What is Ravensgate Security Services?
A Group of Interest specializing in providing security services including penetration testing, consulting, and even stuff like forensics to other GoIs. They do business with the Foundation, Global Occult Coalition, Marshall Carter & Dark Ltd., and any other GoI with an interest in preventing supernatural intruders. They work hard to maintain neutrality, a delicate balancing act which allows them to maintain their operations relatively unimpeded.
Ravensgate can be as large or small as you want. It can be just the team shown in BtZ plus 1-2 people handling the business side, or they can be large enough to have many different teams. None of this is set in stone yet.
Who is David Keyes?
The leader of the team. Likes to lead from the front. Cautious and perceptive.
Who is Kyle Locke?
The newest and youngest member of the team. Grew up in Three Portlands, more used to the anomalous than David. Somewhat rash and prone to rushing into things unprepared.
Who is Doc?
The team's second-in-command. Tall and deathly pale. Usually takes the role of the "man in the chair", providing resources and oversight from the rear while David leads from the front lines. Has an uncanny ability to absorb and regurgitate large amounts of information. He is tight-lipped about his personal history and adamant that he never be seen in public.
Who is Xeno?
Xeno is the team's resident network pentester and equipment specialist fueled by an obsessive personality, energy drinks, and a love of terrible puns. She is a short latina who dyes the ends of her hair green.
Her real name is Angela Vasquez, but most people know her by her handle. Only her oldest friends would know her as Angela.
Who is Susan?
Susan is a sapient dragonfly with a southern accent. She performs reconnaissance and other odd jobs suitable for someone of her stature. Well aware of her own fragility, she is determined to live her life to the fullest.
Did you steal the plot twist from Sneakers?