Ero'Vahk 1
The Repentant Maw of the Scarlet Horde, Pale Worm of the Darkness Below, Ero'Vahk the White, The Voracious Cadre, Pale Imitator of Christ the Lord, The Eldritch White Missionary, Great Devourer of Unholy Cicadas, Pallid Mouth
There are many strange beings in Creation, and among them there is Ero'Vahk. He once fought alongside the armies of the Scarlet King until choosing the side of God.

An illustration of Ero'Vahk based on his current form. Source: Great Encyclopedia of the Pious.
Traits: Ero'Vahk is a massive creature resembling a pale worm. He does not have eyes, teeth, or a tongue; just a mouth that widens like a serpent. Ero'Vahk can change his shape, but it will always be pale with just a mouth. His current form resembles Jesus Christ with a crown of thorns.
Furthermore, Ero'Vahk has over a hundred stomachs each varying in size. His physiology is vastly different compared to mortal creatures by defying logic, especially when it comes to space. A notable example is that the aforementioned stomachs can safely be used for storage. Canals do not connect the stomachs, which makes them enclosed spaces. If a threat is devoured it's isolated in a stomach that will produce acid, and toxic gas. Other internal defenses may also be present.
Nature: Ero'Vahk was once a dangerous creature while serving in the Scarlet Horde. In his stomachs he discreetly carried battalions, and unleashed them against unsuspecting victims. Any wounds he received quickly healed. Acid and clouds of poisonous gas also came out of his mouth. Sometimes he consumed what was left of the dead after a battle. However, Ero'Vahk is now a devout Christian seeking to atone for the past, and spread the gospel.
When it comes to his faith Ero'Vahk can be seen as eccentric. He uses unorthodox methods to promote Christianity such as modelling his appearance after Jesus Christ, and producing merchandise. All proceeds he obtains are donated to various charities.2
Rituals associated with Ero'Vahk used to involve the consumption of flesh, but it has been replaced with wine, bread, holy water, biblical texts, and honey. Notably, eating an entire copy of the Christian Bible without condiments grants access to JesusLand, an educational theme park located within one of his stomachs. Ero'Vahk will appear and swallow the summoner whole to take them there.345678
History & Associated Parties: Ero'Vahk was born long ago in the Darkness Below. When the Scarlet King rose to power he was conscripted into his army. Lord Jeser, the Prince of Many Faces, granted him the rank of cadre after finding his capabilities fit for infiltration and sabotage. This led to much devastation as he brought his fellow soldiers behind enemy lines. Ero'Vahk had also been under the command of Lord Kenkgor and General Moloch for some of their campaigns.9 Eventually he became a deserter after discovering Christianity, and learning more about the Creator.
Then, Ero'Vahk became known to many communities throughout Creation for promoting his faith. He developed a very small following, but others familiar with his past condemn him. After observing humans develop amusement parks he conceived his most notable endeavor: JesusLand. Fliers were distributed by his followers in the Library and other communities to promote the park.
JesusLand used to be professionally staffed until Ero'Vahk contracted a parasite around the 50th anniversary of the park. The parasite was eventually eliminated, but employees refused to return due to dissatisfaction. Regardless, one can still access the park and explore. For a short while fellow Hand member Jenny S. was employed at the park.10111213
Jailors have discovered Ero'Vahk along with JesusLand. They collectively refer to it all under the designation SCP-5991.1415 The Vatican conspire with the Jailors to prevent others from stumbling upon Ero'Vahk's ritual into JesusLand. As a result, the bindings of newly printed Bibles are likely to have small traces of honey to invalidate the ritual.161718 The Hand discovered this after a member suffered an allergic reaction.19
Furthermore, Ero'Vahk has entered into conflict with the Idiot Imago.20 He will occasionally devour the horrific Cousin Johnnies21 that it sends out across Creation. Other abominable works by it meet the same fate. The Idiot Imago's ambition to usurp the Creator upsets Ero'Vahk. He also believes vanquishing that terrible being is part of his penance.22
Approach: Ero'Vahk is currently not a threat. His efforts against the Idiot Imago have proven valuable. However, if he were to become a threat then poisoning him is perhaps the best option.232425 Visiting JesusLand is not recommended, but if one wishes to go there they must be cautious of Jailors. Copies of the Bible for consumption must be inspected for honey or other contaminations that'll hinder the ritual.
Other Detail: Despite his change of character, Ero'Vahk remains on the Library's blacklist. Neither Pangloss26 or other trustworthy individuals advocated for him to the Serpent. The reason given for his ban is due to safety concerns related to his history with the Scarlet Horde.27
Observations & Stories
"It surprised us when beasts of the Scarlet Horde were suddenly attacking from within our walls. We thought a Way must've been torn, but soon it was revealed to be the work of the Pale Cadre. It silently hid among the refugees in a two-legged form, and wore a tattered robe. When the time was right legions spewed forth from its mouth. We attempted to contain the invaders until evacuation was complete. I went with the 23rd Regiment to battle the Pale Cadre, but too many enemies were in our path. My sword could barely cut their numbers down. Eventually we had to join everyone else who survived in fleeing."
- Excerpt from War Testimonials: Volume 17
"I often find myself pondering on an intriguing sight before we fled our home. At the Grand Holy Monument to the Almighty there was a pale creature in a tattered robe. It had just a mouth for a face, but with that alone it conveyed what I could only describe as regret. The Scarlet Horde marched on by as it simply stood there. I wonder what thoughts it had. Did it feel shame for slaughtering us? Did it feel the judgement of the Creator for all of its sins? I will never know yet it grants me comfort."
- Excerpt from Exodus of the Da'vo Christians
The following text is from fliers used to promote JesusLand. They were able to be read in any language.28
Do you want to have a fun Christian experience, and become closer to the Lord? Then come on down to JesusLand! See our educational museum! Meet cute animals at our petting zoo! Attend church services and Bible study! The food court has amazing food! Admission into JesusLand is the pure consumption of one entire Bible per person.
Souvenirs are also available at the gift shop. Take home anything from crucifixes to shirts. All proceeds go to charity!
May the Lord Almighty bless you.
Jenny S. provided the following testimony about her employment at JesusLand.
"I'm not sure where to begin. Ero'Vahk was difficult to understand since he regularly spoke to everyone in broken Latin. However, he at least knew how to write to us in English or use gestures. Working at JesusLand was also really slow. A religious theme park without rollercoasters probably didn't sound that exciting. The requirement to enter surely didn't help, which is based on Ezekiel 3:1-329, Jeremiah 15:1630, and Revelation 10:8-1031. When there were visitors it would be idiots who were dared into eating a Bible, but occasionally people who were just curious would show up at JesusLand.
"Fortunately, employees didn't have to eat a whole Bible to go into JesusLand. That was something we were all worried about. Our requirement was biting honey flavored cookies with 'Psalm 128:2'32 written on them in royal icing. Each employee had a small box of them, but if you ran out before restocking at JesusLand you had to eat a Bible. Unfortunately, Ero'Vahk still showed up to swallow you whole, and the experience is always weird. Thankfully my shift was once every couple of weeks with my employment not even lasting a year. Anyway, I'm getting a little ahead of myself.
"There was a petting zoo we were suppose to look after. We were only allowed to feed the animals bread and wine. It obviously made some of the poor things sick, but Ero'Vahk didn't fully grasp mortal biology. He thought the religious connotations of those items always made them healthy. Eventually the animals had to go see veterinarians.
"Most of the items in the gift shop had Ero'Vahk's image on it like everywhere else in the park. It seemed kind of narcissistic, and when questioned he usually answers 'Christ is all in all' from Colossians 3:11. He'll further explain that he uses himself as an example for inspiring others like Jesus in John 13:13-1533. Overall, I found his reasoning to be quite understandable. Normally people don't go about it by making an entire theme park, but it's not like he's using Christianity for profit.
"The park also has a museum with dinosaur bones, and Babylonian artifacts on display. At first glance the former sounds out of place, but it was intended to show that other species worshiped God before humans. The museum essentially consisted of stuff Ero'Vahk found before opening JesusLand. I personally consider it the best attraction to visit. Unfortunately, each exhibit is missing their information plaque. They were made out of solid gold, which Ero'Vahk decided to give away to the Xlan'gthmr R'llnmerg Foundation for Underprivileged Youth. He promised less lavishing replacements for them, but never got around to it. There is also a church at the park that's never been finished.
"Finally, there was the incident. Ero'Vahk accidentally swallowed a parasite while hunting for Johnnies. JesusLand was celebrating its 50th anniversary at the time. As usual there weren't any visitors so we had only ourselves to worry about. The whole place trembled while everyone who was on shift evacuated, myself included. Everything seemed fine until we realized Gary — who managed the food court — went missing. He probably got snagged by the parasite on the way out. After that we decided not to go to work at JesusLand anymore even if it was easy money. Overall, it was an earnest attempt by Ero'Vahk to spiritually help people, and I wish him well in his journey for atonement."
Many doubt the pious sincerity of Ero'Vahk. Some perceive it as a facade to make others lower their guard. His status as a cadre in the Scarlet Horde lends credibility to the suspicion, especially since he was evaluated by the manipulative Jeser. However, the possibility of Ero'Vahk being sincere is still likely. He could have already ended the ruse rather than continue to draw it out.3435 Overall, the weight of his past will follow him, and influence how others will perceive his actions. If he is truly remorseful then he must be willing to potentially atone for all eternity.