Ignota's TATTLETALE(SCP-2744) Pixel Fanart
  • rating: +49+x


Process Video | Loop Video | TATTLETALE

Filename: 2744loop.mp4, 2744.gif
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironshearss/video/7026452245428440325?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
Derivative of: SCP-2744 by Jakdragonx

Filename: TAT.gif
Author: IronShears
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Source Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironshearss/video/7026452245428440325?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
Derivative of: SCP-2744 by Jakdragonx

The color on this were so worth the three days of struggle they look so crisp and cool. I haven't really done pixel art where I've defined HIGHLIGHTS out of darkness rather than the other way around and it ended up being really really fun. I'm definitely gonna have to do that more, haha.

The timer definitely gave me anxiety and I felt like I was rushing through it the first time. I read it through like three times to make sure I was getting details properly and honestly? It was better the second time through. Which is usually a good sign! I found myself catching all the little hints and noticing things I didn't notice the first time through. Its safe to say I really liked it.

(Also I added two different versions of the gif, one with 2744 to make it easier for offsite people to find and one with the actual title for accuracy(Also also I had to cut out one of the list entries in the loop video audio because It wouldn't fit otherwise but that portion was so perfect to not use 😭))

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