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Project Hecatoncheires

From the Desk of the Director

In accordance with Level-3 Clearance guidelines, only those authorized to review project documents are allowed access. Any unauthorized access of this file will be met with administrative consequences including amnesticization, possible termination of employment, and other action as deemed appropriate.

The following file represents our understanding of a very unclear picture of events due to disparate sources and incomplete accounts making up the bulk of this administrative record. No matter how this conflict resolves, it will be on all of us to shield normalcy from the fallout.

My condolences to those who lost loved ones or trusted colleagues, but the work must continue.

- Iona Varga, PhD/MD, Director of Site-91

Event #: EE-8832 Level 3/8832
Scenario: Anomalous Covert Engagement Classified

Extranormal Event 8832 (EE-8832) was a singular episode of anomalous armed conflict, which occurred in several anomalously-connected locations. Significant levels of thaumaturgical energies interfered with MTF recordings and in the recovery of physical evidence.

No persistent containment procedures are required beyond those taken immediately to ameliorate threats to normalcy directly in response to EE-8832.

Preceding Events:

Containment Breach of SCP-5267.
On 1 July, 1993, unknown forces breached the ruins housed within SCP-5267. Foundation forces were notified immediately due to the triggering of motion sensors and countermeasures in the area. Motion was logged for fifteen minutes and forty-two seconds. By the time containment specialists arrived at the anomaly, none of the culprits were present. Despite the detonation of three explosive mines, no bodies or blood was found. A small amount of charred clay and moss was found in the blast zone of detonated ordnance.

Inside the ruins of the fort contained in SCP-5267, a wall of the throne room was found to have been demolished with explosives. The revealed chamber contained numerous chests and display pedestals. Any material goods stored within were taken with the breaching individuals, but residue from thaumaturgical ritual items was diffuse within the chamber. Foundation surveyors had missed the chamber due to a subtle cognitohazard worked into the mortar between stones that made up the wall. Some small residue of blood dating to the 2nd century CE was found worked into the mortar.

Diego Marquez – PoI-8832 sighting.
On 3, July, 1993, members of MTF-Omega-20 (“Thought Police”) confirm sighting of Diego Marquez/SCP-4612-B in Manhattan, New York City. Marquez is witnessed entering the Grand Central Library. Mobilization orders are issued but not completed due to the events in York.

Explosion occurred at York Art Gallery in York, England.


York Art Gallery moments before the explosion destroyed the front elevation.

On 3 July, 1993, at 08:00 hours, an explosion occurred at the Gallery which contained SCP-3743-A-2, only known functioning Way to SCP-3743-B. Explosion is determined to be thaumaturgical in nature, theorized to be a forcing open of the Way. CC-TV footage in the area revealed an assault force of several dozen armed individuals, dressed in camouflage.

The assault coincided with several other explosions across Europe: Madrid, Nice, Budapest, and Istanbul.1 A cover story was developed and released to the public with the help of affected governments concerning a concerted terrorist attack. Any witnesses of the assault force were amnesticized during cleanup operations.


Within an hour, Site-91, only sixteen kilometers outside York, had mobilized forces to investigate. Given the explosion’s location at SCP-3743-A-2, it was theorized that the attack was focused on the pocket dimension designated SCP-3743-B.

Director Varga ordered a mobilization of the Project Hecatoncheires joint task force. In the months since the Way designated SCP-3743-A-1 was discovered, and ultimately neutralized, researchers at Site-91 had investigated the originating rituals thoroughly; the thaumaturgical research staff were able to determine a mechanism to reactivate the Way. As SCP-3743-A-1 also led to SCP-3743-B, it was targeted as an insertion point.


Mobilized Personnel:
MTF-Beta-777 (“Hecate’s Spear”): Captain Sahara Zadeh;2 Lieutenant Marcus Gibbs; Sergeant Maria Waltham;3 Sergeant Gabriel Merced.

MTF-Omega-20 (“Thought Police”): Captain Rashid al Hasin;4 Sergeant Julie Chen.

MTF-Tau-9 (“Bookworms”): Lieutenant Gilroy Laguerre,5; Sergeant Mark Kenoshi.6

Agent Rebekah Douglas.7

Forward: The Project Hecatoncheires joint task force is ordered to reconnoiter the pocket dimension designated SCP-3743-B, and observe the attacking force for purposes of intelligence gathering and identification. Primary goal is to ascertain the purpose of the assault and assess the potential danger to normalcy if the conflict were to escape the boundaries of the pocket dimension.


SCP-3743-A-1, approximately two kilometers from Site-91.

[Joint task force members approach the Way. Captain Zadeh is hanging back by the vehicles, operating communications equipment.]

Douglass: Last time we were in there, the video didn’t work.

Zadeh: There’s been some improvements since then. The researchers worked with the technicians to make sure the thaumaturgical bleeding wouldn’t interfere with video capture.

Douglas: And you’ll be out here, manning the comms?

Zadeh: And commanding, of course, but Captain al Hasin will be in command if there’s any problems. You all know the priorities, right?

[The assembled task force members nod and check their equipment.]

Zadeh: Okay. Don’t die. Now move out.

[The eight task force members approach SCP-3743-A-1. LaGuerre hangs an icon from a nearby tree, chanting in Enochian. A slight hum audibly registers on the recording after he has finished chanting. He walks around the structure of the Way and cuts across when he has reached the halfway mark.]

LaGuerre: We’re leaving it open this time, so keep an eye out. [LaGuerre looks at the two security staff next to Captain Zadeh] Watch her back, you hear?

[The taskforce members enter the way and are seen from Zadeh’s perspective moving across a desert plain. For the first eight minutes, nothing of note occurs. Then the feed from the team cuts out.]

Zadeh: [Adjusting the sling on her left arm, she bends down to the communication equipment laid out in the back of the armored vehicle transport.] Lieutenant Gibbs, do you read?

[No response is forthcoming.]

Zadeh: Agent Douglas, do you read? Sergeant Waltham?

[Zadeh turns and looks towards the open portal; the team is no longer in sight.]

Zadeh: Command, we have a situation.

Director Varga: Go ahead.

Zadeh: Director?

Varga: No time for explanations, things are progressing across Europe. This isn’t the only attack. I have my hands full. What is the situation?

Zadeh: I’ve lost contact with the team, none of the communications are working.

Varga: When did you lose contact?

Zadeh: Less than a minute ago.

Varga: One of the security staff with you is a communications officer. See if you can’t get them back online within the next five minutes. If not, call me back.

The communications officer tries to reestablish contact with the taskforce members for the next five minutes. No contact is made.

Zadeh: Director, we’ve got nothing. I’m not okay with leaving my whole team on the other side without knowing what’s happening. Please advise.

Varga: Captain, what are you telling me?

Zadeh: I’m going in.

Varga: You’re injured, Captain. That’s a very poor idea.

Zadeh: I have my skills and a side-arm.

Varga: Wait, don’t go in yet. I’ll send another squad to back you up. ETA five minutes.

Once several more task force members arrive to support Zadeh, she enters the Way. Communication is immediately lost. After approximately thirty minutes, the Way closes and Foundation staff are not able to reactivate it.


Location of Agent Douglas and others after neutralization of the Way.

Approximately two hours after losing contact with command, Agent Rebekah Douglas contacted Site-91 and requested medical evacuation to a location on the southern plains of Greece, just south of Tripoli.

Remnants of the joint task force, along with members of GoI-8832 (“The Second Haptic Assembly”), were found sheltering in the temple structure previously recorded as existing within the pocket dimension designated SCP-3743-B. The structure had weathered significant damage from explosive ordnance and anomalous means.

Recovered Video Records

Upon retrieval, video files were extracted from the joint task force members’ recording equipment. Most of the data was unusable due to degradation theorized to be the effect of statistically abnormal surges in thaumaturgical energies. The following transcribed segments were all that remained uncorrupted:8

After-Action Reports

The sudden manifestation of a temple structure in modern day Greece is a threat to the Veil. Therefore, with the approval of the Overwatch Council, Director Varga has worked with contacts in the Greek State Department to declare the area off-limits. An electrical perimeter fence has been erected in the meantime while further containment efforts are considered.

The three cultists who did not leave with 4612-B surrendered to Foundation custody. Given the lack of any ethical way to contain their abilities, Director Varga had contained in a secure ward of the Site-91 Medical Center alongside Rudolph Carmichael.

rating: +61+x

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