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American Supernatural Containment Initative





Object Class: Ontokinetic Humanoid

Threat Level: Hazardous

Protocols for Containment: Directive FLORAMORPH is to be confined within a reinforced containment cell in Containment Section-7 of Locus-12. Only personnel of Secret clearance or higher are authorized for interaction, and such engagements must be strictly monitored. Exposure to the anomaly must be minimized to avoid triggering its volatile transformations. Should FLORAMORPH demonstrate signs of agitation or manifest hostile behavior, the containment chamber must be immediately reinforced, and all personnel must retreat to designated safe zones.

Description: Directive FLORAMORPH frequently adopts the form of a middle-aged man, possessing brown hair, green eyes, and an unremarkable build. This default form is notably ordinary, designed perhaps to elude suspicion in its surroundings. However, it is far from a permanent or reliable guise. FLORAMORPH is capable of assuming a far more grotesque and dangerous form, a cannibalistic plant entity. When provoked, subjected to stress, or in certain periods of extreme hunger, the creature shifts into a highly aggressive, plant-like state. This manifestation sees FLORAMORPH’s body becoming a horrific amalgamation of flesh and flora, with its limbs transforming into vine-like tendrils capable of rapid movement and entanglement. It gains the ability to extend its reach, ensnaring and devouring organic matter, including living beings.

During this transformation, FLORAMORPH's behavior becomes erratic and hostile. It engages in violent predation, using its vine-like appendages to capture, consume, and assimilate organic material, human or otherwise. The consumption process appears to involve a rapid and grotesque fusion of both humanoid and botanical traits, where the entity absorbs the nutritional and genetic material of its prey, increasing its own growth and potency. This stage is particularly dangerous, as it exhibits a level of aggression and strength vastly superior to its normal human form. When in this cannibalistic plant state, FLORAMORPH poses a grave threat to all life within its proximity. Its ability to distort the environment, coupled with its heightened physical abilities, makes it a formidable adversary. The entity's predatory nature must be considered a key factor in its containment, and all personnel should be trained to recognize the early signs of this transformation, ensuring that it is neutralized or confined before it can cause further harm. The creature’s base form may mimic human intelligence, but its aberrant transformations reveal an intelligence that is wholly abnormal and dangerous, with no regard for the natural order of life. As such, FLORAMORPH must be regarded as one of the most volatile and unpredictable anomalies in containment, and all necessary precautions must be taken to prevent its escape or further degeneration.


Addendum FLORAMORPH (1) : Interview Log with Directive FLORAMORPH. Dated 4/3/1859.

An interview log regarding Directive FLORAMORPH's abnormal properties. Compiled by Dr. Woods.

Dr. Woods: Directive FLORAMORPH, I understand you’ve had difficulty comprehending the changes that you undergo, but it is important that we try to discuss this as best as we can. You’ve been documented as undergoing transformations, alterations of form. I would like you to describe these experiences from your perspective. How does it feel when these changes happen?

FLORAMORPH: I don’t… I don’t know what you mean. Changes? I don’t understand. What’s happening here? Why am I being kept in this place? And my names John, not- I'm no directive!

Dr. Woods: Directive FLORAMORPH, are you saying that you don't experience any sensation at all during these transformations? Or is it that you simply don't recognize them as such?

FLORAMORPH: I haven’t done anything wrong. I don’t understand why I’m here. I’m just trying to live my life. This is all a mistake, right? I- I’m not some experiment. I’m not… whatever you think I am. Just let me out!"

Dr. Woods: It’s not a mistake, Directive FLORAMORPH. There’s something about you, something we need to understand. You have been documented undergoing transformations, changes that seem to alter your appearance and behavior. Do you remember feeling any discomfort or… anything out of the ordinary?

FLORAMORPH: I’m telling you, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I feel fine. I’m not different from anyone else. Why are you keeping me here? What do you want from me? I don’t even remember doing anything unusual. Just let me go back to my life. I don’t belong here!

Dr. Woods: You’re not understanding, Directive FLORAMORPH. You don’t recognize the changes because they occur without your knowledge. The transformations happen involuntarily. You aren’t in control. That’s why we need to study you, to understand what’s happening to you.

FLORAMORPH: I don’t know what’s happening, but this isn’t me. I’m not some… thing you need to study. I’m not sick, I’m not dangerous. Just let me go home. Please. I don’t belong here.

Dr. Woods: You don’t belong here, you say. But you’ve been kept here because of what happens when you change. What happens to you during those times, you may not understand, but it is essential that you comprehend the seriousness of this situation. You’ve been a part of events that have harmed people, and that’s why we can’t let you leave.

FLORAMORPH: Harmed? I- what are you talking about? I don’t hurt anyone. I never- I’m just a normal person. I swear, I haven’t done anything wrong. I’m not… whatever you think I am. Please… let me go. I don’t know why I’m here. I just want to leave. I want to see my wife, my kids, my momma's probably worried sick about me!

Dr. Woods exited the containment cell and reentered with two Marshals.

FLORAMORPH: What’s going on? Why are they here? What are you doing? I-I told you, I’m not dangerous! I’m not… I haven’t hurt anyone. I just want to go home. Please, what are you doing? I haven’t done anything wrong!

Dr. Woods: Directive FLORAMORPH, your behavior continues to cause concern. The fact that you don't recognize the danger you present is exactly why we can’t release you. Your insistence on being "just a normal person" is not enough. This has gone beyond simple misunderstanding.

FLORAMORPH: My names not FLORAMORPH! It's John! Please let me go home!

Dr. Woods: Prepare for reinforcement. It's time to secure Directive FLORAMORPH’s containment further.

FLORAMORPH: What- what does that mean? Just let me leave, why are you getting closer? Stay back!

One Marshal pinned FLORAMORPH to the wall and the second Marshal began to secure shackles to FLORAMORPH's feet.

Dr. Woods exited the containment cell.

End log.


Addendum FLORAMORPH (2) : Containment Failure. Dated 4/3/1859.

A containment failure log, following the transformation of FLORAMORPH after Dr. Woods' interview.

At 2:47 PM, following the completion of the interview with Dr. Woods, FLORAMORPH began to exhibit signs of agitation. The subject’s behavior became erratic and, within moments, it underwent a rapid transformation into its plant-like form. Its limbs elongated into vine-like tendrils, and its human features distorted into a more monstrous, grotesque appearance. The subject's physical structure seemed to shift beyond normal human limits, indicating a complete alteration of its biological makeup.

The reinforced cell, designed to contain FLORAMORPH in its standard human form, was not equipped to withstand the force of the transformation. The creature’s newly-formed tendrils began tearing through the walls of the cell, rapidly compromising the containment structure. The security alarm was triggered, but due to the speed of the breach, personnel were slow to respond.

By 2:50 PM, FLORAMORPH had completely broken free of its containment. It advanced through the facility with unnatural speed, using its tendrils to break doors, smash windows, and ensnare any living thing within its path. Several personnel were injured in the ensuing chaos as FLORAMORPH rampaged through the facility, showing no signs of restraint or control.

At approximately 2:55 PM, a Marshal team was dispatched, but due to the severity of the breach and the creature’s heightened strength, efforts to recapture it using conventional means were ineffective. The team attempted to use chains and restraints to subdue the creature, but FLORAMORPH's tendrils proved too powerful, breaking through the restraints and continuing its destructive path.

At 4:03 PM, a specialized team of Marshals arrived from Locus-09, equipped with reinforced nets and additional containment tools. A direct confrontation ensued, with the Marshals using physical force to subdue FLORAMORPH. After approximately 10 minutes of struggle, the subject was finally restrained and forced back into a temporary containment area.

Upon securing FLORAMORPH, it reverted to its human form, though it appeared disoriented and confused. The subject exhibited signs of distress, repeatedly asking for release and stating that it did not understand what had happened or why it had been restrained.

FLORAMORPH was returned to its reinforced containment cell, and additional security measures were implemented to prevent future breaches. The area surrounding the containment chamber has been reinforced, and additional Marshals have been assigned to monitor the subject more closely. The cause of the breach is under investigation, and a review of containment protocols is underway to ensure better prevention of similar incidents in the future.

End Report.

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