Name: Logan Gray Armstrong
Security Clearance Level: 4
- Operational Head of Conjoined Intelligence Services
- London, SIS/MI6, Foundation Headquarters
Biography: Previously a member of Great Britain's infamous MI6, Logan Gray Armstrong is a trained information gathering field agent currently operating in his homeland as a part of a conjoined operation between the Foundation and the British Secret Intelligence Service. Mr. Armstrong has been active since the Commonwealth manifested a strong concern about the activities of SCP-2595 affecting the region of the Russian Rostov Oblast. Mr. Armstrong now stands as a first-responding operative for newly detected anomalies or groups of interest in European territory, serving as a direct connection between the Commonwealth along with the Russian government and the Foundation.
Elaborated Containment Protocols
SCP-2595 - A Hastened Evolution
"What we once called art may end up killing us all."
SCP-2205 - Dwight Montgomery-Patterson, War Hero
"A war hero visits and takes over his past self."
SCP-2076 - Shooting Yourself Can Increase Your Bullet Resistance
"When talking about advertising, some things may not be true."