The Way The World Ends
The Lock has been opened. The armies and monsters of Revelations and Ragnarok and older, forgotten myths march across the Earth. The old gods have returned, and brand new gods are waking up. And more are waiting in the wings.
The Foundation has been split at the seams. Senior staff and the leaders of the Foundation are missing, incapacitated, dead, or making desperate plans on the fly.
The ends of the world are here, all of them, and we're not ready.
Competitive Eschatology Official Playlist: You're a god or an entity or a force of nature, and you're here with an agenda. Here are some songs to rock out to while you end the world.
Story Sequence
Act One, Part 1
- Apakht (Part 1 of 3) (by thedeadlymoose): The fabric of reality began to unfold before their eyes.
- The Gate Opens (Part 2 of 3) (by thedeadlymoose): "Uriel," Yahweh said. "It is Time."
- Revelation (Part 3 of 3) (by thedeadlymoose): "I come on behalf of the SCP Foundation," the woman said.
- Storm Front (by Sophia Light): “Well, I'd say we're due for a little calamity. Wouldn't you?”
- Awakenings (by thedeadlymoose): Ur-An-Uum raised her head to the sky and cried a rending wail of anguish.
Act One, Part 2
- The White Horse (The Conqueror With The Golden Crown) (by thedeadlymoose): Her eyes burned like white stars.
- The Red Horse (The Ironic Metaphor) (by Dexanote): "Today is a very special episode."
- Interlude: A Memo Regarding a Theft (by Dexanote): Inventory check for Site 62 reveals the absence of SCP-573.
- The Black Horse (The Crawling Sea) (by Sophia Light): Then its clothes burst, and out came the mice.
- Interlude: Last Words from Svalbard (by Sophia Light): "We have a proposition for you."
- The Pale Horse (The Wayward Children) (by thedeadlymoose): The living creature felt gratitude and elation beyond compare.
Act One, Part 3
- The Bloody Autumn (by Dexanote): "This is your army. Delivered by Fear itself."
- Stirrings (by Skara Brae): The lightning recognized his roar, and raced to join him.
- Interlude: New Toys (by Dexanote): "Oh I like you. I like you an' I like yor little buddy. I think I'll keep ya."
- Ganymede (by thedeadlymoose): "You know… In another future, we got to grow old together."
After Act One
Splinters (Stand-Alone Stories)
- Tenebrae (by TroyL): Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we have borne their iniquities.
- Now... This (by Gaffney): Three weeks into a possible future…
- In the End: Monkey Business (by AdminBright)
- In the End: Elite (by AdminBright)
- In the End: Europe (by AdminBright)
- In the End: Rawhide (by AdminBright)
- Sunset (by Mister Evans): Dozens of faiths had a promise of eternal night to uphold, and most were going straight to the source.
- When Moses Goes Wrong (by Loiterer87) Meanwhile on Earth, astronomers noticed several discrepancies when they looked up to the stars.
- Fire and Brimstone (by Slothdude) Even Gods must have their Demons.
- Omens (By DodoDevil) They had come to this shore to die a prodigy, foretelling war, famine, death, disease.
- Cheese Is Risen (By LORDXVNV) And then, the shining city fell, chunk after chunk cascading downwards, crumbling like feta.
- Your Demise Explained (by Ethagon) This Site has currently 3 out of 10 usable panic rooms.
- Midnight Sun (by Ralliston) The city of Esterberg was already more than ready to defend itself.
Splinters (The Tactical Theology Division Subseries)
- KTE-5634-Ex-Machina-Bosch (by Cerastes): "The Global Occult Coalition must stand ready to defend humanity against all foes."
- Secure Facility Dossier: Reliquary Area-27 (by DeadlyBread): "SCP Foundation Theological Research and Emergency Deific Subjugation Facility"
- The Great Cult Escape (by Luxaiko): "So, little journal of mine and hopeful reader of the future; I hope you have learnt something today, as that you keep hold of this when the world ends all over again."
- Divine and Conquer (by Weryllium): "And while you spread your eyes across creation, you too are being watched. To borrow from another of your people’s many stories: you have been weighed, and found wanting."
Splinters (Just Fragments)
- Just Fragments Hub
- Maybe the End of the World isn’t as Bad as it Sounds. (1/6) (by Doctor Scrappy) Nothing. Not even a whisper, the faintest of noise, nothing. Everything had gone black.
- Or maybe it is... (2/6) (by Doctor Scrappy) ”Found this thing in one of t-the closets.” His voice was even weaker than before. His fingers barely held onto the strings. ”Let’s s-see if I can still w-work it.”
- ... not the end. (3/6) (by Doctor Scrappy) ”If it makes you feel better, I also had a shitty mother.”
- Five-Seven-Nine (4/6) (by Doctor Scrappy) The man entered with its trumpet.
- To End All Endings (5/6) (by Doctor Scrappy) ”… Adam…?”
- To End All Endings - Vol. 2 (5½/6) (by Doctor Scrappy) He saw ████ glancing over at him, before averting his gaze. Despite this, he continued on, feeling the weight of the suit pressing him down. They headed straight into Site-62.
Act One in Chronological Sequence
How To Write For This Canon
Warning: Minor spoilers (and major spoilers if you click on the link at the end)