teams dedicated to both the theoretical and practical sides of risk modeling and implementation; Goldbaker-Reinz has quantitative and occult professionals actively researching improvements in risk modeling, risk mitigation, and divinatory techniques, financial and esoteric engineers working to integrate these into existing systems, as well as practitioners responsible for market and occult implementation.
The risk-models are fairly standard, if sophisticated, relative to the market.
The divinatory practices are comprehensive and synthesized. The divination practice incorporates learned scholars in astrology, geomancy, in-house prophecy, haruspicy, I Ching, Tarot, Feng shui, Kabbalah, scrying, and many other fields. The firm's stance is that individual methods may be prone to error, but on a large scale and as a whole they provide an incredibly effective early warning system.
As a result, Goldbaker-Reinz's portfolio is significantly closer to being perfectly hedged than most other financial entities. A perfectly-hedged portfolio is one with almost no market risk: fluctuations in the market will not affect the value of Goldbaker-Reinz's policies and other holdings. It has been said that the premiums brought in by Goldbaker-Reinz's policies are exactly enough to cover its cost of operations. It is unclear how true this is, but it is only possible by Goldbaker's lack of pursuit of endless growth.
Active Trading in Anomalous Markets
Goldbaker-Reinz is a sophisticated participant in anomalous markets. The firm maintains positions in fixed income bonds issued by anomalous corporations, anomalous commodities such as Thaumaturgy-Grade Beryllium Bronze and goat's blood, and securitized products on nexus real estate and demonic contracts. The firm adjusts its positions actively in order to mitigate exposures in a constantly-evolving risk landscape.
Treasury & Reserves
Goldbaker-Reinz holds significantly more in its treasury than is required by regulatory agencies for insurance companies. Goldbaker-Reinz is highly conservative in this sense; it does not take unnecessary risk.
Goldbaker-Reinz holds reserves in all world currencies, even volatile ones, to reduce FX risk, split between digital and physical forms. It holds a store of precious metals, base metals, and other commodities; it stores energy in paratechnologically advanced batteries; it stores commodities with occult significance like various milks and bloods. It has globally and extradimensionally distributed warehouses for all of these. It holds corporate bonds and securitized products from both mundane and anomalous companies in alignment with its risk profiles, and occasionally targets Alagaddan or Tartarean Securitized Obligations.
Goldbaker-Reinz also holds significant positions in other alternative investments. There is a significant amount of real estate associated with the firm, some of it from antiquity. The firm also holds collectibles such as art, wine, and vehicles; these, in a pinch, can be deployed for practical purposes in anomaly risk management.
Goldbaker-Reinz holds extremely minimal equity/stock positions because they have unacceptably high risk profiles. Any stock positions Goldbaker-Reinz holds is for the explicit purpose of seeking a controlling interest in order to shut down dangerous operations of the targeted companies, and it disposes of these positions once its desired changes to corporate governance have been made.
The firm holds no cryptocurrency except for in the short-term to pay clients who have set their renumeration to be in cryptocurrency.
A note on the criteria for Insurability
Traditionally, insurable risks have 7 characteristics.
- Large loss
- Calculable loss
- Definite loss
- Affordable Premium
- Similar risks
- Accidental loss
- Limited risk of catastrophically large losses
This profile discusses how Goldbaker-Reinz's business is able to operate in the context of these characteristics and where it is capable of operating outside of them.
- Large loss: Potential losses must be large enough to be worth insuring. Almost all of Goldbaker-Reinz's coverage offerings satisfy this.
- Calculable loss: For a risk to be insurable, its probability of occurrence and its cost must both be calculable. Goldbaker-Reinz is able to treat traditionally incalculable risks as calculable due to its highly-advanced proprietary financial-occult synthetic risk models.
- Definite loss: All aspects of a loss — time, place, cause — must be knowable. Goldbaker-Reinz insures nontraditional losses because it believes it is capable of determining and isolating these aspects of a loss. Policies often go into extreme detail and separate losses out into specific steps of a loss. A fire policy for the Foundation might, for example, isolate the risks associated with employee negligence, ritual nonperformance, and astrological factors, charge a separate premium for each, and give a different payout depending on what ultimately caused said fire.
- Affordable Premium: Premium is a monthly or quarterly payment of a small amount to purchase ongoing coverage for potential large losses. For insurance purposes, if the cost of the premium is excessively high, potential customers may not view the policies as economically worthwhile. Premiums are large when the probability of loss events is high or when loss events are extremely costly; this describes the vast majority of risks Goldbaker-Reinz insures. To make these policies desirable, Goldbaker-Reinz accepts premium payments in rare and esoteric materials that its policy holders are uniquely equipped to provide; it is then able to use these acquired commodities to offset its risks elsewhere.
- Similar Risks: The Law of Large Numbers can be applied to similar risks. Goldbaker-Reinz however operates by insuring extremely idiosyncratic risks. One way the firm mitigates the unpredictability of highly-unique risks is through its advanced data; the other is its treasury, which consists of more than financial products.
- Accidental loss: The only risks considered for insurance are those that are outside the control of the policy holder; Goldbaker-Reinz classifies all paranatural management protocols as insurable in this sense regardless of the potential for human error simply because if it did not, it would significantly reduce its policy offerings. Goldbaker-Reinz has an interest in preventing the collapse of the world, so it offers policies even where there is a a significant element of human risk in order to prevent undue strain and contagion.
- Limited risk of catastrophically large losses: Generally, Goldbaker-Reinz is able to treat all risks as non-catastrophic — no amount of loss will cause Goldbaker-Reinz to go completely insolvent. This is, of course, untrue, but as a general rule most things that would bankrupt Goldbaker-Reinz would also destroy the world.
What we believe in
Superficially, to those unfamiliar with us, Goldbaker-Reinz acts as an idealized insurance company.
The principles of insurance, and how Goldbaker-Reinz interacts with them, are as follows:
- Uberrima fides (utmost good faith): When entering an insurance contract, both parties must disclose all relevant facts. Both parties must enter the deal acting in good faith. Goldbaker-Reinz is trusted and generally acts in good faith; However, the parties it ensures range from slightly shady corporations to secret societies with long histories of getting what they want. Therefore, Goldbaker-Reinz exercises advanced Due Diligence on any parties and assets it is asked to insure.
- Insurable interest: The party buying an insurance policy must have a stake in the covered asset. If the asset is damaged, the policyholder will suffer. Goldbaker-Reinz liberally interprets the scope of a stake; the Foundation is able to buy policies on the governments of countries or infrastructure it does not own because it is assumed that should these things be destroyed, the Foundation will take on at least partial responsibility for reconstruction.
- Loss Minimization: The policyholder must make every effort to reduce the magnitude of a loss instead of stretching it out and seeking greater compensation from Goldbaker-Reinz. Most major customers do not try anything as stupid as this; those that do become classified "Belligerent Anomalous Entities" if relevant.
- Proximate Cause: When a loss has multiple causes, Goldbaker-Reinz will honor the policy covering the most relevant one. Goldbaker-Reinz's level of extreme specificity in its contracts allows it to tailor its payments and coverage to highly specific situations in such a way that it gives an edge over the rest of the market.
- Indemnity: Goldbaker-Reinz will only compensate its counterparties up to their interests in their policies. For general global normalcy preservation policies, Goldbaker-Reinz will contribute as needed to restore to a contractually-defined normalcy state as opposed to adhering to the insured parties' interests.
The following principles are consistent with industry standard.
- Subrogation: In cases of harm, Goldbaker-Reinz can sue the liable party for recovery of damages on behalf of the insured.
- Contribution: In the exceedingly rare cases where Goldbaker-Reinz is co-insuring an entity, it will split its contributions towards restoration payments with its joint insurers.
G-R operations
Here Today
Act Your Age
Secure Facility Dossier Site 81TG (JP)
A Friendly Guide To The Katharsys Music Festival
It strains credulity, doesn't it? How can an insurance company actually be good? The Foundation barely even manages that, and it's in our mission statement.
And yet they do, and people trust them. Something like 15% of peacefully resolved anomalous disputes get arbitrated by Goldbaker-Reinz. That may not sound like a lot, but of the remaining "peacefully resolved" disputes, 70% are actually euphemistically described stalemate. They're given an absurd amount of trust. It's only natural to ask — why?
This is what I think.
Goldbaker-Reinz does not need to engage in predatory sales practices because it has almost completely captured the anomalous insurance market. The firm understands that this status could easily be transitory. It has captured the economy because its service is superior and high quality. That the company is run by the manifestation of Risk Management themselves is irrelevant; companies, if run poorly, can still die, no matter how strong their leadership is.
Goldbaker-Reinz cares about the welfare of the human race. This does not translate to caring for the welfare of individual humans. It insures world governments and mundane insurers because these groups are generally less equipped to deal with large scale paranormal breaches endogenously, but their collapse would cause serious damage to the normal function of the world. It insures paratechnological corporations because robust risk management systems prevent unnecessary and stupid risks that could lead to insolvency and proliferation of dangerous technologies. It insures the Foundation and the GOC because should these organizations fail, the modern world will end, which would be bad for the economy.
The fail state of an insurance company is if enough of its liabilities come due, and it doesn't have the ability to pay up. For Goldbaker-Reinz, the odds of this happening are highest at the end of the world.
But ultimately, at the end of the day, Goldbaker-Reinz doesn't build. Goldbaker-Reinz picks up the pieces.
— E. Yang
Goldbaker-Reinz shares knowledge and risk across the multiverse. We don't know the full scope of their limitations. They operate parallel to us, and their policies cover us out there.
Multiversal Goldbaker-Reinz groups maintain a healthy level of interdimensional trade. It's a system fairly similar to our own trade compacts with alternate Foundations: Sometimes, one universe needs raw materials that are in abundance in another. Now, what we do at the Foundation is in a legal gray area because of multiversal import/export quotas, but sometimes it's worth skirting those laws if it means not crashing the economy of middle America. Goldbaker-Reinz, however, gets to set those laws as part of the GOC so they get free reign.
They claim they have strict internal controls so they'll never have a prolonged surplus or deficit of material goods between universes. We claim the same thing about our own trades and that sure works great.
Some universes, however, are multiversal isolates. From what rare glimpses we've got into them, Goldbaker-Reinz still exists in some of them. Weaker, maybe, but they still exist. I think their operations have to be more limited. They can't rely on communication and trade with their counterparts, so they have to use local divination and keep a tighter belt around their waists. That'd be something to ask Zeke Yang about though.
But whenever we can see them, there's something poetic and constant. No matter how weak or diminished they are, if they've been reduced to an emaciated stick figure, they'll still be at it. Balancing risks.
Maybe one day they'll rest.
Dr. Tristan Bailey
Multi-U Department
Dr. Trevor Bailey
Multi-U Department
Distant Horizons
A world to be freed
Goldbaker in the world of Mundus, Liberari.
Ecce Insurgo
And the final bit. How they interact with everyone else.
You don't need to know any of this until you need to. Just remember that the Goldbaker-Reinz is part of the GOC and you've got 90% of it. Everwood's right on that.
But if a question catches your eye elsewhere in your investigations — why do they help mercenaries, if they think they're the good guys? How do mundane insurance companies survive K-Class scenarios? What do the IMF and World Bank and Marshall, Carter, and Dark think about all of this? Do they fund the Chaos Insurgency? — well, it's here if you need it.
Thanks to Dr. Everwood for helping put this together.
God knows it was like pulling teeth.
— E. Yang
Anomalous Relationships of Goldbaker-Reinz
Major Contacts
Paratechnological and Paranatural Corporations (e.g. Anderson Robotics, Arcadia, Ambrose Restaurants, Wondertainment, Prometheus Labs (defunct))

- The Cash Flows of paratechnological and paranatural corporations are largely under-the-table. For purposes of normalcy preservation, mundane insurers would only be able to view highly redacted or doctored financial statements produced by such corporations. The exact process and risk profile of Telekill synthesis, for example, cannot be disclosed cleanly in a financial disclosure. As a completely Veiled insurer, Goldbaker-Reinz is not subject to the same secrecy considerations as other potential insurers.
- The field of insurance behind the veil is extremely limited. The Foundation is known to have an in-house solution, as are other paranatural parties, but Goldbaker-Reinz dwarfs its competitors in both scale and reach. It is unique positioned to take on the extremely idiosyncratic risks of paranatural corporations and mitigate them against each other. In the absence of sub-veil anti-monopoly regulation, no other parties are able to challenge it.
- By insuring paratechnological corporations, Goldbaker-Reinz relieves some of the operational risk of said companies, freeing them to take on greater levels of innovative risk while reducing their likelihood of pursuing avenues that may generate existential risk out of desperation to remain solvent. Conversely, these companies provide a valuable revenue stream to Goldbaker-Reinz. The relationship is symbiotic, should they choose to enter it.
Anomalous Private Military Corporations (e.g. Valravn, Myrmidon, Primordial, ARGUS, "SPC", etc)
- Goldbaker-Reinz understands that those who dedicate their lives to war may still have families that will grieve them, and is proud to offer group term life insurance and medical coverage to Private Military Corporations active primarily behind the veil, both for acts of war or exposure to anomalous or esoteric phenomena including exotic radiation, magic, local reality distortion.
- Goldbaker-Reinz will not offer new policies nor honor existing policies for PMCs engaged in active warfare with United Nations Member States or Global Occult Coalition Observing Parties, nor will it service mundane PMCs, as those do not operate in a way that requires compliance with GOC Second Mission "Concealment" criteria.
- Goldbaker-Reinz is willing to hire PMCS for boots-on-the-ground risk analysis of their particular geopolitical expertise.
- Goldbaker-Reinz does not cover damages incurred in war with the Old Gods.
- Government entities like the Unusual Incidents Unit, Pentagram, or ORIA are covered by their equivalents of Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) or Medical Services Security Organization (MSSO) (Sazman Tamin-e Khadamate Darmani) for life insurance.
- Goldbaker-Reinz markets elective insurance to individuals of these groups for various kinds of anomalous risks to reduce the economic footprint associated with Veiled activities should various governments attempt to provide coverage in-house.
- Although these groups are more vulnerable to geopolitical realities, Goldbaker-Reinz has the right to ignore international sanctions to honor contracts in good-faith. It is generally understood by most parties that would enforce such sanctions that the coverage provided is a necessary preventative measure. The Foundation and Coalition largely turn a blind eye, as they also operate in locales under international sanctions.
Mundane Insurers
- Most insurance companies have fairly robust loss models, but they assume that once-in-a-generation catastrophic events will truly be only once-in-a-generation. Goldbaker-Reinz assumes that if such catastrophic events occur, they will occur all at once; by using state-of-the-art predictive paratechnology and thaumaturgy, it is able to tailor the coverage it offers to minimize normalcy disruption and Veil preservation.
- Goldbaker-Reinz specializes in reinsurance for risks related to paranatural phenomena. In situations of total collapse, it will work directly with normalcy preservation agencies to try and restore a form of consensus reality, but for any lesser disruptions it shall provide coverage to mundane insurers.
- In essence, Goldbaker-Reinz steps in to provide coverage to agencies and individuals that mundane insurers cannot; furthermore, when those insurers themselves are under strain from causes outside of the norm, Goldbaker-Reinz will provide support.
The World Bank
- The World Bank is composed of five independent agencies: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Development Association, International Finance Corporation, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
- The World Bank's claimed goal is to reduce global poverty through long-term reduction efforts. On a high level, it does this by providing financial support through loans and grants to countries no one else will lend to, contingent on policy adoption via sovereign guarantees. On a practical level, it helps countries achieve these goals through policy advice and technical assistance, political risk assurance, and arbitration services.
- The World Bank has extremely limited power behind the Veil, and most of its technical specialists are not authorized to know about the paranatural; Furthermore, the United States of America has veto power over major decisions of the World Bank. As a result, Goldbaker-Reinz provides similar services to entities behind the veil, but its stipulations are tied to risk management. As such, any project financing it provides is contingent on adherence to the GOC's Fivefold Mission regardless of the personal agendas of any staff.
- The World Bank's existence enables Goldbaker-Reinz to have almost no operations in the consensus normal.
The International Monetary Fund
- The primary goals of the IMF are to ensure the stability of the international monetary system, encourage trade and economic growth, and discourage policy that would harm economic growth. To do so, it monitors the macroeconomic trends of member countries and offers policy recommendations, issues short-term loans to countries in debt, and provides technical and administrative aid to government officials in member countries. It is the global lender of last resort — an entity that will issue loans to parties that no one else will loan to.
- The IMF recommends market-oriented solutions (that assume the benefits of free markets). These policies are often misaligned with local economic and cultural conditions, and are not customized to local needs. As with the World Bank, the United States of America has veto power over wide-ranging changes to IMF policy.
- Goldbaker-Reinz measures similar economic data as the IMF, though more specialized for the paranatural; Goldbaker-Reinz is more concerned with the restoration of consensus normalcy, though the stability of the international economy is included within that. Goldbaker-Reinz occasionally adopts a similar policy advisory function as the IMF, but its recommendations are oriented towards reducing the risk of catastrophic paranatural collapse, taking into account endemic expertise if relevant. Occasionally, this brings it in conflict with the IMF's recommendations. Nations, if caught between two recommendations, generally side with the IMF because it gives them money.
Minor Contacts
Three Moons Initiative
- Goldbaker-Reinz endeavors to maintain cordial relations with the Three Moons Initiative to ease in delivery of afterlife-assignment protection and application of extreme extradimensional force.
Oneiroi groups
- Similarly, Goldbaker-Reinz endeavors to maintain cordial relationships with friendly Oneiroi Entities such as Oneiroi West in order to provide coverage to customers while in Oneiric realms. However, due to the highly unpredictable meaning of risk in the realms, they do not offer coverage to primarily Oneiric entities.
Uninsurable Parties
Marshall, Carter, & Dark
- Under no circumstances will Goldbaker-Reinz enter contracts with any entity heavily associated with the financiers known as Dark(e).
- This is a high-level corporate directorate coming from Goldbaker themselves. Anyone attempting to land deals with Marshall, Carter, & Dark will be immediately separated from the firm.
- The reason for this antipathy is unclear. Goldbaker's moral code could be opposed to MCD's operations in the utmost, or there could be a more esoteric reason for the disdain and rejection of cooperation.
The Factory
- The Factory is a blind, unthinking machine that reduces human beings to nothing more than labor and parts of a machine. It is efficiency itself; its products all worship this utmost goal.
- This is against the ethos of Goldbaker-Reinz, which places high value on the lives of peoples of Earth despite also being a well-oiled corporate machine, and is perhaps the foremost corporate example of sacrificing efficiency in favor of risk mitigation and internal controls.
- The Factory is not believed to be capable of corporate negotiation in the traditional sense, but if it were, Goldbaker-Reinz would reject it outright.
Paranatural Terrorist Groups and their members
- As a GOC member in good standing, Goldbaker-Reinz complies with the UN 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and does not provide coverage to terrorists.
- The most notable include:
- Terrorist groups such as: Chaos Insurgency, Serpent's Hand, and suspected affiliates.
- Religious extremists such as: Children of the Scarlet King.
- Organized crime syndicates such as: Descendants of the Chicago Spirit.
The Fifth Church
- Goldbaker-Reinz will immediately terminate all contractual obligation to any group that runs afoul of Anti-Fifthist Manifestation (AFM) detection criteria.
- Goldbaker-Reinz has no framework for risk in the Fifth World, but in the Fifth World, there may not be anything to lose.
Coverage Currently Suspended
Belligerent Anomalous Corporations (e.g. Vikander-Kneed Technical Media, Totleighsoft, Moosphere, Greazeburger)
- Belligerent Anomalous Corporations (BAC) act in such a way that prevents the assumption of good faith during contract negotiations. Due to the high level of caprice in the operations of such companies, assessment of their creditworthiness is almost impossible. Furthermore, such companies often display a flagrant disregard for contract and/or property law, preventing the establishment of the trustworthy relationships necessary for high-value financial contracts.
- Generally speaking, these companies are those with corporate aims other than maximizing shareholder value.
- Special Case: Envelope Logistics®
- Envelope Logistics is committing securities fraud on a multiversal level by brokering abstract concepts without sufficient ownership or interest in said interests.
The Wandsmen
- Despite both groups having a presence across the known local multiverse, Goldbaker-Reinz is currently not offering coverage to any individuals affiliated with the Wandsmen due to their military operations of dubious legality, questionable conduct towards heterodox religious expression, and extreme appetite for risk.
Nomenclative Manipulators
- Nomenclative manipulation is the leading cause of identity fraud in the anomalous world. As such, Goldbaker-Reinz immediately terminates the policies of any individuals known to engage in nomenclative magic.
- Goldbaker-Reinz offers coverage against Name Theft via use of proprietary Akashic Identity Hash to map denamed persons to their legally entitled protection; however, it cannot restore names and only uses this coverage to continue providing purchased coverage.
Case-By-Case Basis
Are We Cool Yet?
- Goldbaker-Reinz prides itself on being a patron of the arts. However, the vast majority of AWCY affiliated art projects carry unpredictable, dangerous, and expensive risks.
- Works with the AWCY branding often historically lie about the purpose of the art projects, violating principles of Uberrima Fides.
- As a rule, Goldbaker-Reinz will not insure art projects with declared AWCY affiliation, but may offer coverage to AWCY affiliates who also produce independent work.
- Due to the idiosyncratic nature of the risk incurred from each AWCY work, standard Goldbaker-Reinz coverage excludes injuries incurred during voluntary visits to AWCY exhibits, but further coverage is available for extra cost.
Religious groups e.g. Horizon Initiative
- There are no systematic rules for providing coverage to religious groups, as they hold a high level of diversity. Some are members of the GOC; others are internationally recognized as terrorists. Customer relationships with religious groups with Veiled operations follow Standard Operating Procedure.
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