Discord Chat


This is a component page used internally by the SCP Wiki. It is intended to be used and included on other pages.

rating: +68+x


Today at 4:28 PM
yo, Corvus, you around? smug.svg
Today at 4:28 PM
what's up @GOTO 20
New Messages
Today at 4:29 PM
Here is an image
Today at 4:30 PM

Today at 5:20 PM



This template is fairly complex so please read this in its entirety.

Step 1: Include the source

This Step only needs to be done once.

Add this include to the top part of your code:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-source= --]]]

Step 2: Add users

This Step only needs to be done once.
For each unique user you would like to add to the discord block, add the following include block:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-user= --]

Each unique user will need their own user include block.

Beginning of user include ↦

Unique ID per user (Do NOT use symbols, numbers, or spaces)

Username (Does not necessarily need to be unique)

URL of user's icon ↦

Color of user's name (accepts hex, rgb, rgba, hsl)

End of user include ↦

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-user= --]


|username=GOTO 20




Step 3: Start the discord block

Add this to where you would like the Discord Block to begin:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-start= --] ]]

Step 4: Add messages and/or attachments

Once all your users are included, you can now add messages and attachments.
Messages and Attachments cannot share the same block. They will always be separate (ie. show the username and avatar of the user posting.)

Step 4.1: Add messages

Add the following include for each block of user messages:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-msg-start= --]
Content goes here
[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-msg-end= --] ]]

Beginning of message start include block ↦

Unique ID per user (Same as what you set before)

Username associated with Unique User ID ↦

Time message was sent ↦

End of message start include ↦

Content of messages go here.
All wikidot syntax is allowed. ↦

Message end include ↦

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-msg-start= --]


|username=GOTO 20

|msg-time=Today at 4:28 PM


what's up

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-msg-end= --] ]]

Step 4.2: Add attachments

Add the following include for each attachment:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-attch= --]

Beginning of attachment include block ↦

Unique ID per attachment (Do NOT use symbols, numbers, or spaces)

Unique ID per for user sending the attachment (Same as what you set before)

Username associated with Unique User ID ↦

Time attachment was sent ↦

Displayed attachment name ↦

Displayed attachment size ↦

Link the attachment goes to when clicked (Leave blank for no link)

End of attachment include block ↦

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-attch= --]



|username=GOTO 20






Step 5: End the discord block

Add this to where you would like the Discord Block to end:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-end= --] ]]

It is possible to repeat steps 3-5 to have more than one Discord block with the same Users chatting.

Optional items

I'll be adding more optional items as they're requested and/or I think of them.

Adding images

Here is an example of an image within a message:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-msg-start= --]
|username=GOTO 20
|msg-time=Yesterday at 1:28 AM
Here is an image
[[image noodle.jpg link="https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/" class="msgimage"]]
[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-msg-end= --] ]]

  • class="msgimage" must be added to the image for it to function correctly.
  • link="url"can be added as well for the image to link to something

Adding emojis

Here is two examples of message includes with an emoji:

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-msg-start= --]
|username=GOTO 20
|msg-time=Last Monday at 9:15 PM
yo, Corvus, you around? [[image smug.svg class="emoji inline"]]
[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-msg-end= --] ]]

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-msg-start= --]
what's up
[[image smug.svg class="emoji alone"]]
[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-msg-end= --] ]]

As you can see, there are two types of emojis:

  • Inline emojis — These are given class="emoji inline"
  • Standalone emojis — These are given class="emoji alone"

This is not done automatically so you must add these classes to the images when you place them.

Adding NEW MESSAGE divider

Add this to where you would like the NEW MESSAGE divider to appear

[[include :scp-wiki:component:discord-chat-source |inc-new-msgs= --] ]]

Adding @mention styling

To make a stylized @mention simply wrap the @(username) in:

[[span class="at_mention"]]@username[[/span]].

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me on Wikidot (WoedenazWoedenaz) or on Discord (Woedenaz#1111).

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License