To: Dr. Vigo Wilcastle
From: Dr. Gregory Lawrence
Subject: New Theory
Dr. Wilcastle,
I believe I have come up with an important theory in this world roamed by ghosts, however I do not have high enough clearance to access the amount of information I need. I request for clearance of Foundation databases, viewing of all Department of Eidophysics documents, and permission of conducting field work. I know this is a lot to ask for, but this is big. Trust me.
Dr. Gregory Lawrence
To: Dr. Gregory Lawrence
From: Dr. Vigo Wilcastle
Subject: Re:New Theory
Dr. Gregory Lawrence,
I am very excited to see what you have come up with. I can grant you viewing access to almost all Department of Eidophysics files and minimal access to Foundation databases, but I can not grant you permission to go out into the field. You would have to go through a long three month long process for that. Before you start researching and doing whatever you want, I would like to remind you that if you abuse any of these permissions you can be subjected to disciplinary action. I’m excited to see what you’ve come up with. Also, please do not call them “ghosts,” they are spectral entities.
Dr. Vigo Wilcastle
To: Dr. Vigo Wilcastle
From: Dr. Gregory Lawrence
Subject: Re:Re:New Theory
Dr. Wilcastle,
I know you said in orientation not to mention the role of ghosts. A big reason why that is is we don’t have a single team designated to actually studying ghosts, and not just the weird ones. However, I believe I have a theory as to why some people become ghosts.
Now, we know the scientific reason behind why ghosts happen; there is a clash of standard light and sound radiation in a specific ratio, speed, and time that can cause that radiation to be confined to a being. This appears to be completely random, but after some research there seems to be a pattern. I noticed that in the humanoids that became specters there was one common factor in them, which is cause of death.
The large majority of these humanoids had their lives cut short. However, I’m not talking about things like disease, starvation, or anything like that. Ghosts seem to form mostly from entities that died suddenly and/or soon before they would have. To put it simply, ghosts seem to manifest more out of people who die from murder or accidents. Reading over the files I had access to, which keep in mind I only have access to anomalous specters, I came across a child that became a ghost at the age of four. I won’t mention his anomalous effects here, but I would like to mention his death. While exploring his neighborhood, he was hit by a car and died nearly instantly. That is just one of many examples.
Now, along with tragedies such as accidents, there is also murder. The specters who died of the results of homicide seem to be the most “emotional” ghosts that exist. What I mean by that is that these ghosts often are more hostile, or can be heard having emotional distress. Could be a simple coincidence, but I don’t think so. Hell, this whole thing could just be a bunch of coincidences.
If you haven’t gotten what I’m getting at yet, I’ll just say it. Ghosts aren’t random, or maybe they are, but something about the universe is making certain people ghosts more than others. It could just be some weird psychological thing, maybe a god, but something is happening. Please, think about this Vigo.
Gregory Lawrence