Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Strike Team Database

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The GOC's Strike Teams exist to capture or eliminate parathreats. These units are deployed based on the intelligence gathered by Assessment Teams, passing it back to the PHYSICS Division so that an appropriate response can be coordinated. Strike Teams are typically armed with current generation weaponry, but advanced or tangential technology is used as required, and Strike Teams may also include thaumatologists, psions or other Special Assets. Given the covert nature of their operations, most Strike Teams are relatively small units. Many members of Strike Teams are recruited from the military or law enforcement, the typical cover story for a Strike Team's operations, although other recruits receive their training from one of the organizations on the Council of 108.

Strike Teams are given a four digit identifier, accompanied by unique callsign. Strike Teams with their own distinctive unit insignia typically use a shield shape, emblazoned at the top with their Team Number. Strike Teams also usually have a unit motto or slogan, which may be incorporated into their heraldry.

An incomplete list of Assessment Teams is included below.

Strike Teams

Number Callsign Motto Casefiles Description Insignia
"Floating Fire" SCP-4297 Killed In Action by Emus.
"Lancelot" SCP-166, SCP-8166
"Ocean Thunder" Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Threat Entity Database Based out of Dutch Harbor, Alaska, targeted maritime parathreats. Killed in Action following a collision with a fishing trawler.
0001 "Alpha" "Aufstehen" ("Uprising") Personnel Directory The first Coalition Strike Team, formed of former SS and Ahnenerbe operatives defecting to the Coalition. Unit Designation no longer used, retired after the deaths of the entire team in the 1951 McCarthy-Truman UFO Scandal. 0001-Alpha.png
0021 "Major Arcana" "Make it Disappear" Occult Warfare Twenty-Two veteran battlemages, drawn from diverse mystical traditions to deal with parathreats that cannot be liquidated through conventional means. Specializes in exorcism, occult warfare, and deicide. 0021-Major-Arcana.png
79 "Riot Guard" Re: KTO-0001-Bellfather "Overwatch Council" Crowd control during the absorption or liquidation of Known Threat Organisations.
0638 "The Untouchables" UTE-1919-Discofather Deployed in response to paracriminal activity.
0811 "Soft Steps" " 我らが血の最後の一滴まで(To the last drop of our blood !)" Orientation to the Far East Division of the Global Occult Coalition Team based in East Asia. Specialized in assassination.
0912 "Burning Bush" "With Holy Fire" KTE-2013-Kapala-Mendes Deployed against members of the Children of the Scarlet King in South Africa. 0912-Burning-Bush.png
0995 "Dune Demons" SCP-5495 Deployed in Afghanistan for the liquidation of a parathreat associated with ORIA.
1027 "Distiller" KTE-5503-Bice-Copernicus Deployed against threats related to the Nile.
1084 "Road Rabbit" KTE-6024-Blit-Nuntius Contain and eradicate a memetic hazard. Eliminated following infection.
1102 "Broken Dagger" "Break Em' Down" "Strike" Based out of Kilkenny, Ireland. 10 member Strike Team specializing in global rapid response through apportation. 1102-Broken-Dagger.png
1121 "Noble Phantom" Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 1: Operative's Handbook, Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Field Manual 2: Equipment and Gear Known for the pithy comments added by "Agent Madrigal" to various GOC handbooks.
1188 "Psintagms" SCP-ES-186 Optical implants compromised by parathreat.
1190 "Skipjack" Early Summer, 1998
1261 "Smoking Barrel" KTE-6024-Blit-Nuntius Contain and eradicate a memetic hazard. Eliminated following infection.
1332 "Tibetan Monks" SCP-PL-259 Deployed against a resurrected Genghis Khan.
1423 "Redcaps" "Blood and Iron" KTE-2013-Kapala-Mendes Specialize in providing backup to Western European Coalition facilities under siege, taking back compromised facilities, and destroying compromised Coalition assets. 1423-Redcaps.png
1431 "Reborn" SCP-ES-014 Deployed against Type Blue parathreats.
1431 "Scarlet Company" SCP-PL-259 Deployed against a resurrected Genghis Khan.
1470 "El Paso Outlaws" SCP-ES-014 Deployed against Type Blue parathreats.
1520 “Ixion” LTE-2020-Goodrick Engaged a gigantic thaumaturgical entity.
1535 “Nietzsche” LTE-2020-Goodrick Engaged a gigantic thaumaturgical entity.
1781 "Free Birds" LTE-1004-Caliburn-Velveteen Specialises in liquidating airborne parathreats. qYWaVE0.png
1819 "Bullet Rain" "Metal Covered Skies" Because Operates Mark III U-HEC suits in tandem with PHYSICS' Field Artillery Branch. 1819-Bullet-Rain.png
1909 "Nenet Avengers" KTE-3770-Ex Machina-Pygmalion Deployed in Siberia to liquidate a subterranean parathreat.
1933 "Extortionists" Re: KTO-0001-Bellfather "Overwatch Council" Specialises in paracriminal syndicates such as the Chicago Spectre.
1975 "Sentai" UTE-2077-Tiercel-Buster Utilizes variety of humanoid class threat entities in combat.
1998 "Persuaders" KTE-6024-Blit-Nuntius Containment and eradication of memetic hazards.
2013 "Semiautomatic" LTE-1998-Burnout-Blaecca-Parallax Heavily augmented humans, capable of operating in an extrauniversal environment.
2048 "Simple Sudoku" LTE-1969-Blaecca-Ford-Osmanthus-Spiral, Can Our Previous Meeting Just Be a Dress Rehearsal? Liquidation of digital parathreats.
2112 "Starship Troopers" "To Boldly Go" The Damocles Initiative, SCP-6523 The main infantry force aboard the interstellar vessel Joyeuse. 2112-Starship-Troopers.png
2167 "Nightmare" "鳳兮 鳳兮 何德之衰 (O my fenix! How cometh it that thy vertu hath decreased?)" Orientation to the Far East Division of the Global Occult Coalition Strike team based in Harbin, Northeast China.
2209 "Steelheads" "Full Steam Ahead" Personnel Directory Involved in a raid on a Serpent's Hand cell in Las Vegas some years ago. 2209-Steelheads.png
2374 "Beetlejuice" "Burning Sensation" SCP-2490 Deployed against a parathreat targeting GOC personnel. Equipped with incineration weapons and high-molar acid sprayers. 2374-Beetlejuice.png
2434 "String Snappers" LTE-7433-Goodrick-Kringle Liquidates thaumaturgical entities that intrude domestic locations. All agents are codenamed after string instruments.
2654 "Weathermen" "Storm Warning" Roc Series Deicide Drone, Prototype Model Involved in the testing of a heavy engagement drone. 2654-Weathermen.png
2979 "Tripods" "The Bigger They are, The Harder They Fall" T Plus, T Minus Covert infiltration of facilities, for the purpose of sabotage and parathreat liquidation. 2979-Tripods.png
3016 "Huling Yugto" You Shall Not Die Hunter-Killer team in the Philippines, focused on indigenous parathreats and hostile mages.
3396 "Maha Shakti" SCP-2833 Subsumed into Sitra Achra, a joint project with Foundation MTF Ω-44.
3658 "Flatpack" Early Summer, 1998
3707 ''Presidential Motorcade'' ''Silent Shields'' Urgent Commission Of Inquiry Into Worldwide Paranormal Events Specialized in the protection of high-profile targets critical to global stability, such as high-ranking members of the United Nations Global Occult Coalition.
4101 "Akhenaten's Escorts" "Fear the Light" KTE-7883-Velveteen-Grey Specialises in Ancient Egyptian parathreats. 4101-Akenatens-Escorts.png
4306 "Big Fat Greek Culling" Roc Series Deicide Drone, Prototype Model Deployed in the Mediterranean to liquidate an ectomorphic parathreat.
4325 "Thronebearers" "Exergisi" ("Lead Out") Because Under-Secretary-General D.C. al Fine's private protective entourage, typically operating Mk IV IUs or Mk II CGs. 4325-Thronebearers.png
5584 "Struck Iron" "Hit 'em Hard" Re: KTO-0001-Bellfather "Overwatch Council" Specialises in operations against the Church of the Broken God 5584-Struck-Iron.png
6936 “Perseus“ LTE-2020-Goodrick Engaged a gigantic thaumaturgical entity.
7236 "Exuberant Purgation" Operation Kontra-Simoy After-Action Report Lost on an extraterrestrial mission.
8026 “Firebug“ Early Summer, 1998
8233 "Senyuka" "OPEROR NON TUTELA PRO MEUS VITAOPEROR" ("No need to regret losing life.") Orientation to the Far East Division of the Global Occult Coalition [CONFIDENTIAL]
8364 "Death Perception" "We Can See You" SCP-2748 Specializes in identification and elimination of Type Grey parathreats, known colloquially as the undead, using incendiary weapons. 8364-Death-Perception.png
8688 "Rat Catchers" "Hunter, Killer" Much Wisdom Is Much Grief Originating from the support team for the Golem of Prague, the Rat Catchers are professional Nazi hunters, and the GOC's main combat force against the occult SS remnant OBSKURA. 8688-Rat-Catchers.png
8841 “Mourner“ Early Summer, 1998
9999 "Max Damage" "Last Resort" UHEC, LTE-2712-Bosch Operates the Coalition's Ultra Heavy Engagement Chassis (Orange Suits). Held in reserve for liquidating massive or heavily armed Threat Entities once conventional weapons have failed. 9999-Max-Damage.png

Nonstandard Number Designations

Number Callsign Motto Casefiles Description Insignia
H666 "Hellraisers" "Fuck Your Apostasies" Because A UCOSS-sponsored Strike Team specialized in modern and classical necromancy. Despite ethical concerns, the interest in conserving GOC assets in operations demanding overwhelming numbers has justified its activity. However, the team remains heavily scrutinized by numerous ethical committees and certain members of the Council of 108.

Further Additions

This list is a collaborative project, so feel free to update existing entries, or to add new rows using the format below - leave cells blank if that information isn't available. Articles from any language branch of the SCP Wiki can be listed. Including brief mentions is fine, we're mostly here for the quirky names!

|| Number || Callsign || Motto || Casefiles || Description || Insignia ||

If you want to make more unit insignia to add to this page, feel free - there are a couple of .svg templates here.

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