SCP-6664 3


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Item#: 6664
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:


SCP-6664 prior to containment.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6664 is to be contained in a greenhouse at Site-91. SCP-6664 is not to be climbed, for fear of damaging its branches.

Description: SCP-6664 is a tree of the species Prunus spinosa, more commonly known as the blackthorn, currently located at Site-91. SCP-6664 is identical to other trees of its species, save for its anomalous effects.

SCP-6664's anomalous effects activate whenever a human is pricked by its thorns. When a human is pricked by the thorns of SCP-6664, instead of a feeling of discomfort or pain as expected, the individual in question will experience a feeling of intense euphoria, as well as severe auditory hallucinations. These hallucinations have been designated SCP-6664-1.

SCP-6664-1 are auditory hallucinations experienced by individuals under the effects of SCP-6664. SCP-6664-1 consist of voices, usually of individuals close to the subject, praising the subject for their decision to be pricked by SCP-6664. This will happen regardless of if the subject chose to be pricked by SCP-6664 or not.

Addendum 6664.1: Discovery

SCP-6664 was discovered on January 28, 2014, after Martin Kos, a local salesperson, reported accidentally pricking himself on SCP-6664, and experiencing its effects. Kos reported the incident to his therapist, an embedded Foundation agent, who noted his description of SCP-6664-1 and reported it as a possible anomaly. SCP-6664 was subsequently moved to Site-91.

This file has been flagged by Site-43 staff as containing incorrect information. A corrected version is available below.

-Dr. Blank

Attached file: SCP-6664-corrected-documentation.pdf

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