This archive displays the first listing of 100 SCP articles that have been featured on the site's front page.
100. SCP-2152 (by acc1177): Home™
- Firstly, SCP-2152 emits a continuous, uninterrupted stream of popular music released between 1971 and 2000 from an unknown internal source.
99. SCP-1632 (by Flying Spidersnake): Better Ring Xing
- In every advertisement, a sequence of 10 unknown symbols appear where a telephone number would normally be placed.
98. SCP-2858 (by Taffeta): As Though The Wasps Themselves Had Worked It There
- Foundation tracking of the packages reveal that they are inevitably sent from one of many Foundation front companies, despite no records of such deliveries existing.
97. SCP-2494 (by TL333s): Soft Hands
- SCP-2494 is a phenomenon whereby animals (SCP-2494-1) manifest human hands, integrated into their anatomy.
96. SCP-3513 (by psul): The brain that ate itself
- Proposals for a network of Foundation seismographs to detect potential anomalies in the Earth's outer core are currently under consideration.
95. SCP-2329 (by gishface): …But Nobody's Home
- Records show four Foundation personnel were present in the room when this picture was taken, one sitting in each chair.
94. SCP-2779 (by Rimple): Oinkers
- SCP-2779 is capable of interfacing with and becoming devices running x86_64 Windows Vista Home Basic and Home Premium.
93. SCP-2268 (by SpectralDragon): Loaf Page
- Once a page has been loaded, an alert window will prompt the user to "loaf page" (sic) by inserting a slice of bread into the disk drive.
92. SCP-2354 (by Niblic): Reasonable Accommodations
- SCP-2354 is the collective designation for extradimensional floors that manifest in multi-story buildings in the United States.
91. SCP-1172 (by deValmont): Double Word Scare
- The remaining two 'wildcard' tiles, usually blank or marked with a single dot in the commercial set, are slightly darker and marked with a drawing of an eye…
90. SCP-2135 (by ObserverSeptember): 91st Street Station
- SCP-2135-A is only perceivable to those standing on the subway platform at the time it arrives; non-anomalous trains in service will pass through it as if it were not there…
89. SCP-2870 (by Bryx): General Malaise
- SCP-2870 is a strain of the common cold which causes sentience and limited mobility in the mucus of the nose and throat. Despite being a single contiguous mass, sections of mucus are believed to possess separate personalities.
88. SCP-2944 (by Cavalry): An Anomalous Haircut
- Once the conditions given in Procedure Gamma-2944 are met, the wearer will gain conscious control over each hair follicle on their body.
87. SCP-1175 (by ChazzK): Bovine Icon and Guards
- SCP-1175 is the central display of the ██████ █████████ Park, an open-air artistic installation located in [REDACTED] and covering a fenced-in area approximately 0.25 kilometers square.
86. SCP-1250 (by UncleJoe): Alternate Reality Recorders
- Multiple simultaneous recordings are noted to further alter proceedings, with greater numbers of SCP-1250-1 or SCP-1250-2 tapes present during a single session resulting in more dramatic variations.
85. SCP-1791 (by astronautilus): Mobile Homes
- However, each residence contains an unrecorded door in the least-used portion of the home—generally the back of a storage closet or guest bedroom.
84. SCP-1881 (by zaratustra): Arcade Machine
- SCP-1881 is an arcade machine of early 80s design. The design is consistent with the [REDACTED] brand, but most identifying marks in the casing have been removed or painted over.
83. SCP-2031 (by sandrewswann): Ant farm
- Unlike a normal swarm of Eciton burchellii, SCP-2031 will send columns of soldiers to climb the prey animal and demonstrate what appears to be tactical behavior and an understanding of the prey’s anatomy…
82. SCP-1567 (by Musuko): The Dunne of Gallen
- No motor vehicles have been observed within SCP-1567-1, despite the presence of modern metalled roads, line markings and signage supporting their use.
81. SCP-2814 (by Anborough): Heretic of the Torch
- SCP-2814 is a ceremonial mask constructed of Zitan wood with fragments of jade. Its dimensions are 24cm x 10cm, and it is largely dark brown in color.
80. SCP-2127 (by fastandbulbous): Hinterkai-fun!
- "SCP-2127 is a sheet of paper that sits on the ledge of a memorial shrine in the hamlet of Kaifeck, Germany. The words “Who dunnit!?” (sic) are printed on the paper in the Comic Sans MS font."
79. SCP-2985 (by TyGently): Anart, Author of the Scream [contest prize feature]
- SCP-2985-1 through SCP-2985-5 are forgeries of several different well-known paintings. SCP-2985 instances resemble the original paintings to an anomalous degree of accuracy…
78. SCP-2875 (by djkaktus): The Town That Got Fucked By Bears [contest prize feature]
- Can you imagine what would happen to the local ecosystem if we let this thing go? It was like a goddamn bear arena when we first rolled in, and that was only after a few days.
78. SCP-245 (by Doctor Cimmerian): SCP-RPG [contest prize feature]
- SCP-245-1 will only run on a system utilizing OSCP or the Windows operating system.
78. SCP-1340 (by LurkD): The Fraternal Order of the Cave Mantas [contest prize feature]
- Foundation researches and cryptanalysists have developed and calibrated an electroacoustic transducer for converting these electrical signals into audio, which is observed to be Spanish language.
77. SCP-2314 (by Dr Nikolaus and Crayne): Проект Стебельчатый Глаз
- At this point in time it is unclear whether or not SCP-2314 specimens linked to SCP-2314-1 exist outside of Foundation control.
76. SCP-1431 (by UglyFlower): Scavenger Hunt!
- Can you find:
- A Raw Carrot Which Has Led To Asphyxiation
- The Fingerprint of A Finger Without A Nail
- Blood Spilt Through Envy?
75. SCP-1509 (by Rioghail): The Blade of Rebirth
- SCP-1509 is a bladed weapon, similar to an Indonesian Parang. […] The metal of the blade is partially tarnished. The handle is carved into a shape resembling a bird’s head, possibly a cockatoo…
74. SCP-2049 (by InsipidParoxysm): The Interdimensional Weather Station
- "Good morning, this is Xchtl'krnss with your Monday weather report. The heat wave that seemed to slow everyone down over the weekend has only worsened since the last forecast!"
73. SCP-1820 (by Trigonous): The Lost Cabin
- SCP-1820 cannot be located if: The subject knows the area well, or is given detailed directions by someone who does. The subject uses video tracking (either through a live feed or a recording)…
72. SCP-2107 (by Dillinger PhD): Diet Ghost
- Within three to seven minutes of ingestion, subjects (classified SCP-2107-a) begin to experience paranormal activity that most often falls within the colloquial expectations of an individual being haunted by a ghost or other paranormal entity.
71. SCP-1836 (by Vivax): Mother in the Ice
- SCP-1836 is a green, non-tabular, pinnacle iceberg peaking 90m above the surface, approximately 123m in length. It is estimated to weigh between 150,000 and 175,000 metric tons and extends approximately 450 meters below the surface.
70. SCP-1450 (by Arlecchino): Iridescence
- SCP-1450 possesses an adaptive hunting pattern, which uses the chromatophoric plating on its back. SCP-1450 will wait until its prey has taken up residence in SCP-1450's nest, then begin to slowly shift their color patterns.
69. SCP-1200 (by anqxyr): With A Little Taste Of Factory
- Including the tantalizing flavors "Tastes Like Lemons", “Tastes Like Sunshine”, "Tastes Like Rubik's Cube", "Tastes Like Those Forgotten", and more.
68. SCP-664 (by Dr Cooper, rewritten by Musuko): The Floor to Nowhere
- Living biological organisms crossing the approximate outer edge of SCP-664 are invariably subject to spontaneous and instant disappearance shortly after full immersion into SCP-664's area of effect.
67. SCP-683 (by Mulciber): Refrigerator Art
- Any person either uttering disparaging remarks about SCP-683-2 or attempting to remove it from the surface of SCP-683-1 begins to incur damage to both internal organs and skin/musculature upon ingesting any food item.
66. SCP-1467 (by fooloftime): The Man That Wasn't
- Unless constantly reaffirming its existence, SCP-1467 slowly fades out of reality.
65. SCP-1336 (by genesplicer): 5,000 Dots
- Under non-magnified observation the dots resemble those printed by a standard color laser printer; however, microscopic examination reveals that the paper fibers themselves appear to be colored. There are no pigment particles apparent.
64. SCP-1180 (by Skara Brae): A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts
- …while the tree itself is vulnerable to damage, subjects instructed to open, crack, or otherwise damage its offspring experience significant emotional distress.
63. SCP-649 (by AsmodeusDark, rewritten by Roget): Matchbox Full of Winter
- Reports had reached Foundation operatives indicating that the town was experiencing blizzard conditions, which prompted investigation. SCP-649 was found in the center of the town, within a cemetery.
62. SCP-1489 (by Seibai): A "Ghost Train"
- SCP-1489 is an intangible railway train.
61. SCP-1170 (by Reject): Romantic Ghost
- SCP-1170-1 is a windowless bedroom located on the second floor of Apartment #21 in the ████ ███████ Apartment Complex, ██████, British Columbia.
60. SCP-1324 (by Bunton): A Printer's Purpose
- Hello. I am here to help you simulate the evolution of any species you give me. You can rest knowing that I am knowledgable[sic] on all matters of biology.
59. SCP-1850 (by Dr Bazan, rewritten by Voct): Accipiter sopwithii
- SCP-1850 is an anomalous organism in the exact shape of a full-size 1917 Sopwith Triplane aircraft. It is composed entirely of living tissue; DNA analysis of samples indicates that it is avian and male, and of an unknown species of the genus Accipiter.
58. SCP-186 (by Kalinin): To End All Wars
- But [the Frenchman] promised us that this was different, that this would put our enemies down without harming them. Who wants any more bloodshed, he asked us. We could not argue with that.
57. SCP-754 (by karajade): Illustrated Climbing Vine
- The brave old plant, in its lonely days,
- Shall fatten upon the past:
- For the stateliest building man can raise,
- Is the Ivy’s food at last.
56. SCP-1297 (by FortuneFavorsBold): Jar of Toenails
- "Dearest █████: Thank you for your kind letter. You may find my response enclosed. - ████████"
- The Foundation guards raised their muskets in unison, and moved in.
55. SCP-830 (by Heiden): Inky Quicksand
- They marched her out into the grey twilight, heading for the simple black pool in the sand. The world was curiously silent. She thought, "Better to reign in hell…"
54. SCP-1591 (by Roget): Fallen Star
- The stars have started to come out. I can see them through the cracks in the ceiling. Used to be that on nights like this, I'd be up in the eastern tower, watching them.
53. SCP-419 (by Kulzn, rewritten by Reject): Window to the World
- Come with me, and you'll see, it's a world of pure immolation…
52. SCP-689 (by far2): Haunter in the Dark
- Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily.
51. SCP-1998 (by Eskobar): Concentration Enhancer, Standard
- "Is that a fucking raygun?" "Yes. That is a raygun." "…Fucking ALEXYLVA…"
50. SCP-1124 (by Faminepulse): Xenoplague
- "So. Let's talk about ILYENA. And Tantalus. Let's talk about the continent the Foundation lost. About the Foundation's missing years…"
49. SCP-1372 (by Solan625): The Utter West
- You can cross the edge of the world, and you may even come back.
48. SCP-531 (by BeeDee): Paired Brass Guard Cats
- No. Don't stare at the cat. Look away. I know you can do it. Just… look away.
47. SCP-1460 (by Aelanna): Dreamwalker
- "I'm not sure there's anything else we can do about him at this moment other than to just wait for him to wake up. If he ever wakes up."
46. SCP-505 (by ModernMajorGeneral): Ink Stain
- "Documentation here says NK-class end of the world scenario. What the hell is an NK-class?"
- "I think it would be easier to show you."
45. SCP-1816 (by DrCuddles): With Skill and Care
- Make like a tree and… well, you know the rest.
44. SCP-431 (by DStecks): Dr. Gideon
- "Oh, man, and the time he tied that piece of bacon to Kain's tail? Hahaha… Well, I mean, I assume it was funny. Well, you read the report. It was probably hilarious."
43. SCP-391 (by Maddy L): The Midas Owl
- SCP-391 is a single female specimen of Tyto alba alba, or common barn owl. Pellets regurgitated by SCP-391 are typically comprised of…
42. SCP-915 (by snorlison): The Mechanotesseractic Computer
- There are many good reasons to not cross test SCP objects…
41. SCP-352 (by Dr Gears): "Baba Yaga"
- SCP-352 speaks Old Russian, but with an accent and dialect that makes translation very difficult…
40. SCP-1898 (by Shebleha): Non-Euclidian Playsets
- When he was just a little boy, Maurits got a set of these, and it changed his life.
39. SCP-703 (by Brucy, rewritten by Roget): Into the Closet
- It only wants to help.
38. SCP-1658 (by Ihpkmn): Textual Mold
- When visible, SCP-1658 superficially resembles dried ink…
37. SCP-872 (by Tanhony): The Tattered Farmer
- "An aged scarecrow outfitted with a tattered coat and hat…"
36. SCP-098 (by DrEverettMann): Surgeon Crabs
- SCP-098 was discovered in ██████, Brazil, after a rash of child disappearances…
35. SCP-318 (by Leicontis): Soul Press
- "Please, don't close me yet - you just opened me. I want to see! PLEASE DON'T CL"
34. SCP-697 (by Gargus): Toxic Terraforming
- A beautiful place full of glorious life…
33. SCP-973 (by Djoric): Smokey
- "Hello, ma'am? Yes, ma'am, could you please step out of the vehicle. I need to ask you a few questions…"
32. SCP-624 (by Spaztique): "Personal" Music Player
- "Just tell me what you hear."
31. SCP-573 (by DrBright): The Pied Pipe
- "Ladybird, ladybird fly away home, your house is on fire and your children are gone…"
30. SCP-598 (by Sophia Light): Sentient Color
- "It makes me think of all the yellow things I ever saw—not beautiful ones like buttercups, but old foul, bad yellow things." -Charlotte Perkins Gilman
29. SCP-450 (by DrClef): Abandoned Federal Penitentiary
- The last walk. The last, long mile.
28. SCP-069 (by Aelanna): Second Chance
- Note: Despite the fact that SCP-069 is identical in all ways to Agent █████, it remains an active SCP in containment, and is not to be treated as a Foundation employee. Any requests for classified information are to be denied, and visits from former co-workers without proper authorization are not allowed.
27. SCP-745 (by Sorts): The Headlights
- When you're out for a drive late at night, and you see another car coming up on you quickly, too quickly… Well… Sometimes, it's better to die in the crash.
26. SCP-457 (by yellowdrakex): Burning Man
- "SCP-457's actual composition is unknown, and has proven to be invisible and undetectable by any known means, but…"
25. SCP-889 (by bleggs): Hybridization
- An abandoned barn in Montana where life always finds a way…
24. SCP-102 (by pooryoric): Property of Marshall, Carter, and Dark, ltd.
- "A vacation home for those with discerning taste in the eclectic adventures of privileged life…"
23. SCP-962 (by Anaxagoras): Tower of Babble
- "And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, 'Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.'" Matthew 18:2-3
22. SCP-884 (by TroyL): A Shaving Mirror
- Wait, have I read this one before? I'm not sure…
21. SCP-1000 (by thedeadlymoose): Bigfoot
- The SCP-1000 contest is over! And we have a winner!
20. SCP-919 (by Lat Ware): Needy Mirror
- "N-no… Please don't go! Please! You don't understand what you're doing! Don't leave me! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!"
19. SCP-713 (by Photosynthetic): Click Anywhere Computer
- Right-click, copy, paste, delete… Hmm… I wonder if this thing has solitaire….
18. SCP-517 (by Dexanote): Grammie Knows
- Of course she knows, dearie. Come and let Grammie put your mind to rest…
17. SCP-5555-J (by DrBright): The Chibinator
- Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.
16. SCP-597 (by name): The Mother of the All
- Happy Mother's Day!
15. SCP-003 (by thedeadlymoose): Biological Motherboard
- Pulsing veins carry data, while the strange, chitinous surface flexes and moves almost imperceptibly, as if stretching to find a more comfortable position.
14. SCP-149 (by Arlecchino): The Blood Flies
- Feel that itching? The one that started at the small, red bump on your arm and slowly worked its way up? That heavy, stuffy feeling in your nose? It's not allergies.
13. SCP-165 (by FritzWillie): Creeping Hungry Sands of Tule
- One of the oldest articles on the site, and has some of the best images. Will make you think twice about that sand box.
12. SCP-611 (by TroyL): Parasitic Toothpick
- Nature's oral fixation deterrent.
11. SCP-455 (by Dr Gears): Cargo Ship
- SCP-455 sits in the water, the waves pounding out a dull thudding against its rusted hull.
10. SCP-882 (by Dr Gears): A Machine
- A monstrous heap of moving metal, you soon discover that it is no purposeless pile of junk. As you listen to its grinding, wheezing, clicking, and whirring, you begin to hear a message; it is the voice of God, gently whispering for you to heed its call, and help it realize its enigmatic machinations.
9. SCP-055 (by xtheevilecorruptor): [unknown]
- The self-keeping secret. Nobody knows what it is, nobody knows what it does. Anyone who sees it forgets about it entirely in the space of minutes. It may have killed hundreds of people, or it may have been placed by an outside force to invisibly monitor the Foundation or humanity…. and nobody would know.
8. SCP-2558-J (by ClockworkMage): Puffer Kittens
- No, wait, what? Really? Woah.
7. SCP-093 (by far2): Red Sea Object
- A red stone disc with unknown engravings that is attracted to mirror surfaces. However, when held by a test subject, the stone allows the user to move through the mirror. It quickly becomes apparent though that whatever is on the other side isn't your reflection…
6. SCP-804 (by Sorts): World Without Man
- A beautiful globe, built by an artist group…that causes the rapid decay and disintegration of every nearby man made object…and Man itself, for that matter. What's more, this is no accidental device, or a strange twist of time and space…it is doing exactly what the builder wants it to do.
5. SCP-002 (by The Administrator): The "Living" Room
- A huge ball of tissue, like a massive tumor, with a heavy hatch door, leading in to… a small, crappy apartment. A bit of a let down… until testing shows that everything inside is made from human beings. Woven hair, sculpted bone, and other, less pleasant, materials make up the furniture…and SCP-002 is always looking to grow.
4. SCP-914 (by far2): The Clockworks
- A device capable of taking the simplest things, and changing them at their basest level to something else, though what it produces can vary greatly. Most often, the returned items in question can be related to the original, but other times…. The results are unique.
3. SCP-294 (by far2): The Coffee Machine
- An example of how something as seemingly ordinary as a vending machine has the potential to horrifically bend the universe to a mechanically cold will. Make your selection with a great deal of care.
2. SCP-184 (by Dr Gears): The Architect
- While not a strange item by itself, its effect can create things far outside human understanding. This item shows that a SCP does not always need to be horribly dangerous to be interesting and creepy.
1. SCP-173 (by Moto42): The Sculpture
- Perhaps the first SCP ever created, no one really remembers. It stands as a shining example as to why the Foundation exists.