cyrus013's Obituary
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Name: K█████ D██████
Operator's Tag: cyrus013
Security Clearance Level: Previous O5-12
Duties: Administrative
Life: Like many of the O5 directors, he was raised in SCP command compounds immersed in Euclid research papers and extradimensional physics. In 1953 he proved extremely intelligent and rational under stressful situations. Following psychological evaluations he was assigned the O5-12 designation with the previous director having "stepped down".

"Happy yesterday to all, we were born to die."-His traditional saying to D class personnel, who he frequently addressed before their assignment to SCP experiments

"Tomorrow's not what it used to be, we were born to die."-His traditional saying to research personnel
Death: In 1978 while reviewing research of SCP-160, he ordered the creation of Storage Area-134 and the implementation of the IWS. These orders were carried out without diplomatic process amongst the O5 directors as his last act before stepping down to be terminated.
Current Duties: Currently designated W3 in the IWS. Acts as security for SCP-160 and SCP-███. Acts as science and security consultant to SCP personnel. Assists in personnel cafeterias by baking cake. Acts as record keeper and  research consultant on: SCP-160, SCP-181, SCP-193, SCP-███, SCP-███, and SCP-███.

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