GlassAutomaton, a writer on the wiki, and a member of IRC and Discord Crit staff as well as operational staff. My hobbies include writing to procrastinate, playing games to procrastinate from writing, and in case any workplace somehow found this from a background check, giving my all for the team and working hard to meet deadlines.
In terms of topics, in case you're interested in proposing a collab or something along those lines, they include but are not limited to:
- Humanoids. This much should become evident upon looking through my articles.
- Science fiction. Specifically androids for some reason. Couldn't tell you why.
- Things with solid characters.
- Fantasy things to do with gods.
- A good creature feature.
- Informative/technical documents about fictional systems or creatures. Which I get is like at least 15% of the stuff on here.
- Comedic articles.
- Corporate satire.
- A lot of other stuff, so assume this is a non-exhaustive list.
Are you open to me writing about your articles, using characters from them, etc.?
I'd be more than happy if you used anything I wrote, be it an idea, character, or anything else I made. I just ask that you let me know beforehand, but I'm really open to most things, so feel free.
Would you like to do a collab?
I'm open to collaborating with others on a piece, so feel free to reach out. My availability for a piece might change, depending on if I'm working on something or if I have personal obligations. Then, of course, it comes down to whether or not it's something I want to work on. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.
Why do most of your articles look like that?
I try to leave them on a neutral theme so as not to alienate any possible viewers who might look at a wacky theme and assume the article is part of some larger thing they've got to commit to reading. Also I'm largely unfamiliar with coding and multimedia creation.
Are all your articles in the same continuity?
In general, I'd say yes, although in most cases I assume the things I write will be able to be consumed individually, unless they're tales or series with that in mind. I know that might contradict part of my last Q&A but uhhh
SCP-6703 - Standard Containment Procedure for a Nonstandard Specimen
I will reiterate my request to officially recategorize SCP-6703 as a CPOI. I hope this can be completed in a timely fashion.
SCP-6809 - Consumer Market Androids
A robot isn't ever going to be a socialite no matter how many complexes you give it.
SCP-6907 - The Greatest* God of Death of All Time
Eresh-mla, I appreciate your boundless compassion, but really. Just kill me.
The Department of Humanoid Risk Assessment
From simple probation to SCP designation, no two assignments on your job will ever be quite the same.
Penal Reform
Majority opinion: The amendments are satisfactory and offer reasonable improvements from previous failed motions to offer humanoids more privileges. Motion will be rescinded if it does not produce expected results within the established timeframe.
Friendly Conversation
Treat it like the first day of school. I'm sure it'll be good for you, like he knew what was good for her, having her locked up in this room. Like she went to school with anything other than normal people.
"Okay! If you, somehow, couldn't tell by the clothes, I'm also a skip." A few of the audience members who were paying attention looked confused, so she followed up with "An S-C-P. A weirdo like all of you," along with a dismissive gesture. "They said I should do the presentation to 'better connect with the other anomalies' since I 'seemed like a peer more than the staff,'" she said making air quotes and giving a lethal side-eye to September, whose face was as neutral as ever.
Redwood Labs
After Ines sat back down in her chair, the monitor displayed a configuration showing the black queen in an aggressive position. Ines tut-tutted. "Gabriel wouldn't make that move."
Gabriel was silent for a moment. "Even if I have to sacrifice my queen, it's still the right play."
"It's not Gabriel's play," Ines said in a voice ever-so-slightly sterner as she looked back up to the monitor. "He hated sacrificing his queen. That's why I always won."
Voices Carry
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Epilogue
Various anomalous groups competing for the same prize leads to a very bad day for Alpha-9, and Iris, much to her chagrin, has some very Not Normal things happen to her.
Kill the Feeling
You should be thinking about your dead friends. You should not be thinking about the nurse's voice (calming) or how she feels (warm) or how she rubs your head (softly) or what she smells like (roses).
Closed Beta
"Still…" Delta's tone fell from its braggadocious high as she regarded the sculpture. "I can understand emotions and how to use them. Certain things evoke fitting responses. They change from person to person, but it's all predictable with enough information. This," she continued as she pointed at the marble torso, "I can't seem to grasp. This… culture, or art, or what have you. What's the point?"
All Alone on a Friday
Morning | Afternoon | Night
God, you're pathetic.
All the Bells and Whistles
"Zeta. This woman is dead."
"That was not my intention," Zeta said to the ground.
"This is about as dead as they get."
Devil's Advocate Hub
Hub page for the Resurrection-adjacent series most of my tales are a part of.
Anyone is welcome to get in contact with me for questions about articles of mine, collabs, or critique requests. A good way to get in contact with me is over IRC, as I'm on it quite often under the same username I have here, GlassAutomaton. If I'm not on there, you can message me over Wikidot at my account,
GlassAutomaton. I've also got a Discord, although I'll likely reserve it for messaging people I intend to work with closely so as not to get spam.