6125 Fragment 2


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Item#: 6125
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Aerial view of the landmass above SCP-6125-Ω.

Assigned Site


Site Director

Dr Xavier

Research Head

Dr Stevens

Assigned MTF

STF Rho-7 ("Greeting Party")

Assigned Site


Site Director

Dr Xavier

Research Head

Dr Stevens

Assigned MTF

STF Rho-7 ("Greeting Party")

Special Containment Procedures

The non-physical nature of SCP-6125 means containment is currently impossible.

All newly discovered instances of SCP-6125-α are to be reported to RAISA and a preliminary investigation is to be performed by STF Rho-7 ("Greeting Party"). If residue tachyons are discovered emanating from the SCP-6125-α instance, it is to be fenced off and an immediate investigation/exploration of the instance is to be performed by STF Rho-7 ("Greeting Party").


SCP-6125 is the structure of our current reality, known as a "Hytoth." SCP-6125 is composed of several distinct layers of reality, tentatively designated as "Realms," these realms all have distinct characteristics and baseline rules. Each of these realms can contain subdomains that inherit traits of their Realm; a notable example is the pocket universe containing the city of Three Portlands.

SCP-6125-α are commonly known as Ways. SCP-6125-α are naturally occurring spatial distortions, allowing long-distance travel between realms and subdomains via the transfer of reality. Whilst travel between subdomains and realms have no visual difference, SCP-6125-α instances accessing other Realms have been found to leave trace tachyons on any matter passing through. A list detailing all known SCP-6125-α instances can be acquired from RAISA.

SCP-6125-Ω designates 7 metal pillars arranged in a circle, 25 meters in diameter, located below the uninhabited island of Milneland, eastern Greenland. SCP-6125-Ω is primarily composed of magnetite, along with trace amounts of organic material. Each of these pillars is inscribed with inscriptions resembling ancient Daevite texts, theorized to be a precursor language. Each of these pillars has been shown to be an artificially constructed Way, leading to one of the known seven Realms.

Below, case studies have been compiled for each Realm. These case studies have been arranged by Hytoth and average hume level descending.

Current Hytoth:

Previous Hytoth Remnants:

Addendum One

Following the discovery of SCP-6125-Ω, access to all known main realms was found to be possible. SCP-6125-Ω also allowed access to three new realms, these realms contain reality fundamentally different from all previously known examples. The hume level in these new realities has been shown to exhibit extreme levels of fluxuation. Coupled with the discoveries from both the Great Wastes and Tumulus, it is highly likely that these three realms are remnants from a previous Hytoth.

Further investigation into the runes on the pillars of SCP-6125-Ω by the Occult Studies Department have shown that they are potentially preventing the formation of Ways to the previously unknown three realms.

Addendum Two

Three days after the entry of STF Rho-7 several transmissions were received and have been attached below:

Sir, Jameson's down again. I think theywe've fully got to him now.

Put him out of his misery. We can't have him coming after our backs. Not with these fuckers attackingtake revenge for us our mind too.


Damn, these guys are on a whole 'nother leave compared to the normal screamersThey used us as slaves, small cogs in a bigger machine we find. Did command say what happened to this place?

Nope, all I know is apparently we are the first combat team in here. Even if the higher ups knew more, we weren't informed. Used as fucking guinea pigs againlet us in.

Sam, how much foodwe will feed you we got left?

Sam he is ours now.?

Ah shit, he had most of the equipment too. Good luck to the nextmore? poor sods they send into here. Not much else to do other than keep walkingjoin us and hope for something interesting.

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