GoIs and You Hub
rating: +26+x

Art by SunnyClockworkSunnyClockwork


My name is Uncle NicoliniUncle Nicolini, and I love Groups of Interest, or GoIs. My author avatar, Dr. Everwood, is a GoI Researcher, my pet Site (Site-55!) is a GoI communications hub, and I have, at time of writing, written the most GoI formats out of anyone on the site. So it should go without saying that I probably know a lot about them.

I know a lot of people view GoIs as nothing more than a vehicle by which to deliver anomalies to the Foundation, so I decided to write this series of essays to help encourage people to explore them a little more beyond that. There's a world of depth hiding out there in most of these GoIs, and even the shallow ones have a lot room to explore in.

So let's dive right in, shall we?

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