Sent by: Faeowynn Wilson
Recipient(s): Professor Gosa
Hello Professor,
Just wanted to check in and get a status update on your research into our little project. I hope everything is going well.
- Fae
Critter Profile: Sandra and George!

Name: Sandra and George
Species: Ambystoma mexicanum (Axolotl)
Primary Caretaker: Aquatics Team, Intern Holly Brown
Diet: Feed pellets and small strips of beef or liver (Absolutely no Brine Shrimp!)
Housed: Tank in break room
Creature Features!
Sandra and George are the names of two Axolotls we have here at Wilson's. They're both Sapient with similar intelligence levels as humans. Unlike most Axolotls, both Sandra and George don't attack each other and instead will cuddle together under their favorite Java Fern, although the past few weeks they haven't been as much.
Both enjoy company and I (Holly!) will usually sleep near them next to their enclosure. They have a waterproof keyboard and love to send me messages! They are great with faces and will easily recognize you!
Excerpt of messages sent by Sandra and George:
thank you for caring for us
mmm more beef strips
don't leave us
our tank is nicely decorated thanks
Special Needs and Accomodations!

George comforting Sandra
A small rock house has been set up in the corner of their tank, along with many florae including Java Fern, Duckweed, and Water Lettuce. A small plastic armchair has been placed in view of the break room TV. It might sound silly but decorating their enclosure has brought me some comfort.
Miss Wilson helped me set up a waterproof keyboard in their enclosure that allows them to type messages to anyone in their room. Even though we didn't get along very well before, I still like talking to them through this system. It's the only way I feel like they're still with me.
Sandra likes to chat with anyone who comes by her and George's tank. She's very active and will swim around her enclosure to, as she puts it "keep [her] mind awake."
George mostly likes to watch the news and sports on the break room TV.
Excerpt of messages sent by Sandra and George:
did you see the news last night
want to watch a movie with us
family movie night :)
I dont like this fading feeling
The pair's story is a pretty personal experience for me. I'd like to tell you what happened from my own perspective.
I was home on break from college for Christmas break a few weeks ago, spending time with my family. My parents and I… well… we don't always get along. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but they don't like the fact that I'm studying at Deer instead of ICSUT. Say it's 'too liberal' and 'too much of a party school' among many other things. It's really frustrating, but I digress. They were really getting up in my face about things over Christmas dinner, and I did something I regret.
You see, I study Applications of Polymorphs. That means I'm learning how to apply thaumaturgy into transforming things, and sometimes even people, into other things. I'm pretty sure you can imagine what happened next.
After doing what I did, I spent a good amount of time trying to change them back. But nothing worked. I guess I'm just not at that level of thaumaturgy yet. But at least I can say that I tried my best.
Anyway, once I realized there was little I could do to help them, I figured Wilson's would be the best place for them to be while I figured things out. So I grabbed mom and dad, put them in a tank, and drove down to the Center. I explained everything to Miss Wilson, and she was kind enough to take them in and offer me a spot on the aquatics team so I could stay near them.
Miss Wilson really is the best, she even got in touch with staff from my school and is getting help for my parents with them. If you're reading this, thank you so much!
Excerpt of messages sent by Sandra and George:
youre doing great job
can u change the channel game is startng
tank looks very dark and murky pls clean1
thak u fr everyting
From: | ude.egellocreed|asog.c#ude.egellocreed|asog.c |
To: | etis.snoitulosefildliwsnosliw|nosliw.eaf#etis.snoitulosefildliwsnosliw|nosliw.eaf |
Miss Wilson, Unfortunately, I have not come across any spells potent enough to undo the hex Miss Brown has placed on her parents. A hex cast with such powerful anger and intent is not easy to fix. There is hope, however. I believe a potion brewed by our Alchemy Department may be able to pull it off, but it will take a long time to come to fruition. Though I must ask, how are George and Sandra holding up? Are they experiencing any memory loss or cognitive difficulties? ~ Professor Cyndy Gosa, Transmutation Department, Deer College |
Sent by: Faeowynn Wilson
Recipient(s): Professor Gosa
Hello Professor,
That's great! I'll tell Holly as soon as I see her.
As for your question, yes they have been acting a bit off as of late. Holly tells me that their messages are becoming more and more difficult to understand. It's kind of hard to get a read on axolotls, but now that you mention it, they probably are losing cognitive ability. Should we be worried?
- Fae
From: | ude.egellocreed|asog.c#ude.egellocreed|asog.c |
To: | etis.snoitulosefildliwsnosliw|nosliw.eaf#etis.snoitulosefildliwsnosliw|nosliw.eaf |
Miss Wilson, I wouldn't tell her just yet. You will understand why in a moment. Transmutation spells are odd things. When they transform someone, they slowly but surely begin to take the properties of what they have transformed into. That is why we only advise our students to transform for very limited periods of time. What this means for George and Sandra is that they are becoming more and more like normal axolotls. It's been weeks since they were transformed. I fear that soon enough they won't be able to recognize their daughter, much less talk to her. ~ Professor Cyndy Gosa, Transmutation Department, Deer College |
Sent by: Faeowynn Wilson
Recipient(s): Professor Gosa
Hello Professor,
Wouldn't the potion bring them back to normal, even if it's given to them after they're mentally checked out?
- Fae
From: | ude.egellocreed|asog.c#ude.egellocreed|asog.c |
To: | etis.snoitulosefildliwsnosliw|nosliw.eaf#etis.snoitulosefildliwsnosliw|nosliw.eaf |
Miss Wilson, I'm afraid not. By the time the potion is ready they'll be too far gone into the minds of simple creatures to bring back. I believe the most merciful course of action would be to simply allow them to remain as axolotls for the remainder of their life. Sure, we'd be able to bring back their physical form, but they'd functionally be animals in a human body. The parents Holly Brown knew will be long gone by the time that happens. ~ Professor Cyndy Gosa, Transmutation Department, Deer College |
Sent by: Faeowynn Wilson
Recipient(s): Professor Gosa
Hello Professor,
This is terrible news, but someone's got to break it to her. I'll wait a few days to talk to her and let her know. Thank you for your work, Profesor Gosa.
- Fae
Notes about Sandra and George!
A complete list of most recent messages sent by Sandra and George:
we love u
keep remember
lov hly
h y
giv fd
sfdoof looew
hkaaa ggrehj