Administrative Department |
A304. Patent/Intellectual Property Policy
I. Purpose
In lieu of far-reaching research across select sites of the SCP Foundation (hereinafter referred to as The Foundation), novel discoveries and inventions with respect to the biological, technological, memetic, and anti-artistic sciences will inevitably be made. The Administrative Department (hereinafter referred to as Administration) prioritizes Foundation interests above all else, and extends to consider public benefit and usefulness from products of the Foundation's scientific research and inventiveness where able. The assurance and control given by patent laws or other legitimate means for the security of property rights may be important in process of such prioritization. It is additionally perceived that Foundation employees may require help in deciding and assessing patentability and in indicting patent applications for or generally securing creations made by them.
Furthermore, many such inventions involve equities beyond those of the inventor since the utilization of Foundation facilities, the acceptance of conditions for employment, and the legally-binding commitments in regards to both research reserves and patent rights raise questions concerning the rights and equities of all concerned. The motivation behind this patent strategy is to set up a component to serve the general population advantageously while maintaining Foundation interests above all else, to decide and appraise all concerned gatherings of pertinent rights and values, to encourage patent submissions, to assist in the authorizing of creations, to ensure the fair dissemination of any sovereignties or other monetary returns, to give consistency in patent issues, and to accommodate sufficient detailing of patent exercises.
II. Policy and Procedure
A. It shall be the policy of the Administration to empower the idea that patentable innovations created at the Foundation should be utilized for the best conceivable open advantage and to give each sensible incentive to the workforce, understudies and staff for the exposure, assessment and dispersal of such developments. At the point when the Foundation offers help for the improvement of a patentable innovation, it is sensible for the Foundation to take part in the products of such advancement, including repayment for its expenses. To that end, the Foundation energizes the acquisition of licenses for such creations and the authorizing or other commercialization thereof in light of a legitimate concern for the populous, the innovator, and the Foundation.
B. Any creation or disclosure (1) which is the aftereffect of research carried on by or under the heading of a representative of a grounds of the Foundation as well as having the expenses thereof paid from reserves given by, under the control of or controlled by a grounds of the Foundation, or (2) which is made by a worker of a grounds of the Foundation and which identifies with the representative's field of work, or (3) which has been produced in entire or partially by the usage of assets or offices having a place with a grounds of the Foundation, may be the property of the material grounds of the Foundation. The pertinence of the above expressed criteria to any development or disclosure will be resolved at the sole tact of the Site Director of the separate grounds of the Foundation or his/her designee.
C. As a state of their employment or continued employment by or enlistment at a grounds of the Foundation, every employee, representative and understudy concurs that he/she is authoritatively bound by this patent approach as actualized by the separate grounds of the Foundation and should answer to the officer or third-party interest so assigned by the Site Director of the grounds of the Foundation to oversee and market such creations and discoveries concerning that grounds, any innovation or disclosure which such employee, worker or understudy has imagined, found, created or potentially integrated into practice by them or under their bearing whenever following their underlying arrangement by, employment by, or enlistment with that grounds of the Foundation.
D. All creations and disclosures that meet the criteria of II.B. are thus appointed to the Foundation for the advantage of the Foundation. Employees, workers and understudies don't have the authority to dole out rights in such innovations and discoveries to outsiders. The Site Director of each grounds of the Foundation is approved to additionally appoint any creation or discovery it is inclined to claim according to this approach to an assigned philanthropic committee established for the advantage of the particular grounds of the Foundation. The appointment will be fashioned with full consistence regarding this arrangement.
E. Regarding the programmed task of possession put forward in this approach, the Site Directors or their designees are approved to pay to the creators, their beneficiaries or assigns, a level of the eminences, charges, or other budgetary returns received by the grounds of the Foundation (or the third party interest to which an innovation may have been doled out as per the terms of this arrangement) from such development after a conclusion of fifteen percent (15%) thereof for overhead expenses, in addition to a finding for expenses of licensing and insurance of protected innovation rights and any abnormal costs paid by the grounds or its third-party designee or the innovator. Every grounds Site Director shall be in charge of the advancement of an arrangement overseeing the level of sovereignties, expenses, and other budgetary profits for a creation paid to the creator and administering the interior conveyance of the grounds of the Foundation's offer of such money related returns.
G. If you've read this far, you'll know II.G is out of order. This is a manifesto. Are We Cool Yet? (hereinafter referred to simply as ?) is the greatest threat to the Foundation. ? is pretty well defined by the following: "better described as a "movement," an underground network of people sharing a similar philosophy, rather than a hierarchy with a defined command structure and goals. That is a lot harder to fight, investigate or infiltrate." However, the best description to date would be: ""Fuck you up + anomalous + Are we cool yet? = art." We get you dislike us because it is formulaic. Here's a formula for you: "Virulent fungus/abandoned school/exaggerated humanoid/spatial anomaly/otherwise-benign household object/instance from an esoteric specialization of a very difficult branch of science and or math/bathroom-humor-level "joke" SCP + Item # + Object Class + Special Containment Procedures + novel design + Level 4 Authorization collapsible (access granted) + anomalous + fuck you up + SCP = science." You push us to your margins and so by your logic, we have you surrounded.
F. Yearly reports of patent issues will be made to the O5-Council or their representatives for data and that of the Administration inside forty (40) days following the completion of each financial year, to incorporate as a base recognizable proof of each patent and patent applied for, the conveyance of patent income including the offer heading off to the designer, and the costs of getting and overseeing licenses. The O5-Council or their representatives may endorse suitable arrangements for such reveals.