Agent Asriel's Personnel File

♫ Blackheart

Name: W██████ "Asriel" ██████

Security Clearance Level: 2

Occupation: Field Agent

Introduction: Agent Asriel, real name W██████ ██████, male, DOB 25/04/19██, ████████ Nationality, European-[REDACTED] descent, using both English and Chinese as working languages. Asriel's routine tasks is focused on investigating rumors regarding supernatural events, participating in supernature hobbiest activities and exploring anomalies. When on containment missions, Asriel is allowed to carry an AUG A3 assault rifle.

Asriel's strength lies in his intuition when facing anomalies as he displayed a tendency of grasping the right clue among rumors and a quick understanding of the nature of what he is facing. These skills aren't deemed abnormal as he didn't pass the Standard Future-Telling Test and the Psychic Sensations Test. Asriel's weekness lies in his combat ability and anti-interrogation ability, which are slightly inferior to other agents due to his non-military background.

Asriel is usually described as gentle and introverted, and is often commented as "very easygoing and quiet" by his colleagues. Although he displays relevantly good team-working and communication skills, he rarely participates in social activities outside of work. All attempts to establish a good friendship with Asriel have failed.

History: Asriel was an adventure hobbiest prior to joining the Foundation, who seek to investigate rumors and info regarding supernatural events and explore the site in question. After a successful exploration into SCP-████, Asriel and his friend drew the notice of, and hereinafter recruited by the Foundation for the potential they displayed. After the anomaly was transferred to the Chinese branch, Asriel was too transferred to the Chinese branch to continue his work.


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