A Super Easy Tool for Those Too Lazy to Update Their Author Pages
rating: +81+x


Paste this into your author page:

[[include component:author-page order=created_at]]

This component will automatically generate a list of all your works, in chronological order. They will be sorted into five categories: SCPs, tales, GoI-formats, translations, and others.

The following collapsible contains a demonstration of what the component will look like when in use. This demonstration displays the 5 most recent pages on the wiki — the version in your author page will display all pages posted by you.

Optional Parameters

There are a total of 5 optional parameters which can be passed to the component to customise it further. The following is an example of the component with its default values specified.

[[include component:author-page
order=created_at |
perpage=100 |
background=yes |
image=yes |
sortbar=yes |

I'll explain the parameters one by one.

Order: What follows order= will determine the order of the list of pages. You may prefer to order your pages by date posted, date edited, by rating, or by something else. Here are a few useful options:
Property Meaning
name Order by page URL, alphabetically
title Order by page title, alphabetically
rating desc Order by rating
random Random order (re-randomises once per minute)
created_at Order by date created
updated_at Order by date of last update

These will be in ascending order — to specify that you'd like descending order, append "desc" as such: "created_at desc"
See here for a full list of page order inputs.

Perpage: How many items will be shown on each page - may be useful if you have a huge bunch of works. Default is 20, maximum is 250.

Background: Whether a fancy-looking SCP logo shows up in the background when you mouseover something. Default is "no".
Mouseover the following demonstration to see how it will appear.

A Super Easy Tool for Those Too Lazy to Update Their Author Pages
+81 18
Latest comment: RockTeethMothEyes at 21 Sep 2019 10:37

Background is enabled by using background=yes.

A Super Easy Tool for Those Too Lazy to Update Their Author Pages
+81 18
Latest comment: RockTeethMothEyes at 21 Sep 2019 10:37

Background is disabled by using background=no or by omitting the parameter altogether.

Image: Whether the first image of each page shows up above the preview when you mouseover it. Please keep in mind that loading your author page may become really slow with the images enabled, so the decision is up to you.

+1106 237
Images enabled by using image=yes or image=true.

2014-07-18 22.41.47.jpg
SCP-105-B Item #: SCP-105 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-105 is implanted with a tracking device and is currently housed at Site-17. SCP-105 is currently allowed Class 3...
tags: alive alpha-9 co-authored humanoid iris-thompson photographic rewrite safe sapient scp telekinetic

+1106 237
Images disabled by default - you can delete the line that says "image" in sample code.

SCP-105-B Item #: SCP-105 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-105 is implanted with a tracking device and is currently housed at Site-17. SCP-105 is currently allowed Class 3...
tags: alive alpha-9 co-authored humanoid iris-thompson photographic rewrite safe sapient scp telekinetic

Sortbar: Whether a bar that says "Chronological order | Recently posted | Top rated | Recently updated" displays on the top of the page. Default is "yes". You may use sortbat=no to disable it.


For collaborative works, the wiki page itself may not have been posted by you, but surely you'd still want it to appear on your author page! The standard component cannot display pages not created by you — in order to display additional collaborative pages, add the following code below the previous include block.

[[include component:author-page-collab
name=The name of the collaborative article |
written_by=Authors of the page (Optional)|
note=Other things you want to say about the page (Optional)|
background=yes |
image=yes |

What follows name= should be the name of the article as seen in the URL instead of the title. For example, input scp-309-j instead of "how do i delete articles".

Each collaborative page requires you to include a new component for each one.


1. The tool displays all pages created by the user that created the author page in which the component has been included. This usually does not cause issues, but if you have posted articles for other users, changed your wiki account name, asked another user to post your author page for you, etc… the module might not function properly.
2. When using the collab component, please remember that no " or | characters are allowed in the content that follows written_by= and note=. The input shouldn't be a single space, too.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License