Attribution Metadata: Other SCPs


Greetings. Welcome to the Attribution Metadata page. This page is used to store user attributions in cases where they could not be stored natively by the site's software platform, or to override them if they were stored incorrectly. This includes information about authors, coauthors, rewrites, translations, and other similar things.

Please note that this page is only used to attribute original site content to past and present members of the site. Attributions for off-site materials or to individuals unaffiliated with the site, such as image attributions, are kept elsewhere.

Usage guidelines

This page and its children are locked to edits. Please notify a staff member if you would like an entry added.

Due to the volume of edits on this page, please remember to leave a change description before saving! This should be a simple description of the changes you have made.

If you think that information about a page created by another person is incorrect, please contact a staff member.

This page is split into four fragments. Add entries to the appropriate fragment, in alphabetical order:

  • The "name" column must match the page's slug. This includes everything after the last dash ("/") character. Where applicable, the category must be included as well. Note that the title of the page can be different from its name.
  • At present, only the following values are accepted in the "type" column:
    • author - to override the original creator of the page, or to indicate multiple co-authors.
    • rewrite -for major rewrites of the page. Specifying the date is advised to avoid disambiguations.
    • translator - for pages originally written on one of the translation off-shots.
  • The "date" column denotes when this particular user became associated with the page. For authors, this is identical to the page's creation date and may be omitted. For rewrites that are edits of an older page, this is the date the edit was made. For rewrites that posted a new page, this is the date the original page was posted. For translators, this is the date on which the translation was posted.

    The value of the "date" column must follow the "YYYY-MM-DD" pattern - 4-digit year, followed by 2-digit month, and 2-digit date. In cases were the value is in single digits, it must be zero-filled, e.g. 2016-01-05 for January 5, 2016.
  • Empty fields must contain at least one space (" ") character in order to display correctly. In general, only the date field should ever be empty.

After editing the page, look at the end result and make sure that the table is displayed correctly - no rows are missing, no gaps or broken cells are present.

abraka-davids-proposal Metaphysician author
abraka-davids-proposal Uncle Nicolini author
abraka-davids-proposal Lt Flops author
abraka-davids-proposal LORDXVNV author
abraka-davids-proposal Grigori Karpin author
abraka-davids-proposal Dr Balthazaar author
abraka-davids-proposal Calibold author
abraka-davids-proposal Yossipossi author
abraka-davids-proposal Sherf author
abraka-davids-proposal Jack Ike author
abraka-davids-proposal Guezma author
abraka-davids-proposal Guaire author
abraka-davids-proposal Placeholder McD author
abraka-davids-proposal Ralliston author
cimmerian-kaktus-proposal Doctor Cimmerian author
cimmerian-kaktus-proposal djkaktus author
djoric-dmatix-proposal Djoric author
djoric-dmatix-proposal Dmatix author
eberstrom-s-proposal-arc Eberstrom author
everyone-s-proposal Ihp author
everyone-s-proposal MisterFrown author
henzoid-crocket-s-proposal-j Henzoid author
henzoid-crocket-s-proposal-j Crocket_Lawnchair author
jonathan-ball-s-proposal Jonathan Ball author
keter-duty Anonymous author 2013-05-04
keter-duty S D Locke rewrite 2021-05-05
keter-duty Ihp rewrite 2021-05-05
keter-duty EstrellaYoshte rewrite 2021-05-05
keter-duty Placeholder McD rewrite 2021-05-05
pickman-blank-proposal HarryBlank author
pickman-blank-proposal Ihp author
roget-s-conspiracy-theory-for-scp-001 Anonymous author
shaggydredlocks-proposal S D Locke author
twistedgears-kaktus-proposal djkaktus author
twistedgears-kaktus-proposal TwistedGears author
wmdd-s-proposal weizhong author
wmdd-s-proposal thedeadlymoose author
wmdd-s-proposal Dexanote author
wmdd-s-proposal Drewbear author
scp-0001-j AwhRyan author
scp-0001-j Hikarinu author
scp-014-j OOPart Expert author
scp-015-j Anonymous author
scp-025-j Anonymous author
scp-025-j Salman Corbette author
scp-030-j HelenMagnusIsDead author
scp-030-j DrMagnus author
scp-096-j Eskobar author 2013-11-25
scp-106-j Boogey_Man23 author
scp-106-j Gojirasaur7 author
scp-477-j OthellotheCat author
scp-477-j Rimple author
scp-619-j Unknown Author author
scp-682-j-james-coloring-book faminepulse author
scp-682-j faminepulse author
scp-682-j Salman Corbette author
scp-723-j Silberescher author
scp-723-j Zyn author
scp-789-j faminepulse author
scp-789-j Salman Corbette author
scp-7k-j DodoDevil author
scp-7k-j Elenee FishTruck author
scp-7k-j Fishish author
scp-7k-j GremlinGroup author
scp-7k-j LORDXVNV author
scp-7k-j R4_EX author
scp-7k-j stormbreath author
scp-800-j Anonymous author
scp-885-j Gaffsey author
scp-938-j Amuness Creeps author
scp-938-j daveyoufool author
scp-999-j NamedAfterColor author
scp-999-j Salman Corbette author
scp-999-j Wilt author
scp-1020-j Anonymous author
scp-1047-j TroyL author 2013-03-18
scp-1089-j ghosthorses author
scp-1111-j Tuomey Tombstone author
scp-1150-j theTBAPb author
scp-1150-j Gene R translator
scp-1333-j TroyL author
scp-1471-j Cyantreuse author
scp-1472-j Cyantreuse author
scp-1622-j Silberescher author
scp-1622-j Anonymous author
scp-1797-j Salman Corbette author
scp-1797-j Anonymous author
scp-2000-j Salman Corbette author
scp-2000-j Tanhony author
scp-2019-j DolphinSlugchugger author
scp-2019-j Ellie3 author
scp-2100-j Tanhony author
scp-2100-j Wogglebug author
scp-2421-j Sad Xiao author
scp-2600-j Anonymous author
scp-2845-j Harmacy author
scp-2950-j ObserverSeptember author
scp-2950-j daveyoufool rewrite 2016-06-14
scp-3790-j Rounderhouse author
scp-3790-j Captain Kirby author
scp-4463-j ghosthorses author
scp-4619-j misterfrown author
scp-4619-j AwhRyan author
scp-6000-j PlaguePJP author
scp-6000-j Limeyy author
scp-6009-j DrAkimoto author 2019-09-27
scp-6989-j Machen II author
scp-7007-j Anonymous author
scp-7159-j alanthechair author
scp-7394-j faminepulse author
scp-7394-j Salman Corbette author
scp-7800-j Anonymous author
scp-8231-j Anonymous author
scp-8231-j Salman Corbette author
scp-8988-j smlt author
scp-8988-j stormbreath author
scp-8988-j aismallard author
scp-8988-j Aethris author
scp-8988-j A Random Treestump author
scp-8988-j Woedenaz author
scp-8988-j Luxaiko author
scp-8988-j leo60228 author
scp-8988-j Pedagon author
scp-8988-j Lt Flops author
scp-8988-j CompleteIndie author
scp-8988-j MasterTman2 author
scp-8988-j Prismal author
scp-8988-j Rhineriver author
scp-8988-j CALorStuff author
scp-8988-j JorgeMtzb author
scp-8988-j IvanNavi author
scp-8988-j fairydoctor author
scp-8988-j aerbag author
scp-8988-j Caesar-Kuznetsov author
scp-8988-j MontagueETC author
scp-8988-j Insanitz author
scp-8988-j Polaris_Writes author
scp-8988-j Naepic author
scp-8988-j calhutcherson author
scp-8988-j FlamingAustralia author
scp-8988-j slurppp author
scp-8988-j Dino--Draws author
scp-8988-j TealQuacks author
scp-8988-j Felixou author
scp-8988-j PeppersGhost author
scp-8988-j IAMCRAB174 author
scp-8988-j Diogene_s author
scp-8988-j syuzhet author
scp-cursing-j Anonymous author
scp-cursing-j faminepulse author
scp-damej-j Decibelles author
scp-damej-j djkaktus author
scp-damej-j faminepulse author
scp-jaguar-j Anonymous author
scp-numberonedoggo-j TheDesk author
scp-numberonedoggo-j Billith author
scp-spooky-j SpookyBee author
scp-sqrt-1-j ghosthorses author
scp-why-are-you-reading-a-url-go-be-productive-j Anonymous author
scp-wow-j JackalRelated author
scp-xxxx-j Voiiiii author
scp-xxxx-j Leveritas author
scp-xxxx-j Roufhous author
scp-xxxx-j Greyve author
scp-001-ex The Great Hippo author
scp-001-ex PeppersGhost author
scp-123-ex Zer0Ne0phyte author
scp-1512-ex Sad Xiao author
scp-1927-ex Anonymous author
scp-1927-ex Elenee FishTruck author
scp-2023-ex Ethagon author
scp-2023-ex Silentwatcher author
scp-2600-ex Anonymous author
scp-5050-ex weizhong author
scp-5050-ex CityToast author
scp-5257-ex Prismal author
scp-5257-ex Harmacy author
scp-6192-ex Ethagon author
scp-6192-ex Einer von Rabe author
scp-7525-ex PlaguePJP author
scp-7525-ex HarryBlank author
scp-8000-ex Ihp author
scp-8000-ex Uncle Nicolini author
scp-013-arc Unknown Author rewrite 2008-07-25
scp-013-arc Quikngruvn rewrite 2012-01-23
scp-013-arc floridapologia rewrite 2012-03-13
scp-049-arc Gabriel Jade author
scp-091-arc DeliciousTrap author
scp-112-arc Bijhan author
scp-132-arc Unknown Author author
scp-157-arc Unknown Author author
scp-186-arc Aelanna rewrite 2012-09-19
scp-232-arc Tara Unknown rewrite 2011-08-23
scp-234-arc Sorts rewrite 2019-05-25
scp-338-arc Unknown Author author
scp-494-arc Unknown Author author
scp-987-arc Unknown Author author
scp-cn-173 Veleafer author
scp-cn-173 tetsusquared translator
scp-cn-534 The_Reaper_Kindred author
scp-cn-534 tetsusquared translator
scp-cn-666 ashausesall author
scp-cn-666 W Asriel translator
scp-cn-675 EdwardC author
scp-cn-675 SporArain translator
scp-cn-757 breaddddd author
scp-cn-757 tetsusquared translator
scp-cn-1109 Sekai_s author
scp-cn-1109 la kanro translator
scp-cn-1169 Ninth BB author
scp-cn-1169 la kanro translator
scp-cn-1256 Ninth BB author
scp-cn-1256 tetsusquared translator
scp-cn-1463 CaroyalKKaia author
scp-cn-1463 tetsusquared translator
scp-cn-1500 Hueyacuetzpali author
scp-cn-1500 tetsusquared translator
scp-cn-1997 MScarlet author
scp-cn-1997 tetsusquared translator
scp-cn-2304 DouglasLiu author
scp-cn-2304 tetsusquared translator
scp-cn-2405 Yoghurt_Jinchouge author
scp-cn-2405 tetsusquared translator
scp-cn-2510 zhugan author
scp-cn-2510 Dr-wengwan author
scp-cn-2510 tetsusquared translator
scp-cn-2626 Dr Hormress author
scp-cn-2626 tetsusquared translator
scp-cn-2823 Chris Evertworth author
scp-cn-2823 la kanro translator
scp-cn-2823 tetsusquared translator
scp-cn-2000-j gh5222867190 author
scp-cn-2000-j Freedom Koo author
scp-cn-2000-j MScarlet translator
scp-600-co Anonymous author
scp-2600-cu Anonymous author
scp-011-de oger-toxic author
scp-011-de dr_grom translator
scp-018-de dr_grom author
scp-018-de dr_grom translator
scp-028-de Dr_Grom author
scp-028-de Dr_Grom translator
scp-066-de Dr_Grom author
scp-066-de Dr_Grom translator
scp-125-de Dr Ore author
scp-125-de Dr Ore translator
scp-149-de Dr Ore author
scp-149-de Dr Ore translator
scp-150-de Dr Ore author
scp-150-de Dr Ore translator
scp-208-de Allnyta author
scp-208-de Jerden translator
scp-254-de Gramlin author
scp-254-de Evil Santa translator
scp-268-de Gramlin author
scp-268-de Karpfisch translator
scp-278-de Gramlin author
scp-278-de Karpfisch translator
scp-376-de Gramlin author
scp-376-de Karptisch translator
scp-055-de-j Dr Ore author
scp-055-de-j ThePaperMask translator
scp-es-019 DrCastillo author
scp-es-019 Ziakial translator
scp-es-019 Nederbird translator
scp-es-029 RevenantHeimdall author
scp-es-029 RevenantHeimdall translator
scp-es-099 Mulnero author
scp-es-099 D-Stro translator
scp-es-100 Belasias author
scp-es-100 Dc_Yerko translator
scp-es-100 morhadow translator
scp-es-105 morhadow author
scp-es-105 morhadow translator
scp-es-113 Dc_Yerko author
scp-es-113 Almarduk translator
scp-es-113 Uncle Nicolini translator
scp-es-115 Dr Reach author
scp-es-115 Uncle Nicolini translator
scp-es-122 LazyLasagne author
scp-es-122 JackalRelated translator
scp-es-222 Eduteck author
scp-es-222 Mackenz1337 translator
scp-es-222 Kokoro_Hime translator
scp-es-227 SigYeklette author
scp-es-227 Uncle Nicolini translator
scp-es-234 Jakuwoski author
scp-es-234 Uncle Nicolini translator
scp-es-243 Agente Shuffle author
scp-es-243 newnykacolaquantum translator
scp-es-100-ex the-minuteman author
scp-es-100-ex the-minuteman translator
scp-no-me-importa profesor-sonrisas author
scp-no-me-importa dr-blur translator
scp-024-fr Km Mortarion author
scp-024-fr mafiew translator
scp-054-fr torrential author
scp-054-fr dr-benji translator
scp-101-fr DrGemini author
scp-101-fr DrMacro translator 2021-01-04
scp-101-fr Lt Flops translator 2021-01-04
scp-185-fr Neremsa author
scp-185-fr Nederbird translator
scp-227-fr DrGemini author
scp-227-fr Prismal translator
scp-236-fr DrGemini author
scp-236-fr Archiviste Judas translator
scp-236-fr Dr Lekter translator
scp-281-fr DrGemini author
scp-281-fr DrMacro translator 2019-07-11
scp-281-fr Lt Flops translator 2019-07-11
scp-335-fr DrGemini author
scp-335-fr Uncle Nicolini translator
scp-1054-fr-j Uncle Nicolini translator
scp-1054-fr-j macro_au_micro translator
scp-1054-fr-j DrGemini author
scp-005-int slashannemoo author
scp-005-int Dr Ore author
scp-007-int slashannemoo author
scp-007-int DrGraph author
scp-014-int Civil Western author
scp-014-int Ethagon author
scp-042-int Perdoh author
scp-042-int SYTYCFanon author
scp-050-int Crow-Cat author
scp-050-int Sobek109 author
scp-050-int J T K C author
scp-050-int Eeveellector author
scp-050-int Guaire author
scp-055-int Felixou author
scp-055-int basirskipreader author
scp-057-int Uncle Nicolini author
scp-057-int Rounderhouse author
scp-057-int HarryBlank author
scp-004-it KoddueRaid author
scp-004-it Roberto Turati translator 2023-05-07
scp-005-it Dottssa_Riba_Nahi author
scp-005-it Roberto Turati translator 2023-05-08
scp-019-it DrGraph author
scp-019-it Dr Jacky translator
scp-032-it Mr Abadede author
scp-032-it Afro Gufo translator
scp-037-it Mr Abadede author
scp-037-it Mr Abadede translator
scp-042-it QuantumCryptographer author
scp-042-it Siddartha Alonne translator
scp-079-it ProcastinationTime author
scp-079-it Siddartha Alonne translator
scp-082-it Dr Zeno author
scp-082-it Siddartha Alonne translator
scp-084-vn KirQ author
scp-084-vn dreadfulfakey translator
scp-084-vn Dept translator
scp-087-it DrAlberts author
scp-087-it Ichne-Bebop translator
scp-088-it yessss author
scp-088-it Drss Selene translator
scp-100-it Dr Zeno author
scp-100-it Ichne-Bebop translator
scp-100-it Dr Zeno translator
scp-116-it An Average Italian author
scp-116-it Roberto Turati translator 2023-05-06
scp-137-it Mainardo author
scp-137-it Roberto Turati translator 2023-05-06
scp-151-it Ximon author
scp-151-it Roberto Turati translator 2023-05-06
scp-178-it Doctor Fulgrim author
scp-178-it Heck_Tech author
scp-002-it-j ThatGuyRichard author
scp-002-it-j Siddartha Alonne translator
scp-040-jp Ikr_4185 author
scp-040-jp Tanija translator
scp-040-jp smlt translator
scp-100-jp tokage-otoko author
scp-100-jp Lil_Waddle translator
scp-280-jp dr_toraya author
scp-280-jp Tenten_518 translator
scp-488-jp me_te_de_ko author
scp-488-jp krt_w translator
scp-1139-jp falsehood author
scp-1139-jp tetsusquared translator
scp-2015-jp newnykacolaquantum translator
scp-2015-jp MaxyFran73 translator
scp-2015-jp solvex author
scp-2015-jp Okaka_Onigiri author
scp-2626-jp BenjaminChong author
scp-2626-jp tetsusquared translator
scp-2910-jp O-92_Mallet author
scp-2910-jp Uncle Nicolini translator
scp-2912-jp stengan774 author
scp-2912-jp Uncle Nicolini translator
scp-2955-jp indonootoko author
scp-2955-jp tetsusquared translator
scp-3423-jp KABOOM1103 author
scp-3423-jp newnykacolaquantum translator
scp-3423-jp MaxyFran73 translator
scp-3682-jp newnykacolaquantum translator
scp-3682-jp MaxyFran73 translator
scp-3682-jp Karathh author
acidfrog-s-proposal-internal Acidfrog author
acidfrog-s-proposal-internal fluxman translator
chamomile82-s-proposal Chamomile82 author
chamomile82-s-proposal fluxman translator
scka-s-proposal Scka author
scka-s-proposal Fluxman translator
scp-071-ko yjsnpi author
scp-071-ko Salamander724 translator
scp-097-ko thd-glasses author
scp-097-ko fluxman translator
scp-295-ko thd-glasses author
scp-295-ko fluxman translator 2024-04-08
scp-341-ko igangsu author
scp-341-ko fluxman translator 2024-04-12
scp-444-ko lanlanmag author
scp-444-ko fluxman translator
scp-444-ko-warning lanlanmag author
scp-444-ko-warning fluxman translator
scp-444-ko-document lanlanmag author
scp-444-ko-document fluxman translator
scp-503-ko thd-glasses author
scp-503-ko fluxman translator
scp-521-ko Salamander724 author
scp-521-ko Salamander724 translator
scp-529-ko Payroy author
scp-529-ko fluxman translator
scp-600-ko thd-glasses author
scp-600-ko XCninety translator
scp-750-ko Knoth author
scp-750-ko Knoth translator
scp-801-ko Bangja author
scp-801-ko fluxman translator
scp-821-ko Bangja author
scp-821-ko fluxman translator
scp-823-ko Bangja author
scp-823-ko fluxman translator
scp-824-ko Bangja author
scp-824-ko fluxman translator
scp-825-ko Bangja author
scp-825-ko fluxman translator
scp-866-ko ProfoundAbyss author
scp-866-ko fluxman translator
scp-877-ko POI_Damgi author
scp-877-ko fluxman translator
scp-953-ko thd-glasses author
scp-953-ko fluxman translator
scp-1800-ko Bangja author
scp-1800-ko fluxman translator
scp-1928-ko Ginger butter author
scp-1928-ko fluxman translator
scp-1953-ko Navla author
scp-1953-ko fluxman translator
scp-055-ko-j Bangja author
scp-055-ko-j fluxman translator
scp-pl-046 EvilAngel413 author
scp-pl-046 Zygard author
scp-pl-052 Fs-ior author
scp-pl-052 BlazingPie translator
scp-pl-066 Dr_Blackpeace author
scp-pl-066 ZeroStrider translator
scp-pl-067 JosephSolomon author
scp-pl-067 BlazingPie translator
scp-pl-078 ZeroStrider author
scp-pl-078 ZeroStrider translator
scp-pl-253 BlazingPie author
scp-pl-253 Jasiu06 Translator
scp-pl-259 Excel2020 author
scp-pl-259 Jasiu06 author
scp-pl-259 Zygard author
scp-pl-273 Jasiu06 author
scp-pl-273 KubKac Translator
scp-pl-274 Fedorian author
scp-pl-274 Uncle Nicolini Translator
scp-pl-390 BlazingPie author
scp-pl-390 KubKac translator 2024-04-23
scp-pl-399 Arcydziegiel author
scp-pl-399 Doctor Cimmerian translator
scp-pl-399 Ralliston translator
scp-pl-399 Ralliston author
scp-pl-kot-j Arcydziegiel author
scp-pl-kot-j Siddartha Alonne translator
scp-002-pt Silvacrest author
scp-002-pt Gustavo1232357 translator
scp-011-pt Silvacrest author
scp-011-pt slashannemoo author
scp-011-pt slashannemoo translator
scp-021-pt slashannemoo author
scp-021-pt slashannemoo translator
scp-050-pt Crowborn author
scp-050-pt slashannemoo translator
scp-055-pt slashannemoo author
scp-055-pt slashannemoo translator
scp-057-pt Alecx Ward author
scp-057-pt slashannemoo translator
scp-088-pt Vintner author
scp-088-pt slashannemoo translator
scp-128-pt Hinomupi author
scp-128-pt Perdoh translator
scp-1040-ru Teomant author
scp-1040-ru Afro Gufo translator
scp-1092-ru Wiiskey author
scp-1092-ru jekyllgrim translator
scp-1238-ru jukka-sarasti author
scp-1238-ru lanceradioactive translator
scp-1399-ru Arbelict author
scp-1399-ru Reherent translator
scp-072-th Arikado author
scp-072-th kuruni author
scp-072-th DrSSS translator
scp-072-th kuruni translator
scp-901-th DrSSS author
scp-901-th Bonneneige translator
scp-222-th-j Dr Xu weil geena author
scp-222-th-j DrSSS rewrite 2014-06-16
scp-222-th-j Bonneneige translator
scp-069-ua murzei_chaos author
scp-069-ua murzei_chaos translator
scp-069-ua Gene R translator
scp-005-vn KirQ author
scp-005-vn Dept author
scp-005-vn Irina Bougainvillea translator
scp-005-vn RedEyeMikeyy translator
scp-005-vn Rigball translator
scp-005-vn MegaSun translator
scp-005-vn t4nku translator
scp-005-vn Welpermander translator
scp-030-vn KH Nam author
scp-030-vn KH Nam translator
scp-030-vn dreadfulfakey translator
scp-030-vn Irina Bougainvillea translator
scp-031-vn Welpermander author
scp-031-vn dreadfulfakey translator
scp-042-vn KirQ author
scp-042-vn Dept author
scp-042-vn kblacke author
ting129-s-proposal-1 ting129 author
ting129-s-proposal-1 Kikunai translator
scp-zh-002 Sancote author
scp-zh-002 SamScript rewrite
scp-zh-002 SamScript translator
scp-zh-176 ting129 author
scp-zh-176 Kikunai translator
scp-zh-981 AbyssDream author
scp-zh-981 newnykacolaquantum translator
Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License