Critter Profile: Thunder!

Name: Thunder
Species: Felis catus (House cat)
Primary Caretaker: Terrestrial Team, Johann Swider
Diet: Kitty kibble (always stocked), cooked beef (once per day), raw fish (as a treat)
Housed: Wilson's Wildlife Boring Center, Enclosure 49
Creature Features!
Thunder is one of the cutest little kitty cats we have here at Wilson's! She's a Bombay breed, meaning she's all-black, short-haired, and totally adorable! Some people are scared of black cats, but little ol' Thun-Thun is a big sweetheart, and loves nothing more than cuddles, treats, and playtime (especially if you have some string on hand). She's very polite and unless you make her really angry (thankfully it's rather hard to tick her off, she can bite!), there's nothing to be worried about.
Thunder is held in one of our public enclosures, since she's not one of our supernatural critters and the Supervisors have no interest in keeping her hidden, but that doesn't mean she isn't just as important as any other critter here at Wilson's! She spends most of her time either sleeping (did you know that cats typically spend 12-18 hours a day sleeping? I wish I could do that!) or hanging out with her best friend Johann. Johann is her caretaker, and the two of them are always playing together or going on walks throughout the center. Sometimes he'll even hold her up and let visitors to the center give her some pets, since he's the only person she lets carry her. The two are thick as thieves!
Thunder was graciously given to us by a sweet young man named Niall. Niall told us that she'd been transferred to his possession suddenly because of a personal matter, and that he wasn't currently in a position to care for a cat, so he was hoping we could find a nice home for her. We were more than happy to take her in! He even said that he had come to us specifically because he'd heard of the good work we do, how kind!
Thunder has been acclimating to her new home at Wilson's quite well, though she does seem to miss her old owner quite a bit. She immediately stuck to Johann, one of our volunteers at the center, as soon as she saw him, so he requested to be her caretaker. I guess there's just something about him, the two of them have been inseparable ever since!
Special Needs and Accommodations!
Thunder doesn't need anything special, so we have her in one of our typical cat enclosures. She's got a food and water bowl she can access whenever she wants to and a scratching post to keep her occupied, as well as plenty of toys for her and Johann to play with together.
Johann typically goes into her enclosure a couple times a day to give her food, refill her bowls, clean out her box, or just have some playtime. She's allowed to walk around the building and see visitors every now and then, since she hasn't shown any aggression like some of our other critters. She's allowed time to hang out with some of the other kitties we have in the Boring center if she's up to it, though she seems to prefer being by herself or with Johann most of the time. The poor kitty is a little shy around other critters or new hires, so we just leave her be until she's ready to meet with them.
These profiles are normally written by the caretakers themselves, but unfortunately Johann is unavailable at the moment. These things still have deadlines, however, so I hope you don't mind me (Caroline!) writing this instead. I take care of Thunder during times where Johann can't. She doesn't like me as much, but she's been warming up to me and the others lately. She just gets real bummed out when she can't play with her best friend, poor girl.
Sent by: Johann Swider
Recipient(s): Caroline Faughn
Date: 2/6/2019
Hey, Caroline.
Can you cover my shift for me today? I'm supposed to take care of the new cat but my car's busted in the middle of the freeway and I probably won't get there in time. I think I have to call a mechanic. Tell Tim I'm real sorry, he'll probably tell you what you need to do. Sorry for putting this on you so last minute. :(
Really appreciate it,
Sent by: Johann Swider
Recipient(s): Tim Wilson
Date: 2/20/2019
Hey, Tim.
Real sorry about the documents. I'm sure you don't care for excuses but my roof sprung a leak out of nowhere and the water fell right on top of the pile of documents you gave me. I'm not even sure where the water came from, it hasn't rained in weeks.
Regardless, I'll try to see what I can salvage and what I'll have to rewrite.
Real sorry again,
Sent by: Johann Swider
Recipient(s): Caroline Faughn
Date: 3/1/2019
Hey, Caroline.
I'm calling in sick today, I've got some real nasty food poisoning and I don't feel good enough to come in today. Tim already knows. I was hoping you could take over for Thunder today.
Thank you so much and sorry again,
Sent by: Johann Swider
Recipient(s): Caroline Faughn
Date: 3/7/2019
Hey, Caroline.
Sorry to put this on you, but I've just fallen real bad down the stairs in my building and I think I might've sprained my ankle. Could you give me a ride to the center? I don't think I can drive right now.
Sent by: Tim Wilson
Recipient(s): Terrestrial Team (20 people)
Date: 3/10/2019
Hello everyone, I'm sure you've all already heard about the collapse of Enclosure 19 yesterday. As it turns out, one of our critters had escaped and caused quite a bit of damage to the nearby enclosures. Johann was inside the enclosure at the time and is currently in the hospital. He's not badly hurt but they think he might have a broken rib and he'll need some time to recover before returning to work. Caroline has volunteered to take over his duties while he's out.
On the bright side, the critter inside Enclosure 19, Thunder, made it out fine and isn't injured or hurt at all. We're not sure how, considering the entire enclosure collapsed on the two of them, but we're grateful she's unharmed and perfectly healthy. We'll be moving her to Enclosure 49 while we repair the damage to 19.
Best wishes,
Tim Wilson
Sent by: Tim Wilson
Recipient(s): Terrestrial Team (20 people)
Date: 4/2/2019
Hello everyone. I have some unfortunate news. I'm sure you all know Johann, who unfortunately has missed a lot of work lately due to his recent injury. We've received news that Johann has been hospitalized once again following a road accident, less than a week after finally being able to return to work. He's not doing good. The situation is still developing, I'm in touch with the hospital and I'll let you guys know any details as soon as I'm told. Caroline has placed a card for him in the lobby if you'd like to sign it.
I hope you'll all keep him in your thoughts during this time.
Best wishes,
Tim Wilson
Sent by: Tim Wilson
Recipient(s): Caroline Faughn
Date: 4/5/2019
Hey Caroline.
Take some time off, okay? I know you two were close. I'm so sorry. I'll find someone else to take care of Thunder.
Best wishes,
Tim Wilson
Notes about Thunder!
Note 4/5/2019: On 4/5/2019, a large tree branch detached from a tree near the Wilson's Wildlife Boring Center and landed on top of Enclosure 49. Enclosure 49 was completely destroyed, along with everything inside. No other enclosures were harmed in the incident.
Thunder, occupying Enclosure 49 at the time, was seen emerging unharmed before quickly running away. Missing cat posters have been placed around Boring in hopes of finding her. If you find a cat resembling Thunder please contact Tim Wilson or Caroline Faughn of Wilson's Wildlife Solutions immediately.